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UCI to Host Steve Smith Memorial Run at Fort William

May 19, 2016
by Pinkbike Staff  
At the news of Steve Smith's tragic passing, the mountain bike community gathered in online forums and social media around the world to pay their respects. During the outpouring of love and gratitude for Stevie, one Pinkbike user Hwulex put out a heartfelt request to host a memorial run for Stevie at the next World Cup in this article. That request gained so much momentum online, that we eventually forwarded the request on to Red Bull and the UCI for consideration, and now it will become a reality in Fort Bill. It will be an opportunity for all of the community to pay their respects to Stevie in one solitary moment.

Dom request.

bigquotesThe UCI has decided to take up your idea to pay tribute to Stevie Smith. Together with Red Bull and our event's partners we've decided to plan a memorial run in Fort William, UK, early June. Stevie's passing away has been a shock for the Mountain Bike community and beyond. This dedicated moment will provide a fitting honour to "The Chainsaw" and will also celebrate his contribution to the MTB discipline. Thank you again for providing the initial impetus for this memorial. More details will follow. - UCI

bigquotes Some good news comes out of such a sad time: happy to see there will be a memorial run. Thanks for listening to the community, UCI, and glad I could be a part of that voice. #LongLiveChainsaw - Dominic Wrapson AKA Hwulex

MENTIONS: @redbullbike

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pinkbikeaudience avatar

Member since Jul 22, 2013
3,476 articles

  • 790 2
 f*cking A.... nice work @Hwulex , good on you @redbullbike
  • 153 0
 This made me happy.
  • 55 6
 Hummmm very interesting. I might reconsider drinking RedBull !
  • 50 12
 @xetal: it's still dragon piss, don't do it. lol
  • 11 0
 So stoked on this
  • 16 0
 Chainsaw is gassed and ready for one last ride.

  • 86 0
 here goes my tears again
  • 18 58
flag purplegorillaz (May 19, 2016 at 10:24) (Below Threshold)
 @xetal: nope, don't drink this ^^, beside the fact that it's disgusting, they said almost nothing about stevie's death, just a little article on their site, nothing on facebook or other social medias...
  • 6 0
 @metong: me too
  • 7 0
 @trevor-attridge: HELL YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • 12 1
 @metong: I couldn;t imagine myself during this ghost lap. Im watching world cup since i remember, meet Stevie only once and don;t know why but im feeling like i lose a good friend of mine...
  • 18 0
 @metong: I plan to be crying like a little baby if/when they do this.
  • 29 0
A great idea @Huwlex made real by a community of riders who actually give a shit about each other when the world gets dark.
Stevie, it's the least we could do man, enjoy it bro!
  • 17 0
 RAD news. A fitting tribute to the man himself, and awesome work from Hwulex getting the ball rolling and the UCI to pick up that ball

Well done PINKBIKE membership Smile
  • 14 0
 please please please Redbull, don't have technical problems when this airs.
  • 13 3
 what if his mechanic rode his bike down
  • 7 0
 @metong: Seriously. This made the tears well up a bit in my eye. No one saw it though, they more concerned with the chainsaw in my hands.
  • 3 0
 What an awesome way to pay respect to our fallen bredren. UCI have done similar tributes to road riders, encouraging that they grant DH this level of respect for our outstanding athletes
  • 3 0
 Fuck yes they need to do msa that was such a special win for Stevie
  • 1 0
 @twozerosix: yep, gonna be hard not to. Even thinking about it has got me all crazy emotional
  • 3 2
 "mparpal (13 hours ago)
First, props to @Hwulex, PB, UCI, and Redbull for making this happen. I agree though, that doing this during actual runs might be pretty tough on many of the riders. What about a "Parade Lap" First thing of the day where all the riders including Juniors and Women do a DH train with Stevie taking the last spot. Riders could all gather at the finish and high five Stevie as he blasts through the finish line. Think it would be a great sendoff and also the riders could have some closure and carry on with their race runs afterward."
  • 2 1
 Amazing! Massive respect to UCI and Red Bull for doing this.... I'm definitely going to Fort Bill to pay my respects.

Still can't believe he's gone [sigh]
  • 1 0
 There's going to be so many chainsaws at Fort Bill this yr. I'll have mine ready even though I'll be watching from home. Great job.
  • 2 0
 @brockfisher05: Hey Red Bull is a very good company and sponsor. When Shane McConkey died, the first Red Bull athlete in North America, Red Bull decided to continue paying his salary to his wife and child until their child turned 18 years old. Find me ANY company or sponsor that would do that.
  • 1 0
 @HelmetGuy: never said they weren't. I said The UCi is terrible.

Back to redbull for a moment... the drink still tastes like what I assume Dragon piss would smell like. Lol
  • 332 1
 I'm so happy that UCI and @redbullbike have stepped up. A huge thanks to @rachellefrazer and Pinkbike, amongst others, for reaching out to me and then helping get the idea in front of those that matter, and the mtb community for giving it such momentum. Now everyone from this amazing community all over the world gets to be a part of giving Stevie the send off he deserves. It's going to be emotional. #LongLiveChainsaw
  • 6 0
 Awesome idea man!
  • 8 0
 I was just thing what a great community we are all part of! Respect!
  • 2 0
  • 23 0
 Upgrade this guys account!
  • 4 0
 @Hwulex you are some man. Glad to be a part of a community this amazing. What a tribute this will be.
  • 1 0
 @Hwulex: Thanks man! This is huge.
  • 1 0
 The best of The Best Steve will get his Last run I still can't believe ... as you said "it will be so emotional".... He was awesome he was great he was real that's why he will be in our heats forever ...... big THANKS TO UCI !!!
  • 1 0
 Well done bro well done..
  • 3 0
 Call me soft but reading your post just now for the first time brought tears to my eyes... Actually running down my cheeks. Never met Stevie or McGazza but they both seem like such great dudes with so much passion and it's tough having them gone so young. More power to you. It'll be a really moving tribute for sure.
  • 1 0
 Thanks RedBull for listening to the community!
  • 1 0
 well dunn bro on coming up with the idea to do this memorial race run for stevie and for getting the uci and redouble to do it I'm sure stevies family would be honoured long live chainsaw
  • 10 0
 @ajayflex: I completely and totally agree. And as a result I urge @pinkbikeaudience, @rachellefrazer, @mikekazimer, @davidarthur, and @mikelevy, to upgrade @Hwulex to a plus account; and for @redbullbike and UCI to send @Hwulex to Fort William to see his idea come to fruition, paying homage to our much-missed biking icon.

  • 1 0
 @Hwulex, @rachellefrazer, @redbullbike. Just wondering if Stevie's Mum would want to be at Fort William?
  • 5 0
 @niliusw: Now there's a hashtag I can get behind Wink #SendHwulex
  • 231 3
 who the hell is chopping these onions at work...
  • 8 3
 Its not ogre...
  • 3 0
 I think it's Janet Reno?
  • 100 1
 Everyone involved in this, from the idea, to pitching it, to passing it on to UCI and RedBull, to them adopting it and making it real-You are all bosses. It doesn't change what happened, but it can help people to cope and remember a person they won't get to see anymore. Way to go everyone, especially @Hwulex. Respect.
  • 75 0
 @Hwulex As I was reading the press release, I kept expecting to see it say that the UCI was sending Hwulex and a friend to the race for coming up with this awesome idea.


  • 48 1
 I only wish I could be there to experience it.
  • 13 0
 Drown this comment in upvotes and maybe someone might pony up and get Hwulex to the race to see his idea happen!!
  • 2 0
 @Hwulex: Dom seems like half of Bristol will be there. Vuvuzelas and chainsaws a plenty, we'll try and make up for you Smile Thanks for pushing this so hard.
  • 59 0
 that was a chilling moment just playing it over in my head.
  • 8 0
 same. fighting back some strong feelings over here
  • 15 1
 The last time we will see Steve Smith's name on the finish line time.. That's gonna be a tough thing to see. Too soon
  • 4 0
 Same here, just the thought bring tears to my eyes but also make me feel proud, ...fucking roller coaster of emotions. Rest in peace brother, we love you.
  • 57 0
 65 positive comments in a row on Pinkbike...even when he's gone Steve Smith is still doing the impossible. Couldn't give a bigger thumbs up.
  • 46 0
 @Hwulex... Thanks SO much for your awesome and brilliant idea for a tribute to Stevie.
  • 34 0
 Glad to see the UCi is stepping up and doing this for Steve and his family. Still pisses me off that nowhere on their site did they ever pay tribute to him... but hey it's in the past now and this tribute will be a great thing to see.
  • 7 0
 Agree 100%...most of the time they are sh*theads but props for listening to their constituency.
  • 3 0
 Sorry.. I thought you were talking about redbull. My bad
  • 33 0
 I think the only thing tricky could be the timing of this if you try to make it like his run was slotted in. I'm not sure what the riders at the top know and do not know or what they can see, but I'd imagine some of these guys were close with Steve and it could be very emotional for them. It would suck if the next rider was someone who was close with Steve and essentially had to jump in the starting gate for their run while in tears. I think they might have to make it more of a stand alone thing as opposed to the original idea of pretending he was there in the lineup.
  • 15 0
 I agree. They could do it first or last, but I think that doing it in the middle of the stack would be devastatingly emotional for the riders still at the top. It would be impossible to ride at the top of your game when you have a bunch of tears running down your face...
  • 61 0
 It's easy, assume Steve quali'd first and gets last run. They way he was riding, it very well could have been that way at Fort Bill.
  • 5 0
 @robwhynot: Yes. I agree.
  • 9 1
 I see what you are saying and I agree to an extent but on the other hand it could maybe fire up the riders more and we could be in for some of the best runs we've ever seen, all in the name of Stevie.
  • 15 1
 @robwhynot: yeah, I'd agree but let's say Danny Hart or someone wins his first ever world cup. Is it really fair to take that moment away and then have a run that brings everyone down somewhat. They shouldn't have to mute their celebrations because of this, I doubt Stevie would want that either.

I think these guys are professional enough that they would be more fired up than ever to ride well for Stevie. I don't see it causing anyone to crash.
  • 13 0
 @humoroususername: I think Steve's run would either overshadow the rest of the happening (might not be such a bad idea) or vice versa, the track action would overshadow this gesture. I think running in the middle is the correct thing to do.

As for the riders, yeah, it might be hard, but they could just as easily live with some other personal stuff and still race. They are pros after all and i think about a month after the news they should be well adjusted and just put in their everything onto the ride in the name of Steve.

Running him 12th gives the most impact at the most opportune time.
  • 2 0
 @Primoz: I think it is easier said than done for these guys to simply just put it out of thier mind and ride. Even after a month (which is not that long) seeing a tribute like that would bring all the emotion back. It's easy to say that they would just 'try hard for Steve' but in most cases it's not that simple. DH racing takes a great deal of focus and concentration, not just something you can go out and do while hopped up on raw emotion.
  • 5 2
 I agree, it should be done last, not in the middle of race runs.
  • 1 0
 double post
  • 12 0
 @humoroususername: I guess I have a different vision of what this ghost run will be... while extremely emotional during the run, I hope the crowd goes apeshit with applause when his name flashes on the screen one last time. I hope it isn't sombre... I want to hear that noise echo all the way across the Atlantic!
  • 8 0
 First, props to @Hwulex, PB, UCI, and Redbull for making this happen. I agree though, that doing this during actual runs might be pretty tough on many of the riders. What about a "Parade Lap" First thing of the day where all the riders including Juniors and Women do a DH train with Stevie taking the last spot. Riders could all gather at the finish and high five Stevie as he blasts through the finish line. Think it would be a great sendoff and also the riders could have some closure and carry on with their race runs afterward.
  • 1 0
 @Gooldylocks: What would Steve want you to do? Run down the mtn like hell I would think.....
  • 1 0
 @robwhynot: yes yes yes yes yes and yes. Run him last. No one should have to follow that tribute - let the emotion ring! Give him to step on the podium too - symbolically anyway.
  • 3 0
 I had a similar thought but to be honest I am pretty torn on the subject. If you run him last then the person who won doesn't really get to have their chance to celebrate. If you run him first I don't think the tribute gets the attention it deserves. If you run him in 12th position all of the top riders get a chance to go after him and essentially ride in his honor, the tribute will continue in a way throughout the rest of the event if you set it up that way and personally if I knew him I would be honored to follow such a tribute.

The biggest plus for running him last is that everyone gets to watch the tribute and we can forget about the competition for a moment and just let it be about Stevie as the event closes. If someone like Aaron Gwin or Gee Atherton wins this is perfect because winning WC's is a regular occurance. As others have noted though if someone just won their first world cup this might be a little unfair (though if they were close with him they probably wouldn't care, I know I wouldn't)
  • 1 0
 @aztrack2010: I would think it would be an honor to win on such a memorable day. I doubt anyone would feel sorry for himself if he didn't get all of the attention.
  • 2 0
 @herzalot: No I don't think so either but I wouldn't want their celebration to kind of an awkward thing thrown in right after the tribute (and awkwardly postponed right before), that's why I like the tribute not being the last run down. The rider that wins might not have any problem chilling out for the tribute but reminding the fans that they need to calm down for the tribute after we already know who won the event might end up being a little awkward, that's just my thought. I'm more thinking of how smoothly and professionally this could be done if that makes sense. I really do feel like either way will be awesome though and I am so happy that they are doing it regardless of when it is done.
  • 28 1
 Thanks for showing Stevie the respect he deserves.
  • 21 0
 @Hwulex please type something here so we can drown you in upvotes again
  • 18 1
 Whenever I see the three letter acronym RIP infront of a fellow mountain bikers name. I feel as if it mean Ride In Peace. Because wed all really want that instead. Resting is for bitches.
  • 16 0
 BOOYA. For once, i must admit UCI made a good move. And Quebec people, WE will make it special at MSA for our idol.
  • 14 1
 Suggestion: During Steve's scheduled run play his 2013 Fort William run on the screen at the finish with the commentators from that race. Break the video in some sections to real time where Steve should be passing and there is no one there but a cheering crowd (Cheers prompted by camera crew). At the finish have the 2013 video playing on the big screen at the finish, with the announcers going crazy like they did, but the crowd sees/hears the run from 2013 but no one is coming down the course in real time. Once the crowd sees/hears the 2013 video of Steve coming across the line they line, they will know he has finished his last UCI run for us.

Go out with a memorable, respectful, and grateful run. He gave us so much... we can give him one last perfect victory run.

Any thoughts?
  • 7 6
 Not sure if making a show out of it makes world a better place? It is a great idea and a decent thing to do to memorize him on a World event for a sport where he left a lot of legacy, but I hope it will be toned down. If I'd be racing that day I would not like to have Stevie on my mind during my race run and many of those guys were probably close with him. As much as you can psyche out most of stuff, as a top racer you may be great at it, but we are all human beings and even from purely cold perspective, the compassion, grief cause certain hormones like oxytocin to be released. You may not want that when you are about to ride at insane speeds. So I do hope they will not blend it into the competition itself.

I am surely talking sht, but well, there are concerns. I am happy to have seen Stevies smile blended with purelroffessionalism.

  • 4 1
 @WAKIdesigns: I can respect that point of view and thoughts for the others. You have to feel for the other riders themselves as they have been traveling together to race events with each other for years and they are all probably going through a lot. Maybe UCI should see what they think would be best to memorialize him. It would be coming from the best perspective of racers/his friends themselves.

When all is said and done, it sucks that he is gone.
  • 9 0
 Shit man, what a tribute. I love it. Great idea, great community of people we have on here. I found mountain biking at 38 years old and 309lbs. I'm 41, 220lb and still going down. This is an inspiring sport. Anyone can do it with enough motivation. It's changed my entire life
  • 13 2
 This is completely RAD!! UCI actually showing a bit of human emotion for once.
  • 11 0
 Nice Suggestion man! They Should Get you a free ticket to the Next UCI DH!
  • 9 0
 If only!
  • 9 0
 I have two weeks two organise enough cash for a world cup ticket an petrol money to Scotland............
Salute Stevie Smith
Salute @Hwulex and Pinkbike
and god dammit salute uci
  • 6 0
 Well done RedBull and UCI ! it's gonna be very emotional , an epic way to remember a legend who's going to be missed by so many people the world over. Brings a huge lump in my throat thinking about it, RIP STEVIE SMITH
  • 3 0
 Its great to see, that just a comment was enough to organize a very iimportant moment in mountainbike history. Steve smith was one fast racer and a very good person. Bad things happen to good people and we all will be gone sooner or later. At this moment I would like to remember all the people from our comunity who sadly passed away in the last years. #LongLiveChainsaw , #Forever MCGAZZA, #139 Will Olsen, #davemirra, #Annefleur Kalvenhaar
  • 4 0
 Death is just a conceptual idea to try and explain the mystery.!?!Everytime a rider is inspired to ride their bike by Stevie he confirms to me at least that we all will "live forever".
  • 6 0
 Brilliant! Props to the UCI that they make this happen! Hopefully this works how it should. Ride in peace.
  • 3 0
 If I was making the call I would do the Stevie run first. Then all the riders after. That way it won't take away from whoever wins the race if placed at the end or throw anyone off by placing it in the middle. Whatever the case it will be a great tribute.
  • 4 0
 How lucky we are to be a part of such a decent and tight-knit community. I wish all sports, indeed life itself, included more of the positive things I regularly see from the MTB community.
  • 3 0
 The Mountain bike community is unlike any other, all closely tied, and support each other when needed. @Hwulex, massive respect to you man. You've bought a tear to many riders eyes this morning/night, and for the best reason. Can't wait to be watching from the other side of the world. UCI, thank you from all of us, your choice has brightened a dull moment, and will turn into one of the most memorable moments for all riders around the world. #longlivechainsaw
  • 5 0
 Dang, that'll be so powerful. I'm glad to be in a sport that does great stuff like this
  • 3 1
 This is a beautiful idea and it's great to see the UCI and Redbull stepping up. Forgive my ignorance, but why do Stevie Smith fellow riders need 'permission' from the UCI and Redbull to commemorate, what is, a really sad loss to the world of MTB?
  • 6 0
 This definitely proves how powerful commenting on PinkBike can be. ;-)
  • 6 0
 Get back in here tears !!
Well played internet !

  • 5 0
 Classy move. It's going to be really awful to see Stevie's name on a world cup timing board for the last time.
  • 3 0
 Rad.... but lets be honest... if he didn't get a flat he'd be top 3 or 4. Give him the 4 slot! Seriously though. I love the idea of doing a ghost lap. You know he'll be doing it anyways.
  • 1 0
 It could be said he would have won that race. Who's to say, he was a top 5 rider at any course when in good health.
  • 2 0
 As heartbreaking as this is, just got to say a massive thank you to @Hwulex and @Pinkbike for pushing this and to Redbull and the UCI for showing the most amount of respect and allowing everyone to pay tribute to Stevie in the only way fitting for such a legend. RIP Chainsaw.
  • 2 0
 As a professional sportsman in another sport, i have seen too many mates or fellow competitors pass over the years, Some were really close and others I only knew by name, but regardless of the level of contact we all shared the love of our sport and the positive impact it had on our lives. For me the bike is an outlet away from my work, the same as many on here, but I can honestly say that the deaths of Mcgazza and Steve have affected me in the same way as losing guys from my pro sport. Ride on guys, and I think the UCI tribute will be an epic way remember Steve.
  • 4 0
 @Hwulex perfect request! Will have the Canadian flag flying for you lads and Stevie
  • 6 0
 @Hwulex awesome
  • 3 0
 Well done to everyone involved for making this happen! I know i for one will be standing in the finish arena with tears in my eyes
  • 1 0
 This is a FANASTIC idea. Instead of Silence though It would be sweeter to have chainsaws running wide open down the coarse as the camera shots cascade down the course. Of course I'm just kidding but this moment won't leave a dry eye in the house.
  • 3 0
 It needs to be run 1st, middle or stand-a-lone .... running it last is not fair the the winner.

I personally think the "12th" idea is beat
  • 1 0
 To the winner ... gees we need edit
  • 5 0
 Do a train down the track with all the riders!
  • 2 0
 I wonder if his mum will be there, that would be really awesome , would be good for her, than she could see an hear how much he meant to us one last time ! Even though we know she knows already
  • 1 0
 First off well done!! As far as the question of distraction of other riders by putting the "ghost run" in the mix, or having the "ghost run" metaphorically stealing the winners thunder by running it in the #1 spot.....I think there's a very simple solution, a vote by the top 20 riders as to when this run should occur.

The obvious, most diplomatic way to ensure this amazing moment doesn't create any sort of controversy, negative drama or issues of any sort.

  • 3 0
 I can't wait to watch this tribute alone in my room while crying like a little bitch.. rip steve #longlivechainsaw
  • 1 0
 First WC event I will par take psychically. Stevie has been out of this world and the bike world willi miss it's Steve's smirh & Peat) to a level we don't understand just let. Legends.
  • 3 0
 Well that just gave me goose bumps...The tribute could not be any more fitting!
  • 2 0
 amazing to witness a wish that comes to reality...we will cry and scream at the end of this run on site or watching the computer screen....thank you redbull and UCI
  • 3 0
 Great news UCI doing something right for a change, wouldn't wanna be the next rider down to follow that though.
  • 1 0
 I felt like crap for thinking that right off the bat. AFTER, the raceI think they should request all riders remain in the finish area and all spectators to remain on the hill at their chosen spots. Have a Canadian racer take a re-run wearing a Canadian flag jersey and roll a video montage on split screen as the rider descends followed by a moment of silence with the chainsaw sitting on the top step of the podium before they begin the awards. All chainsaws in attendance fire back up to start the trophy presentation.
  • 2 0
 @Hwulex thanks for the idea and catalyst that has become a reality.
Hope the rest of this year is a great one for you.
  • 1 0
 Thank you Dominic-great idea and thanks UCI/Redbull and pinkbike for listening.....it is going to be an emotional "ride". Miss you Stevie even though I never met you. You were a bit of a hero to me. RIP
  • 1 0
 I think it should be ran before or after all the racers finish, it wouldn't take away from anyone's intensity and still get the respect Smith deserves, emotions will run high and will have some effect. just my opinion
  • 1 1
 And - rename the World Cup trophy to be the "Stevie Smith" cup.

Or - another award to the best rising junior each year - developing riders, as an encouragement award to "be like Stevie"...
  • 4 0
 Simply awesome!!
  • 4 0
 A fitting tribute!
  • 3 0
 So awesome bike community!!! Everyone made this happen!!!
  • 3 0
 ill have a box of tissues ready :'(
  • 3 0
 This is good stuff. Thanks for being human for once UCI
  • 3 0
 Fuck yeah bike community!!
  • 2 0
 A really fitting tribute to such a legend, it will be hard to hold back the tears.
  • 2 0
 I will be there doffing my cap for the Chainsaw. Will be a historic moment.
  • 2 0
 This is what we can do when we stand together hail the one we call #longlivechainsaw
  • 2 3
 so stoked on this! huge props to the mountainbike community and pinkbikes' connections.made me so sad hearing about him passing away. now I'm happy that such a great idea is actually going to be implemented. man i love this sport. love you stevie. love you mtb community #nohomo
  • 3 0
 I shall be there chainsaw in hand.
  • 1 0
 I was thinking they get everyone at the top and doing a massive train of all the uci racers. But I think I have got this wrong.
  • 1 0
 Anyone know why redbull bike didn't write a single word about stevie's dead ? (go check their IG or FB... sweet nothing about Steve)
  • 1 0
 Great My suggestion is to use Stevie previous Fort William race run and include in comming race Let him stand on podium last time please....,,
  • 1 0
 @Hwulex You are a boss my friend.. propped and liked your suggestion at the outset. The internet can be a wonderful thing....
  • 3 1
 Biggest props to all who made this happen,Stevie is a legend indeed.
  • 2 0
 i still can't believe he's gone
  • 1 0
 that just the right things to do >>>> Freaking cheer`s to that !!!!
  • 3 0
 Incredible Tribute
  • 2 0
 ride in peace Stevie... you will be missed.
  • 2 0
 this is awesome! I feel it... I can feel my faith in humanity restoring!
  • 1 0
 UCI finally gets something right regarding downhill. Excellent tribute idea, Dominic (@Hwulex)!
  • 1 0
 YES ! Fckin awesome i ll cry in front of my screen , for sure. Hope you'll smile back from Paradise Steve Smile
  • 1 0
 Awesome to See a great idea will happen... It's sad but let's have fun and Enjoy for him (them even :/)
hwulex president!
  • 1 0
 This makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside~

Props to everyone for making this happen!!!
  • 3 0
 UCI- thanks for this.
  • 3 0
 21 chainsaw salute!
  • 1 0
 Is still just hard to believe that he died. You see his picture and it just can't be true. Such a young talented guy.
  • 1 0
 Cant wait for this race to come, bring out the tissues, cause its gonna be a tear filled one.....
  • 2 0
 Long live the chainsaw. Will watch this with my son who worshiped Stevie.
  • 1 0
 nice work @Hwulex - thx for this great idea

...one of the few moments I like the UCI ;-)
  • 1 0
 Where can I get the chainsaw stevei smith sticker? I want to put one on my bike
  • 1 0
 A great idea and a really class move by the UCI to acknowledge and act on it. #longlivechainsaw
  • 1 0
 it will be a race weekend to remember and I'm looking forward to it steves last race ride in peace steve Smile
  • 1 0
 Red Bull without a doubt deserve some wings back for this one!!! Respect and R.I.P for the Chainsaw!!! #LegendsNeverDie
  • 1 0
 .. and I'll be there to see it. Unfortunately I won't get my annual chat with Stevie .... or maybe I will, in my head ...
  • 1 0
 Be neat to see his bike go up on the lift and be at the top of the hill with everyone. Never be the same
  • 1 0
 This goes to show there is still decency in the world!
  • 1 0
 What a great way to remember this Legend.
  • 1 0
 I´ll probably leave one tear. Great tribute, great community!
  • 1 0
 Fukkin A! respect, it's going to be special.
  • 1 0
 Perseverance paying off in a big way! Nicely done!!!
  • 1 0
 Perfect! Couldn't be a more fitting tribute.
  • 1 0
 a perfect send off, all the respect.
  • 2 0
 Thank you UCI.
  • 1 0
 Great! @Hwulex !!!

  • 1 0
 Very fitting! His presence among us will be felt for sure!
  • 2 0
 This is really good....
  • 1 0
 Amazing. Nice to know a little input can go a long ways! Good work.
  • 1 0
 We're not just trolls. Thx everyone involved in this decision
  • 1 0
 Feel the power....love it.
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 This is amazing..you will be miss chainsaw!!!!! Ride in peace
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 This is AWESOME!!! Longlivechainsaw!
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 Super lame question here, but does anyone know the cause of death?
  • 2 0
 Brain trauma from a motocross accident.
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 Big Up! Would be cool to see all riders run a train.
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 Really nice touch but its gonna be so hard to watch.
  • 1 0
 damn onions cutting ninjas....
  • 1 4
 allright, i admired this MTB celebrity when he was a young kid and when he was at his prime a few years ago, and I also admire the fact that the UCI and Redbull are doing something to honour him and that's it, but I trying to go through the comment section and it is cringe worthy, i mean come on, are some of you guys really going to cry? are you really going to spend a moment of silence while redbull is showing the dry run? i dont know man...it really shows how empty some lives are in here. Rant over, cheers.
  • 1 1
 I apologise profusely for my empty life, but yes I fully intend to be silent during the tribute to honour Stevie Smith. I'm sorry.
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 @mini-freerider: apology accepted, dont forget to apologise again in case you cry.
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 This is gonna be the most difficult race to watch that's for sure.
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 To The UCI RedBull and event's partners Thank You...
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 This just made my day.
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 Right on!
  • 2 1
 So. Fucking. Awesome.
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 this is amazing!
  • 1 0
 Awesome well done.
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  • 1 0
 well done!!!!!
  • 1 0
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  • 1 0
 Thank You, @Hwulex!
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