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Video: Sam Pilgrim's MTB Fails

Nov 26, 2014
by Sam Pilgrim  

MENTIONS @sampilgrim

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Member since Nov 6, 2009
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  • 322 10
 Please never make a video like that again
  • 52 6
 Those clips are old news now
  • 92 5
 I was expecting too see crash clips of Pilgrim riding and then he makes fun of himself for it because that would be funny. I was surprised too see a video recap of fails for your Friday posted months ago then having Sam Pilgrim tell us how many views the video has like we actually give a shit
  • 26 6
 "I don't even need to say anything..."

Isn't that kinda what he was doing that whole time? "Now this clip is a person crashing, fail lets take a look" video plays "they musta been so scared! now the next clip..."

Every once in a while an action sports athlete shows they can be an entertainer with a hilarious and awesome personality; Jason Ellis, Colby West, Marcelo Gutierrez, Rob Dyrdek but Sam Pilgrim? Naw man that was horrible all around. Stay on the bike, Pilgrim. People are fans of you because of that, not because of your electric personality. Points for trying, I guess.
  • 16 3
 thank god im not the only one thinking this
  • 23 32
flag DUB-DAWG (Nov 26, 2014 at 10:06) (Below Threshold)
 i liked it lol you guys have way to much time on your hands if you cant appreciate a rerun crash reel....
  • 21 0
 His part in that dating show was hilarious though!
  • 22 4
 For a pro athlete like Sam pilgrim, who won the FMB overall title in 2013 and decided to turn ghost in 2014. I think it's safe to say we all had higher expectations for a come back than this
  • 4 2
 dear Sam, your last phrase is so true, please pretend it didn't. Stop this bullsh*t
  • 10 3
 Eh, Rob Dyrdek is a dick
  • 5 7
 dub-dawg- What does time on your hands have to do with how entertained you were by the video? I guess that reaffirms that only the mentally challenged would find this entertaining.
  • 6 2
 Let the McCauls do their job.
  • 8 1
 hahahahahah thats was amazing man!!!! keep it coming!!! cmon people have a laugh!
  • 1 1
 ^ If I hadn't seen any of the crash vids I woulda, but that's an issue when you rely 100% on the clips for the entertainment.
  • 3 1
 It was... SO Ducking LAME!
  • 76 2
 Green screen matches the Monster logo...ha
  • 10 1
 good eye, that's funny.
  • 17 1
 that was by far the funniest thing on the video haha
  • 6 0
 Haha, you beat me too it.
  • 6 0
 Yea it's like you can see right through his tooth.
  • 1 0
 ha, I was wondering how the logo was freakin transparent?.. Now I see.
  • 2 0
 Not only the logo.. look at his chair Big Grin
  • 61 3
 Hey Sam, lets just pretend like this video never happened.
  • 46 4
 I would call this video, Green Screen Fail instead.
  • 31 3
 I clicked the link expecting to see Sam Pilgrim's fails, as in his own personal MTB fails over the course of his life/career.
  • 25 3
 fail of the month = this video
  • 22 4
 Your a horrible commentator, Sam...
  • 9 0
 I think he would be brilliant if it was about his own fails
  • 8 1
 I don't know man, if I want to see fails videos I will watch them straight from Fail Army or in fails for you friday here on pb, I don't wanna see/hear someone commmentating them for me. It makes the video to lost the "laugh sinergy" if exists something like that. Good luck with the 2015 season, you are one of the few who can beat the canadians.
  • 5 1
 I always find reading the comments on these videos especially entertaining. so many trash talking haters on pink bike. Sam, I hope you make more videos like this. not because I enjoyed it or have seen these videos a million times. but so the pink bike haters that spend more time on this site than actually riding their bikes(my self included) have something to complain about.

don't worry guys. Sam gets paid to do what he loves. but you guys get to be douche bags for free Smile
  • 7 0
 I want a spooky pink ghost chair for christmas
  • 7 0
 Add Yours Crankworx road gap flip attempt next time please
  • 11 4
 what a waste of time that was! Stick to biking Sam
  • 1 2
 So true...
  • 4 0
 Wow...I thought Sam was entertaining really..some of the comments suggesting that this vid is somehow "beneath him" or in poor taste are unfair and a little harsh..it's all in good fun..Thanks Sam!!!..I enjoyed it.
  • 7 2
 Dude's head is empty. The monster hole on the front lets us see straight through!!
  • 4 0
 Stop hating on the guy, its obvious that he's only doing it cos sponsors asked, that's why he looked like he couldn't give two all the way through
  • 2 0
 Yeesh. Amazing amount of hate in the comments. I was still moderately entertained, even though I think it could have been done a bit better. If he were to spruce it up a bit with more clips, it could actually be quite good!
  • 5 0
 I was expecting catastrophic fails from Sam's career and I was not let down
  • 2 0
 I actually thought this was hilarious. If you're not able to relish Sam's profundity, articulation, and measured, dramatic delivery then you've been sucking the contemporary entertainment industry's nipple for, like, too long.

The whole reason why this is so funny is because Sam's such a talented rider, but his media persona is sheepish. It's like the Harley Davidson slogan: "If I have to explain you wouldn't understand."

Please keep delivering these, Sam, if only to entertain me and a handful of others!
  • 1 0
 Pinkbike once posted a video similar to this, but with pro riders commenting on different types of crashes like "Scorpion", different kinds of nosedives and so on. Maybe someone remembers that video? It was much better that these statistics voiced by Sam.
  • 1 0
 That was like watching tosh.0 without jokes.. did someone force him to sit there and comment? The crashes had some serious punchline-potential, and beeing old videos it wudnt even have been mean to make fun off em!
In case Sam plans on doing one of those again please have a beer with your buddies first and come up with something funny to say!
  • 5 1
 I like it...obviously out of his comfort zone...
  • 4 2
 You should have like someone else there sitten with you in a chair. It could make it more of a comedian controversal that would be funny.
  • 12 1
 Macduff would have done a fine jub.
  • 7 2
  • 3 1
 Well, that didn't go as planned. Interesting though that if someone comes out with a good video compiled of mountain bike fails, this video will most likely be on it.
  • 2 1
 Dear Sam I think you should learn to blog instead. Epic Walmart chair, epic green screen fail.. and videos that everyone has seen 20X. I'll forget this ever happened if you do a triple backflip at Crankworx next year ok bro.
  • 1 0
 A fine rider but he got the personality of a tennis ball.

I wonder if he's still single after his amazing performance on that dating show a while back?

Just stick to riding Sam
  • 3 1
 Why do Pinkbike put this on the front page? I respect Pilgrim as a rider, but surely content should be judged on merit, not reputation.
  • 2 1
 Ahahahah these crashes made me laugh soooo much! Also it would be good if you had someone sitting with you like Reynolds of Daryl Brown!
  • 1 0
 For me, after a while watching people falling off bikes and hurting themselves it isn't funny any more. These were pretty big "offs" too.
  • 4 1
 I must be the only one who enjoyed this.
  • 2 1
 green screen monster hat fail, LOL. I couldn't even watch the whole thing.
  • 1 0
 was hoping for some new videos not just the one's everybody has seen already!
  • 8 7
 I was hoping this was going to be about Pilgrim's failure to compete this year due to choking.
  • 2 0
 I've seen em all but......man, they stillage me cringe
  • 3 1
 The biggest fail of this video is the green screen.
  • 3 0
 That last one is crazy!
  • 2 1
 total waste of time, then again so is ridiculousness, and i've seen every episode...twice.
  • 2 1
 Sam needs to get back on the fmb world tour and stop making garbage like this
  • 2 1
 jajjaja taaa bien uraaaa???
  • 2 1
 I just hope this didn't take any more effort that it appears to have.
  • 3 1
  • 2 3
 Joel Mchale he aint! It would have nice if the commentary on the videos were a bit livelier. A Tosh .0 type of show with MTB fails sounds like a good concept.
  • 1 0
 I think the no landing one the guy actually died.. not kidding either.
  • 1 1
 Epic Fail. The right person, in the right way, could probably pull this off. This, however, was a lack lustre pile of ass!
  • 1 0
 I now know who to listen to when I have insomnia.
  • 1 0
 Sam, Don't quit your day job!!!! you are gonna have to redeem yourself!
  • 2 1
 It hurts to watch
  • 2 1
  • 2 1
 just stop
  • 2 1
 Nice sam its good
  • 2 1
 don't ever do this again
  • 2 1
 No Sam, I don't like it.
  • 2 1
 Never again
  • 1 3
 Get back on 'take me out' Sam it was a tad shite
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