Technical Tuesday: How To Remove And Install Your Pedals

Apr 13, 2010
by Mike Levy  
For the third episode of Technical Tuesday we'll tackle a quick job that only requires one tool: removing and installing pedals. With the right tool and technique you should be able to finish this one in only a few minutes. Inside you'll find a great How-To video to guide you through the process, as well as step by step instructions with a few tips that could save the skin on your knuckles.

Read on...Replacing your pedals should be a relatively simple job when you compare it to other mechanical work that you may have to perform on your bike. After all, it only requires one tool and there are only a few steps. So why is it that a lot of riders run into trouble when they have a go at removing their pedals? What seems like it should be a quick a simple job can sometimes turn into a nightmare of bloody knuckles and confusion. Below you'll find out how to avoid going down that road when the time comes to do this job.

Watch the video to learn how to easily remove and install your pedals!

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Step By Step Pedal Removal And Installation Instructions

Tools needed: Pedal wrench (a 15 mm open end wrench or 6/8 mm allen key will work with some pedals as well), and grease

All you'll need is a pedal wrench and some grease

You will find it much easier to work your way through this job if you keep your bike right side up on its wheels as you follow these steps. When talking about loosening or tightening the pedals I'll use the terms clockwise and counter clockwise as if you were facing the side that you're working on.

Before you go ahead and tackle this job, you'll need to familiarize yourself with how to loosen your pedals. Sounds easy enough, right? The curve ball is that the left pedal (non-drive side) is left hand thread, meaning that you turn it clockwise to loosen it from the crank arm. The right pedal (drive side) is standard right hand thread, turn it to the left to loosen. One more time: Turn the non-drive pedal clockwise to loosen it, turn the drive side pedal counter clockwise to loosen it.

Some pedals have four wrench flats which will make it easier to position the pedal wrench in the correct spot. Some also have a 6 mm or 8 mm allen access in the backside of the spindle. These pedals only have two wrench flats

1.Unlike a lot of other repair jobs, I find this one much easier to perform with the bike on the ground. The reason for this is that it sometimes takes a good hard push to break the pedals free and sometimes a stand has enough flex to make this difficult. Also, having the bike on the floor should give you much better leverage as you can use your body weight to help you.

By aligning the crank and pedal wrench in this position you'll be able to use your body weight to help you break the pedal free

2.Let's start with the drive side pedal. Align your drive side crank arm so that it is at the 3 o'clock position or close to it. Some pedals will have four wrench flats (located on the spindle, just outboard of the crank arm) that will make it easier to position the pedal wrench in such a way that will make it easier to loosen. Yours may only have two opposing wrench flats. Ideally the wrench should be close to parallel, if just above, the crank arm. Because you are turning the wrench counter clockwise to loosen the pedal, this will allow you to push down from above and use your body weight to break it free. Be weary of hitting your knuckles on the chain rings or chain guide as the pedal loosens. Once it is free you can spin it all the way off, being sure not to lose the pedal washer if there is one.

Align the drive side pedal in the 3 o'clock position

3.Now we'll remove the non-drive side pedal. Turn your crank arm so that it is at the 9 o'clock position or close to it. Again, this will allow you to apply more leverage once you place the pedal wrench in the same way that you did when you removed the drive side pedal. Turn the wrench down and clockwise, using your body weight to help. When it's loose spin it all the way off, taking note not to lose the pedal washer if one is present.

Turn the non-drive side pedal to the 9 o'clock position

4.Before reinstalling your pedals, take a minute to clean any dirt out of both the crank and pedal threads. Apply a small amount of grease to the pedal threads before you begin the install as it will make it easier to remove them again down the road and minimize the chance of any creaks developing.


5.Always begin threading your pedals back in by hand to reduce the chances of damaging the threads. Turn the drive side pedal clockwise to tighten. Turn the non drive side pedal counter clockwise to tighten. Finish tightening the pedals using your pedal wrench. Always be sure to double check that you've tighten them, as losing a pedaling on the trail could spell disaster!

Did you find this episode of Technical Tuesday helpful? If you have any tips that you'd like to share, add them below!

Technical Tuesday #1 - How to install a new tube
Technical Tuesday #2 - How to set up your SRAM rear derailleur

Author Info:
mikelevy avatar

Member since Oct 18, 2005
2,032 articles

  • 22 4
 i want to hear from the few people who have stripped their crank arm because they did this wrong
  • 14 2
 I have no idea how but I managed to put my pedals on the wrong way round (left pedal on right crank and vice versa) a few years ago. Destroyed the crank threads.
  • 10 5
 same here... luckily it was on an old bike, not the saints on my dh bike.
  • 13 1
 buddy of mine managed to strip the crank arm from a hard landing to flat, it came out on the trails and we ghetto rigged it back in using a water balloon around the threads like plumbers tape.
  • 30 20
 is this really a necessary "how to" honestly, not that difficult to figure out how to use a wrench and apply leverage.
  • 10 8
 the only thing that gets me every time is the direction i need go. i do appreciate these pages but maybe they could get into something a little more advanced like rebuilding wheels, or changing cranks, heck maybe even derailleur tuning.
  • 13 13
 it would be cool to see useful "how to"s...c'mon guys, im not saying that people that dont know how to change their pedals are dumb..but its just something that anyone can do, and if u cant, most bike manuals show how this type of stuff are done..ive got here a giant bike owners manual, and thing even shows how to cerrectly adjust your crankset and even ur rear mech!! wich is something that even advanced riders still cant do properly! us how to maintain a fork, or how to properly bleed a brake..something useful for christ sake!!..i think ill make a video on "how to: set up ur susps properly"..cuz its something that nobody really knows what do to and how and when..and i have lots of experience with this (even tho im no professional, im an engineer)..i guess sometime ill do a video on how to set up ur stuff..cuz im sick of all these "30%sag guys! and this blue knob ist the comp and the comp and the red is the rebound, have fun!!"....cheers...
  • 34 2
 Jesus H last tuesday we heard the same shit as we are hearing today, i don't mean the Technical Tuesday, i think people need to understand this will probably be a PROGRESSIVE THING! eventually it will be how to tune your suspension.

MOST of you should know this as we have mostly been through/or in school, before a class can get furtur you have to bring the slow up to speed. what is the point of them telling us how to do shit, if they can't put a pedal on with out stripping it, that would be like a trick tutorial going teaching you how to 180 before bunny hop, your missing steps in the path to understanding how a bike is engineered by jumping to the complicating stuff, the change a tire thing, LOTS of people don't know how to use those tire levers correctly. but tonnes of people buy them.

I think pinkbike is pretty well rounded site, and appeal to a large demographic of riders from many places of many ages and expiernece levels, in order to keep things appealing to THE MASSES they have to keep them simple and build up. it's common sense really. only about 50 out of 100 users post messages on ANYTHING on this site. so it's not just about what you think or what you know, cause they have will probably build up a TECHNICAL TUESDAY TAB or something that you re-read all the stuff, like a gradual repair database, the world wasn't built in a week according to Darwin.
  • 4 1
 i agree with mazekwon u have to lear how to crawl before u can run
  • 3 8
flag huckoveraduck (Apr 13, 2010 at 10:07) (Below Threshold)
 Geeez you guys, stop flipping out about pedal removal lessons. There are handicapped people on here too, you know.
  • 5 24
flag Caiokv FL (Apr 13, 2010 at 10:15) (Below Threshold)
please, i am not a bike mechanical, or anything, but a person who cant figure out by its own how to do this stuff shouldn't be doing then at all...
Teach us how to change forks oil or how to assemble or disassemble our hubs, not how to bolt stuff...
  • 4 2
 I think these easier ones are super helpful, but lots of people know how to set up a pedal, change a tube, ect. and if somone doesnt know how they can ask someone who does on the forum, wheras setting up/maintaining a fork not so many people know how to do. Lots of people dont know how to do the easy but they can find out pretty easily, wheras how to service a fork would be harder to find out.
  • 9 2
 If you have never removed a pedal before, and if nobody ever told you how to do it, ask yourself HONESTLY... would YOU know that the non-drive-side pedal is reverse-threaded? Or would you keep cranking on a wrench counter-clockwise, wondering why on earth it's not coming loose?

Tell me, Caiokv... is that something so logical that a 5 year old would know?
  • 1 0
 And Schism... there is equally as much info out there about more advanced topics out there on the internet that people can look up, such as servicing a fork, or changing bearings, or setting up suspension. All the info is out there, for every topic imaginable. I think that unless Pinkbike releases a comprehensive series covering EVERY topic, its users will not be happy.
  • 3 2
 Well... thats just not true. Ask most people, they can tell you how to change a tube, but can they tell you how to properly set up your fork? No.
  • 2 0
 No, I'm not saying that it's not harder to set up your fork... I'm just saying that there are plenty of resources out there that will teach you how to set up your fork. Not disagreeing with you. Just saying that they can only release one tutorial at a time, and you need to cover your basics before you venture onto more advanced topics - and if people are in such a hurry to learn advanced topics, there are plenty of resources out there - you just have to venture outside of Pinkbike-land.
  • 3 1
 50% of the users on pinkbike don't post on pictures or forums, they exclusively browse, this is a completely viable option of a technical tues archive. for browsers or a site feature eventually, pinkbike has been around for 10 years people, they have a much bigger view on what they are doing, notice how rarely a mod reply's to these comments, its because they don't really care cause guess what, THIS IS WHAT THEY DO! how would you like some teenagers telling you how to do your job all day, shut up and let them work
  • 4 0
 AHHHH! So that's how you change a pedal! Thanks!
  • 6 0
 Chill out guys, to be completely honest a year and a half ago I didn't really know how to change a tube, and I still know people who do it wrong (not filling the tube with a little bit of air to prevent it from pinching itself when you inflate it). Most people the first time around aren't going to realize that the left hand side has a reverse thread. Sure it may seem obvious to anyone who has been around a while but for someone typing "how to install bike pedals" into Google this is a great resource for them, the site isn't just targeted at people riding $5000 bikes, its for everyone.

If you payed any attention you would see that they are starting with the basics and then getting more technical every week. So just give it time.

Stop acting as though everyone should know this. People honestly do not know everything about a bicycle. I'm not going to go into the article about rebuilding your suspension if/when it comes out and call you all idiots just because i know how to do it and some people don't.
  • 1 0
 I honestly didn't know how to change a pedal before this. Never had to. I like these things but all I'm saying is it's easier to find a guide to doing the easy stuff, like changing a pedal, (not as much stuff to go wrong), and harder to find out how to do harder things (like install a fork). Not complaining, just feedback.
  • 1 0
 I wonder how many get the underlying lesson here................... how about don't ASS-U-ME that all bolts are lefty loosey righty tighty or the same on both sides of the bike, something that may come in useful when your trying to "loosen" that bolt on the bottom of your Manitou fork so you can change yer own oil. Another point. doing simple tutorials gives the makers more exp in how to film/ display more complex task so everyone can understand. Yet another point I'd like to make, lack of experience does not mean people are stupid, it's not like we were born with the knowledge of how pedals thread, most people figure it out by trying to loosen one way then going the other and remember the experience.
  • 1 2
When I first removed my pedals there was nobody to teach me, I saw the L, standing for Left, and the R, guess what? standing for Rigth!
I wondered why, got my tools and started to remove them. As you said it wouldnt go un-clock wise, so what?
I did the logical and tried to turn it to the other side!
Magically it worked!
It gets a lot of blindness to force a pedal agaisnt the cranks to get them stripped...
And like someone else already said, anyone can teach how to change a pedal or a tube.
Also, check the overall feedback!
Pinkbike users are willing for harder or more specific stuff, it is not only me...
  • 1 0
 personally i think they should have covered all aspects of pedals rather than one like how to service em etc and do a new section each week like wheels and cranks
  • 1 0
 yeah but it's not all of pinkbike as i said earlier, for every person who posts on this site, the other half of the traffic is browsers, i mean user accounts too, lots of accounts have 0 activity, just cause your life is pinkbike and you know SO much about biking does not mean that the people who use the internet for a good purpose of building knowledge databases should be all over the place, they have a plan, so quit ranting and raving about the, we want more techincal issues, cause patience is a virtue, this site has been around for a while they know what they are doing let them do thier thing. i agree with i ride a dmr, instead of just a installation they could have had a servicing and checking for wear which is an important part of failure prevention.
  • 3 1
 okay. i am absolutely sick of all these 14 year old kids that think there wonder mechanic and that all this stuff is pointless including caiokv, this site has more users(not always members) than any other site in the world. you need to think about how many people scroll over this page and watch this and learn something about it but dont post comments, just because there are a few of you that can remove your pedals and post it in a vulgar fashion, frowning down upon others that are a little less timid when trying this type of thing doesnt mean that there bad mechanics or that this video is unnecessary, and for your point of bring able to do it first time, congrats on that man, not very many people can do that or think about reverse thread,

and for the kids asking how to "tune your fork" its common sense rebound and compression, , possibly high and low speed if u know enough to look in the manual to take off your pedals, look into your owners manual on how to do these adjustments, they are no more diffucult than turning a knob or two.... yet again common sense, its not any harder, it just seems harder. and if u wana get really technical on how to set up your suspension send to a company that specializes in suspension and they can set your stuff up for rider weight, riding style, suspension design etc.

these tech tuesdays are very useful, mike's one of the best mechanics out there, be respectful hes trying to help out the riding community with these videos
  • 2 1
 need a hug?
  • 5 0
 Whats with all the friggin' essays? All that needs to be said is that if you can't remove pedals - you can now. And if you still can't - then god bless there's no help for you.
  • 1 2
 Lol... somebody needs a guide for servicing their fork...
  • 1 0
 caiokv, remember. your on the internet. there are people of all experiences on any topic anywhere at any given time. with this specific video, alot of people can think that theyre pedals are just too tiht so they pull harder and end up stripping theyre thread...there goes a WHOLE bike because they dont know that they can basically buy just that part. also even i didint know that you're supposed to put grease on after. i mean is it not common sense to NOT put on a lubricant on a surface that you DON'T want comming loose? Just remember...there are people experienced and unexperienced. you happen to be experienced in this kinda thing. dont watch these videos bacause fork srivicing and tuning is specific to every fork essentially. so refer to your manual and refer to the manufacturer videos.
  • 10 2
 I, for one, support Technical Tuesdays, no matter how simple the tutorial. For all you know-it-alls that feel compelled to come on here to say how stupid everyone else is, just remember this: for EVERYTHING you know, someone else knew it LONG before you did... and hopefully they didn't think the same thing of you. Everyone's got to start somewhere... might as well learn how to do it correctly the first time. Here's a tip for those who already know everything: when you see Technical Tuesdays on the news page, just don't click on it. Simple.
  • 8 1
 I think these are fantastic. For anyone who is complaining about the content, then don't read it, don't comment, and don't bother coming back until its 'how to tune your shock' or whatever it is you want. Even better, since you know so much, WHY DON'T YOU MAKE YOUR OWN.
  • 14 6
 This is very hard indeed .... maybe next article will show us how to set up a saddle height
  • 2 0
 good one hahaha
  • 8 4
 just thinking wouldnt they be better doing more usefull maintainance. like, how to change wheel bearings? change a bb or something. although i know most people on here would know that. i do anyway but how to remove and put pedals back on. bit, pointless?
  • 7 2
 If you've been following the How To series, you will note that we plan to start very basic as a LOT of riders have no idea how to do simple tasks. There are tons of How Tos to come, stay tunes and enjoy them.
  • 2 1
 I was in my LBS recently and a guy came in asking for an inner tube to be replaced, i was shocked but then everyones got skills/knowledge of different levels.
  • 8 1
 Replacing an external BB is almost as simple as changing pedals!
  • 2 1
 let everyone say what they want,but there´s still bunch of stupid poeple that dont know how to do any maintainance on their bikes,so this is helpful for a lot kids! althought i would like to see how to change a hub bearing,or some fork maintainance for racing! but i´m sure that guys at PB will hook us up with that latter on! keep the vids coming,they´re very helpful!
  • 5 0
 The order seems to be weird to me, last week it was how to set up your rear der. and now how to change pedals? like c'mon, changing pedals is way easir than seting gears perfectly, but yeah, good thing on pinkbike for starters Salute
  • 1 0
 I think tube changing and gear set up are the most fundamental things you need to do on your bike. Pedal change easy but a lot less important than gears and tubes probably, hence the order.
  • 4 0
 Lots of nice sarcastic remarks here... good for a laugh. But seriously, I have to get my Wife to read this stuff 'cause I'm tired of looking after her bike ! She doesn't even know how to clean it .... ( or maybe doesn't want to know :-(, 'cause she's got an idiot to do it for her ! )
  • 1 0
 hahaha, that was hilarious
  • 6 1
 i am a bike mechanic and you would not believe how many ppl dont know wtf they are doing and will continue to mess things up untill the right pedal falls out of their left crank arm... i like technical tuesdays!
  • 1 0
 I'd be hoping they don't read it or you'll be out of a job!!
  • 9 3
 Have ever heard about technical culture??? Doing any maintenance of that dirty bike is a total lack of it...
  • 9 3
 manual w sam raz dla amerykanow
  • 6 2
 Again if you ever go wrong with putting pedals on a bike you really shouldn't be near one. End of!
  • 2 0
 mate not every one on here can do this, dont be so harsh. remember they came of the yellow bus!! Wink nearly cryed laughing when i read the title, had to look at it twice!! pointless page!
  • 2 0
 Lol wat personally gets me every time and makes me put pedals on the wrong way round is the wee L and R, cause I look at a bike from front wheel to the back and apparently they don't go on that way Blank Stare lol
  • 2 0
 And I was taking the piss before anyone else asks Smile
  • 5 0
 how about showing people how to clean a bike before working on it?
  • 2 2
 Great point !! When my mates turn up to get their bikes fixed I refuse to touch them if they're dirty !! Can't wait to get to the Tech.Tuesday where we learn how to clean a chain !
  • 2 1
 Advancements in Medicine has brought an end to Darwinism. I saw a lady at a rental car store rent a Cube van. She leaves while I am still in line. Ten minutes later she walks back in and asks "How can I get this thing to move forward". As if that was not enough the rental shop manager actually showed her (instead of taking her keys) how to put an AUTOMATIC car in drive.....
  • 1 1
 I think you'd enjoy the movie Idiocracy.
  • 1 0
 there is allways R and L in the pedals so you cant miss it. then just look the threads and figure whitch way they go. or just do it randomly like i, 2 years of servicing in a bike shop it goes pretty naturally. Btw this how to is too complicated and who couldn`t install his pedals?. Its like 30 sec work
  • 1 1
 OK, I don't care about beginner-issues as long as difficulty really increases over time. But there is one thing that I don't get and that even this guy is saying wrong:

In the first third, where he explaines the "intellegent" thread direction he says: "This is, to avoid that the pedaly come loose.." or so. BUT THAT'S WRONNGGG IF YOU THINK ABOUT IT!!
If turn your right crankarm as if you were riding, your pedal practically "turns to the left", and that's the way how you loosen it. Same thing on the other side and even on your BB.

  • 1 1
 I agree with you. And I too, have been curious about why the pedal threads are in the direction they are. It seems backwards to me as well.
  • 1 0
 Thats right. Think about it and try this test. When you put you pedal back on line it up with the first couple of threads in then hold the pedal bolt and pedal backwards, the pedal will tighten onto the crank thread. Its a mechanics trick to put pedals on quickly. But the applied friction from the bearing face is in the other direction. look at the direction your pedal is turning under load.
  • 2 0
 Dear Pinkbike, On you next installment of Tech Tues, please cover how to properly tune the front and rear suspension. Thank you!
  • 2 2
 To all members moaning about the current content of Technical Tuesday: Why the f*ck even post a comment, or even click on the Technical Tuesday link when it clearly states what will be inside the article. Write your own f*cking articles if you're that clever, you c*nts.
  • 1 0
 Man... this really helped today. I remove pedals time to time.. but not very often.. like once ins 4-5 months.. and i forget everytime where to turn the wrench. I was doing it right now.. and its so damn easy.
  • 1 0
 I would just like to note that i had a set of race face forged dh cranks that the threads wore out well before their time due to not putting pedal washers.This seems like a important step to leave out.
  • 1 0
 i know how to change pedals but its a nice simple how too so why now, plus i did not know there is a left and right hand, so everybit of info helps
  • 1 1
 Ok thats great info however I think your next tip should be How to install loctite onto your pins on your pedals. I know people that lost pins on their Straitlines too thats why I put locktite on mine.
  • 1 3
 I think this would have been very useful to someone who doesn't know how to do this sort of removal/installation. About a year ago I replaced my pedals myself and it took me a good 15-20 minutes to work out which side was reverse and which side wasn't. I realized one was probably reverse threaded because I've dealt with reverse threading before but had I read this first I could have finished in 5 minutes instead of 15-20.
  • 2 1
 turn the wrench one way and if it gets tighter, you're doing it wrong.
  • 1 0
 well, at least you got your pedals on instead of stripping the threads. anyway, its a good video guide.
  • 1 1
 What a fucking joke. der adjustment or fork rebuild or bleed brakes or stuff that a average joe would not know how to do.....
  • 1 0
 I was getting frustrated, i couldn't figure out how to remove my pedals. Great article, thanks!
  • 3 1
  • 1 0
 I vote for BB replacement and a nice cover on all the different BB sizes and spindle types.
  • 2 0
 What type of grease do you use? Or can you use any grease?
  • 2 5
 Seriously, I still don't understand why you'd put grease on the threads. Best way ever to strip them...way too easy to overthighten the bolt if its greased, you lose all the friction between hole and bolt...anyway. Nice pichers.
  • 2 1
 only covered about half the pedals out there because lots of models are allen key only!! Should have covered both kinds.
  • 2 1
 i agree, i only really use an allen key. and Twentycent, you grease them so they dont seize and you can take them off again, and if you strip it out because you tightened too much, you shouldnt be working on your own bike.
  • 4 1
 ALL threading should be greased, glued, or sealed. Using a thread specific compound will decrease your chances of stripping out a thread, not increase it - as long as you know what you're doing. If your threading is free of burrs and dirt, spin it on by hand until it is sealed against whatever you're tightening too, tap it up with a wrench, check it after a ride, and it'll be fine. If you don't use lubricant when you're putting something like this together, the steel can actually form a bond between the threads, and create burrs in the metal the next time you remove it, causing you to use a wrench to early the next time you re-install, and possibly put to much pressure on the threads, thus, stripping them.
  • 2 3
 I see what you mean greg. In this case I guess I'd put something like Loctite instead of grease.
@Downhilldro: here's my point: how do you know if your bolt is overtightened if you don't feel any (or almost) resistance while torquing it? On a dry thread, you can snap a bolt head buy torquing it like a mofo. If the thread is greased, then you'll more likely strip the threads instead of snapping the head, since there's little to no friction on your threads.
  • 1 0
 Greg, burrs also increase the chance of your threads becoming misaligned, resulting in cross threaded pedals.
  • 3 0
 It's the points like greaseing threads that alot of people don't know, changeing pedals may seem simple but I've seen too many that don't know this one step and it saves so much knuckle skin next time.....and for the love of god please don't use locktight on pedal threads!!
  • 1 1
 lol why not on "pedal" threads? what's so special about them?
  • 3 0
 Well one reason why not to use Locktite on pedal threads is because pedals are one of the few things on a bike that you remove somewhat frequently. Grease works fine for all pedal/crank interfaces.
  • 1 2
 Well you know, you can get the blue loctite, which is "medium" holding force, so that you can remove your pedals anytime you want. Anyway, seems like grease is widely used without problems, which is kinda what I wanted to know.

(who the hell keeps on neg props me? That's what you get for admitting not understanding something? Way to go PB...)
  • 1 0
 Every time you break the seal on Locktite, it becomes weaker, so it's easier to just use grease.
  • 1 0
 Bi Metallic Corrosion is what happens when two different metals (steel, aluminium) come into contact with acidic liquid(rain) and an oxidant it can fuse the two metals together or corrode one metal to nothing. Grease all threads. Copperslip is good if you dont want grease. Its less sticky.
ps In the old days as a mechanic one of the worst repairs to deal with was ally seatposts fused into steel frames because they had never been greased.
  • 1 0
 Thanks for pointing this out Randy. As for the acidic liquid though, I don't think it needs to be acidic for the oxidation to occur. As long as the electrons can travel between the two metals, you're screwed.
  • 1 0
 Absolutely right. Your effectively creating and electrolytic cell much like a battery. oxidation is a side affect. (pretty certain about acidity though even very minor acidity.)
  • 1 0
 does anyone know what bike he has?
  • 1 0
 its a flatline bud
  • 2 2
 i would like to fast forward to the future a month and see what technical tuesday theyre doing then
  • 1 1
 i think next week should be how to bleed or how to change bushings and seals in forks.
  • 2 1
 I'm sure when they get to forks the first thing they will start with will be how to bleed them......J/K I know you meant brakes.
  • 1 1
 haha. forgot to seperate them.
  • 1 1
 Search Precession.. it's to prevent them from being to tight they were right!
  • 2 4
 Honestly, if people are this dumb maybe you should start with a "This is a Bicycle" for your first Video. LOL! J/ know you were going to take some flack on this one! Smile
  • 1 1
 lol i used a normal wrench and my foot to get them off, don't need no video XD
  • 1 2
 Changing pedals walk in the park for some.... others well they shouldn't be on a bike
  • 1 1
 First tech tuesday that didnt miss a thing!
  • 1 1
 To prevent them from being to tight.. tonelli86
  • 1 1
 Dosen't make much sense I know
  • 1 1
 No, it really doesn't. In my opinion, the pedals are the only things on my bike - next to the bar - I wouldn't wanna loose during a ride.
  • 1 1
 It does make sense as the bearings in the BB and pedals are actually rotating backwards in relation to the outside of the shell/body hence they are actually tightening the BB/pedals with every rotation.
  • 1 1
 Nope, sorry but that's wrong. Read my comment 5 posts above.
  • 1 1
 Sorry, but please read Randybadger's comment above as it says the same thing as me only better worded.
  • 1 2
 its funny to see how many comments came just from an article showing how to remove pedals
  • 4 4
 Next Technical Tuesday:
How to wipe your own ass
  • 5 6
 i've done it to someone else's bike haha
  • 2 2
 Good Video! Thanks!
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