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The Rise of Enduro, Movie Premiere December 15th on Pinkbike

Dec 11, 2014
by TheRiseofEnduro  
The Rise of Enduro, the first action sports' film focused on enduro mountain biking, is being released Monday, December 15, 2014. The initial release at Pinkbike.com, allows free streaming of the film from 7am to 10pm PST. The film also premieres in theatres around the world starting December 15th...see below for a showing near you.

he Rise of Enduro Movie Premiere December 15th on Pinkbike

Presented by Shimano
In Association with Pinkbike, Marin Bikes, Enve Composites, Maxxis Tires, and with Support from Ergon, Yakima, and Cane Creek

The Rise of Enduro captures the passion and thrill of the enduro format with recounts from some of the sport’s pioneers and top enduro athletes around the globe. Filmed on location at key venues and events across multiple continents, the cinematography throws the excitement of enduro on to the big screen. This visually stunning production will engage and inspire mountain bikers and enthusiasts alike as it delves into the history of the sport. Whether this is your first glimpse into the sport or you’ve been riding in this style for years, The Rise of Enduro will impress.

Enduro, once hidden in the mountains of France and Italy, became commonplace in mountain biking vernacular almost overnight. Equated with being the true essence of mountain biking, enduro is one of the most popular forms of racing and product development in biking around the world today.

Theater Premieres:
December 15th & 16th: Koblenz, Germany. Presented by ERGON
December 19th: Chico, California. Sierra Nevada Big Room
January 9th: Boulder, Colorado. Big Mountain Enduro, Yeti Cycles, Shimano & Oskar Blues Present, at the Boulder Theater
Visit www.theriseofenduro.com for more showings or to book one in your area.

Cast: Jared Graves, Tracy Moseley, Kyle Warner, Dylan Wolsky, Josh Carlson, Curtis Keene, Jerome Clementz, Chris Ball, Anne-Caroline Chausson, Joe Breeze, Ben Cruz, Fred Glo, Chris Johnston, Yoann Barelli, Fabien Barel, Joe Barnes, Marco Osborne, Adam Craig, Ludo May, Enrico Guala, Ash Smith, Darren Kinnaird, and Mark Weir.

Photos by Matt Wragg

Cast of the film The Rise of Enduro

Featured Locations: Squamish BC, Marin County & Novato California, Nevados De Chillan Chile, Peebles Scottish Borders, Valloire France, Whister BC, Hood River & Mt Hood Oregon, Keystone & Crested Butte Colorado, Finale Ligure Italy

The Rise of Enduro - Chile
he Rise of Enduro Movie Premiere December 15th on Pinkbike
Alta Lake. EWS 6 2014 Whistler. Photo by Matt Wragg
Yoann Barelli on stage four. EWS 7 2014 Finale Ligure. Photo by Matt Wragg

The crew, lead by Creator and Producer Devon Lyons and Director and Editor Tom Teller, traveled around the world to film at biking hot spots that are known for being part of the history of the sport and the birth places of the enduro racing format. Photos by Dennis Yuroshek and Nico Aguilar

he Rise of Enduro Movie Premiere December 15th on Pinkbike
he Rise of Enduro Movie Premiere December 15th on Pinkbike

Buy the DVD, Blu-ray, and Digital Download at www.theriseofenduro.com

he Rise of Enduro Movie Premiere December 15th on Pinkbike

MENTIONS @shimano @MarinBikes @ENVE @Maxxis @Ergon @CaneCreekCyclingComponents

Author Info:
TheRiseofEnduro avatar

Member since Apr 29, 2014
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  • 61 6
 Even if you love bashing #enduro for fake internet points, the sheer quality of riding and filming is going to make this one of the best MTB films to come out in a while! Personally I'm psyched to see a top quality production featuring straight up gnar shred on trails I could actually go ride!
  • 12 4
 I hope it has a lot of scenery shots that really capture the experience of riding a bike.
  • 4 8
flag VPS13 (Dec 11, 2014 at 19:28) (Below Threshold)
 I dont think a single comment on this post has bashed "enduro" so far....
  • 31 2
 It is kinda childish to to take cheap shots at enduro, or mock it because of it's limbo like position between dh and xc. That being said, I will be watching this movie whilst wearing my goggles.
  • 17 0
 Beer goggles
  • 8 0
 VPS13 - it's called anticipatory pain anxiety. It's bad for you but it's a sign of creativity and imagination. Other examples of it on Pinkbike: let the negpops begin, bring on the haters, waiting for the first "too expensive" comment, waiting of not another 275 bike comment. Patient believes he can prevent occurence he perceives as negative from happening if he only launches a preemptive action, criticizing it.
  • 5 0
 ^ already got beer goggles on
  • 7 4
 Enduro makes me sneeze. Does that count as "bashing"?
  • 5 4
 Not bashing, but I'm just anticipating an Enduro melodrama, with riders philosophising on what Enduro means to them / close up interview shots nauseam
That's the haemorrhoid inducing part of "Enduro"
  • 2 4
 If they mention " the spirit of Endruo " I'm gonna shoot a hundred kittens !
  • 1 1
 @zorba73 that is amazing hahahaaa lmfao
  • 4 6
 ^^^supracow, bigturd, jmzit - you all sound constipated. take a big swig of endurolax and see what comes out...haha. neg prop me all you want. i don't give a f*ck.
  • 4 1
 Chuck Yeager came out, but it was alternative version of history so he got immediately shot down by the Lufwaffe. Oh there, you said "negprop me all you want!" - anticipatory pain syndrome! You have it hahaahahahahahahahahah ahahaha aaa haas ahaaaaa haaaaaa blee buee buabuabuabuabua bueee... clonk!
  • 2 1
 1 in the plus column for wacko. honestly, it's kind of an honor to have waki respond directly, he is de facto punkassbike royalty. still waiting for yakimonti to respond. anticipatory pain syndrome is my favorite.
  • 1 1
 oh, one more thing wacko, your article and illustrations from a couple weeks ago were fucking awesome!!!
  • 1 0
 @VPS13, Wait... I was completely bashing enduro. Who would hope for filler?
  • 1 0
  • 31 8
 The rise of Enduro (aka ex-world cup racers)
  • 2 1
 hahahah upvoted
  • 24 5
 Can't wait to see Fonzi jump the shark!
  • 1 5
flag flipoffthemonkeys (Dec 12, 2014 at 15:18) (Below Threshold)
 can't wait to see yakimonti jump off a building
  • 16 0
 SKY WARNER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BUTTE COUNTY LEGEND !!!
  • 9 0
 I know right? We get to have a premier at the Sierra Nevada Brewery!
  • 7 3
 The name WARNER is German. In German the meaning of the name Warner is: Protector of the people; defending warrior !!!!!!!!!!!!
  • 14 0
 I can not wait to see this!!!
  • 9 1
 Stoked does not even begin to describe it.
  • 3 0
 As much as we all like to crack jokes in enduro this and enduro that it's no secret that most of us love it! Can't wait to see this on Pinkbike! Would enjoy it on the big screen but it's not playing here in northern VA or the DC metro area.
  • 1 0
 We would love to set up a showing on the East Coast. The film will be beautiful on the big screen! If anyone is interested in organizing and hosting a theater showing please contact us at movie@theriseofenduro.com
  • 2 0
 Enduro.....stupid name but it encapsulates what mountain biking is all about. You cycle your bike up mountains to rewarded with epic downhills. yes you get more runs when you get shuttled to the top but you're not earning it, its likes going surfing and getting the jetski to drop you off out the back after every wave.But thats just my opinion
  • 4 0
 Cross-Hill or Down-Country are the alternatives...
  • 2 0
 I feel the difference between the 3 are xc is endurence, strength, and mind over matter. DH is pure speed created by gravity and amazing bike control and confidence in your riding ability. Enduro is a beautiful mix of both. One is not better then the other, it's just our preference! Can't wait to see this flic
  • 1 0
 Having competed once (and never again) in an xc race during the university champs 2 years ago, I can honestly say there are some seeeeeeeerrriously fast folks on short travel bikes. Hats off to them, I cant keep up. Though the seat up thing on descents, lots of nope going on there...
  • 2 1
 Yeah everything should fall under "MOUNTAIN BIKING" like what some of the other people here are saying, but first they have to understand that the enduro event itself has a different racing format and having the experience to join this kind of race will make you realize that it is really fun and interesting! A kind of fun and interest that is not usually found when racing in XC or Downhill/Freeride format. I think that they just have to understand that not every single person in this planet prefers to race a pure XC or downhill/freeride on a regular basis due to the fact that they just don't feel comfortable or they just simply wants to get out there and ride. I guess the main reason on why enduro is so successful is that its racing format reflects the thing on what most of the people really wants to do with their bikes and that is to just simply ride the trails that they really love and have fun (and I dont see anything wrong with that). Another thing that some of the people say here is the expensive price tag that comes with the word enduro, well I suggest that why don't you just try to get yourself a decent job so it won't feel that expensive or just don't buy anything at all and utilize whatever you have! Again, I'm not trying to start a war on which type of riding is superior because for me it's just a matter of respect on what people wants to do with their lives. If they don't say anything about your preferred type of riding, then I guess you should just do the same. And at the end of the day, riding is still about having fun! Nothing more, nothing less. PEACE!
  • 1 0
 Enduro is a race format, same as Downhill racing and XC racing. Its all just riding bikes and having fun in the woods and on the mountains, battering over, across and of course down them. Bashing Enduro is like bashing riding bikes down hills or on trails, just a bit pointless. As for the price tag of #Enduro products, when where #Downhill or #XC Race specific products so damned cheep? I must of missed that golden time! Bikes cost money, live with it, nice bikes cost lots of money, deal with that too! People like Enduro races as they are racing what most of us do when we ride our bikes, in the words of Transitions marketing department "up and down mountains".
  • 1 0
 The concept of Enduro has been around for along time but what makes the word Enduro so big at the moment are the pro riders riding the EWS and other Enduro races the pure speed and talent on the pro level of riding is crazy. the word Enduro will die out one day but as i said earlier the concept of it has been going for along time and will carry on...... its just pure mtb.... friends bikes trails food ! I hope this video will give us a more in depth look into how these riders etc live and breathe the sport!!
  • 2 0
 Big bike riding is a blast to watch, but I'm pumped for some less-than-7-inch-more-than-4-inch-travel bike action. Brett Rheeder is going to be pissed.
  • 1 0
 Well, this is brilliant It's on the monday before finals Its Free It will take me a while to watch It's a bike movie Just adding to my already bad case of procrastination...
  • 3 0
 Procrastination is like masturbation... You just end up fucking yourself!
  • 3 0
 It's just that procastrinators delay the climax for the next day...
  • 1 0
 I cannot think of a cum back. Badumpshhh!!
  • 3 0
 The day before my exams start...
  • 2 0
 The day of two of mine
  • 3 0
 Thats OK ,cramming revision the night before will leave you stressed the night before your exams , have fun , watch this movie and go to bed relaxed Razz
  • 3 0
 May have to drive down to Chico and see this.
  • 1 0
 Are they goin to have a showing in Chico? If they are, then f*ck yeah!! Can't wait to see this!
  • 3 0
 No Ed Masters? What's a history or Enduro without the spirit of Enduro?
  • 2 3
 i used to cycle up the hill with a downhill rise bar and phat tire already 25 years ago...it was called mountainbiking.. all the hype about the 'enduro' is just to push the industry a bit more ...fashion and hype, nothing else...forget about bloody ''enduro', go MOUNTAINBIKING!
  • 2 0
 It's a different race format. Sure, most people ride up the hill and then downhill, but the point is up until enduro it hadn't been raced
  • 1 0
 The Monday work day pretty much just went down the toilet! Can't wait to see this!!
  • 2 0
 Hope this comes to NZ ...
  • 2 1
 Ill be sat there in my neon kit, pisspot and goggles with fanny pack holding a cold can waiting
  • 1 0
 live FREE streaming?!?!?! i was already going to buy it but now i HAVE to to support such a great idea!!! THANK YOU!!!!
  • 1 0
 when are they showing this?!
  • 4 3
 do you smell ?? smells like the best mtb movie of the year
  • 3 2
 El enduro Spanish for the enduro
  • 2 0
 So frickin' stoked!
  • 2 0
 GO enduroooo!!!!!!!!
  • 1 0
 Curious to see what the movie is going to be about..
  • 1 0
 Tracey Moseley sounds like a man. Glad it was free.
  • 1 0
 I must say I actually prefer the Rise of Vinny T to "The Rise of Enduro"
  • 1 0
  • 3 3
 will be shite and just a big advert lol
  • 1 0
 cant wait to see this
  • 1 0
  • 1 0
  • 1 3
 pfft. free.
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