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Snow Ride 101

Feb 7, 2008
by Thatguy22345 Deleteaccount  
A story about our "snow ride" up on Vedder Mountain. One local overcomes his fears by hitting the well known "40" footer in the snow.

It was cold, that's pretty much the best way to describe Vedder Mountain on Sunday(January 27th). Justin and I headed up Vedder Mountain in Chilliwack to ride the trail "Dilemma" in the snow.We picked Justin up from his house and headed straight to Vedder. My father was a little less than optimistic about driving up Vedder Mountain's unpaved forest road in 5 cm of untouched powder. Look up the word rough in the dictionary and you will see a little picture of the road up Vedder Mountain. Add any amount of snow and it becomes tough to get up that road. On our way up our 4by4 Chevy truck started sliding and nearly went off the road. So Justin and I grabbed our bikes and started to hike up.

We got to the trail:

Justin was riding his newly purchased bike off of Ben Boyko:

And I was riding my little hardtail with street tires mostly because I was shooting the stills.

We started down the trail. Riding in snow is completely different terrain. The trail is hard to follow, the corners are greasy and the ladders are slick. Just adds more challenge and therefore more fun. Justin charged right off the bat and started hitting everything he normally hits on a run but in about 2-5 centimeters of snow, depending upon where you are on the trail.


After lots of shooting we finally arrived at the "40" footer. I know what a lot of you Pinkbiker's are saying. "Oh that gap isn't 40 feet, I can see on the picture." Well, looks are deceiving people. The gap size MEASURED to tranny officially is 36 and a half feet.

So with that said Justin knew he wanted to hit it, but I didn't know what problem the snow would cause. Justin tells me at the top of the run in, "Get your camera out, we'll see what happens" So I get setup and yell at him it's clear. Justin hits the first jump into the "40", pedals and drifts across the normally rocky berm, pedals a few strokes in, and right before take off his bike skips, but luckily doesn't cause a problem.

Here's what it looked like:

I know it may not seem overly exciting to you, but I have never seen such a crazy stunt hit in the snow. The jump would be considered unrideable for most. But Justin bravely sent the gap. It proves that you can hit anything you put your mind too. As long as you are using you head. So get out there with your mountain bike and try a snow ride.

Here are some of the other shots we took during our snow ride.

Check out my album if you want more.
Have fun riding this winter and keep the rubber side down.


Author Info:
mikedekoning avatar

Member since Jul 21, 2006
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  • 8 0
 Looks like fun!!
  • 7 42
flag reallybigmantis (Feb 7, 2008 at 9:28) (Below Threshold)
 i'd call that gap the 36'r, not the 40... nice job anyway, snow can be sketchy
  • 6 0
 dude everyone knows that you never land exactly at the 36' mark
  • 4 14
flag reallybigmantis (Feb 7, 2008 at 21:56) (Below Threshold)
 thats cool, i have a 40 foot gap and i call it the 40. i don't call it the 45 cause the gap is only 40.
  • 2 0
 even if a jumps gap it 36 foot doesnt mean that u only just clear it u can go 4 foot more.
  • 4 1
 JASON114 - Interesting, I looked at the photos on your profile. Nothing but still shots of your bike in your LIVING ROOM. So in addition to the fact that your comment is juvenile, disrespectful and hurtful, it probably stems from the fact that Justin currently outrides you so much that you can only knock him for throwin' down and killin' it.

So, instead of insulting people, why don't you go ride your bike with your peers and try earning the respect back you lose every time you say something like that.

Justin/LMM - Wicked article and great pix!
  • 0 0
 Thanks for sticking up. But he's kind of our buddy, not a typical PB flamer. But awesome response. We need more people like you on here.
  • 3 0
 Our trails have 140 cm on them Frown
  • 1 0
 that gap is sick, never woulda thought bout hittin it up in the snow, props JP
  • 1 0
 i have been riding my bike all winter it's really fun i did get a concussion o_O
  • 1 2
 i tryed snow riding on a hardtail and i found it really hard as whenever i hit a root i would get thrwon in the air and slide out but i want to try it on my stinky, great photo's guys Big Grin
  • 0 0
 man thats nuts, i was up at vedder the other day and riding in pow too.. I am amazed you hit that gap alone, nevermind doing it in the snow. Props man.
  • 0 0
 cool,we've barely ever got enough snow here in winter to ride, maybe there'l be some but halfway down the hill it'l be dry lol. good stuff
  • 0 0
 omg i love ridin on snow,it teaches you so much,everything happens so much faster with less control it all equals up to a fun shetchfest
  • 0 0
 two and a half feet! that's nothing we've had over 30 feet here in Steamboat Springs, CO. I still ride my bike to work everyday.
  • 0 1
 dude it looks so warm...I can't remember the last time I was able to walk outside with only a hoodie and jeans on. And 5cm of snow?? that's not even classified as snow, that's like.....loose dirt or something
  • 2 1
 That trail looks so awesome and nice article about the riding you had.
  • 0 0
 there is about 4 feet of snow on the ground out here in new york... so i am very jealous....
  • 0 0
 C N this makes me wanna shred my local single track winter riding is so much fun
  • 0 0
 after i saw this i went out and did a winter ride fun as hell thanks for getting me on my bike in the winter
  • 0 0
 whats with the blue bandana on the right side? come on get it right its either red on the right or blue on the left...
  • 0 0
 it wasnt hard to ride cause of the snow...it was super sketchy cause of all the ice under the snow and the rocks and roots
  • 0 0
 Nice, too bad here in Quebec our trails are covered in 2' of snow, otherwise, I'd be doing the same.
  • 3 6
 don't complain about having 5 cm of snow to ride through. we have about 2 feet where i ride. put a couple studs in your tires and all the slippery ladders and roots will disapear. it looks like you guys had a good time. but in my mind a snow ride invovles at least 20cm of the stuff. what you did is just go for a slippery bike ride.
  • 0 0
 how do you put studs in?
  • 0 0
 wow i should try riding in snow on trails too cause i just ride in town limited...
  • 1 1
 Awesome read,spectacular riding.sweet looking bikes.Got respect for sure.
  • 1 1
 it looks like fun but it looks hard to keep controll
  • 0 0
 i wish i could do that decause we go tow half feet
  • 0 0
 nice article, not to long, and near my local riding spot, nice Smile
  • 0 1
 5 cm of white, are you serious ? Lame sauce.

But ya, good snow ride you guys, snowy winter props to you.
  • 0 0
 that looks fun and those are some cool trails
  • 2 2
 Snow is just dirt that is white! Cool! literally!
  • 0 3
 If it inspires ppl to ride in snow cool but id laugh if your rag got caught in your spokes and your vehicle was stuck than you would say yeah snow kinda sucks ass for biking and where is my snowboard
  • 0 0
 What is that blue thing hanging from his belt loop?
  • 0 1
 Everybody should check out www.steamboatpilot.com and the Winter Carnival Dual Slalom.
  • 1 2
 good idea
  • 3 4
 Snowy Big Grin
  • 1 3
 derk its a fag rag lol
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