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Red Bull Round Up - The Winners have been chosen

Aug 18, 2008
by Jordan Holmes  
The numbers are in, the people have spoken, and the polls have closed. Pinkbike.com, in conjunction with Red Bull have picked the winners for the Red Bull Round Up video contest, so read inside to figure out who took the cake.With a total of 194 videos uploaded to Pinkbike.com the judging portion of this even was not easy, however The Red Bull Roundup has come to a conclusion.

As usual, 1 editor put it all together, and blew our minds, so props must be given to them, however we were stuck between these 2 videos. So without further ado I present to you the winners of the 2008 Red Bull Round Up Re-Cut contest.

The first winner for his clean cut work, and unique content, Kpeek with his Destruction of Earth Re-Cut.
Views: 25,335    Faves: 318    Comments: 215


And the Second winner, for his own well filmed content, and well compiled video, brockanderson.
Views: 24,696    Faves: 251    Comments: 73


Congrats to both of those users for there participation in the Red Bull Roundup Re-Cut contest, along with everyone else that submitted an entry.

Top 10 Voted on Video's:
Video 1: Kpeek - Winner - Viewers Choice - Chosen by the Voters
Video 2: evergreen-p
Video 3: sitka
Video 4: cakeontoast
Video 5: aaronhucker
Video 6: thebillykid
Video 7: brockanderson - Winner - Original Content and Editing - Chosen by Red Bull
Video 8: newperception
Video 9: omingo
Video 10: mmmmmm

Prizing Provided by:

The Red Bull Roundup


We would like to thank everyone for participating in the Red Bull Roundup Re-Cut contest. We appreciate all your participation.
Remember to keep it locked at Pinkbike.com for up to date events, contest, reviews, and news coverage.

Author Info:
spoiledgoods avatar

Member since Mar 20, 2000
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  • 49 3
 I'm surprised Kpeek won, I thought it was a bit over done with effects. Congrats to Brock and Kpeek for winning though.
  • 2 6
flag troythebiker (Aug 18, 2008 at 12:18) (Below Threshold)
 well done kyle and brock for second
  • 27 3
 i agree and in all honesty it sucked it was really over done with a lot of random editing and it was supposed to be a trailer not some like stupid story thing and it had to be 2 min his is 2 min and 15 seconds so its not even legal. i like the one red bull chose a lot better
  • 4 13
flag thatius3 (Aug 18, 2008 at 12:44) (Below Threshold)
 Did Aaron Larock not take part in this event? But anyways, I really enjoyed kpeek's video, it was very different. The other one was honestly a little boring to me.
  • 20 0
 i couldn't finish kpeek's video, it was definitely not my thing. to many effects and what not. i like editing that makes the riding look better, not editing that makes the editer look good.
  • 13 0
 x2 guys. Im dissapointed that Kpeek won. But congrats anyways.
  • 1 1
 So is your use of the english language n3lson666x. Some people on this site can't just enjoy things like POD and competitions such as this, they have to be negative and dumb down the joy of winning. I don't enjoy getting POD's or VOD's because of the constant flux of negative comments you get about them.
  • 1 0
 Sweet congrats to the winner i'm at least glade i made in the top 10! Big Grin
  • 0 1
  • 0 0
 weird to see all the complaints with positive props,you guys voted for him to win.if ti didnt have the pver edit like freaking lighting every 2 seconds and goofy fireballs falling down,i think the riding clips were chosen so good the song suited it and the footage was clear. i liked some of his editing moves just not the realy lame ones.
  • 0 0
 Pinkbike should do another video editing contest soon! I love em'.
  • 0 0
 ohhh that would be niccce
  • 30 4
 i know people are gonna hate me for this but i think it was kinda cheap that kpeek got vod because alotta people probably wouldnt have seen his video and voted if it didnt get vod. if someone elses got vod i would have said the same thing. sorry but its just the truth, more people will vote for it if it gets vod.
  • 18 11
 I dont wanna look like an ass and i know im gonna get neg props but Voting ended the day before it got VOD.
  • 8 5
 i was going to mention that too... it was VOD after voting ended..
  • 7 3
 ok my bad either way congrats kpeek
  • 14 1
 CONGRATS TO BROCK!! as for the Viewers Choice I'm a bit bummed out, not because I didn't win, but the one that did definitely doesn't do it for me as a teaser, which is what the contest is about. A teaser is designed to make you want to watch the whole thing. This on the other hand is very dark and depressing almost, it does not make me want to watch anything more from the event. I'm not saying that it isn't well done, it is very creative, just not what i pictured the contest to be about.
  • 11 0
 i think its just a bit cheezy and over the top. fun, but by no means professional.
  • 8 0
 i do agree totally with your opinion... i already realised long time ago that it is going to happen yet again, by it i mean same as what happened with seasons recut, but what the heck... in my opinion there were far more worthy candidate for the win. the votes are rigged and there is nothing we can do... the sheep follow the blind all the time and that is why we still live in a stone age filled with destruction and pollution...

and congrats to Brock, because he definately deserves the prizes due to an excellent work being done Smile
  • 3 7
flag radek Mod (Aug 18, 2008 at 12:53) (Below Threshold)
 You got the best of both worlds then. One winner who was totally chill and the other over the top showing off, off the wall editing abilities.
  • 9 2
 its really not 'off the wall' im pretty sure it's one big plugin pack that you can get for after effects. if we were talking about editing, its not that great. the cuts are slow, as a viewer, you're always waiting for something to happen, theres a lot of time between action in this cut compared to others. the footage is dark and like many others have said it distracts from the riding, which is what the event is about. i dont want to be bitching about things, but i wouldn't ever consider this off the wall at all.
  • 5 0
 yeh but to be honest id rather have a sound track where the lead singers voice isnt breaking during the song
  • 1 5
flag radek Mod (Aug 18, 2008 at 13:21) (Below Threshold)
 I'm sure it's NOT a plugin. Red Bull said that kpeek showed off the most editing and motion graphics ability, and as a company that would require that sort of work, they could call on him to get the job done. Also kpeek received the most user votes.
  • 9 0
 "off the wall" effects hmm... mountain biking is about control, flow of motion, grace and a mouth-dropping spectacle. by putting too many effects (such as sparks or nuclear explosions into the background) makes the sport look cheap and even unworthy to watch... it really felt like i was watching a cheap action flick with JCVD or Wesley Snipes

ask yourselves the question: did The Collective require top-notch effects in order to show that their videos truly stood out from the rest of the industry's produce? hopefully the answer to this question is known by those who have seen their movies and which

well time cannot be turned around already, but a popularity contests are the worst of them all, because there is no way one can change or monitor the votes due to these days there are dynamic IPs and all sort of other scrips, which cannot be distinguished by an admin...

i though that the contest will be changed to real judging this time round... but i laid my expecations a bit too high.

although yet again thanks for the contest's material, which would not have been seen by the rest of the folks of the mountain freeriding community
  • 3 0
 i wasn't saying the plugin did ALL the effects for him radek. I'm saying that at my work which uses after effects we've definitly come across a plugin pack that has a large majority of those effects in it. if i could dig up the name of it i would but we no longer have it because we don't require it for our use.

and i also am well aware that he received the most user votes, and have never debated that or the fact that he won, i was just stating my opinion (to which i am allowed) and what i know.
  • 0 4
flag radek Mod (Aug 18, 2008 at 14:46) (Below Threshold)
 demz, that is your opinion, BUT more bikers thought otherwise. When you have 1000s of users voting, and the contest is close, you will always have disappointed people. It goes both ways.
From the voting side, it was fair. We know more about technology than you, and we make the contest voting fair. It's all good. Live with it.

The judging was real, both times around. How hard can this be to understand?
1 winner views choice
1 winner red bull choice.
  • 0 0
 well i'm not disappointed at all, if that is what you are implying towards... i was using the footage to kill some time and see what will be the response of other folks about it... when i enter the competitions i never expect to win, because the chance is so little... it is like a lottery.

about the monitoring: well that was a bit rude from you by saying that and yet i know that my knowledge is limited in this sphere, but my friends' are not... because you can't even imagine how many opportunities there are available so that it will look like one is getting a lot of unique votes...

you should have made it as it was said in the contest, that it will be the Red Bull crew that will decide who will win... in my opinion

it is my opinion and there is no need for insults to come, due to what has been said
  • 12 1
 brockandersons was way better than kpeeks and he filmed it himself! mad props you brock!!
  • 9 0
 I love brocks video,nice and simple, and great footage
  • 9 0
 the one red bull picked was way better
  • 4 0
 Ok...so the winning video wasn't that impressive. I liked the end but thats about it. To much random clutter added to it made it distracting to the actual video itself. The second place winner was by far better. Clean, good music, good choice of riding clips too. Simplicity at its best.

Some people should take in consideration of the saying "less is more"...but that's just my honest opinion.

Negative prop me all you want...but I think some people will agree with me.
  • 2 0
 Brocks reminded me of a snowboard video a little bit, just with the music but it turned out amazing! The other winner made it seem alot like a nwd film which is cool but for a 2 minute clip he might of been able to focus on the riding more then the effects still both great pieces of work
  • 3 0
 Brock great video you deserved that win. More than some people can say. Kpeek good job you won, but i dont think it was good at all. were bikers we wanna see biking not cheesy effects.
  • 2 1
 kpeeks kinda reminded me of kranked 7. Especially the bomb blowing up in the sky or whatever it was(at 72 seconds). And i agree with cdavis that the end of the world idea would be good theme for a video. but not a competition video. But congrats on the win to both the winners.
  • 3 1
 Kpeek's video was way too overdone with the lightning bolts and effects. It would have been good for a video with a theme of the end of the world, but not a competition video. Congrats to Brock and Peek for winning.
  • 2 0
 Congrats Brock I liked your edit, nice simple and original footage was good to see. Happy sitting at 3rd and waiting for the next re-edit contest.
  • 1 0
 Thanks, to Redbull and pinkbike for give me the opportunity, i only watch two videos (after enter my cut), one was the kpeek cut after that i thought ím fu....up, the level its high, props 4 the winners. good job!!!
  • 1 0
 good touch with clap your hands say ya... the second vid was deff better... pure... to much shit going on in the first one that dude should edit the intros for NWD....
  • 3 1
 way to many affects in the first one
  • 4 3
 Yeah, kpeek's was a cool edit, but come on the winner!!! Oh well the contest was fun and congrats to the top ten!!!
  • 5 0
 Lets do it again! More Footage PLEASE!
  • 2 0
 yay brock
  • 1 0
 please delete this comment too.
  • 1 1
 Well I'm happy with 4th. Well done winners.
  • 1 1
 its obvious who chose which video lol, brocks should of one
  • 0 2
 The viewers (read you and the rest of the folks on the site) voted and kpeek won. Red Bull chose brock so he won too, so your kinda talking in circles.
  • 1 0
 well i didnt vote for him. but whats interesting is that people say his sucked and get lots of + props or they say he was good and get lots of negative props so its strange that he won.
  • 1 1
 hope theres another one like this!
  • 0 1
 brocks vid was awsome but that song is just agravating. well done to kpeek aswell for thinkin outside the box!
  • 1 2
 Nice work guys! You deserve it!Wink
  • 2 5
 Both amazing re-cuts, brockanderson had some amazing footage while kpeek had some amazing editing. Well done guys.
  • 0 2
 Congrats Kpeek... were you offered a job yet?... genious work.
  • 1 3
 the singer in the second vid is just horrible

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