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Santa Cruz Bicycles Pledges to Give $1 Million to the Trails Over the Next 3 Years

Nov 19, 2019
by Sarah Moore  

Santa Cruz is launching something new today. No, it's not a bike. It's a fund to support trail development, advocacy or anything that improves rider's access to off-road biking experiences. The California-based company is calling it the PayDirt fund. Starting today, organizations and individuals can apply for a grant at santacruzbicycles.com/paydirt. With this fund, Santa Cruz Bicycles is pledging to give $1 million of cold hard cash to people, organizations and projects over the next three years.

In 2018, the company donated $175,000 cash, while fundraising efforts helped raise $225,000 for trail development and advocacy, and employees volunteered 1,411 hours for advocacy efforts. From now on that cash contribution will be almost doubled.

"We've been doing this kind of stuff for a while and PayDirt is an additional commitment. We've got long-standing partnerships and relationships with some organizations (like the Sierra Buttes Trail Stewardship, MBoSC, etc) that will continue on," said Santa Cruz Bicycles Brand Manager Seb Kemp. "PayDirt is about casting our net wider and helping more. More people and more organizations all across the world."


I asked Kemp what prompted Santa Cruz Bicycles to make the pledge to donate $1 million to trail development and advocacy over the next three years.

bigquotesIt's the role of business to not just supply products and services that are in demand but to redistribute the rewards it gets from doing so in ways that improve the communities and societies it serves. Santa Cruz is just a bunch of mountain bikers and passionate cyclists. Many of our staff are connected to the people and organizations who are doing the quiet work of making the access to mountain biking better and easier for us all, and as a brand we've been supporting many of these projects for years. PayDirt came from recognizing that it's time to motivate ourselves to be even more supportive and cast the net to a wider audience of people and organizations.

For an activity with such wide participation, it's still peculiar that the resources that allow us to do it (trails and the access to ride them) is pretty underfunded compared to other forms of recreational facilities that are commonplace. There's no entry ticket for a lot of trail experiences – and that's something we hope continues – but many of those trails still have an invisible cost attached to them. PayDirt is a potential source of funding for the people and organizations that administer and look after those trails so the rest of us can still enjoy riding our bikes.
Seb Kemp, Santa Cruz Bicycles Brand Manager

Submit a dialled proposal at santacruzbicycles.com/paydirt and Santa Cruz Bicycles will reward funds to the best proposals. I asked Kemp how they'll sort through the applications and choose the organizations and individuals that will be awarded the PayDirt funds.

bigquotesApplications are welcome at any time. We'll constantly review all applications and might ask for more information. Then every three months the PayDirt committee will convene to review the applications. We haven't got a really stringent set of criteria yet (eligibility guidelines are on the PayDirt page) because we want to didn't want to restrict ourselves from hearing about people's creative plans. We will say that the proposals that are the most polished, have the ability to give the most back to their community and seem like a reliable project to support stand the best chances.

If you're a local trail organization seeking to fund a legitimate trail crew to maintain your amazing local trail network and you've got all your tickets and permits in place then we're gonna be pretty interested in talking with you. If it's to fund a tool stash so you can run volunteer days then we're gonna be giving you a call. If you're a teacher who wants to run a school MTB program, you've had the plan in place for years but just been looking for some seed money to get it off the ground then let's talk. If you're working on an epic alpine trail that will connect one trail network with another, then let's hear more.

If you just want to build a pumptrack in your backyard for yourself then we're probably not going to be writing you any checks. If it's a proposal for a tool allowance to go build a few hucks out of pallets on someone else's private land (that you don't have permission for) then it's likely to be a no go.
Seb Kemp, Santa Cruz Bicycles Brand Manager

For Santa Cruz Bicycles, it's about more than just donating money though.

bigquotesWe've always rejected the idea that responsible businesses should just get out their checkbook and sign away their need to think deeply about what they're doing. Instead, Santa Cruz, has always entered into a relationship with the issues in order to understand what is most helpful. It might be surprising to hear but sometimes dollars aren't the only way to fix a problem. Usually money helps but often there are other things that are needed, like getting a bunch of staff outdoors to help make tool noises; have all our employees participate in a letter writing campaign; use our voice and connection to a big audience to elevate the profile of an issue or project; supply resources and expertise to a project; use our standing as a considerable local employer to represent the needs of the community; use our "Rolodex" to connect the right people together.

PayDirt is a way to connect with more people and groups. It might start with writing a check to a group this year but hopefully we look back in 25 years and reflect on what that relationship became and what we achieved together in that time.
Seb Kemp, Santa Cruz Bicycles Brand Manager


You can read the company's full press release below.

PRESS RELEASE: Santa Cruz Bicycles

Santa Cruz Bicycles commits to giving away $1 million to projects that increase access to trails

This is our commitment to increasing access to quality trails. We’re pledging to give $1 million over the next three years to trail development projects, local and national advocacy organizations, events, and programs geared toward creating and strengthening access to trails.

Santa Cruz wants to support activities that benefit riders and their local communities. And, we want to inspire others to do the same.

PayDirt is about supporting grassroots organizations to do the silent work of advocacy to build or maintain the trails we all enjoy. Any group who has an idea or running project that increases access or improves the experience of mountain biking can apply to the PayDirt fund. Starting today.

Apply today!... www.santacruzbicycles.com/paydirt

Starting November 19th we’re opening up the application process for local organizations and projects to apply for funding.

More information about PayDirt and information on how to apply can be found here.

We will consider any project that increases access for mountain bikes will be considered; whether that’s building trails, supporting local trail and MTB organizations with their advocacy efforts, trail builders or providing opportunities to get more riders on bikes more often.

Long-time supporters of good causes

SCB has long supported people and groups that provide greater trail access. We've partnered with groups like Sierra Buttes Trail Stewardship since their inception on the quest to create sustainable recreation-based communities in California’s Lost Sierras region through trail stewardship, job creation and world-class events. We started by supplying Greg Williams with bikes for his rental/shuttle business back in 1994 and we’ve supported the Downieville Classic since the beginning. We’ve been supplying SBTS with bikes for their annual $5 Per Foot campaign, which to this day has raised over $400,000 thanks to riders everywhere. We continue to offer our financial support to SBTS each year and want to continue that relationship long into the future because they’ve got a lot of big plans for that area…

Locally, in Santa Cruz, we are big supporters of Mountain Bikers Of Santa Cruz (MBoSC). Despite the origin stories from Marin County, mountain bike trail access in California does not come easy. Despite being the home to a lot of mountain bike companies and a lot of mountain bikers the number of legal and non-threatened trails isn’t that great. Of the 220 miles of official trail in the county, less than 40 are open to mountain bikes. MBoSC works to support, preserve, and expand trail access and responsible mountain biking in Santa Cruz County. Every employee of Santa Cruz Bicycles is a member of MBoSC, we attempt to encourage as many of our staff to go out and dig alongside MBoSC, we’ve partnered on several fundraising programs in the past and we’re increasing our commitment to them for the future through event partnership of the Surf City Cyclocross series (the USA’s longest running CX race series) and the Old Cabin Classic in Wilder Ranch State Park. Both events are held a stone’s throw away from our bike factory in Santa Cruz.

DOWNIEVILLE CA - during a photoshoot with Nathan Riddle and Campbell Steers for the new Santa Cruz Tallboy 4 and Juliana Bicycles Joplin 4 on the Gold Rim Connector Trail near the Sierra Buttes. Photo by Gary Perkin
Photo by Gary Perkin

The San Vicente Redwoods trails project is something that’s been brewing for a while. When a large area of wild space on the coast just north of town became potentially accessible by the public Santa Cruz Bicycles led a local industry syndicate to fundraise for the property’s recreational trail plan. This collaboration meant we were able to raise the funds necessary to get through the project planning stage (which was executed by MBoSC and SBTS), and we want to see it happen so we threw in an additional $500,000 in the campaign to raise the $7m the project will cost (it’s not just trails, but also infrastructure, maintenance and wildlife conservancy). Any day now, after a long bureaucratic process, the first shovels will start turning over dirt to create 38-miles of new multi-use trails - something quite rare in Northern California.

Creative ways of raising funds and awareness

We’ve helped raise a lot of cash and awareness for projects close to our heart. For example, 2017 was one of the worst wildfire seasons on record for California. Homes were lost, lives changed and singletrack went up in flames. “We talked to our shops, reps and customers in the areas affected by the fires and above all they expressed a real desire for a return to normalcy,” said Santa Cruz CEO Joe Graney. “We all know how a good bike ride makes you feel, and we want to help people get back to that.” In order to help with trail reconstruction efforts in Santa Rosa and Santa Barbara, we partnered with other California-based bike brands to make two custom bikes for raffling off. The total raised was $128,249.


Long-time friend of Santa Cruz, mountain bike guide and MS sufferer, Andy McKenna, has been doing the good work to raise awareness of how people with MS can still lead happy, healthy lives. He does this through his organization, STOKED ON MS. To help keep the fundraising momentum going we produced a one-of-a-kind, unique, custom-painted, fully-specced Santa Cruz Bicycles Bronson bike. Each raffle ticket cost just £5, and ultimately raised£28,319.

There was also the time when Oregon introduced a new tax on bicycles (specifically mountain bikes), which we thought was kinda wack. “The whole thing seemed like a bad deal for Oregon cyclists in general and mountain bikers in particular,” said Joe Graney. “It doesn’t look like any of the money collected from the sale of mountain bikes will actually benefit mountain bikers, so we thought we’d try and do something to ease the pain of our northern neighbors.” Which is why we launched the “The Oregon Trail Tax” where we matched the $15 per bike excise tax customers pay on every new Santa Cruz or Juliana bike sold in Oregon with an equal donation to three Oregonian trail building organizations – the Northwest Trail Alliance (NWTA), the Central Oregon Trail Alliance (COTA), and Team Dirt.

Advocacy in Oregon is nothing new for Santa Cruz; as part of the company’s sponsorship of the Trans-Cascadia enduro race (which goes towards the Ten For Trails program, event funding and bike raffle fundraising), our employee-based Factory Racing Team has logged more than 500 hours of trail work in the state over the last two years on trails near the towns of Oakridge and Ashland.

Photo Santa Cruz Bicycles

Generally all the events we support have a significant trail stewardship and fundraising element to them: this includes Downieville Classic, NZ Enduro, Trans-Cascadia, Ard Rock Enduro, Old Cabin Classic and Trans-Provence.

Mobilizing human-power

But our work doesn’t stop at writing checks. Whenever we can we’re side-by-side with these organizations at meetings, and mobilizing our employees to write letters of support en masse and turning up at trail days. In 2018 1,411 employee hours were provided to voluntary advocacy efforts - sometimes that was us paying for our employees hours to skip work and turn up to dig days, other times it’s our employees going above and beyond to make tool noises in their own time (which we don’t count in our total). But we know that sometimes it’s cold hard cash that really helps these grassroots organizations to do the silent work of advocacy so that others can make tool noises that build new or maintain existing trail networks.

In 2018 we donated approximately $175,000 of cold hard cash, and we helped raise around $225,000 to support new trails and maintenance. But starting in November 2019, we're going bigger. We're committing $1 million dollars in cash over the next three years. That's our solid commitment. How that money is best used is what we need help from the community to determine.


An even bigger commitment

We want to share our support further than the core groups and places we already support. We want to make sure they're rad projects put together by trail advocacy pros that will lead to better access to mountain biking. It doesn't even have to be for building or maintaining trails, it could be about getting some people on bikes or giving them a trail experience. Who knows, we're open to ideas.

We recognize that every mountain bike rider (many Santa Cruz Bicycles employees identify as riders above all) has a duty to put into the pot because at the moment it's a lot of volunteers and committed professionals doing all the hard work so riders can just enjoy their riding. We don't believe in No Dig, No Ride, not exactly, but we do think if we don't contribute in some ways then what's our worth to the world? This is why we’re supporting the silent work and tool noises that provide us all with great mountain bike experiences.

DOWNIEVILLE CA - during a photoshoot with Nathan Riddle and Campbell Steers for the new Santa Cruz Tallboy 4 and Juliana Bicycles Joplin 4 on the Gold Rim Connector Trail near the Sierra Buttes. Photo by Gary Perkin
Photo by Gary Perkin

Author Info:
sarahmoore avatar

Member since Mar 30, 2011
1,412 articles

  • 96 1
 I’ve always had a love for Santa Cruz since drooling over my friend’s Bullit with a sick Dorado back in the day until I finally got my own. Things like this will always keep them on the top of the heap as a drool worthy brand. Good work Santa Cruz.
  • 6 0
 Bullit + Dorado = Deadly Weapon!
  • 3 0
 Their Dutch owners are pretty generous to let them do this type of stuff.
  • 2 0
 I also had a Bullit with a Dorado. Relatively speaking, what a great bike.
  • 1 0
 @mikelevy: Awesome ! I was only fortunate enough to have the Bullit with some Super Ts. Not quite Dorado rad.
  • 63 0
 What you get when you buy a Santa Cruz: great product, great product support, great warranty... and some trail advocacy and funding to boot. When I first moved to Vancouver I learned to ride the shore on a 1st gen Nomad which was the perfect bike. A few years later I ended up on a Blur Lt (remember 26" XC bikes?), and now I'm stoked on my Hightower.
  • 11 0
 I dont think I've ever wanted a bike as much as I wanted one of those first gen Nomads. Ended up getting a second gen, and loved every minute of it!
  • 10 0
 When I recently bought my new Nomad I wanted more than just a bike, I wanted my money to go to the right kind of company. These grants and company trail days help to solidify my decision. Wish they were more prominent on their site. All bike co's sites in fact.
  • 2 0
 I remember my 2004 SC Superlight 26"! loved every minute and every "over the handlebar" crashes . Now my daughter is the proud inheritor of that dinosaur! Those were the days when I just rode without an inkling of a clue as to what industry said I needed! Now I can't get off of this PB damn website without a trip to my LBS/a hundred$$ in the hole/ just to enjoy a ride! But I still love it and huck it! Its just now on my raked out Transition Patrol.
  • 3 15
flag bigmeatpete420 (Nov 19, 2019 at 14:40) (Below Threshold)
 There support to the customer end is a joke but going through a bike shop is great
  • 8 4
 @freeridejerk888: I have had excellent experience with their customer support over 6 years of owning SC bikes. Both the headquarters and the distributor in Poland.
  • 3 2
 Every time I’ve called recently I can’t get a person,sent three emails and no response. Went through a shop and had an answer in a few hours. Maybe it was just my luck but it was kinda a low blow as in years past of being a dealer they were really on top of it @WAKIdesigns:
  • 3 3
 I’ve heard a lot of people were having this problem as well but like I said my local shop was able to get me a quick answer @WAKIdesigns:
  • 1 0
 @freeridejerk888: Took my wheel into the lbs for warranty and had a new one in a about a wheel built and ready to roll. Very good experience with support so far.
  • 3 0
 I guess my point about the going through your local dealer has gone right over everyone’s head...@VPS13:
  • 2 0
 It was me as a customer trying to directly contact Santa Cruz that has failed many times @VPS13:
  • 2 0
 @freeridejerk888: Didn't go over my head at all, I understand you had no luck trying to contact them personally, I merely shared my warranty experience and how I made the better decision of taking it to the shop and letting them deal with it...
  • 47 1
 Reason 1,234,285,097 to LOVE SANTA F"N CRUZ. Most other companies out there can learn a lot from them. Thanks boys and girls. #teamgranitemtb
  • 25 123
flag fullendurbro (Nov 19, 2019 at 9:25) (Below Threshold)
 Things other brands can learn:

1) Use shitty pastel colors that look better in a baby nursery than they do on a bicycle
2) Overprice your goods to cover the cost of your replacement program
3) Grow a fan boy base who isn't smart enough to see through the BS
4) Put a meager $333,333k toward trail development a year and watch the internet dub you a saint.
  • 75 6
 @skycripp: Things you should learn:

1) Appreciation
2) Respect
3) How to not be an a*shole
  • 30 4
 @skycripp: Apparently you have no idea how hard it is to get approved to spend a $1m right now on anything let alone just giving it away. Most companies are HEAVILY pulling back on charitable donations right now.
  • 18 40
flag fullendurbro (Nov 19, 2019 at 10:26) (Below Threshold)
 @onemanarmy It might be difficult to get leadership to approve of giving away $1m in a raffle. But it's easier when it's a tax-deductible expense that ALSO doubles as a marketing campaign and a strategic increase in land available to ride, which contributes to a growing customer base. To say this isn't a win-win-win is willful ignorance.
  • 21 47
flag fullendurbro (Nov 19, 2019 at 10:30) (Below Threshold)

1) I don't need to appreciate a brand I have no affiliation with or appreciation for.
2) I don't need to respect any brand if they haven't given me a reason to (and no, allocating a tax-deductible amount of money doesn't make up for the gross amount of carbon by-product they produce, or the business model they employ that encourages unsustainability from their consumers).
3) Sure, maybe I woke up on the wrong side of the internet today and drank some troll juice with breakfast. I'll give you that much.
  • 9 1
 To say this isn't a win-win-win is willful ignorance.
  • 20 2
 @skycripp : I would offer the following rebuke:

As a mtb'er, I think appreciation and respect should be given to actions that support trail building, trail maintenance, and trail advocacy. That being irregardless of the source. No one cares if you dislike Santa Cruz, but my original third point stands if you are against supporting trail networks (which is how your points read).
  • 19 2
 @juicebanger: word....

@skycripp: It's kind of pointless to get fired up on it. It is ALWAYS that way... always. Hear about some Hollywood actor dropping millions on a charity... well guess what... more than likely they made too much money that year and their tax guy is trying to save them some money. Reality is... who cares. They could just keep it but at least they're helping. Sure it helps them with their taxes and makes them look like nice people which helps their image... etc. Full circle. But the money is still going somewhere it's needed.

You giving a milly to local trails? I know I'm not. Would if I could. But I can't.

Reality is... Santa Cruz county trails need as much help as they can. Whether it's building, repairing trails or getting legal access trails increased... it needs it all. Most of the trails are illegal. So every new legal trail added or illegal trail opened by legislative action is awesome.

None of the other local mtb companies are doing this.
  • 3 0
 @onemanarmy: so true for how much industry is in the area the amount of quality legal trails is sad.
  • 7 5
 I think microdosing trend in Cali works. So much love and connection. Cali legalize shrooms!
  • 13 0
 @skycripp: God forbid all parties win. Cant be happy unless someone loses. Specifically the person who has more money than I approve of.
This ain't the first time SC has done something good for the community. It's not even the first time in the last 6 months.
  • 4 0
 I'd actually say Reason 1,234,285,097 to love us mountain bikers!

@skycripp is of course right to say it's rare for companies to do this sort of thing if there's not something in it for them, but the reason there's something in it for them is that enough of us in the MTB community value this contribution and are willing to pay a higher sticker price for a bike from a company that supports the trails. Well done us!

Same goes for SC's warranty and customer support, they do it well, that costs money so their bikes cost more.

Maybe rather than berating SC for charging more for bikes, there's a question to be asked about what we expect of bike companies and then we should consider our choices? If we want trail advocacy, strong support of local bike shops (by offering easy warranty replacement and product support to those bike shops) and bike manufacturers that generally 'do the right thing' then maybe we should vote with our wallets, pay a bit more and buy our bikes from those manufacturers, rather than going to the direct-to-market companies whose lower pricing modes don't allow for that sort of thing?

In other words, the bike market is not something done to us, we play a part in the behaviour of the bike manufacturers, we create the demand they fill.
  • 1 0
 @skycripp: sorry, but I must state that you are a sorry idiot!
  • 1 0
 @WAKIdesigns: in denver they are legal good biking nearby as well
  • 32 0
 Seb also deserves kudos for stepping into a demanding role as trails director for WORCA too the past couple of years, in addition to sitting on the trails sub-committee for years prior...thanks for your continued dedication and commitment to local trails as well, buddy!
  • 7 0
 And the dude is an absolute shredder. I'll never forget the riding he was doing on the early Tall Boy. 29er early adopter. Ahead of the curve.
  • 33 0
 I am alarmingly obsessed with that chainsaw. Also, great work SC.
  • 6 0
 I want to go home and paint my decommissioned saw today. Its 22 yrs old and I didn't know what to do with it until now.
  • 1 0
 and i want all those trail stompers!!!
  • 30 7
 This is awesome. While half the industry is making access more complicated by pushing ebikes without regard for access regulations, Santa Cruz is actually ponying up a significant amount of money to make things better. Kudos.
  • 14 4
 Their ebike is coming soon. Don’t worry.
  • 3 4
 @wibblywobbly: I don't doubt it. And companies capitalizing on the e-fad bother me a lot less when they throw money and effort towards trail access.
  • 26 1
 Meanwhile the Walton brothers are like, "hold my beers"...
  • 13 0
 They practically built all of Bentonville's riding scene.
  • 2 1
 @FloridaHasMTBToo: Aaron Roger's and Rock Solid Trail Contracting from the U.P. Michigan....
  • 1 0
 @FloridaHasMTBToo: And their trailbuilding extends beyond Bentonville...
  • 18 3
 Pole. This is how you do a press release that actually helps your brand ...
  • 3 0
 Now now, I had several cracked swingarms on my old bullit........
  • 1 0
 @onemind123: back when they were welded in the USA? Known problem. Fixed by moving to Giant in about 2007.
  • 1 0
 @oskare - uhm what? How is that even comparable? Come forward and lash out your own cash or ask your boss, we’ll see how it will go.
  • 14 0
 SC gets it.
  • 11 0
 Respect Santa Cruz, Respect.
  • 9 0
 right on SCB!!! without trails mountain biking would really suck! This is what corporate leadership and community support looks like!
  • 8 0
 A brand that puts their money where their mouth is! Awesome to see this kind of support for the people that volunteer their time to build/maintain our trail systems.
  • 9 0
 Nice work, Seb. This kinda thing sways me to buy your bikes over others
  • 10 1
  • 9 0
 Good on you Santa Cruz....keep up the fine work!
  • 6 0
 Wow, what a brand. PON buyout certainly has not harmed this brand, they continue to grow, make great stuff, the SYNDICATE is still awesome, and giving back to trails-I need to get on the santa cruz bandwagon.
  • 8 0
 hell yeah SC! glad to be a part of the club
  • 7 1
 Money where your mouth is, well done SC. Surprising how many shops/ manufacturers do nothing for the trails, considering that's ultimately the source of their income.
  • 2 0
 Brilliant just brilliant a mtb company that is prepared to look after our sport unlike others who just want to take your hard earned cash.If I had the coin I’d return the favour and buy there products,I most certainly will be showing this to our trail maintenance leader,as our trails could do with a helping hand,we were lucky enough to have the Santa Cruz team come to our newly opened jump line and the smiles on the kids and adults faces was priceless
Thank you again hopefully other mtb companies will follow your lead
Regards from Sydney Australia Mill creek trail maintenance crew
  • 5 0
 Bravo. With the immense growth this sport is seeing, we need more focus on trails and outdoor ethics. Well done SC!
  • 5 1
 Is it me or has Santa Cruz Bicycles really upped their status since Ben Pon bought the company? This is a testament that Ben loves us, and want's us to be happy.
  • 6 0
  • 6 0
 Fine work Mr Kemp!
  • 3 0
 I know of a lot of trails along the Eastern Sierra that need work and I look forward to put some of that money to use creating some new ones.
  • 5 0
 Why I always support this company. Roskopp for Pres.
  • 5 0
 Well Done SC! You ROCK
  • 5 0
  • 5 5
 I think this is really STUPID, and shortsighted of Santa Cruz!

What they SHOULD be doing is pouring that money into developing an e-bike to REALLY improve trail access!l for EVERYONE!

This is STUPID and I HATE them!

*seriously though.... THIS is what it looks like when a company that really actually, genuinely, in real life, not just marketing BS, cares about trail access and the true soul of the sport.

If Santa Cruz ever releases an e-MTB, then I’ll have to eat my words. But until then, pull your heads out of your a**es people, and support a company that REALLY supports mountain biking, and not just their bottom line.
  • 1 1
 Their E-Bike is coming soon!
  • 2 1
 First of all good for Santa Cruz! Any $$ towards development is positive.

However this is still marketing!!

It's not like Giant, Trek, Spec Etc don't spend hundreds of thousands or millions on trail development, maintenance and other cycling charities like, Bikes Belong and World Bike Relief and many other Youth activities.
  • 1 0
 Here's hoping for an E-Bike V10 in the future!
  • 4 0
 I just want that chainsaw.
  • 4 4
 Getting ahead of the backlash when their ebike comes out. “See we care about trails”

Also, a good amount will go to build trails for their new ebike to be ridden on.

Win, win!
  • 3 3
 yeah that's cool and all about donating a million, but would it be possible to offer a raw aluminum Tallboy and 5010? With complete SLX/XT drivetrain and brakes? X Fusion dropper?
  • 3 0
 I got one thing to say Santa Cruz you guys really rock.
  • 2 2
 any bike company that sells e-bikes should be required to set aside at least 40 bazillion dollars to offset the looming access battles they're creating. so, whatever, thanks Santa Cruz. i guess...
  • 1 2
 First thing come to my mind is they are getting back something to the community,some of the money they earn selling 6000 € bikes with 40 bucks brakes any other brand sold for 2500. At least many people can use now the money,some very generous people spend on their bikes for any real value. Any publicity is good, any money well spend on trails is a good publicity for the brand. SC is going low IMO,they have a very strong moment like 3-4 years ago selling bikes through bank credit,very overpriced one´s.
  • 2 0
 PLEASE AND THANK YOU. more of this! I love my SC
  • 1 0
 Shout out to The Dirty 530 and Paradise! Here goes another round of power shut offs...
  • 1 0
 Seb Kemp just became the coolest guy on earth.
  • 2 0
 chapeau Santa Cruz
  • 3 5
 Hope the money is well spent?
Remember if you can drive a truck along it, it is not a trail it is a road!
It is no excuses to build bad trail now is just sad & stupid!
If you need any advice let me know?
  • 9 0
 Yes Please advice! Opinions, they need more opinions! What do you want in return for the contents of your head? Will a Bronson, a Nomad and V10 be enough?
  • 1 3
 @WAKIdesigns: Sorry cant tell if that Sarcasm or bull shit? But here a visual clue, spoiler alert sorry about brake squeal & rumbling audio, but must say my trials trails run really well when frozen!
  • 2 0
 @aljoburr:Not that I want to make fun of your trail building, but that video looked like the unedited horror chase of the Blair witch project movie Smile
  • 1 0
 @AnibalR: Well put! The only thing you are right about is the unedited part
  • 2 0
 @aljoburr: dude ur trailbuilding skills are dope.
  • 1 0
 @Luniapuanrider: There nothing difficult about it but need to keep experimenting with lines, but have almost got to make it hard to ride, as will get way easier as it is ridden in, but most purpose built trails are boring from the start!
Also need trail to fit in with environment, my trails are build on flat ground but is not flat bits of trail
  • 2 0
 @aljoburr: that was a sarcasm, now your video as the proof of trail building prowess? are you fkng kidding me?
  • 1 0
 @WAKIdesigns: Have about 2 km of trails like that,, but mostly too over grown to ride well
But is also much harder lines up & over trees, often wonder how well they could be ridden by a good rider
I do think I need better camera to show off these trails properly though?
  • 1 0
 Well done and Thank you!!!
  • 1 0
 SC & Paydirt, very much welcome..
  • 1 0
 Thank you for your efforts Santa Cruz!
  • 1 0
 I work for sierra buttes Smile
  • 1 0
 Nice one Seb and Santa Cruz!
  • 1 0
 Post Canyon trails could use help right now
  • 1 0
 I can free job, but need give me bear and sleep)))))
  • 1 0
 Except in Santa Cruz
  • 3 6
 Santa Cruz blah blah blah
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