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Slack Randoms: UCI Takes 'No Pleasure' in Hugging Ban, Adult Strider Bikes & Rachel Atherton's Car Crash

Mar 14, 2021
by James Smurthwaite  
We use Slack as our workplace communication tool at Pinkbike and we have a #randoms channel which we use to share an assortment of videos and stories from all corners of the cycling world and beyond... We thought a couple of the moments from the past week were too good not to share with a wider audience, so here are some of the highlights.

UCI Takes 'No Pleasure' in Enforcing Hugging Ban

Good mates Bruni and Minaar hug it out infront of the crowds and cameras.

The UCI has said it takes 'no pleasure' in enforcing a hugging ban at the end of road cycling races. The measure forms part of the cycling governing body's new COVID protocols that were announced at the start of the month in which UCI Medical Director Xavier Bigard said, “When we show some riders congratulating each other and hugging, that’s not a good message for the fans and spectators.”

On Monday, the UCI released a statement addressing the topic of “celebratory hugs” specifically. It said, “Although from a medical point of view the risk of contamination between members of a team bubble remains low, the UCI nevertheless considers it necessary that riders adopt the basic precautionary measures, including respecting a minimum physical distance,”

“Demonstrations of joy and congratulation are spontaneous and natural, and are part of the beauty of our sport. It is therefore no pleasure for the UCI to strongly recommend all concerned to refrain from hugging at the finish. However, due to the current pandemic it is essential to temporarily modify certain habits so that we can get back to normal as quickly as possible.”

Read the full statement, here.

Rachel Atherton's Car Crash

Rachel Atherton announced on social media she was involved in a car crash this week. We were very happy to hear both her and her baby were unharmed thanks to the seatbelts and airbags in their van. Rachel was initially going to keep the news private but wanted to spread the message about car safety. Her full statement is below:

bigquotes20 Weeks pregnant // Halfway!! It’s been a rough week - Olly & I were in a car crash a few days ago, an oncoming car came around a corner spinning across our lane & we hit the cars back end as it span & we went off the road down a bank - It was TERRIFYING & a real shock. I felt fine but still went to hospital & got checked over - & the BABY IS FINE!!

Thankfully we were wearing our seatbelts & apart from a painful bruised sternum I’m totally fine, Olly is fine & bubba seems fine in there, growing nicely!

I wasn’t going to post about this, but then I thought, honestly, we were saved by our seatbelts & I am so grateful the van was strong & with airbags - you never ever think a car crash is going to happen to you, but we had no control over the other persons actions & all you can do is be as safe as you can in your own decisions!

The VW Transporter Campervan was my pride & joy & I’m devastated We had it converted by our good friend Swonsons Conversions after my perfect seasons, the camper held many special memories. The main thing is that we’re all safe & ok, but I’m still sad about the VW!!

Wear your seatbelt! Stay safe! And thank you to the NHS staff at Bronglais Hospital Aberystwyth for making sure bump was fine
Rachel Atherton

An Adult Strider Bike

Photo: Portus Cycles

2017 marked the 200th anniversary of Karl Drais' Laufmaschine (also known as the Velocipede or Dandy Horse), an invention that is often thought to be the precursor to the bicycle. To celebrate the anniversary, Portus Cycles created the Karl200, a wild, homemade full-suspension adult strider bike. It looks absolutely bonkers but amazing fun at the same time. Check out a full gallery on the brand's website, here.


What Happens When Amazon Takes Inspiration From Your Product?

bigquotesAmazon is one of Peak Design's biggest partners. We've been selling Peak Design products on Amazon for years, and we work closely with Amazon to remove counterfeit and copycat products from their marketplace. Hence, we were astonished when we found out Amazon had copied one of our bestselling bags. They call it the "Everyday Sling," which, funny enough, is exactly what we call our product.

Amazon is a revolutionary service that we use and benefit from heavily. Also, Peak Design is not the first brand to see their products copied by an Amazon in-house brand. If we were really serious people, we might get on our soapbox and pontificate about the pitfalls of capitalism. But we're not really serious people. So we got some googley-eye glasses (thanks Amazon Prime!) and made this video instead.

It's our goal to make the best things. If we tried to make the cheapest things, we wouldn't be us. Amazon reminded us of that. We appreciate the pep talk, Amazon.

Know what we really appreciate? Our customers. Thank you for supporting intense, obsessive design that focuses on novel solutions to real problems. Thank you for supporting design practices that account for a product's lifecycle, and its external impact on people and the planet.
Peak Designs

Find out more about Peak Designs, here.

Dusty Wygle's New Trick

Could we call this a world's first?

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jamessmurthwaite avatar

Member since Nov 14, 2018
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  • 433 14
 Amazon is the biggest lie in America. Bezos pays no taxes. He gets funding from USPS. He does not support the businesses desperate enough to use his platform by considering them partners. He considers them victims & just leeches their profits, ideas, intellectual property & eventually sucks them dry of profit by drowning out their business with his own ads for the products they designed and popularized on his platform.
He donates less than a 1/10 of what his ex wife does to charity. He is ruthless and we are stupid enough to feed his behemoth.

It is literally our own faults for giving all of our bargaining power over to a single website.. That ad is trying to make light of a situation they have no control over. Instead of growing to become a business with an idea and company they could retire from, they'll be swallowed up and gone in less than a decade.
  • 85 2
 Humans often make decisions against their own best interests. Critical thinking is uncommon.
  • 131 4
 I can say I have NEVER bought anything through Amazon.
  • 41 2
 Absolutely. Amazon represents the very worst in predatory business practice - and in human nature.
  • 26 1
 @ATV25: I have, but I may want to reconsider next time.
  • 59 0
 @ATV25: You cannot imagine how many sites you use are hosted on Amazon Web Services cloud. If you watch Netflix for example, you are paying Bezos ...
  • 34 1
 Consolidation in general is the sole reason for the disappearance of the middle class. Supporting independent businesses creates jobs in your community, and then the income from those jobs is again spent within the community. Spending a little more to shop independent actually makes you richer on a personal level, it's just not immediately obvious.
  • 26 2
 Don’t buy from Amazon if I don’t have to. Can generally find the product for a better price and certainly cheaper delivery elsewhere
  • 28 49
flag DHhack (Mar 14, 2021 at 12:29) (Below Threshold)
 Business is like racing, someone wins and everyone else loses. Some of the losers quit, some keep trying the same thing, some of them are just happy to be there and some of them come up with something new.
  • 16 2
 Half the internet is hosted on AWS too. Frown

“Give me convenience of give me death”
  • 20 0
 “Give me convenience OR give me death”
  • 9 2
 @lkubica: don't watch netflix, don't use the cloud. I am an old geezer that would rather spend my money local if I can. I do use ebay though, more for hard to find or off the wall type stuff.
  • 8 2
 @deadlyhifi: Yes AWS frighteningly accounts for the majority of Amazon's profits. The ecommerce side is nothing but a small side hustle in the grand scheme of things.
  • 7 3
 this cancer is all over the world.
  • 32 2
 I heard Bezos was going to buy Yeti with change from his sofa cushions in order to corner the market on dentist jokes
  • 28 1
 If Standard Oil can get trust-busted, Amazon is a no brainer.
  • 8 5
 Amazon sucks for the counterfeit products and their amazon basic steeling ideas, but it's also great for getting good quality items that I cannot find anywhere else. Amazon basic copying other's ideas sucks. So I will avoid buying knock-offs and amazon basic. I used to work in retail and there aren't many quality retails stores available. Most products in major stores is all garbage. If I want to buy a set of allen keys or screw driver, or socket, I can't really find it at Home Depot, Lowes, Automotive stores. Everything they carry is all shit. Cost pennies to make and sold for cheap. I ended up buying a lot of Wera tools that I found on pinkbike mechanic toolbox reviews. I found Wera tools on amazon, it was convenient and easy to buy. I don't think I could find Wera tools at any of my local shops. Also, the cycling websites don't have these tools.
  • 8 1
 As Amazon is now contracted to run many Government services here in the UK, I do not see any future attempt to bring them to heel, certainly not our current leaders.
  • 4 3
 In theory though (and I think this makes sense) AWS is mostly just stealing revenue from the Television business which was never going to survive anyway. I would guess Amazon in this sector provides a large number of good paying IT jobs, so I can't see this having a negative impact on the economic state of individuals in general.

While goods and services makes up a small part of their revenue it is the portion of the business that does the largest amount of harm in terms of making it hard for regular businesses to compete across a myriad of industries. It's buying these items from them that really hurts the middle class.
  • 7 1
 He took the Walmart model of doing business and evolved it to the digital age. The really sad part is that Amazon actually loses money or doesn't turn a good profit from their retail sales. All their real money is made by essentially owning the internet.
  • 13 80
flag TwoHumanPower (Mar 14, 2021 at 15:53) (Below Threshold)
 PB comments needs hardcore moderation. Dumb political shit does not belong on this website, there are plenty of other places where people can woke-shitpost.
  • 7 0
 @abzillah: Next time you’re in the market for good quality international tools, check out kctoolco, chadstoolbox, or ktool. All online quality tool shops.

Even if it ends up costing you a few more bucks, these are lifetime tools. The cost difference over their lifetime is negligible.

Also check out ToolboxWars on Instagram if you haven’t already.
  • 7 33
flag cuban-b (Mar 14, 2021 at 16:47) (Below Threshold)
  • 4 1
 @ATV25: Amazonly, me either- Congratulations !
  • 3 1
 You seem like a Etsy kind of guy
  • 6 2
 @matadorCE: it’s true. Their retail business is a loss leader. AWS backend is where the gold mine is. Their retail business is meant to build their eventual logistics infrastructure (planes trains and automobiles), which, combined with AWS, we should all be more afraid of.
  • 1 12
flag likeittacky (Mar 14, 2021 at 17:49) (Below Threshold)
 @cuban-b: Woman?
  • 12 2
 Another thing they'll do is steal designs and products. If a company sells a product on Amazon and it does very well a lot of times amazon will start making a nearly identical product and sell it for less to undercut the original seller.
  • 2 1
 Dude... So well said.
  • 3 1
 @DaveGFC: I never let my mom buy me anything from Amazon but she does buy watch batteries once in a while...
  • 5 1
I get in the car and go to the local shops and stores first. Every time !
My wife gets on me sometimes, but I just tell her , "our neighbors are our friends, and they need to eat. And they all work locally."
I do really like the etsy shops and stuff like that though.
  • 4 2
 Amazon using tactics directly out of the counterfeit playbook. Pretty soon they will be making fake Rolexes, LV purses, North Face jackets, and name brand shoes.
  • 11 5
 I'm in the process of migrating our huge infrastructure off AWS and onto Google Cloud (Google Kubernetes engine) and GCS is no better. All these large tech companies are just evil
  • 2 1
 @hamncheez: Theres no escape.

"Welcome to the Machine" Pink Floyd

  • 4 1
 Yeah there is no way around Amazon. Most of my off season activities are hosted on AWS or uses Amazon's Lumberyard engine. I don't buy stuff from them or watch anything though. Dunno but bicycle stuff is always cheaper on dedicated stores here in GER
  • 11 1
 I have been fortunate enough to recently depart amazon after landing there when I was laid off. The company did keep me afloat financially and kept me going. While I am thankful to a handful of people there who took me under their wings and pushed me along, I can confirm that much of what is written about the company is regrettably true. It was a sad/deplorable experience. The aforementioned "consolidation of power" by @friendlyfoe is terrifyingly true; if any of you have never stepped inside an amazon warehouse... well, just don't.
  • 10 14
flag conoat (Mar 15, 2021 at 1:07) (Below Threshold)
 You indeed typed all the right words in all the right order to maximize your updoots here, but the unfortunate aspect of your screed is that it suffers the inglorious fate of being bullshit.

let's just take your last corn-laden nugget for a second: you bemoan the fact these guys won't build and run this small business until they retire at 67yrs old. Did you stop to ponder for a second that, this was never their goal? Perhaps, like so many startups these days, their express intent was to grow it into something to be acquired by the likes of Amazon!? That is a perfectly reasonable exit strategy. See, a lot of innovators are what you call a serial entrepreneur. Their goal isn't to build one company and run it for 40yrs. They like to build from nothing, grow into a viable business, sell, and move to their next idea.

As for the rest of your diatribe, it's just made up. Please show your sources for:

Bezos pays no taxes
Bezos gets funding from the USPS(this is a f*cking knee slapper BTW)
  • 20 0
 Amazon kicked my work off their retail platform Q3 last year after several successful years....less than five months later, Amazon (sold by and shipped by Amazon) is now selling poor copy imitations of our products and even labeling them with our real product names to confuse shoppers! We only found out Amazon was doing it because consumers were calling us and leaving us bad reviews after they bought the knockoff Amazon items! We just got lawyers involved a few weeks ago; so far our cease and desist has gone unheard. I can't imagine things ending well in little guy vs Amazon's legal team. You always hear stories and never think it will happen to you. Seriously, #!@& Amazon. They are predators.
  • 7 1
 Well said. Bezos does not love us. Vote with your wallets.
  • 2 4
 I've long wished that PB make a simple update to the usernames or comment section in general. Much like the national flags tell me which comments can be read with interest and at which I should just chuckle and eye-roll, an age indicator could help me know which ones to just skip.
  • 2 7
flag JakeEPooh (Mar 15, 2021 at 7:53) (Below Threshold)
 @conoat: Amazon's retail operations make it possible for billions of people to afford to buy a bit more than they otherwise could. In essence, that meanie-jerk-face Bezos makes all of us a little bit richer. That bastard.
  • 5 1
 @abzillah: Agree. Just tried to buy a pair Giro Shoes from Giro directly. Website said they were in stock and a few days later I received an email it would be June or July for delivery. I cancelled order and found them on Amazon for same price and received them less than 48 hours later. Amazon like all companies have many flaws but also has some great things to offer.
  • 2 2
 @JakeEPooh: Like anything, its a mixed bag. Also, like most other tech companies, they started out doing some really innovative, great things that helped democratize what were previously difficult to enter markets, but lately they seem to just be evil. If you use amazon for warehousing and fulfillment, they take over 40% of your revenue. They use the USPS as a taxpayer subsidized delivery service, making it very hard to compete with them.
  • 12 0

Only because they mention not soap boxing about the pitfalls of capitalism. Capitalism is what allowed them the build their own brand, market it, and then protect their product and intellectual property. Capitalism is what would eventually allow them to sell or allow investing in their brand so they could retire in the future. Corporatism is what they got into bed with when the made a deal with Bezos. Corporatism is what allows massive brands to take foot hold into government and sway policy (Google, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon...) they change the rules to benefit themselves, ie. not a free/fair open market.

The bike industry is full of entrepreneurial people. Capitalism benefits these people and allows them to bring consumers high quality and innovative products. Corporatism is what allows people to steal all of the product, produce it at a cheaper/lower quality, and then use their unlimited funding and power to smash anyone who tries to fight back.
  • 4 5
 @hamncheez: this USPS argument is so bunk...Amazon and the USPS negotiated the agreement between them. Why do you blame Amazon and not the USPS? second, the deal keeps 10's of thousands of USPS workers employed. without that deal. the USPS would be hemorraging so many more billions than it does...
  • 4 5
 @conoat: If you want my personal opinion, the USPS should be abolished or privatized. Its taxpayer funded corporate welfare. Most deliveries done by the USPS is junkmail.
  • 1 1
 @BartDM: and will kill ALL of us
  • 1 0
 @audric: Run! Hide! it's coming to get you! lol
  • 5 1
 @mountainyj: well said! I see so many people these days complaining about how capitalism is evil or doesn't work when the problem is corporatism and crony capitalism. It's insane how much sway these companies have over our politicians. They get rich while letting these monopolies do whatever they want and f*cking us over. We need some change.
  • 3 5
 @hamncheez: That is the real problem. That USPS has been propped up by taxes all this time rather than be forced to run as a functional, profitable private business. It's just government waste. It could be cleaned up, but only as a business, not a government service wing with a catch net.
  • 3 3
 @cuban-b-can-blow-me: Couldn't agree more.

The issue isn't with the USPS workers, or even necessarily the upper management. Politicians use the USPS as a political tool, not as a method for mail delivery. Despite the best efforts of the people who work there, as long as its a government agency it can't operate at a profit.
  • 5 5
 @hamncheez: I'm still trying to figure out how the whole "free healthcare" system in all these other countries is so devoid of government waste & incompetencies and corporate handouts.

I would be all for it if their government consciensely and wisely ran our system for us.
But I really don't want the monkeys that run the US government to hash out anything to do with my healthcare based on USPS, Social Services, Welfare, Medicaid, DOT, DMV, etc. prior performance.

But if we were living in one of these other Utopian healthcare systems I hear so much about, I might. Big Grin
  • 4 3
 @cuban-b-can-blow-me: I'll listen to calls for government run healthcare in the USA once the already running government healthcare systems of Medicare and the VA healthcare systems are run well (I'm not holding my breath). Also,

  • 1 1
 Organized Labor is trying, but who do you think will win? I have curtailed my A purchasing as much as possible including Whole Foods, etc.

All we can do is stop feeding them.
  • 2 1
 @cuban-b-can-blow-me: dude im totally with you bro. corporations are evil!

one day these capitalist pigs will finally pay for their crimes, aye comrades!?
  • 4 0
 @cuban-b: So, @cuban-b and @cuban-b-can-blow-me are two different people? You guys are PB username doppelgangers. Lol.
  • 2 1
 @tacklingdummy: its my burner account- dont tell anyone!
  • 2 1
 @cuban-b-can-blow-me: dude im totally with you bro. Govt service are evil!

one day these socialist commie pigs will finally pay for their crimes!
  • 4 0
 @cuban-b: will the real cuban-b please stand up!
  • 2 0
 @cuban-b: you're correct on that first count.
  • 1 1
 @garrisond5: the point is, people have no idea for what they are arguing, and offer no solution - i.e. utter bullshit and mental diarrhea lol.
  • 2 1
 @tacklingdummy: literally the other guy followed me around column to column commenting on anything I post. Read his post history. Do I changed my username to his behavior
  • 1 1
 @cuban-b-can-blow-me: why must you infringe on others’ free speech, my fellow countryman?!
  • 1 0
 @cuban-b-can-blow-me: I’m interested in what your answers are to @conoat questions lol
  • 3 0
 @privateer-wheels: The spiderman pointing at spiderman meme is happening in real life on PB. Lol.

  • 2 2
 @cuban-b-can-blow-me: maybe you should have stayed in school
  • 3 1
 @cuban-b: nah dude. You're the dummy in this scenario. You continuously spout absolute dribble. On the other hand @cuban-b-can-blow-me is a sound thinking individual. So in summary fellow pb'ers. Cuban-b is a fiscally retarded individual and @cuban-b-can-blow-me is a sound and rational human grounded in reality.
  • 3 0
 @friendlyfoe: the bigger issue with AWS is defence contracts and the like. FBI, CIA etc. All have hosting contracts with AWS.
  • 3 1
 @cuban-b-can-blow-me: @cuban-b is the village idiot of Pinkbike.
  • 1 0
 @garrisond5: lol okay
  • 3 2
 @garrisond5: geez dude. You've got him so spun up, he's sending me freaking inbox messages now. It's getting weirder.
  • 5 0
 @garrisond5: while it's reasonable to presume that Cuban-b can blow Cuban-b-can-blow-me, there arise further questions: may he? Will he?

@cuban-b-can-blow-me: don't worry about it until he appears in your outbox
  • 3 0
 @ceecee: Did anyone notice @DoubleCrownAddict-can-blow-me: lurking in DCA's 'YT is a N@zi conspiracy' blog?
  • 2 0
 @suspended-flesh: I don't speak for anyone, but even after a second peek, I didn't notice. Would you be more supportive if it were Tylöskog.com rather than Amazon? While reacquainting myself with Varg Vikernes in an effort to answer the question, I was transported to my early 80s--'we come from the land of ice and snow...' Had to look up song title, though. Surprise!--'Immigrant Song'
  • 3 0
 @ceecee: Hmmmm not familiar with Tylöskog.com but I do miss Varg's hilarious YouTube vlogs "Let's find out......." but not enough to follow his Thulean Perspective on Bitchute. I'm anti-racist, you see, but I do not support him being silenced. I dislike Amazon, for many reasons, but as a Labor Union member, I dislike the pre-union-busting they are currently engaged in. F Bezos - doesn't he have enough money yet?
  • 2 0
 @cuban-b-can-blow-me: they took err jerbs!
  • 8 2
 I remember 10 years ago when United and American Air were damaging luggage and literally beating their passengers. People would come to talk about it and be appalled. "Can you believe how they are treating their customers?!?!" I would then ask, "You have Platinum status on American right? Are you going to stop flying them?" The answer was always "no".

So let me ask all of you now. If I saw a copy of your credit card statement or Paypal, how many would have "Amazon" listed? Are you willing to be inconvenienced? Again, most of your statements would say, "no".

That said, let me encourage you a bit. If you needed it right now, you could probably get it somewhere locally. If not, you are stuck with Walmart or Amazon. For most things, you don't need it tomorrow.

For the next month, try this:

- For 1 of every 3 purchases, buy it straight from the manufacturer or search around for smaller retailer online to a get a good deal.

Tell Amazon how you feel. If everyone purchased 1/3rd less for 1 month, you would put a dent in Amazon's numbers. Money talks, BS walks. You are empowered and capable to do something inconvenient (but not really that hard). go with confidence. #powerfultogether
  • 1 0
 @ceecee: heheheheheh
  • 1 1
 @btablak: my last order was December 2014. Neal Stephenson's Cryptonomicon. Fun book. What you're saying is a nice sentiment, but as noted above, their retail operations are not profitable. Do you use a GoPro, Verizon, or anything from the U.S. Dept. of Veterans Affairs? Read the Washington Post?--you're an Amazon customer.

But hey, they're anti-Trump, or were in September 2020: aws.amazon.com/blogs/publicsector/jedi-why-we-will-continue-protest-politically-corrupted-contract-award That $10B went to Microsoft, a known monopolist, or would have if lawyers weren't getting a taste...it's enough to make one take up regenerative farming
  • 2 3
 @FlysDown my invite for this brokeback Appalachia circle jerk with yer butch boy (RIP @blowmyfuse) must have gotten lost in the mail - USPS strikes again lol!!
  • 4 1
 @cuban-b: Just go away. You keep inboxing me and following me around every corner of PB. You're psycho. Get help for whatever is ailing your mind.
  • 1 5
flag garrisond5 (Mar 17, 2021 at 23:52) (Below Threshold)
 @cuban-b: dude...I would love to meet you in person. I would f*ck you up. Go away you f*cking imbecile. Find another hobby. Mountain biking is too good for you.
  • 5 0
 @garrisond5: wow. threats of physical violence. is this 4chan or Pinkbike???
  • 2 0
 @garrisond5: LOL. U sound angry
  • 2 0
 @cuban-b-can-blow-me: still waiting on that source for Bezos pays no taxes lol
  • 1 1
 @conoat: verbal harassment online can very well lead to a physical altercation in person if the people meet in person. Or should internet vein be immune from such resolutions?
  • 3 0
 @cuban-b-can-blow-me: This is exactly why people shouldn't have access to people digital footprint, gps, and the information with ability to stalk them.
  • 1 3
 @tacklingdummy: So you thing our verbal antagonisms should be immune from repercussions in the physical world?
  • 4 0
 @cuban-b-can-blow-me: if you get violent from words, you are subhuman. period.

do with that information what you will
  • 4 0
 @conoat: he once mistook the word “genetic” for “genital” when we were talking about how DNA amplification works during PCR, leading to the question “so PCR is like viagra?”.... so you should lower your expectations hahaha
  • 3 0
 @cuban-b-can-blow-me: Before in more peaceful times, the cardinal rule was not to talk about politics, religion, money and sex. Nowadays, that is all that is shown in the media and what everyone talks about. Random people on the street should not have information about who the person is and their beliefs from their doxed information or other means. That would instantly make someone who has opposing views have some sort reason to want to have a conflict with them.
  • 4 0
 @cuban-b-can-blow-me: threats of physical violence, or trying to justify physical violence over exchanges in the pinkbike comments section is a sure sign that you are a neanderthal. Small minded. I guess when you aren't armed with wits, you must resort to fists?
  • 2 5
 @git: pretty sure people online running around trying to overpower people with deragatory speech, degrading treatment or intentionally inciting spite via arrogance, profound harrassment and/or verbal abuses that they WOULD NEVER SAY TO A GROWN MAN'S FACE is the ultimate cowardice.

To even think that you can be utterly immune to someone correcting you means you grew up with not a single punishment in your world for anything you did wrong. When you get to your little evil utopian world where somehow typing online entitles you to be a worse human than you would be in person, I hope you stay in that tiny little space.

If you cannot confidently make your statement to another person's face and run the risk of a punch in the face when you become disrespectful, insulting or are instigating that person....then you should NOT type it.

Anything I say online, I will say to that persons face and I may very well get punched if I cross the line with them. That's respect for human beings.

You act like everything you type should come with the same burden of anonymity of political dissidence
  • 5 0
 @cuban-b-can-blow-me: there you go again, on about punching people in their face. Makes you feel like a big alpha male I bet. All this swinging your dick around however, isn't really all that impressive to anyone who's got a couple brain cells to rub together, so knock it off. You are only making a fool of yourself.

I'm not stupid enough to risk my livelyihood by assaulting a stranger for muttering stupid things. The fact you feel like you need to punch someone because they had a cross word with you is a bit pathetic. You need therapy man.
  • 4 0
 @privateer-wheels: I could not have said it better myself.
  • 2 0
 @cuban-b-can-blow-me: You know what, perhaps my last message was a little crass, in the face of what is clearly an escalating situation for you. But the whole violence thing, that needs to be squashed. There is no reason to let things go there and it definitely shouldn't even be something that people infer. If you don't like what someone has to say, you have the option to ignore or block them. You can have discourse here sure, you can correct people and be corrected yourself. And we can all chose to ignore being corrected, but that doesn't give you some sort of right to physically assault someone. I hope you can agree with that.

I would encourage you to step back, take a deep breathe, and reevaluate. You seem to be wound pretty tightly here.
  • 1 0
 @cuban-b-can-blow-me: lol says the guy who berated handicapped people because you don’t like electric wheelchairs on trails.

Oh yeah, still waiting in that source for Bezos pays no taxes LOL. Or are you just a compulsive liar? #fakenews
  • 3 0
 @cuban-b @cuban-b-can-blow-me: Just stop. You both are embarrassing yourselves. More importantly you are both making it so that every time I have 10 or so comments to catch up on, and they are just you two, arguing over a stolen username and some butthurt feelings on a mountain biking website comment section. Does this make you feel better about yourselves? Do you feel accomplished, having ripped the other guy? Honestly, try to prove to the rest of pinkbike that you both aren’t 11 years old, and walk away. Be the bigger person (not saying bigger man, that clearly is not the stage of life you boys are in).
  • 3 1
 @privateer-wheels: "I would encourage you to step back, take a deep breathe, and reevaluate. You seem to be wound pretty tightly here."

Yeah, this conversation would go so differently in person. Plain and simple. And I am NOT implying any violence on my part. I am specifically stating that people will say and act online in an antagonistic and nasty fashion online that is bad simply because they aren't saying it to a person's face.

I have no desire to hurt someone right now. I know what all these internet flexers online are...keyboard warriors. But if people want to have a discussion online, they need to treat people as though they are in person.

They don't. They respond with impunity instead of respecfully.
  • 2 0
 Amen brother! Bezos and his company are...giant turds.
  • 41 2
 Is anyone feeling ridiculously over protective of Rachel Atherton's baby lol? I clicked just to make sure the little super star was fine...and get the license plate of the drifter that hit them so I can angrily kick their fender for putting the future of downhill in jeopardy.
  • 8 0
 Human nature I think. Can't even imagine how terrifying it must have been not knowing if anything had happened to their child.
  • 7 0
 Truly a Canadian response to potential vehicular manslaughter: "Kick the fender"
Love it!
  • 4 0
 Haha I definitely feel what you meant. When I first read that I felt a bit of panic I normally wouldn't have. That crash looked somewhat gnarly too. Really happy they're both okay.
  • 39 4
 *Middle school dance rules has entered the chat*
  • 18 2
 Sir, this is your last warning. Next hug and we will have no choice but to give you a formal spanking. It will bring us no pleasure, be assured. The whole school will attend the viewing in the auditorium next Thursday after lunch just before sixth period if you are unfortunate enough to be caught again. You are very lucky you weren't caught kissing this fine young lady, let alone giving her a high five. Someday you will see the insurmountable negative consequences of your despicable actions.
  • 2 0
 I remember "leave a basketball's worth of space" being the guidance of my middle school. Someone actually came in with a basketball taped to their belt to make a point and got suspended for it. LOL.
  • 28 1
 This selection of news is definitely random. And kids put on your seatbelts.
  • 17 0
 While we're on the subject of car safety, there are devices to keep the lap belt away from a pregnant woman's abdomen. No idea how well they work or whether there are other concerns; just wanted to mention this so people can do their own research.
  • 5 0
 @R-M-R: we used one for both of my wife pregnancies - made long drives a bit more comfortable and we never had any negative effects from it
  • 1 0
 @Craigatdescentworld: Nice. If the comfort is better and it (hopefully) improves safety, that sounds like a win.
  • 17 2
 @Craigatdescentworld: so 2 children... Or 2 wives...?
  • 9 0
 I'm glad Rachel posted this. The number one cause of death of an unborn baby in a car crash is the death of the mother. Every now and then I hear people saying that pregnant women shouldn't wear seatbelts in case it hurts the baby - wrong.
  • 3 2
 But my constitutional rights!!! Keep your safety straps off my body.
  • 1 2
 @flattoflat: what in the sweet baby jesus is this comment even trying to convey?

you know that really annoying motherf*cker @Mtb_scotland that always interjects his undying love for lockdowns and want to shame anyone that disagrees with them, by labeling them granny killers? yeah, that's you here, just with a different subject matter. you are no different than an incoherent Schizophrenic hobo in the intersection screeching about alien 5G cancer rays.

please STFU
  • 29 2
  • 74 0
 I read that first as banana zon
  • 3 28
flag pistol2ne (Mar 14, 2021 at 17:19) (Below Threshold)
 Ban business!
  • 8 0
 @bh406: monke
  • 15 0
 Glad Rachel and the baby are OK
  • 11 2
 Is the UCI going to have to hire someone to monitor hugging? If so, I hope they get the title “Party Pooper” and wear frowning face masks.
  • 9 0
 Dang hopefully the queen of mtb feels better
  • 5 0
 With knowing a bit of the backstory to the Amazon/Peak design issue, I'd rephrase the 'take inspiration' line to 'blatantly rips you off by taking your product to a factory and saying 'make that but cheaper'.
  • 4 0
 I bet that velocipede is a gas to ride. Rear suspension AND a "suspended seat". Plus, that seat itself ! It woulda cleaned up on the other velos 200 years ago!
  • 12 7
 What's the metric(science) for allowing hugs again?
  • 10 0
 Probably when we have super vaccination numbers or really low case numbers
  • 5 2
 @Jules15: na dude common sense is not how it works
  • 3 0
 Personal I think the only issue of any interest here is that Rachel and her family are safe. This simply puts everything else into perspective.
  • 3 1
 A full sus Dandy Horse...respect to Portus Cycles. Respect too to Karl Drais. You were definitely on to something. Of course with no motor, this will be of no interest to today's Dandys.
  • 7 3
 Just when you think you couldn't possibly dislike the UCI any more......
  • 4 0
 Poster in Peak Design video at 1:02

ctrl c + ctrl v = $$$
  • 6 4
 I'm opening up a hugging challenge. Hug the most people and I'll buy you any fork you want. Excluding the ext and the retarded if not well intentioned trust fork.
  • 2 0
 get ready to pay for shipping to the UK, boutta be hugging everyone out here. This Boxxer Worldcup with Revelation stickers won't replace itself!
  • 3 0
 Glad to hear Rachel is safe. Too many clowns on the road acting like they're at a track event.
  • 2 0
 This. Local endurance legend here was taken out last year while on a training ride by some homicidal moron drifting a blind corner.
  • 4 1
 UCI "hugging ban"... REALLY! They can suck fat one along with Amazon/Jeff Bezos!! FFS
  • 2 0
 This isn't the place to disclose your fantasies.
  • 1 0
 Side note. Glad to hear that they're fine and I really hope Rachel actually names her kid 'Bubba'. Cuz awesome. Can't wait for future posts of 'Bubba Sends it'
  • 6 2
 Hug on!
  • 3 0
 But I want to hug that strider bike
  • 4 2
 Just here to say, once again, fuck the UCI.
  • 3 0
 Just don't hug them.
  • 2 0
 How many different types of tetanus is that bike made from?
  • 1 0
 The offspring will be fast.
  • 7 1
 little bubba's already got a world's first gnarly descent in the bag! What a boss. also may the other driver suffer a lifetime of running their shins into things for putting them in danger.
  • 2 0
 Get well Rach! Smile \m/
  • 2 1
 Can nobody hug me ever, please?
  • 1 0
 No problem sport...

... Now bring it in buddy. :
  • 1 0
 No hugs for the riders who go down super tucking.
  • 1 0
 You watched Pinkbike Academy on Amazon Prime
  • 1 0
 Drugs - Not Hugs!
  • 36 39
 hug as u choose, too much negative in this world now......
  • 53 8
 Isn't a negative covid test a good thing?
  • 6 9
 Right on!
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