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"No pressure, no diamonds." - Thomas Carlyle

It’s easy to forget that the heroes of our sport are humans, like the rest of us. Sure, they have talents that have turned them into mountain biking superstars, but that is easily overlooked, and we often see them only as personas. Watching the action unfold on screen from the comfort of a couch, or at the event with a cold drink in one hand and a foam finger on the other, we’re often lulled into the belief that what we’re watching is…normal, natural.

During those couple hours of broadcasted hype, it’s easy to forget the pressure and pain, steps and sacrifice each of the athletes endured in order to get to the show. Beneath the logos and behind the goggles, these riders we idolize or criticize is each a very real human being who has to deal with the pressure of competition in a sport that punishes the smallest mistakes with broken bones.

Steps to the Top - Brandon Semenuk Joyride

Steps to the Top - Brandon Semenuk Joyride

Steps to the Top - Brandon Semenuk Joyride
Steps to the Top - Brandon Semenuk Joyride

For all three rounds of the Crankworx Slopestyle Championships, we followed the athletes onstage and backstage, as we documented their struggles and triumphs. It started back in March, when Crankworx made its debut in Rotorua, New Zealand. In one of the most picturesque slopestyle settings imaginable, the Brandon Semenuk - Brett Rheeder rivalry resurfaced, and the two were thrown back into the spotlight.

Steps to the Top - Brandon Semenuk Joyride
Anthony Messere with a Front Flip Tuck No-Hander on the Step Up.
Steps to the Top - Brandon Semenuk Joyride

Steps to the Top - Brandon Semenuk Joyride
Nicholi Rogatkin going Cork 720 to Cash Roll back to back on the 4 pack.

Rheeder dropped in before Semenuk and laid down a beautiful run. Semenuk followed with what promised to challenge, but failed to land the last jump on the course. It was a crash that rang his bell pretty well, compromising his eyesight - and his wits. A DNF in Semenuk’s second run meant that Rheeder won and would be the only rider capable of capturing the inaugural Triple Crown of Slopestyle.

Steps to the Top - Brandon Semenuk Joyride
Steps to the Top - Brandon Semenuk Joyride
Logan Peat stomping a Flip Tuck No-Hander out of the Dish.

Three-and-a-half months later, Crankworx converged on Les 2 Alpes, France. While there were a handful of riders who seemed to be just a half step behind the two Rotorua favourites, the front-page story was still Semenuk and Rheeder. The Rotorua slopestyle winner served up a 93.25 first-round run for Semenuk to return. Brandon answered with a solid run, but it was not flawless - and he was sufficiently penalized for the misses. Rheeder’s run took the first-round honours, putting him in the hot seat.

To dislodge Rheeder from the lead would take something special. Pressure, however, got the better of Semenuk. He bobbled and pulled up short - his second-round run was a throwaway, and his main rival once again took the win.

Steps to the Top - Brandon Semenuk Joyride

Steps to the Top - Brandon Semenuk Joyride

Steps to the Top - Brandon Semenuk Joyride
Steps to the Top - Brandon Semenuk Joyride

Whistler is the final round in the Crankworx World Tour and undeniably the crown jewel in the series. For the two favorites, the pressure was firing once again. For Semenuk, it was a chance at redemption - to right a season that had been going well below his own high expectations. And for Rheeder, it was all about a third win in a row and the Triple Crown of Slopestyle.

Saturday, competition day, brought rain hard enough to force a postponement until Sunday. It was a mixed blessing: Semenuk crashed in final practice and Rheeder was feeling sick, but the delay meant another long night of restlessness and another morning of pre-event nerves.

Steps to the Top - Brandon Semenuk Joyride

Steps to the Top - Brandon Semenuk Joyride

The Sunday morning overcast cleared and the crowds came back and covered the hillside like nothing had changed. And one by one, the top slopestyle athletes in the world dropped in, attacking the Red Bull Joyride course all the way to the bottom - or till they crashed trying.

Unlike Rotorua and Les 2 Alpes, Semenuk was on deck before Rheeder to compete on the Joyride course. His goal was to string together a run that would force Rheeder’s hand - take him out of his comfort zone. At this level, a competitive run requires a fair amount of strategy along with perfect execution. A winning run, on the other hand, means offering up stuff that people haven’t even seen - and that you may have landed only once before.

Steps to the Top - Brandon Semenuk Joyride

Steps to the Top - Brandon Semenuk Joyride

Steps to the Top - Brandon Semenuk Joyride

In Rotorua and Les 2 Alpes, pressure got the better of Brandon Semenuk. But here in Whistler, he fed on it, basked in it, stomping a run that was absolutely incredible top to bottom. And once again, it was his turn to spray the champagne and smile the big champion’s smile.

Pressure has the ability to crush dreams, derail seasons and also to make beautiful things happen. As the philosopher Thomas Carlyle said, “No pressure, no diamonds.” Absolutely right.

Steps to the Top - Brandon Semenuk Joyride

Steps to the Top - Brandon Semenuk Joyride
Steps to the Top - Brandon Semenuk Joyride

Video by: Mind Spark Cinema / @mindspark
Photos by: Adrian Marcoux, Sven Martin & Ale di Lullo
Words by: Joe Parkin

Steps to the Top - Rotorua
Steps to the Top - L2A

sram.com / @SramMedia

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Member since Apr 1, 2011
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  • 248 1
 Last year I had the good fortune to meet Brandon after he burned me down on angry pirate, he was riding by himself in a Semanuk jersey and skinny jeans in the bike park. We talked about his last joyride victory his show etc. He introduced himself too the other riders in my group, said a few kind words and took off. The rest of the trip we would see him riding alone or with one or two buddys. No entourage or BRO BRAH blah blah. We also saw him routinely ride in the singles line up and sneak onto the chair with younger riders and converse with them on the way up the lift. Its one thing to be a pro, its another to act like one. Brandon is a polite guy, a class act, and an amazing rider. The only transgression we noted the whole two weeks we were in whistler was that he rode his bike in the village (no one said shit too him by the way). His behavior and attitude prompted me to write letters to each of his sponsors to let them know what an amazing and truly professional athlete they were fortunate enough to employ. Congratulations to Brandon on his continued success and for being such a great guy. People like him are the ones that make our sport grow. If your an aspiring pro or one already, take a cue from Brandon, be nice to the people that want to meet you, act like the professional rider that you are, and be stoked that you get to ride your bike in amazing places for money or parts or clothes or whatever your sponsors are giving you ( often times not as much as you deserve) I know old guys like me can be a drag but trust me, old guys like me buy stuff, if I buy stuff you can get paid more to ride your bike. I want you to ride your bikes and keep the stoke going for the mortals like myself.
  • 57 0
 Possibly the truest comment ever on Pinkbike, well done to you sir
  • 15 1
 Wait... you can't ride your bike in the village? Shit, I thought everyone else was just really bad at riding their bikes on brick patio.
  • 5 0
 That's awesome, I certainly don't think anyone has the courage to tel him to get off his bike. lol, he has earned the right to ride it anywhere, especially in Whistler!
  • 3 0
 Well said man! I've meet a few pros in different genre's over the years, and the way they carry themselves is always what stands out the most to me. If you're a rad dude, I'll back you for life.
  • 3 0
 I agree elong801, in the MTB world we are lucky to have so many pros riding the same trails as we do and that are willing to say hi, I cant think of too many NHL guys who have came out to a mens club game and kicked it with me and the boys in beer league, not saying they wouldn't be great guys just saying I am more likely going to run into a bike pro in the line up.
  • 4 0
 I've ridden with him in the gondola many years ago along with a french guy he was with, and it's all true, very humble, freindly nice guy. Proves you don't have to be an a$$hole to be a champ.
  • 2 0
 I think if you are the king of joyride you can ride where ever you want.
On a side note, did he have a lift ticket?
  • 2 0
 That's so cool, the fact he rides by himself without a huge entourage just demonstrates his focus and commitment to the sport
  • 4 0
 similar story, but with R-Dog at Coast Gravity. Super humble and friendly guy, even asked if my buddies and I wanted to do a lap with him! These guys really allow the sport to grow, props to them !!
  • 63 3
 Even tho I wanted Rheeder to win the Triple Crown it still feels right that Semenuk won. Also stoked for Logan Peat, seems like such a chilled guy- and he's got the best flip whips in the game!
  • 19 0
 And his slow and relax 720.
  • 48 1
 Sram videos always know how to get the goosebumps going
  • 9 1
 Logan lives with Brandon, he's so funny in life behind bars
  • 5 1
 is it possible to watch this video only once?
  • 46 1
 God he exploded that wheel good!
  • 13 0
 Amazing how he got over that crash. Just imagine having a crash like that during your final practice run and then going into the contest knowing, you have to throw down the run of your life to take the win.
  • 3 0
 I want the slow-mo !
  • 29 1
 Love how at the start Logan comes in all chilled and chatty and Semenuk is complete opposite
  • 25 0
 To an amazing industry friend-SRAM, thanks for making these great videos, SRAM is story telling like no other brand. And to our friend Brandon Semenuk, what a victory that was, we were so proud of him that day, and everyday...the kid teaches us a lot about the things that make you happy in life and that is riding bicycles-for a lot of us. Said it before on the ole pink bike, but, Brandon is what pro athletes should aspire to be like, class act, there for the brands he works with through thick and thin. Whatever we need from him, he is there for us, and the feeling is mutual. Good day to watch a video! Thanks to all involved.
  • 1 0
 Congrats on the cameo, Stik!
  • 1 0
 Career is complete @racketsound ;-)
  • 23 2
 cork 720 to cashroll and frontflip on the step-up ... rogatkin is a f*** beast
  • 4 0
 & the triple tailwhip. unbelievable talent. showing and proving. talk about steps to the top.
  • 1 0
 He's the rider who's run i'm most excited to see at upcoming events. Regardless of who wins or throws down the best run, Rogatkin is doing some mind blowing shit.
  • 21 0
 Brandon upped his cabin drop trick on his victory lap....
  • 1 0
 His victory laps really show how much style he has on a bike.
  • 17 1
 This video really highlights how incredibly clean Brandon's run was!
  • 11 0
 Semenuks first run actually blew my mind and gave me chills
  • 2 0
 right there with ya
  • 11 2
 Was that Tyler Morland at the start? Haven't really heard anything about him since Seasons came out.
  • 7 0
 He's the man behind SRAM these days.
  • 7 0
 Yeah, he and Duncan Riffle are responsible for marketing, product testing etc. You can say they have a good job.
  • 3 0
 Duncan Riffles' insta feed is my source of all envy!
  • 4 0
 He was in the Steps to the top video from Rotorua..
  • 5 0
 Rogatkin seems much smoother and stylin since the first time I saw and some of those tricks are beyond belief. He gets a new helmet he might start winning some of these things.
  • 8 2
 The dude is just an unreal inspiration to the sport. Awesome video SRAM
  • 6 1
 Scram videos are the best. Been waiting for this!!!
  • 3 0
 Absolutely brilliant video. Felt the tension, excitement, and emotion, in every moment of it. Bravo with accompanying golf clap.
  • 2 0
 Epic video! I haven't seen any interviews or footage of Rheeder since he crashed at Joyride... anyone know if his soul is broken or is he going to come back swinging next year?!
  • 4 0
 That 720 inward table was insane by Tomas Lemoine!!!!
  • 2 0
 Now that's an incredible edit SRAM!! Props to Brandon, Logan & Rogatkin! If you have never been to Joyride, it's a must! Long live Cam & Brad!!
  • 3 0
 Storch's bar to the chin crash was awfully close to disaster.. almost lost my breakfast in fear.
  • 4 0
 Can't wait to see what Brandon has @ Rampage...
  • 1 0
 In the other steps to the top videos (when Rheeder beat Semenuk) they don't show Rheeder's wining runs. But when Semenuk wins and Brett crashes then they show his runs. Shame on you Sram.
  • 4 2

  • 1 0
 upvoted whatever you said
  • 2 0
Pinkbike, will u tell us, whats new on a proto ticket S frame on Semenuks bike?
  • 1 0
 I think just different tubes
  • 3 3
 Carbon Seat stay.
  • 1 0
 @cjwanner nope, its a couple of differences from a rheeder ticket s. Lower seat tube and I think many more micro differences.
  • 3 2
 its stock geo ticket s with a carbon seatstay.. there have been a few different right ups on his winning bikes
  • 1 0
 Did anyone look at the wheels on his bike in that second picture? Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't the Rhythm Pro wheels carbon AM wheels?
  • 2 0
 Am I right in thinking the top tube is a lot narrower as well though?
  • 1 0
 Now that I see it compared to last years, does look a bit different. The hole seat tube is different for sure. www.pinkbike.com/news/champions-bike-brandon-semenuks-trek-ticket-s-2014.html
  • 3 0
 Love it... Would be better with sound though. Watching it in math class...
  • 1 0
 I feel your struggle
  • 2 0
 So what I got from this is that they should bring Life Behind Bars back for season 4!!!!
  • 1 0
 the only difference was brett was there spraying champagne and givin high fives
  • 1 0
 Hey! Didn't they come out with one of these videos last year?!? Just kidding, congratulations Brandon on the repeat
  • 1 0
 This video was beautiful and very well made. I watch a lot of mtb videos, but this one gave me chills
  • 1 0
 Sram videos are always top notch. Love seeing behind the scenes stuff like this!
  • 1 0
 Brandon can i have some free tuition please ? We could start with small gaps and drops lol
  • 1 0
  • 1 0
 EDited cause I misread. Stoked on the video.
  • 1 0
 Just like always beautiful video by sram
  • 1 0
 suuuuuuuch a gnarly video
  • 1 0
 Think i enjoyed that video just as much as the actual event.
  • 1 0
 brandon is next level
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