The Bakery: The Feces that Broke the Camel's Back

May 31, 2018
by Danielle Baker  
Bakery Logo

That first ride on a new bike. It embodies new car smell while making you feel as giddy as a six-year-old on Christmas morning. The sun was shining, the dirt was heroic, and I was out with my favorite riding buddy. And then, less than 30 feet into the trail – and still within view of both a bag dispenser and a garbage bin – I rolled through a steaming pile of dog shit.

The joy of my inaugural ride was temporarily suspended as I balanced my bike with one hand while using available sticks and leaves to remove the offensive material that was quickly fusing with the rubber of my tire. Eventually, when my boyfriend couldn't handle the pathetic scene any longer, he took my bike and gave it what can only be described as an aggressive dirt bath while I dug alcohol wipes out of my first aid kit to disinfect my hands.

Now, this rant must be prefaced with that fact that I am a dog lover. I'm not a dog owner for a variety of reasons that include accommodation restrictions and lifestyle, but I volunteer with rescue organizations and spoil the fur children of family, friends, and neighbours. And I love seeing dogs out and about on our trails. I take no issue with dogs, however, dogs aren’t responsible for their actions, their careless owners are.


I get it, I do. Picking up dog feces is gross, especially when it's warm. It smells bad and mushes tangibly in your hand through the bag. And you have to carry that bag around with you for your whole walk or ride. Yep, pretty icky. But you know what else is gross? Accidentally ingesting someone else's dog shit... or really, ingesting your own dog's shit is equally as gross, but in that case can be karmic. When you have a baby you are automatically signed up for years of changing diapers, so why wouldn't that level of fecal responsibility extend to everyone in your charge? It does. Sometimes, however, people think they are special and common decency and basic science don’t apply to them. From the amount of festering fecal matter out there, it’s safe to say too many people feel this way. So many, in fact, that the sheer volume of un-scooped dog shit available for your viewing should tip you off that you're not the only one breaking the rules.

The thing that really has my goat got is that there I am left dealing with a health risk because of someone else's laziness. They are comfortably back home now, hanging out and enjoying the devotion of man's best friend while I'm left trying to de-feces my tyre tread so that my bike and body don't become the canvas for a Jackson Pollack poop painting. Instead of feeling the wind in my hair, I’m thinking about the fact that an estimated 652 million fecal coliforms are contained in a single ounce of dog waste.



Dog feces is a common carrier for diseases like Whipworm, Hookworms, Roundworms, Tapeworms, Parvo, Corona, Giardiasis, Salmonellosis, Cryptosporidiosis, and Campylobacteriosis. These diseases can easily be transferred to other dogs but are also zoonotic (meaning they can be transferred to humans). Some transfer through the skin, but according to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), most transfer through the traditional fecal-oral route. Ah, the old 'fecal-oral route.'

Now, a couple of examples of why I'm horrified that your dog's shit is clinging to my rubber: Cryptosporidiosis is a parasite that is protected by an outer shell which allows it to survive outside the body for long periods of time. This outer shell also makes it resistant to chlorine-based disinfectants. While this little guy is just looking for a host body to keep it warm, it will cause stomach cramps and pain, dehydration, nausea, vomiting, fever, and weight loss in the process. Whipworms are another fun one. After reaching your small intestine the eggs hatch and release larvae. Once mature, the adult worms live in the large intestine where the females continue to shed between 3,000 and 20,000 eggs per day. While they live and breed in your body, you will experience bloody diarrhea, painful and frequent defecation, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, headaches, and – my personal favorite –fecal incontinence (the inability to control defecation).

While the CDC warns against touching dog poop and then putting your hands or fingers near your mouth, they fail to say anything about feces flying directly into your mouth as your ride through it.

For all of the do-gooders who excuse your poop-abandoning tendencies by believing 'it's really just fertilizer' or 'it'll just get washed away,' sorry, but you're still a dick. The fact is that infected dog poop can contaminate the soil it is left on for years and anyone coming in contact with that soil orally or – even just walking through it barefoot – runs the risk of contracting diseases.

There was a time when no one scooped, but as our population grew and became denser, so did the abundance of dog shit. The EPA estimates that two to three days' worth of un-scooped poop from a population of 100 dogs would contribute enough bacteria to temporarily close a bay, and all watershed areas within 20 miles of it, to swimming and shellfish harvesting. For reference, according to a 2006 federal census, the city of Vancouver had an estimate 145,500 dogs. That's enough dog poop to cause a serious health risk 1,455 times over - and that was twelve years ago.




Now, for those of you who package up your dog's feces in those cute biodegradable dog poop baggies and then abandon them trailside or toss them into the forest – I often see flightless plastic turd birds hanging from low tree branches – you are just as guilty. Sure, your dog's shit isn't going to have the same direct farm-to-table-esque route into my mouth, but you are really just delaying the inevitable. Those baggies take three to six months to break down while the contaminants in the poo remain alive and well, and able to contaminate our water sources and soil for years to come. In fact, the EPA has labelled dog waste as a pollutant, placing it in the same category as oil, grease, herbicides, insecticides, and other toxic chemicals. Now imagine the next time you're changing the oil in your truck, you simply bag it and leave it in the forest as a means of disposal. And if the poop issue wasn’t bad enough, while these baggies break down enough to leak waste into the soil, they don't simply dissolve away. The small pieces of plastic that they leave that are ingested by wildlife. This is littering. You are littering.

My turd-covered tread was the final feces on the camel's back. It would be much easier to blame other user groups – trail runners or hikers – for these problems, but unfortunately, we are just as much at fault. Lately, I've witnessed a rise in irresponsible dog owners on the mountain bike trails. Owners who allow their dogs to wander aimlessly on the trails, hang out under drops, and lay on landings of jumps pose a very serious risk to other riders. You may know that your dog is going to move out of the way at the last minute, but no one else does. If you’re stopped on the trail, keep your dog off the trail. If you are riding with your dog, keep it with you. Another concern is riders who refuse to leash their dogs in known bear territories – even when signage is obvious and free leashes are made available. What do you think will happen to that bear when it becomes comfortable around barking dogs and starts searching for food closer to residential neighbourhoods? Or what do you think will happen to your dog if it gets between a mom and cubs? The ignorance in these cases, which seem to be plentiful, is staggering.


As mountain biking continues to grow we need to step up our personal responsibility when using shared resources. You’re not special. Your dog isn’t special. We are all in this together. Just like other aspects of trail etiquette that allow us to exist happily together out there, you have to take responsibility for your actions – and those of your dog. We all benefit greatly from the growth of our sport and a world full of canine friends, but with these positives will continue to come new challenges, and regrettable new Google searches: Can dog poop cause pink eye?

Author Info:
daniellebaker avatar

Member since May 10, 2007
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  • 99 3
 As much as I want to say that she´s just bitching about something meaningless, I think she´s right...
  • 16 2
 What a load of shit.
  • 16 0
 Did someone say fecal matter's? Seriously clean up that trail bombs please. Nothing worse than realizing your bike has fecality in the fork, shock, swingarm, helmet, teeth, etc.
  • 65 1
 As a dog I came here to say that I would pick up my own feces but the method I use generally can be referred to as "hot lunch" and this is apparently frowned upon. So I expect my owner to pick it up for me which he does because he is a good boy.
  • 7 0
 @IamTheDogEzra: Kinda fancy, older woman up the road from us has a little, frilly dog that is nice enough to pick up any feces that it can find. My kids think this is absolutely hilarious. I guess I do too.
  • 17 0

Even if you don’t love Danielle’s humorous and thoughtful writing (I think her work’s awesome) or give a sh*t about sh*t, I think the greater message is one that a lot of people need to hear a lot more:

“You’re not special. Your dog isn’t special. We are all in this together. Just like other aspects of trail etiquette that allow us to exist happily together out there, you have to take responsibility for your actions...”
  • 6 0
 @drewm: next article: smokers tossing their butts out windows and on grounds. Looks terrible, and starts fires. STOP IT!!! We don't want another fire storm summer like last year.
  • 2 0
 She called the shit, poop!
  • 1 1
 Was this article written in 1992?
  • 5 0
 @rrolly: I called out a smoker in the ferry line a few weeks ago. I ride a motorcycle. Watched this guy puffing away and sure enough, out the window his lit, half smoked cig went. I rolled forward, picked it up, rolled to his window and handed it to him, saying "you dropped this." He acted surprised that he had dropped it (poor acting to be sure), put it in his own garbage and then proceeded to the booth where he bought my trip for the morning. so, all hope is not lost...
  • 2 0
 @Poulsbojohnny: that is awesome!!!
  • 48 3
 I find that most dogs will at least walk off the trail to sh!t, It's he horses that cause the real problems. Huge piles of sh!t right in the middle of the trail and a horse rider will NEVER try to move that!
  • 9 0
 I've taken to bagging it and smearing it on their horse trailers. Lots of real estate to put "clean your shit up" .
  • 45 0
 If only it were equally socially acceptable to leave my bags of shit on their doorsteps.
  • 35 0
 it is, just ring the door bell and light it on fire. just run tho
  • 6 0
 i feel like dog owners who let their dog take a shit in the middle of the trail are doing it intentionally. theyre harming all trail users and not just mtn bikers.
  • 7 0
 Its POO again!
  • 5 1

"Don't tell me my business, devil woman!"
  • 7 0
 @WasatchEnduro: don’t stamp it out w your boots Ted!
  • 4 0
 @speed10: He called the shit poop!

Side note: I'm real happy that someone made this connection and took it in the direction i was hoping it would go.
  • 1 2
 @Boardlife69: don't put it out with your boots Ted
  • 37 0
 The folks who take the time to bag the poop and then leave it absolutely boggle my mind. Now you're just wasting deuce containers too.
  • 2 28
flag cuban-b (May 31, 2018 at 13:39) (Below Threshold)
 in fairness, at least it's more visible, off to the side of the trail, and if you do run over it, the likelihood of poop getting on tires is reduced. so at least it's better than nothing.
  • 18 0
 @cuban-b: No excuse - it's plastic schitt in the woods - didn't you read the article? F those lazy humans! It's a symptom of a lazy, convenience-driven society of schittbags, I live in their capital.
  • 24 2
 @endlessblockades: i didnt read the article. came straight to the comments section like a normal godam pinkbike user.
  • 2 0
well played - apparently the canine bags o schitt are a lot worse that Mr. Ed's bran clusters.
  • 1 0
 @endlessblockades: I thought I lived in their capital. Snaps!
  • 31 2
 Dog doodoo bugs me but yeah, horses......f**k horses. Their dookers are MASSIVE. And......they are heavy animals with steel cleats hammered onto their feet which ruin trails......and they don't do trail work......but they demand access to trails. Dogs (and their owners) are small fry compared to the equine menace.
  • 11 2
 At least horses are vegetarians - less gross than carne basura.
  • 10 0
 Horse shit tends to be pretty low on the risk scale - not a lot of live anything, it's mostly fiber. And it tends to dry quickly because of that, and fade into the trail. Not a fan of horse shoes ripping up trails - but around here the horsey people tend to not only help out with trail work, they're also pretty good at helping us lobby for access.
  • 1 0
 Maybe less nasty per weight, but horses dump a lot of dook.
  • 5 0
 I know what you're thinking and that was not me. Would never slime up someone's ride, handle business way off the trail.
  • 1 1
 100 % agree. Less offensive per unit of shit (noun), but there is so much more, so I say they're pretty even on a per-shit (verb...ish) basis. Its all shitty (adjective), so I don't want it on my trails.
  • 2 5
 Agreed Dog shit don’t bother me. Horse shit is a way BIGGER problem
  • 1 0
 Horse (road apples) is a HUGE problem, here in NYC there is another, sick ridiculous phenomenon = Humans
  • 15 1
 I hate dog crap. I hate dog crap in bags left laying around. But I also hate loose out of control dogs. In my younger days, I was ‘making progress’ down a trail when a dog ran out on me. I had no knowledge of its presence. I had no where to go. 26” of rapid rubber rotation hit that dog. I went flying and have a nasty scar still to prove it. The dog may have had scars. If it lived. Which it didnt. Dogs are an investment and part of your family. Protect them!!
  • 11 0
 It’s funny. I put a comment on the mike levy article on what ticks you off the most. The number 1 thing other than changing standards was dog feces. I said to my self that those people must attract it as I have never had an issue. Guess what next ride - a complete front and rear shit storm.

Agree 100 percent. At least stop and flick off trail. People are gross!!!!
  • 11 0
 My sentiments exactly @dbaker! Thank you.

I used to like dogs, I think their owners have changed my mind for me. Now I cringe when I see dogs especially in trails I ride. I feel like I’ve been seeing more and more dog shhh everywhere I hike, bike and camp. It’s very frustrating.
  • 2 2
 You should change your mind about the fucking dog owners, not dogs.
  • 2 1
 Working as postman changed my mind, very much so.. f..k dogs and their owners.. in europe, with its really high population density, dogs are just a plague
  • 10 0
 Classic article! My little hometown turns from Girdwood in to Turdwood every spring after the snow melts and reveals the months of neglected, ignored piles that are scattered in every yard, parking lot and sidewalk... thanks for writing on this subject!
  • 7 0
 My pup is learning to be a trail dog. I got him a lightweight Ruffwear pack that he's more than happy to wear, and keep a good store of poop bags in one of the pockets, along with his leash. Means I don't have to carry more, and we have everything we need to not leave poop everywhere. Simple solution.
  • 13 0
 I put my dogs shit in my frame! Specialized SWAT actually stands for shit weed and turds. Just don’t forget about in there on the back of the truck in the sun...
  • 1 0
 You are one rare dog owner.
  • 1 0
 @billymac1770: Oh yeah. Hot doggie bags roasting in my roofbox all day - not a good memory!
  • 1 0
 People who don't pickup poop are shitheads.
  • 10 0
 This is the kind of sh!t we need to be talking about more.
  • 16 7
 Shit article ! We expect better Pinkbike
  • 5 4
 The fact faeces was incorrect the whole way through was shit too...
  • 11 0
 There are 1st rate articles and this... it was more of a number 2
  • 4 0
 @cunning-linguist: Spelling of "feces" is perfectly correct in US English.
  • 2 1
 @cunning-linguist: The spelling of "feces" is perfectly correct in US English.
  • 5 0
 Right now, if its not scottish its crap!
  • 2 0
 @acali: Now yer talkin!
  • 5 0
 The trails I mainly ride are shared with equines, and as such can be rather hazardous at times. That said, why is it ok to p-u the dog shit and leave the piles of horse shit behind? When there's a group of them and they start shitting you may as well stay off the trail for a few days.

Thankfully the dog shit isn't too bad where I ride.
  • 5 1
 I love dogs. No one wants to see shit squeezed out of my ass. But dog owners choose the most public place to display feces being squeezed out of a dogs ass hole. It is terribly disgusting. If I shit in public I get arrested and I should. Dogs I love. Dog owners are bloody stupid!
  • 3 0
 its so true though!! ill be blazin down a trail and run over some ignorant sh*ts dog crap that they leave on the trail expecting someone else to pick it up or degrade. but it still worse in the little bag because it shows how much is left on the trails. people should either stay off the trail with dogs, or dont take a dog.
  • 5 2
 Or not own a dog.
  • 2 0
 @jdsusmc: but dogs are too valuable to not have. just not on trails
  • 2 0
I value not having a dog... that’s just my opinion for my desired lifestyle. Just saying, lazy people who can’t take care of themselves and/or lack discipline should not own a dog. But again, just my opinion.
  • 3 0
 Kills me. It would be one thing to grab a stick & flick it off the trail, if possible. But bag it up & place it off to the side... Wtf?? And what is the reasoning behind this irresponsibility. I want to know what goes through the dog owners mind. Do they really believe some sh*t fairy magically appears after midnight to collect all these bags, only to leave brown glitter in its place? The word "entitlement" comes to mind. Btw, well versed & politely put article.
  • 3 0
 Trail turds suck. I hired a company called turd wranglers to pick up the crap in my backyard. I wonder if they would walk the trails and clean them up too.

Ps: The funny part is that i don't even own a dog. I cant wait to tell him that in his Christmas card.
  • 9 7
 I agree on the picking up your dog's shit...

BUT Animal feces is as harmful of a pollutant to our world as motor oil & insecticide??? Sounds real silly when we remember dogs EXCLUSIVELY shit all over nature until about 30 yrs ago when people started bagging their shit... I guess the first million years of animal shit all over the world must not have been toxic HA
  • 5 1
 Very different matter for a bunch of dogs on spread out on acreages doing their business than the kind of poop-density you get on a busy north shore hiking trail. All places are different but the sheer number of people out hiking (and biking) in Vancouver requires careful management.
  • 3 1
 The diets of modern dogs are also much different than those of their wolf ancestors. Current dogs dont eat raw meat, which is whats required for a healthy digestive system with less diseases. When those diseases and turds get washed downstream, that costs taxpayers more money to clean up that water.
  • 3 0
 @RoboDuck: I ended up with Campylobacteriosis from a lazy dog owner, on a rainy ride on mt Fromme. Shit would have been mixed up with the mud that I got sprayed with. Wonder how many people would have came down with the same thing, on the same day, from the same dog shit.
  • 2 1

Did you actively injest the mud or just get splashed with it?

I went back to riding with a pack in the rainy season after the year so many people on the Test Of Metal were brutally ill. It’s anecdotal but the vast majority of my friends who were sick were using bottles.
  • 1 2
 do you know what dogs ate up until about 100 years ago? or most any animal, human or otherwise? Not the "modern diet" composed of GMO, processed, stabilized food. Human feces can be just as dangerous, if not more so to the environment than dog crap, motor oil, insecticide, you name it. Why do you think billions of dollars are spent annually in the US alone on sewage treatment and mitigation ?
  • 4 2
 They should no longer even allow dogs on the Austin Green Belt as their owners are simply too irresponsible. Dog crap everywhere. But at a minimum the city could plant cops out there and write tickets all day long for not carrying poop bags, and not being leashed. In the meantime, every time it rains the children can no longer swim in our natural swimming holes because the dog feces washes in to the water and causes spikes in bacteria levels. Dog owners and cigarette smokers are just generally inconsiderate people I have found almost without fail.
  • 2 0
 Seriously, people bag the poop then just leave it on the side of the trail? I didn't know that was a thing, feels even lazier than not bagging it to me. At least the non-baggers can TRY to justify various ways (all of which I disagree with), but placing it in the bag is agreeing that it is wrong to just leave it but being too damn lazy to actually throw it out.
  • 2 0
 I pick up and carry but my wife leaves the bag hidden off trail, picks it up on the way back, less likely to be smooshed into her backpack. Neither of us would leave the crap out there, sheesh.

Seems like there’s a real issue with Vancouver dog owners.
  • 2 0
 @captaingrumpy: same here. People never comment that it’s possible that the dog owner is doing an out and back, and will be grabbing the poo bag on the return instead of touring the woods with it.
  • 3 1
 I would read this all again just for this word ....


and this statement

"...all of the do-gooders who excuse your poop-abandoning tendencies by believing 'it's really just fertilizer' or 'it'll just get washed away,' sorry, but you're still a dick..."

Danielle Baker I applaud you.

  • 2 0
 As a dog owner, I wonder if it's different in the UK. Less disease? Different food?

I say that as the Forestry commission here encourages you to "stick and flick" into the woods. Off the trail. I'd never leave dog shit on the trail, or on any path but deep in the woods... I would and it seems here at least it's not discouraged.
  • 1 1
 Its just as bad here. Dog shit is still disease ridden and leaving it off the trail just means the kind of people who don't stick to the trail, children for instance, are the ones that step in it while it is hidden. The reason for that is if you tell people to bag it they just leave shit in a bag on the trail instead of not leaving shit. A lot of dog owners are awful.
  • 2 0
 When you get a dog you are committing to picking up two warm shits a day (at least) every day for 20 years. If that doesn't sound like something you want to do, don't buy a dog, its as simple as that. Every time your dog shits you have to pick it up and then carry it. Every time. If you want the fun of walking a dog but don't want to deal with shit every day of your life for 20 years contact your local shelter, there are a bunch of dogs there who would love to go out for a walk, just make sure you pick up their shit when you do.
  • 5 0
 Love the macro shots of poop, very artistic.
  • 7 6
 Hey! Mountain bikers are the most bitched on users of nature. How about we start sending mails and make phone calls about dog owners in nature. Let’s stop being the worst!

Sorry your trail dog has to take one for the team. BTW there are other ways to be cool, than having a dog to run behind you. Like lightweight saddle bag...
  • 1 0
 Your forgetting fanny pack.
  • 2 2
 If you have a dog to be cool, you're the shit on the trail.
  • 2 1
 Fully agree a growing number of dog owners do not deserve to own dogs. Pedaling up fire road on Fromme, call out politely to the rider up front that his dog just took a dump in the middle of the road. Pretends not to hear, after a few more call outs makes some weak excuse about picking it up on the way back.... Didn't even make the effort to come up with a good excuse so the effort to clean-up is a bit of a stretch.
  • 1 0
 Thank you! This exactly. I two left a comment about this on Mike Levy's article about, well, pet peeves. Dog crap, horse crap, whatever, I don't care just CLEAN IT UP! And to those people who try to use some crappy argument about poop being natural and harmless, please doo as @d-baker did, stop dumping the responsibility, and actually look up some of the nastiness that comes from fecal material! (No puns [poons? Or is it P.U.ns?] intended, obviously)
  • 1 0
 I live in an urban area with lots of dog owners. 75% of the times I see a dog shitting they pick it up. When I actually see the other 25% of the dick f*cks who don't pick it up I call them out on it and instantly turns into a confrontation. Admittedly I'm an a*shole when I confront them but like Danielle I have lost my patience with ignorant f*cks who are too self absorbed to look after their dogs. Too many times(more than once) I have either stepped in it or seen the recognizable smear of brown on the sidewalk from someone who did. I too would lose my shit if my inaugural ride on a new bike was tainted with the shit of dog. I have two dogs and always carry bags to pick up after them. Its my duty as a dog owner AND as a respectful member of the community. I get instant satisfaction when they realize Im not f*cking around and they try to make excuses. One stupid f*ck actually asked me for a bag after confronting him. I was close to punching him in the throat.
  • 1 0
 Poop on trails is a major pain and poop from just about any animal can pose health risk as well as an invasive species problem (ie pooping out seeds of non-native species).

However, if dog owners are using biodegradable dog bags (not always the case often it just a plastic bag=litter douche) then they are actually not creating a problem (aside from making your trail look like a landfill). Most of the pathogens she listed above do not fare well outside of the host (ie. the dog) and when left in a baggie with millions of other GI bugs that are also in the poop (commensal flora) they will be easily out competed and by the time the bag biodegrades their will not be any pathogens left. This goes for cryptosporidium which is environmentally persistent but does not grow outside of a host and will even apply to something like the soil loving Salmonella.

This phenomenon is roughly analogous to why raw milk made soft cheese (queso fresco queso blanco) pose a major health risk for pathogens, but hard (ie. long aged, Parmesan etc.) cheeses made from raw milk are essentially safe.
  • 1 0
 It's funny how all of the dog owners try to find ways of justifying their precious soulmate taking a shit wherever they want. If I showed up at their house and took a shit on their driveway they would freak the f*ck out.

80% of dog owners are worthless human beings.
  • 1 0
 Tell the non picker uppers to get a PooVault. It holds in smelly dog poop bags for dogs 55 pounds and smaller, until they reach a trash can. Makes every walk more happy and less crappy. Just a thought.
  • 4 0
 but what bike did you get
  • 3 0
 I have stumbled upon people defecating *right* on the trail - You were hoping that was a Burmese? Guess again!
  • 7 0
 One time! I said I was sorry. Move on.
  • 2 0
 I'm not allowed to ride in my local woods, I was told of this by a dog walker once. This wood is known locally as dog shit woods.
  • 3 2
 My d o g is a perimeter pooper ... always has been. she'll find thick brush, tall grass, any place off the trail to poop. didn't train her to do that, she's just born'd that way golden retriever
  • 4 4
 Awesome. So now when I go off trail to piss you're responsible for the dog shit that I step in. Thanks for the sneaky shits.
  • 1 1
 I hope you die in a grease fire you clueless piece of shit
  • 1 1

LOL... wait, what are the actual chances of that happening and double wait, it's ok for you to piss on the trail.
  • 3 0
 If you catch someone on the trail not picking up after their pooch, I say follow them home and shit on their porch.
  • 4 0
 As a sticker I once read at a trail head said "Bikes don't poop"
  • 3 0
 Next month, being bitten by off leash dogs. That too is a shitty subject
  • 3 1
 I've had friends bit by dogs - it sucks. This year, I made a personal commitment to bearspray any dog that is being overtly aggressive.
  • 4 1
 Man the SHIT pinkbike reports on.
  • 3 0
 Shitty topic but it’s true
  • 4 0
 Epic poop shots
  • 1 0
 Had a real bad run in last summer with a steaming pile of horse poop was not happy but dog poop is at least smaller but smells worse
  • 1 0
 I’ve had my smiling face sprayed with horse and dog poop. Not that I’m happy with either but Dog poop is uncountably worse - not even the same ballpark.
  • 2 0
 Herbivore shit is orders of magnitude less bad than carnivore shit.
  • 2 1
 The article made your point. Did we really need to see picture after picture of dog shit? Pretty sure everyone has seen it before.
  • 1 0
 We have sheep shit and cow shit on our trails, you get used to the smell after a while.... but dog shit is so much worse, luckily they are not allowed on our trails.
  • 1 1
 Curious: you can train a cat to shit in a box. A freakin cat. You can't train a dog to shit in a box?
Then there is no gross mess to pick up.
Dogs must be very difficult to train based on this observation.
  • 2 0
 The defecation has hit the oscillation.
  • 2 0
unfortunate the emoji shows up as question belongs here.
  • 1 0
 I normally munch popcorn while reading the comments, but this article calls for Diahrritos.
  • 1 0
 Actually, I can't decide. Diahrritos, poopcorn, or cheese and crappers?
  • 1 0
 Some topic appropriate tuna?
  • 1 0
 What about horse crap that has magic mushrooms growing out of it? That might get a pass...
  • 1 0
 you don't even need to pick it up and carry it home with you. grab a stick/twig/whatever and push it off the trail. done.
  • 1 0
 Let's not even talk about the 1000lb poo machines that posthole wet trails everywhere and leave present all over.
  • 1 0
 we have dog shit and horse shit on our trails in Colorado
  • 1 0
 And human.
  • 1 0
 Fecal responsibility, people!
  • 2 0
 Awesome writing.
  • 1 1
 If your not riding with a fender your asking for Trouble! Great read and agree I blame rei for it all
  • 1 0
 tell bears about it.
  • 1 0
 This poo is cold
  • 1 0
  • 2 3
 if you cant stand the shit stay out of the kitchen. er, or was it...
  • 4 6
 Horse crap seems worse.
  • 1 4
 If a dog craps in the woods does any care.? I guess so. Jeez
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