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Tracey Nicole Hannah Explains her Decision

May 5, 2008
by Jordan Holmes  
I have written this press release to address all of the comments and questions I have been receiving regarding my decisions for the 2008 international racing season.

I hope that this is something you will understand, and know that Mountain Bike racing is not over for me.I have been riding bikes all my life, I did some BMX when I was younger, raced at the BMX Nationals when I was 4½ and started downhill mountain biking when I was about 12. My brother raced, so of course, I wanted to race as well. I thought the world of him, and anything he could do I wanted to do. He has such a natural style on the bike and a great technique. It is hard to get into bad habits with him around.


So from a young age I was learning so much that it made riding downhill, smooth and fast come naturally. Ever since I started I have always wanted to be riding, and working harder to get faster. When I was 14, I raced my first MTB National Championships. I finished with a 2nd place in Elite Women. From that year on I have been National Champion 5 times.

In 2004 I headed over to the USA to race my first international series. I ended up 5th overall in the US NORBA series. The next year I had to stay home, we couldn’t fund 2 years in a row of overseas racing and the sponsors didn’t offer the support that I needed. I spent that time at home riding all year and racing the Australian National Series and the Australian Championships. In 2006 I went back to America and won the US National NORBA series. I attended the World Championships in New Zealand as a junior, and took home the gold medal and those rainbow bands I can wear for the rest of my life.


2007 was my first year racing Elite, and my first year on the World Cup circuit. I ended up, 1st at the forth round of the World Cup series in Schladming Austria, 3rd overall in the World Cup Series, 3rd at the World championships in Fort William, and am currently the Australian National Champion.

This year I have decided not to attend the World Cup Series.

Lately I have been asked a lot of questions about the up and coming season. My answer seems to raise some concern about my decision to not attend the World Cup Series this year. To clear up some things I want to make it clear, it is not because I do not love riding. I am not quitting. I am not finished with this sport.

I arrived home from the 2007 racing season in September, with a large credit card bill and with perhaps the false expectation that after doing as well as I did I would be getting a better deal from sponsors. A deal that might cover my living expenses whilst I train 100% and also I would be able to service the debt I have accumulated over the past years. This didn't happen.

To the people that are working every day, and struggling to pay for bikes and gear and just want to ride, the offers I have received are awesome. To most people, I would be considered so lucky. I have had offers of all expenses paid to race World Cups, gear, bikes, accommodation, training facilities, etc. That’s great! But it still costs me to race and I have less than no money.


I have made the difficult decision to not travel this season because I am a professional. I want to be the best and if every effort is not getting put toward that then I must refuse these great offers. At the moment that is how it is, the sponsorship and support that is getting offered to female mountain bikers is less than what I need to be competitive.

There is not the support for the hard work and time spent training in the off-season. I am at home working everyday still paying off my credit card bill from racing overseas last season. Whilst still putting every effort, and time, that I have into training. It isn’t working. Going at it like this is going half hearted. If I am racing at a World Class level then I must put every effort into working hard toward the top, because there is no time to waste when competing in a high class.


To be the best in the world is a full time job. I don’t want to go back overseas and come home with a second place knowing that I could have done more toward being number one. To race to my full and best potential it takes professionalism.

I am taking this year off from racing but not from trying to improve as a professional bike rider. I am planning to do a Business Marketing course to learn how to sell brand “Tracey Hannah” thus making me a better prospect to potential sponsors. I am continuing to put a lot of effort into training and working to pay my bills.

Athletes need the funds to support themselves in the off-season, just like it would be a job. We are a talent that people like watching, because not everyone has it. It’s amazing to see any sportsman performing to their best having trained hard and using the talent they have. I want to be overseas racing having put all my effort and hard work into being number one. I want to train and race to my full and best potential, and at this time it is not possible.


Tracey Hannah

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spoiledgoods avatar

Member since Mar 20, 2000
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  • 16 0
 thats why pro mountain bikers are a TOTALLY different breed from pro road riders. the mtb'ers have so much other stuff to deal with than the road racers do.

but, IT IS WHAT IT IS, and i think its awesome that a WORLD CHAMPION is humble and "down to earth" enough to see reality.

stick with it, and don't get sad over it. you'll be back, and KILLIN' IT, i have no doubt.
  • 14 1
 Good luck Tracy, you will be a big miss on the World Cup race scene. Hope you get sorted out and are back bigger and stronger next year!
  • 4 0
 She's going to come out on top the year after, just you watch
  • 3 20
flag nouser (May 5, 2008 at 4:47) (Below Threshold)
 with what bike she will ride now??
  • 1 0
 I can't help but wonder where you are now miss Hannah
  • 7 0
 Pretty sad when a world champion of a (relatively) popular sport can't even compete because of the debt accumulated on the way to becoming a champ. And she's not saying her expenses won't be covered, she's saying she needs her sponsors to step up with actual money, cash, something she can take to the bank and put in an account. A free bike and trip is great, but you've got to have some money to live the rest of the year. I hope mountain biking can get to some higher levels of sponsorship/television deals/recognition soon, sad to see this kind of thing happening.
  • 6 0
 evidence that there isnt enough support for the ladies - even if you have an amazing year like Tracey has. My guess is that there arent enough girls riding DH (in general) and the companies dont see supporting them as a good investment compared to the guys.
  • 6 0
 Here is the reality check that I bet Tracey already figured out because Hannah's seem to be pretty savy people.

First off sponsorship dollars are not what they were. Many of the "outside the industry" sponsors have vanished.

Next...Tracey is a super fast lady for sure and I've admired the way she attacks a course (almost as much as Mick but grasshopper sis has not snatched the pebble from bro's hand yet). Unfortunatley for the downhill bike biz women do not sell downhill bikes (stop before you write to refute this and think about it).

We live in a sport where dudes don't say to their riding buds "I ride this bike because "insert women's DH ripper" rides this bike. They want to ride what "insert whoever men's ripper" name is here rides.

This is not to say that Tracey won't figure this out, seems like she is really on it. Her best bet is to keep racing DH on the Aussie scene, whip out to the occasional international (noticeable) race, ride some cool places (noted by the media) and to focus on selling her lifestyle as a racer/rider. That will drive bikes sales in general (men/women) and make a good story for potential sponsors regardless who you are. With that set of DH skills, a great smile and the right marketing angle she will be around for a long time.
Good luck Tracey.
  • 8 0
 Sad to hear it. Good luck with u'r new company/brand and look forward to seeing u next year!
  • 5 1
 She isn't starting a "company or brand" she's learning how to market HERSELF better. It's like a resume, you have to make yourself appealing and desireable to a company to achieve a higher level of support, thus making more money and getting a few extra doors opened along the way.
  • 5 1
 The funny thing is, any smart company, would have their PR division all over this one. Whoever steps up to the plate, picks her up, and plays 'hero' in this situation, is going to get a LOT of support from riders. Nice work on your first play as making the BRAND, Tracey Hannah. It seems you may not need to take that course after-all.
  • 3 0
 Hey I completely understand, I living from a tin can at the moment, and rather annoyed with amounting costs of cars, and petrol, hope you do amazingly well, sure you will, really annoys me about sponsors who dont treat people equally, and your not so noticable as other riders, why is that the sport is mainly a male sport, we need more women, really annoying, hope you pay off stuff soon, mtbmatt
  • 2 0
 To all you self proclaimed "Pros" out there: Read this article very carefully and KEEP YOUR DAY JOB! I love to ride just as much as the next guy, but the truth is this...there just isn't a heck of a lot of money to be made riding your bike down a hill.
  • 1 0
 sad to see that, it's not fair... I hope those lines would be readen by all of the sponsors!! A girl like her with a very big talent is not paid enought to live even if she's training so hard during all the season!!! Think about it!! Good luck tracey!!
  • 1 0
 WERD UP! woman have been getting the short end of the financial stick for a LONG time... when in fact, having such a small field of riders during organized races, a manufacturer's product is MUCH more likely to get seen and noticed... so why is that were halting the progression of female riding?
  • 1 0
 Good luck with everything Tracey! Like some of the others said, hopefully there are a lot of sponsors reading this and they realise there is a HUGE talent right here and the only thing between her and an elite world cup is propper support. We could be looking at the next Anne-Caroline here 'sept she never had to take a year off to pay bills. If Orange doesn't have the cash to back a racer properly surley another brand does. GT just freed up a whole bunch of outlay by ditching Lopes, throw some of that cash Tracey's way and secure another World Cup! How hard is that! We all look forward to seeing you on the circuit again real soon Tracey.
  • 3 0
 jeez... good luck tracey!!!!! companies gota start stepping up there game!
  • 0 0
 Someone so young and so smart! You did the right thing. I worked in theatre for years where no has the money to pay you, yet they all have nice cars and country places. You are worth it and never buy into the you are so luck to be here crap. Good on ya!
  • 2 0
 Take a leaf out the Athertons book, team Hannah all the way!! I think we should all stop buying Orange bikes till they give the girl the green back she deserves! Good luck
  • 1 0
 well, youve opened my eyes! I, a 41 year old man assumed that you would be salaried! which just shows how green i am. good luck and i hope you receive a contract (and Wage) to get you back soon.
  • 1 1
 No, I understand that completely
But the point of the matter is don't rely on others for things like MONEY, because face it, how many anythings out there give away money willy nilly.

No company, no team, no one. The only time people invest is when they will get something in return which unfortunately is MORE money.
As sprockets said "people spend the money on the men's side of the sport because that is what gets them the money"

When was the last time you saw a major video with female shredders?
Yeah, they have girl sections, but for a whole video. . . that's 2% of the whole vid
Tell the collective or clay porter to make a all girls video . . . follow the girls race scene. Have a Sabrina section where she rides the shore, have a Rachel Atherton section at whistler
  • 1 0
 what, the company need people to sell there items, ride them, win on them and then the person gets bikes or money, its how sponsorship works, but thats the thing there should be more women and less biased, what an idea but get more females involved its so much better for the sport double the market
  • 0 0
 if orange bikes are popular as everyone says surely they could have helped out more its a shame because riders as a whole give so much with training etc to be the fastest in the world how about paying soccor players less and expanding rider programme to help riders with expences.
  • 1 0
 thats something else, the companies make all kinds of $ off us people out there and they can't cover expenses for her "shame,shame,shame"
  • 2 0
 you'l be back soon, pinned and the fastest lady on the course
  • 1 0
 sure does suck that the girl riders dont get what the male riders do in terms of,sponsorship.
  • 1 0
 thats shit..she's an amazing rider i seen her race at fort william last year fast as fook
  • 3 3
 that is really too bad , a sham that in our sport, people are almost killing them selves just to get a lame pay check and some free red bull
  • 2 0
 hope all works out. you are a good role modle for young female riders.
  • 2 4
 Ride for fun, not for money

Work to make money

Make money so you can travel to ride

That's what I've done and now I'm living and riding in BC because I work, make money then go ride.
You should never rely on "other people" to support you, no matter what.
  • 0 0
 man that sucks, hope you get everything sorted out so you can race full time again
  • 0 0
 Bit of a shock to hear this! Good luck tracey,im sure ull come back stronger next year!
  • 0 0
 Wow, good job on the hard work. Keep it up. You are are great role model for everyone.
  • 0 0
 waldon, i think you have missed the point, she has tried to support herself, but cannot anymore.
  • 1 0
 anyone know where she went?
  • 1 1
 Tracey i love you! You can do it!
  • 0 0
 somebody needs to get a life
  • 0 0
 We'll miss your smile!!! Good luck Tracey!!!
  • 0 0
 I feel u, and hope u come back next year!
  • 0 0
 good luck with everything.
  • 0 0
 I totally agree. SHOW ME THE MONEY!!!
  • 0 0
 She really is great, don't give up and keep motivated.
  • 0 0
 Best of Luck for you!
  • 0 0
 Props Good luck
  • 0 2
 lets go out... It's on me.

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