Red Bull Rampage 2014: Wil White

Sep 28, 2014
by Danielle Baker  




bigquotesWil White you are a f*cking legend!

Will White and family.
  Wil White and family digging last year's line.

“Wil White you are a f**king legend!” Those words that rang out through the canyon last year as he completed his run in finals. And he is. As a privateer competing in the biggest freeride event available, Wil’s raw and loose style has earned him a cult following. At his fourth Rampage this year Wil is still up against some frustrating hardships, but at the end of the days he says that it is his family that makes it all worthwhile for him.

Does your family always come out to help you build?

Wil - Yes, I always come up here with just my family. Last year I brought my girlfriend, Micayla, along and she came out again this year.

bigquotesWhen he started he was really young, about thirteen, and he just needed a little help then. Now I just like it so I just hang out with him. -Wil's Mom

What is that experience like for you, Micayla?

Micayla - I love it, we dig and ride together at home so why would here be any different?

Wil - It’s just natural to have her out here with me.

Micayla - The line has to be dug and I love having a hand in it because I feel it more as a rider too. It makes sense to me as a rider and a digger and he likes having that feedback as well.

You wouldn’t rather be hanging out by the pool?

Wil – She would never do that.

Micayla – I am so opposed to that. I walk his stuff up the mountain everytime, it is what I like to do. People think his bike is too heavy for me, but the bike is only 30 pounds, I know.

Wil White rolling the ridge. Wil is a Rampage favorite and always a fun rider to watch. Raw and loose.
  Wil White rolling the ridge last year. Wil is a Rampage favorite and always a fun rider to watch. Raw and loose.

bigquotesI just feel like the sport is missing a completely honest view since everything is so corrupted by sponsors and media and money. My sponsors support me in this interview and I love them for it, I'm just trying to open some eyes up to the side of the sport that usually never makes it into the mainstream riding scene. -Wil

Is Rampage your big event every year?

Wil - Yeah, it’s about the only one that I can get out to. We don’t really have the money to travel to other events and I don’t have any sponsors that can help out with the actual travel fees. We choose one or two big events a year and I love it here so we of course choose Rampage.

Who sponsors you?

Morpheus Bikes for this year, as well as, Spinergy, Oakley, Manitou, Shimano, and ODI.

Do you live near here?

Wil - In San Diego, it’s a seven-hour drive, so it’s not too bad.

What was the experience like for you this year, working on a brand new site as opposed to one with pre-existing lines and features?

Wil - Well, that’s the interesting thing. Last year, even though the venue was tapped out, there wasn’t any line poaching going on. And this year for whatever reason, even though we have a big new venue, everybody decided to try and steal lines. There was a lot of conflict.

bigquotesEven though we have a big new venue, everybody decided to try and steal lines. - Wil

When did you arrive this year?

Wil - We were onsite on the first day that we were allowed to build.

Will White
  Dropping for his qualies this year.

What did you look for when you arrived, as far as features that you wanted to use or an area that you wanted to claim?

Wil - I was looking for something that had a bunch of big natural drops in it and I wanted to try and stay away from the slopestyle stuff on the hill. We just wanted to get away from everyone else too which is the funny part and why I was kind of annoyed when people were following me.

How did this approach compare to previous years’ line selections?

Wil - All my lines have always been natural and avoided the wood, except for the Oakley Sender.

What was your impression of this canyon compared to last year?

Wil - It is completely different than the other venue; it is a lot steeper on top. It is a lot more challenging to find lines here, I feel like there are only so many ways down this hill. Last year you could pretty much ride wherever you wanted and make it down.

How did you deal with the issue of line poaching?

Wil - I just kind of moved away from them. It seemed that every day we would build until lunch, then go down for lunch, and when we came back someone would be on my line with it completely changed and unrideable from the way I wanted to ride it. I would go up and let them know and half the builders just told me to f*ck off and told me that it wasn’t their problem. The same rider kicked me off my line three different times. He and his builders just kept following us around. Every time we built something they would come and change it to the point that I didn’t feel like riding it anymore because it wasn’t my style.

Micayla – That rider’s line was about 75% composed of stuff other diggers had built, not his own diggers.

Wil – And not only did he come in and poach it but he felt the need to come in and change it to suit his riding style. You can ride other people’s lines, CVD rode Bourdo’s line and Bourdo didn’t care about it because he didn’t change anything. But when you come onto someone else’s line and start throwing shovels, that’s not cool.

Micayla – It’s not even just common courtesy, it’s in the rules that you can’t take another rider’s line without permission. You have to ask.

What happened with your qualifier runs?

Wil - My first run sucked. I dropped in and about 100 feet down I got a pinch flat. I kept trying to ride and just ignore it. It was shitty because before I dropped in the winds were picking up and the rain was coming in. The organizers said that I had five minutes to drop in or I was disqualified. When I decided to go for my second run, the rain had picked up again and it was raining sideways. Again they told me that I could either go or be disqualified.

Last year I scored better on my second run but then it wasn’t counted because half the riders couldn’t do their second runs. With that storm coming in I didn’t feel like I had much incentive to drop in, the risk isn’t worth the reward at that point, knowing that my score might not count. I did end up dropping in and I nailed my run perfectly, as well as I wanted to, and then the judges scored me super low. I don’t know if they look at sponsor names more than the actual runs but it seems like there is a lot of sketchy judging going on.

Will Whites father keeping the cool on the course.
  Wil White's father keeping the cool on the course last year.

With all the added struggles of paying your own way, having your family dig for you, the line poaching, and feeling like the judging isn’t fair, is coming to Rampage worth it for you?

Wil - Honestly there are times that I hate riding and I hate that I’m a pro mountain biker because it seems like coming out here as a privateer I just run into so much more shit than everyone else. It’s a pain in the ass to not have some sort of support behind me. Then the judges screw me every year and it just gets harder to come back every year, and there’s less reward every time.

bigquotesThere are times when I'm in the start gate, wind blowing, knowing this might be the last time I ever drop in on something and I kind of question my sanity and love for riding. But then I say f*ck it and drop in, at the bottom it's all worth it again and I wouldn't trade a second on the bike for anything. -Wil

Wil White at RedBull Rampage 2013.

Do you plan to come back next year?

Wil - I would like to, I would like to get a lot more training in though. This year was just really bad because I broke my arm in May and I was out for a couple months. As soon as that healed up I went out to my training spot that I’ve been building for the past four years and got a trespassing ticket from Fishing and Wildlife. They put barbed wire fences up and said that if I rode there again it would be a felony and they would take my bike. A month after that I went to a new spot and got another $1000 trespassing ticket for riding my bike.

What does life at home look like?

Wil - I do odd jobs on the side. The main thing I do to make money is buy broken motorcycles on, repair them and sell them. This year I got a job up in LA doing a commercial for Hollywood. I was a stuntman for a bicycle company, I raced a mustang down a hill and I end up beating it because I go up onto the dirt. That’s what helped fund this trip.

Do you focus the rest of your time on riding?

Wil - I try to but right now there’s nowhere to ride, they are really cracking down on everything. But we are moving to a new house when we get home with four acres of land so that I can actually build somewhere that’s not going to get torn down for once. Hopefully with a dedicated riding spot I will be able to progress a lot more.

bigquotesI used to skydive all the time and all I ever hurt was my little finger, I broke it jumping out of a plane. Since I started mountain biking with Wil I have broken three ribs, dislocated my elbow and broke my arm. -Wil's Mom

Will White the warrior.
  Wil White, the warrior.

What did you parents think about being a part of Rampage?

Wil - My parents have always been super supportive, they are the reason I’ve been able to make it out here. They help pay for it, my dad used to take me out riding all the time, and they shuttle me when I want to get shuttled. That’s the only good thing about riding is my parents being there for me. My mom even comes riding with me in Mammoth and Whistler.

Check out all of our images from the Red Bull Rampage 2014 here.

Author Info:
daniellebaker avatar

Member since May 10, 2007
235 articles

  • 166 7
 Man, such a shame to hear about this. Wil really seems like a genuinely good dude, and hearing about someone coming in and literally changing stuff he had built for himself and telling him to f*ck off, that gets the blood boiling. I also question the judging sometimes. Although Tom and Brett had awesome runs, you know that as long as they didn't crash, the C3 riders are getting into the finals. Godziek had a good run too, but you know Redbull is going to ensure they get their man in the finals. Wil is fighting an uphill battle until he gets some real support, and that's a crime. Rampage is due for a makeover with the level of riding these days. There shouldn't be any pre-qualified riders, or any qualifying runs. Everyone should get a shot at the podium. I mean no offense to some of these pre-qualified guys, but there are numerous way more deserving riders that shouldn't have to "qualify".
  • 34 10
 Yeah, can't help but think Rampage is biased towards Red Bull sponsored riders. I look forward to events that are not monopolized by the Red Beasts.
  • 188 13
  • 48 3
 finally, a hashtag I agree with.
  • 53 3
 I don't dislike Redbull for this, they do some really great things for our sport. And action sports in general. It's just the nature of the beast when it comes to events that are judged on style. Leaves too much room for interpretation. I my self am not a racer, but am a huge racing fan. Judge's lie, the clock doesn't.
  • 27 24
 I don't think Red Bull set out to do all these amazing things for the action sports. They make a pretty gnarly drink that most people should probably avoid, then sponsor action sports to advertize their product. But, whatever, if that's what you want to believe. Go Red Beasts!
  • 22 5
 Wil White….American hero!!! God bless
  • 24 4
 B650 is right. At the end of the day they just want to make truck loads of money. Regardless, they still do some pretty cool stuff. For example, streaming the World Cup for us all the watch for free. And there is something to be said about the way they handled Rampage this year. I mean shit, just last year they cancelled FINALS. Fast forward to this year, and they did a real solid by delaying qualies and rescheduling the finals to Monday. They obviously pay attention to social media, and listen to what we, the fans, have to say about the way they run things.
  • 8 2
 Well maybe Red Bull will show us all of Rampage then. It sure would be nice to see all of the Qualifier's runs 1 and 2. And good camera angles for ALL of the riders so we can judge for ourselves. Links to Wil White's runs anyone?
  • 8 1
 I hope we get to see all of it. Maybe when they do the Signature Series broadcast they will. They do have Paul Bas and Herb's helmet cam's on their youtube channel. Bas' gap is huge.

Bas -

Herb -
  • 8 2
 Actions speak louder than words and Red Bull is shooting themselves in the foot. When you have events that are run by them, then a bunch of the top athletes who are sponsored by them, it looks corrupt and monopolized. If that's the image they want, weird !
  • 11 2
 so sad to hear this story but it seems is a true. Wil man is a big Rider, i remember him throwing a big stuff and never got judging right. I can only say RedBull Rampage is fun but not fun when it concerns a finals, judging, and honesty and the others athletes lines. There is so much obvious corruption that make me so sad sometimes and all this riders discrimination and robbing their lines and score.... damn that s***s Wil is a great rider !!
  • 5 4
 Why there is no Sorge??
  • 4 2
 Sorge is out injured with a broken leg.
  • 37 20
 You guys are so freaking stupid with that btchn on Red Bull. Like some leftist armchair activists on my FB. There are few if any company that has done more to development of action sports. Nobody stops any of you to organize a sinilar competition anywhere you want in the world and invite whoever you want. Bunch of wooses sitting by the desk complaining in stuff they have nothing to do with. Go outsponsor RedBull and make your own rules onbuilding stiff and letting riders in. You can start such thing on kickstarter - what are you waiting for?! Have you at least went to such little extents to call someone at red bull and say what you don't like?
  • 23 10
 WAKI- Its not worth it, these kids have zero clue about what Red Bull has done for mtbing and for action sports in general. All they know is that Red Bull is an established brand and they're some sort of evil conglomerate... they have zero clue to what it was like for athletes and events before their involvement or even how well they support a majority of their athletes... even if they don't put down safety nets and crash pads (LOL!) They are and will always be one of the best sponsors and supporters in action sports.

I find it hard to believe an invited rider would treat another rider like such crap because there are two sides to every story but then again someone pointed out that he didn't recognize the people as any rider so who knows? That really, really sucks about his riding spots getting shut down. It sounds like he needs to relocate to an area that's a bit more bike friendly. It would do wonders for his riding/progression especially considering what he's able to do now with his limited resources. Good luck to him and hopefully a more positive outlook and being a bit more open to other riders will help him have more fun at Rampage because it would suck not to have him back for next year.
  • 21 27
flag z-man FL (Sep 29, 2014 at 6:55) (Below Threshold)
 Kid should be happy he even got invited. I don't think he should have been. I can name 10 way more talented riders that wanted to be in rampage SK badly that didn't even get the invite off the top of my head. Red bull riders usually win because red bull sponsors all the best riders. Not to mention 1st and 2nd qualifiers are both Monster riders....
  • 8 1
 Red Bull was sponsoring action sports before anyone had even drunk the drink or knew what an energy drink was.
  • 1 4
 RedBull develope sport more than any other sport federation, no question about it.
  • 3 0
 I don't like RBs drinks but they have and continue to do so much for "action sports", Will probably has some valid points but these dudes are struggling to make a living doing this and thats just as difficult as the cliff dropping side of it, its the same in any similar sport always will be. I'm just glad to see more riders being able to bring more attention to kind of riding.
  • 4 0
 have to say, I do not care for the drink, but every world cup I enjoyed this year, regardless of the great or poor camera locations, was all thanks to RedBull! Thank you guys for all that you do for us and the sport!
  • 4 3
 Red bull sponsors action sports to make money, thus they aim to make the sport popular regardless of if their actions are fair or good for the sport. Protect the big name sponsored athletes and try to put down anyone who says otherwise I don't see wil as whining at all. I garauntee he has it harder than the pros. He feels he got shit on, if I paid my way in and that happend I'd be pissed off too.
  • 9 3
 @WAKI - your argument is also a bit naive. Red Bull isn't a charity that's doing this stuff for social good. Obviously there are some benefits to their involvement in MTBing, not least the coverage of the World cup, but their primary goal isn't to make mountain biking better, it's to sell drinks. They promote a lot of good sports people and events, but that doesn't mean they're beyond scrutiny. It's healthy to question their involvement and their motivation from time to time.
  • 7 0
 I'm just saying Aggy, a monster rider, qualified with 94 points
  • 7 1
 jumpin to rail on the event sponsor so quickly after an article on one individual participant doesn't win us any credit. any person can relate to his frustration but clearly the event is growing and if a problem does exist for riders and sponsor it will probably be addressed. obviously they cannot exist without each other. either way one shouldn't sh#t where one eats so quickly. ever.
  • 4 1
 @B650wagon you couldn't be more right because the guy poaching Wil's line wears a Redbull helmet.
  • 5 0
 Who was it?
  • 3 1
 ^loaded question right there! do you hear a bomb ticking?
  • 2 0
 A certain frenchman who crashed out in qualifying trying to backflip a jump Wil built
  • 1 4
 Quick totally unrelated question, is makken French?
  • 3 1
 No wait I figured it out
  • 8 1
 I say plaster the name of the poacher prick all over the forums, but if that's true & stealing lines is against the rules (like it should be), then why not go to the organizers & get it straightened out, disqualify the punk assed bitch who stole the line & be done with it? Hey PB, why not interview that rider & see what he has to say? That'd be an interesting read.

The other thing is, Wil, if you wanna be judged better, you'll have to get into politics. Instead of trying to get away from everyone (which I totally understand & can't blame you for 'cuz I'd want to too) you might wanna try getting in tight with Zink & Strait since they seem to be close buddies with all the right people in all the right places.

If your entire family (minus ZZ Top) helps you dig & ride, then I'd say you've got a decent amount of support to be happy about. It sure does seem like the entire Universe has focused all it's hate, anger & discrimination on one guy according to that guy's story for some reason. :s We all know there's favoritism & corruption in the judging, plenty of big names also suffer(ed) from it.
  • 5 3
 it's fuckin yannick. french fuckin ass hole
  • 3 1
 Great thread. Lets stay on topic.
  • 6 1
 Is it really Yannick? f*ckin' weak! I like Yannick! Maybe he doesn't know WTF's going on or what the rules are 'cuz he's from France? Or maybe he's really just a douche, IDK. :s
  • 5 3
 Lets be honest. Wil was having trouble keeping up in Rampage as it is. And this year he said he broke his arm in May. I wish him luck for next year. And even though I drink RockStar energy drink when I have to because it has more "punch" I still regret it, because RedBull is freakin awesome. In fact RedBull means awesome. I don't even think about the drink. If they sold bread, I'd buy it.
  • 3 1
 I could see yannick being a dick about it. Maybe he's still pissed about everyone doin' his GF a year ago
  • 5 0
 Whoa sounds like story time! ^
  • 3 4
 Judging was biased towards Lacondeguy, should have been 4th at best IMO. Semanuck, Straight, Zink, and Rheeder all should have scored higher than Lacondeguy.
  • 3 1
 Lacoundeguy got rewarded for a fast and fluid run.

@bikeman21 hahaha whhaaaaat
  • 1 1
 agree, happy Lacondeguy finally one but there was nothing "stand out" about this run, last year definitely. I honestly though Brendogs second run was my pick of the day, that was fast and fluid with old school style, I would not be sad if I never see another freakin backflip as long as I live!
  • 5 0
 ^ Yeah I guess that 70ft. drop or the massive flat 3 didn't stand out at all.......
  • 1 0
 He also had another large drop in his line charged harder than anyone and aggressively whipped everything.
  • 138 1
 We have no problem with Will being honest and saying whats is on his mind. This kid is a hard working no BS individual and he is not they type to complain unless the issue is legitimate. Next year Morpheus will provide Will additional support to get him to big mountain events and make sure he has a fair shoot at proving he is the real deal.
  • 35 0
 Now this is support.
  • 22 0
 @morpheus bikes

thank you.
  • 7 1
 Didn't he mention his sponsors in the interveiw? His bike is ten pounds lighter this year according to his Girlfriend.
  • 11 0
 Perfect answer! Best part: We have no problem with Will being honest and saying whats is on his mind. Riders are still humans and no Marketing machines.
  • 6 0
 @ Morpheus-Cycles, you guys are right on for supporting Will on this !!!..tup ...
  • 2 6
flag scary1 (Oct 3, 2014 at 19:06) (Below Threshold)
 Maybe you're not welcome or have any sponsors (which you "hate") because you come off like a whiney bitch?

But, hey...i dont know anything. I'm just going off what I just read
  • 85 31
 Wil might be a great rider, but he sure isn't enduring himself to any future sponsors. Saying things such as I hate riding, the judges deliberately screwed me over because I'm not a sponsored rider, everybody else is taking my lines away from me, etc. Sure seems like the blame game is being thrown around a lot. Hope he gets some more training under his belt, learns some new tricks, and stops complaining so much. If/when he comes back to Rampage, he will need to come back more focused with winning Rampage cause right now his attitude towards riding is the thing holding him back.
  • 41 25
 This! His attitude is terrible and doesn't make him an attractive prospect to potential sponsors. As a sponsored athelete, you are an ambassador to that or those brands. When your attitude sucks, it's a bad reflection on whatever brands you are representing. No doubt he's a good rider, but seems like he needs to change his perspective and attitude a bit.
  • 22 24
 Yeah, he definitely has some maturing to do. Way he talked in that interview makes we wonder if he's had a little too much support from his family.
  • 47 2
 While I agree that Will might sound immature on the face of it you also have to think that this guy had his lines taken and changed several times and was told to f*ck off when he asked what's up. Sounds like the rider is one of the big fan favs and in my eyes, that is the person who needs to mature the most and adjust their attitude. The world of these pros is a small one with not too many top riders making it far more cliquey and political than most of us realise. I have no problem with Will giving us a healthy dose of reality of what it is like to not be part of these cliques.
  • 3 1
 And yet the FEST series is OK?
  • 60 7
 Maybe he thinks there are more important things in life than Sponsors.... Like HONESTY and INTEGRITY. If sponsors are looking for guys who'll swallow shit and shut the f*ck up and you as a fan think that's how someone should act as a pro mountain biker, then our sport is surely being killed by the hand that feeds it... Rampage is supposed to be the antithesis to all you are saying here "a bad reflection on whatever BRANDS you are representing'... f*ck BRANDS!! When you say he needs to grow up - surely you mean he has to be broken down and taught to step in line? Whoop and holler and mindlessly say I'm 'super-stoked-man' to everything while chugging hard on that red-bull dick? It takes balls off the bike to speak out about an establishment you are struggling in and risk your livelihood, present and future, and I admire the kid for doing so.
  • 9 4
 All Brendan Fairclough ever does at events is complain. And people on this site fucking love him. I can see Wil White on Scott next year. You can complain lots and look unhappy all the time and still be super sponsored, you just have to be good enough. If your at rampage you'll probs be fine
  • 27 1
 It's nice to actually hear someone speak the truth rather than just name drop all their sponsors in every sentence they speak - "I couldn't have built my line without X brand hat to keep the sun off my head and a nice cold Brand Y to sip to give me wings and keep the dust out my mouth while wearing my Z Brand shorts... ...wait, what was the question again dude,? I was to stoked on my new gear cables by XXX which amp my gnar by 40%"
  • 26 4
 @selgovae yeah man, I hate it when peoples families give too much support........... his family should be far harsher with him. Lets get all his friends to call him a dick too. clown.
  • 11 2
 Coming from a moto background I understand (and cheer) for the privateers... With that being said, I am beginning to think that Wil White's attitude is what holds him back. Be a man and quit finding excuses. Yes, the cards are against you as a privateer. Yes, there is always going to be personal discretion that goes into judging. Yes, Red Bull has sponsored riders in the event. Get over it. You are aware of all these variables before accepting the invite. As for getting poached, well that's super unfortunate, but again, that's on you Wil White. Is it better to be feared or loved? Yes you have a "cult following" but obviously not the respect from fellow riders. Turning your cheek, biting your tongue...not for me. If your line is poached and/or altered, then it's on you to make it right. I agree with not name dropping, but there should have been a rumble on the hill over the matter....
  • 7 2
 I can understand moving to a new line after the first offense of poaching but moving over and over again is insanity. Doing the same thing expecting different results is insanity and Wil could have easily ate his lunch on the mountain and guarded his line a little better. I've dug out there plenty of times and don't mind being on the hill all day long as long as someone brought me food and water...seems like a simple and necessary for something as important as claiming your territory for the only contest you do all year!
  • 6 15
flag Selgovae (Sep 29, 2014 at 6:58) (Below Threshold)
 @michaelhowie, he came across with a "poor me, I'm so hard done by" attitude in that interview IMO, which in my experience means spoiled. That's what I was alluding to. And if it's that hard to find a place to ride at home, well, maybe it's time to move to somewhere more favourable.
  • 2 17
flag Selgovae (Sep 29, 2014 at 7:00) (Below Threshold)
 @michaelhowie, he came across with a "poor me, I'm so hard done by" attitude in that interview IMO, which in my experience means spoiled. That's what I was alluding to. And if it's that hard to find a place to ride at home, well, maybe it's time to move to somewhere more favourable.
  • 69 3
 I'm not a spoiled rider at all, maybe you missed the part where I said I don't do other events because I can't afford to make it there, Rampage is expensive enough! and debated even doing this interview because I didn't want to come across as poor me, my life sucks. I don't think that way at all, I just feel like the sport is missing a completely honest view since everything is so corrupted by sponsors and media and money. My sponsors support me in this interview and I love them for it, I'm just trying to open some eyes up to the side of the sport that usually never makes it into the mainstream riding scene. I'm sorry if I came across as snobby or something, that wasn't the intent. As far as trying to ride at home, I have well over 3,000$ in trespassing tickets for building and riding to prove that it's illegal as hell to even touch a bike in San Diego. I'm lucky to have the family and fan support that I do recieve and my sponsors that I have now are fantastic and stick by me. As far as me hating riding, that's a very raw view into a personal aspect of my life. Obviously we all know I love it or I wouldn't even be here, but there's times when I'm in the start gate, wind blowing, knowing this might be the last time I ever drop in on something that I kind of question my sanity and love for riding. But then I say f*ck it and drop in, at the bottom it's all worth it again and I wouldn't trade a second on the bike for anything. You don't have to like me or my riding, I'm just a kid on a bike trying to have fun and keep things honest. And yes, I do place honor and integrity above all else. Thanks for everyone's support!! I love you all
  • 12 2
 well there you go @selgovae that pretty much clears that one up, straight from the horses mouth. Clown.

@suicidedownhiller Thanks for taking the time out to reply! Rock on and ride hard!!! peace.
  • 6 9
 @suicidedownhiller, fair enough man, as I said that's how it sounded to me and I'm more than happy to be wrong! Best of luck to you and here's hopin you can get another sponsor or two to ease those travel, and other "assorted" riding expenses lol.
  • 7 4
 name the poachers. or name what brands they are wearing.
  • 2 1
 @ rustybones, you're right on man !!!...@ Will, stay exactly who you are, we f*cking love you for it !!!...
  • 3 1
 Lol @Selgovae, great back tracking.
  • 2 1
 Cmon wil there are a few (not so) hidden gems in San diego. Maybe a certain spot by a certain middle school
  • 1 0
 Legit. Riding for the love of riding.
  • 1 3
 @suicidedownhiller "missing a completely honest view since everything is so corrupted by sponsors and media and money."

Welcome to life. And America. It sucks, but you gotta either learn to play the game or constantly be at battle with it. Give it a few more years and your mindset may change...
  • 44 5
 Who's the douche line poacher? That's just uncool. And somebody please sponsor Wil White! #sponsorwilwhite
  • 14 30
flag SirWonky (Sep 28, 2014 at 22:46) (Below Threshold)
 Who was it? Were they Canadians? Guess the mt wasn't big enough for 27 people's lines ..... Dam
  • 7 3
 Thats what I wanna know. Who does everyone think it is?
  • 16 19
 What's the bet if it's one of the canadian ' bro's ' nothing gets said and half of the pinkbike fan bois will defend those actions.
  • 3 7
flag gclarida (Sep 28, 2014 at 23:39) (Below Threshold)
  • 42 8
 Now hang on. What does nationality matter? A dipshit is a dipshit, no matter where they're from. Pro athletes are a bad lot for being a*sholes in general, and I could name a few that I know personally from both your countries. What's important is that it's not cool, that's it.

I have to say though, as much as Will must feel screwed over, and I'm sure he was in at least a few ways, he needs to pick his battles. Complain about everything and nobody listens. Bite your tongue when it won't help and stand up for what's important and you just might get somewhere. He seems like a good guy, but his words here don't do him any favours, and any point he was trying to make was more or less lost. That's a shame, and it won't win him any sponsors.
  • 42 7
 couldnt have been a canadian. canadians wouldve just said sorry and let wil take the line
  • 2 1
 According to Wil's first facebook post he didn't recognise them and he thought they were newer riders/competitors to Rampage..
  • 4 0
 who cares where's from? whoever modified the line without asking, is an IDIOT! Period! Let's not start third world war here!
Focus on Rampage. Good luck to Will. Looking forward to watching him in finals next year!!!
  • 18 2
 Name and shame
  • 6 2
 Yeah I was hoping he would call out the rider haha
  • 7 1
 Sepultura wrote a song about this whole stuff.... the main verse goes "War for territory...."
  • 2 2
 No way. Canadians avoid conflict. And judging buy the interview, so does Wil White... Don't be a bunch of chicken heads and start clucking. Keep the name in-house. (Red Bull wouldn't like it very much)
  • 2 0
 That was my first concert ever scary shit.
  • 4 1
 WTF SirWimpy & bigturd? WTF's it matter where he's from? The event is being held in the US, sponsored by mostly US companies, but the Canadians get all the favoritism? Funny how two Muhric*nts found places on the podium last year that they didn't deserve while Canadians & Muhric*nts both got robbed last year & in previous years.
  • 2 6
flag bigburd (Sep 29, 2014 at 10:52) (Below Threshold)
 It doesn't matter where they are from , I was just pointing out that IF ( for EXAMPLE ) it was semenuks crew/any of the popular Canadian crews that poached Wills line they would not get the same amount of shit flung at them on this site than any other nationalities would due to blind fan boi-sim and nationalism.
  • 3 3
 Reading through the comments (and feeding the fire) it appears to have been Yannick... if true, way to continue the stereotype that the French are terrible/sneaky competitors, Yannick. I'm sure your fellow Frenchman are proud of your actions. :/
  • 23 1
 If you bust your ass off digging and some douche would just steal it, I think you'd complain too and to think this trip comes out from their own pocket. So being an ambassador entitles you to steal a line and be a d*bag? You need more passion for your sport to be a privateer, and that's something. Wil is more like a rock and roll kind of kid, maybe sponsors just like the boy band types. Rock on Wil!
  • 25 1
 I'd also like to know who the other rider was. Changing a line once accidentally is forgiveable. Three times disheartening.
  • 12 0
 3 times = get some explosives and totally destroy their line , and there is no such thing as accidental poaching , if there are tire marks or it's been dug f*ck off and find some where else !
  • 2 10
flag SirWonky (Sep 28, 2014 at 23:50) (Below Threshold)
 They probably broke his shovel and threw sand in his face- #territorial
  • 22 1
 he's bummed because he doesn't treat people like that... so it's a hard pill to swallow, or even understand how people can be such assholes at such a cool event. it happens to the best of us buddy! keep your head up man! seems like you have a great family...hard to come by good people these days....if you are in Colorado ever....we'll shred! hit me up! go will!
  • 22 4
 I've followed Wil pretty closely for over 2 years now. He definitely puts a different perspective on Mountain Biking with having basically no big name sponsors. Nearly every year after Rampage you'll see comments on multiple articles and videos like, "Red Bull Sponsor this KID!" or "As if he doesn't have any sponsors?".
I can see his point on the judging. There have definitely been times where he should have gotten higher scores than other riders, probably not podium winning scores, but definitely higher. It's sad that no brands support Wil... you can see the love and effort that he has in the sport.
  • 24 2
 Much respect, Wil. Love your approach to freeriding. Keep your chin up dog
  • 21 2
 There's no way Will's DH bike is 30lbs… hahaha
  • 9 0
 Approx 32.3lbs.
  • 6 1
 It's a Banshee Darkside isn't it? You could build that up way lighter, so I guess 30Pounds is realistic!
  • 4 7
 He rides for Morpheus Gweggy.
  • 10 0
 morpheus riders are on rebranded darksides for rampage, i believe
  • 9 1
 True, it is a Darkside with Morpheus stickers. Shows what i know, too much riding, not enough internet.....
  • 3 0
 Yes, he rides for Morpheus, but it's still a Darkside. Well, I ride Banshees, so I recognise them pretty easy.
  • 20 1
 His dad has so much swag. On his way to steal yo girl
  • 6 0
 His mum sounds like a bad ass too!
  • 18 2
 His run last year was sick. And they scored him way lower than he deserved. Go back and watch it.
  • 6 0
 When he finished his run I was pretty blown away.Proper old school Rampage line.... scores come in.... WTF!
  • 17 1
 Also, I'm really curious who the line poacher could be? That SUCKS, and they should be outed.
  • 14 1
 I doubt it was but I'd laugh if it turned out to be Aggy after all the hash tag worshipping etc.
  • 1 0
 I doubt it, he said it was one guy, they were three riders (+build crews) working on Aggy's line (Aggy, Andreu and Niko).
On top of that, having such a big team, they probably put tools and stuff to shotgun their line top to bottom on the first day
  • 1 0
 Don't think it was Aggy or the others on that line, their line is pretty much straight down, Wil turns left and seems to head to the edge of the course, pretty far away from them.
  • 12 1
 You know guys, you can't really consider this as Wil going out of his way to complain, I doubt he flagged down someone from PB and said "HEY I WANT TO TELL YOU HOW I FEEL RIGHT NOW" I'm sure they came up to him, and asked questions, and he answered them, honestly. If he is having a shitty time, why should he be expected to lie about it? How about we appreciate he doesn't name and shame the rider responsible for poaching his shit? If it was me i'd be screaming his name off the mountaintops. Shows he is more of a man than I am.

Rock on Wil.
  • 6 0
 This is true. Wil didn't ask for this interview, I asked him.
  • 21 11
 I'm sure it's rough being a privateer and trying to ride at the same level as all these riders with free bikes, parts, and plane tickets at their disposal. Also, judging is always tricky. But Wil seems to have a pretty external locus of control (everything bad was happening to him)—which is a sign of immaturity.

I wish the kid well—he shreds—but his attitude is a bit rough. I hope some time and a decent riding spot will give him some perspective and he comes back next year and kills it.
  • 6 1
 Have always liked his style since seeing him at Chatel Mountainstyle 2012 aged 18. But could probably learn from reading these comments too. Overall though a great young worth supporting
  • 10 1
 Poaching lines and digging on someone elses line is a pretty dodgy thing to do. Sponsor ship is a marketing tool and no brand wants a dude that is going to bag out everyone and complain. Andreu and his buddies got pissed of about events, but they changed things to the way they want. Nothing in this world is free, work harder, bring your skills up and be grateful for what you do have. Good things will come.
  • 16 3
 Will white. You da man
  • 25 17
 "Don't have any sponsors to help out with travel fees"

"Hate riding and I hate being a pro - mountain biker"

"It's a pain in the ass not having some sort of support behind me"

No, but what you do have is a list of sponsors that supply you with parts and a free bike. Something that many kids would kill for.

Bet his sponsors loved hearing all that, and he didn't even thank them. He seems to be a capable rider, but if you're not good enough to make a living off it then get a real job and just ride to enjoy biking whilst getting a free bike. How many privateers on the World Cup scene do exactly the same thing year after year, scraping together the money to do it just for the hell of it?

This kid always riles me up with the never-ending complaining.
  • 6 0
 I actually know Wil and I can tell you that his bikes are not free. He pays for them just like the rest of us. Sure they might cut him a deal on a frame or give him some parts at a discounted rate but not free. I have the support of a local shop and I get about the same deal on bikes and parts as Wil does...
  • 7 0
 He actually put out a post on Facebook 2 weeks before Rampage asking his friends if anybody had any spare parts he could use to get his bike together in time.
  • 3 6
 I'm just going off what he say's in the interview when he lists his sponsors. Even if he gets a discounted rate...still more than most other people get. Isn't that something he should be thankful for, and not complain? It's just my opinion he could have a very different outlook on his situation.
  • 11 0
 Pretty sure his Mom could kick ass on roughly 85% of PB posters.
  • 9 2
 I kind of feel as though everyone who is commenting that 'his attitude is bad and as a result won't pick up future sponsors' is missing the point. For Wil, mountain biking is not about picking up sponsors in the future. From what I can tell, here is a man who is hacked off with the commercial nature of our sport, and is criticising it whilst fully aware that he is not endearing himself to any potential sponsors.

In the end, why would he want to become sponsored by the very people whom he's calling out?
  • 16 10
 Complains about other riders poaching his lines... Proceeds to discribe how he recently got multiple trespassing fines for building/riding in illegal areas...

This guy shreds, no doubt. If he just cheers up a little, he might just find one of those big name sponsors.
  • 6 1
 This is EXACTLY WHY I am now sponsoring Wil White. He's not afraid to go against the crowd; he's not afraid to do his own thing; and he's not afraid to tell it like it is. As a sponsor, I prefer someone who gives honest feedback, and won't just blow smoke up my ass.

As for Yannick Granieri stealing his line, it wasn't just that he wanted to ride Wil's line; the problem was that he chiseled three feet off of the lip of the biggest drop on Wil's line, to make it into a roll-in, instead of a huck. And despite his claiming that he didn't know that it was anyone's line, I saw what it looked like, and it was quite obvious that someone was already building there, not to mention the fact that he had been nearby and watching Wil build all morning. He knew EXACTLY what he was doing. If Bender had been a judge this year, he would likely have talked the other judges into knocking several points off of Yannick's line score, and then scored him extra low on amplitude as well, for such chickenshit line vandalism.

So, while you may or may not agree with Wil's assessment that he got scored too low on his run; there is absolutely NO question that he has every right to lodge a complaint about Yannick's actions. And then, when Wil was so disenheartened with his line having been destroyed, and he started working on a different line, Yannick then not only decided to follow him over there, but also started changing THAT line to suit himself, just like he had done to Wil's first line. And then, when Wil brought these transgressions to the attention of the organizers, they basically told him that they didn't have enough spine to get involved. So, I find this part of his interview here to be a very legitimate complaint, that nobody should likely disagree with.

I've stepped up to the plate and started sponsoring Wil White. Hopefully some other companies with deeper pockets can now start doing the same!

Sponsor Wil White!!!
  • 1 0
 i tried too last season,i heard him talk about lack of sponsors and offer support and money, he never bothered to answer back.
now for a second time i hear him bitching on piink bike about lack of help, f*ck dude your on PB all the time, learn to promote yourself if you want to make it, the way of the world now.
does he think every rider in the red bull rampage comes from money ?? 99% had to earn there way there.
sorge won and he is a monster rider , so that shuts down that BS about only redbull riders winning, and lets face it redbull has amazing talent searchers
big drops on big travel bikes is old , smooth fluid runs with tricks are in.
  • 10 6
 Wil is not making life any easier for himself. This entire article just reads like a sore loser having a cry.
Not saying that's the case mind you: I didn't see his runs and I wasn't there so I cannot judge on anything written here being true or not, but either way, it reads pretty bad.

There are always 2 sides to a story so who knows what the other rider has to say about "poaching" lines. Maybe he was eyeballing the same lines since Will keeps it natural it didn't look like anyone was building or using that bit? You never know and shouldn't judge unless you were there...

Not the attitude you want to hear about at the best event of the year.
  • 3 0
 Dude, he was poached, hands down foul play and he chose not to throw the big name pro under the bus publicly, if he had named the rider there would be a thousand people on here bashing him for naming the rider. The people that are there know who it is and karma will come around...
  • 9 1
 So who was poaching his line?
  • 11 4
 That's even sadder than the time norbs got robbed. Red Bull should wine and dine him before they FUCK HIM!
  • 8 4
 He needs to learn how to market himself if he ever wants to get full support. He seems like a self inflated jackass and wether he is or not, he needs to look like polite respecting person for media. Also lets be honest, his style is straight out of 2004 and not impressive when racket up against the best.
  • 3 0
 So much for Canadians being too polite. Thanks for rounding out our rep!
  • 8 2
 Wil, you're a world class athlete and blessed with incredible talent. Cheer up mate!
  • 7 1
 I would like to see his run 2nd qualy run, anyone has the link?
  • 7 0
 Exactly, let us see all the Qualifiers runs. And give the non-Red Bull riders the same quality in camera angles... We'll judge for ourselves.
  • 8 1
 B650wagon, good point about same quality camera angles. Watch the Agassiz and Lecondeguy video and wonder how come the guy who takes the drop first gets two angles and thirty seconds of both riding and interview, and the Red Bull athlete gets multiple angles, slow-mo, and sooo much more face-time with the camera.
  • 4 1
 Red Bull are trying to gain exposure from an event that they have put on. It's not like they're an impartial reporter or something. You can hardly be surprised they're giving so much time to their sponsored athletes. I've been pleasantly surprised by the amount of footage of Aggy, Rheeder and Cam Zink considering they're covered in Monster logos.
  • 4 2
 i feel for him but yeah his attitude is a bit low. picking your battles is definitely the best advice on this thread. as for being noticed, just being 1% below the capability of the top guys puts you out of contention at events like this, its truly top tier at this level. probably the top 0.01% of cyclists and the top 0.1% of mountainbikers at this event. He needs to have a better way of promoting himself. he should get the respect he deserves at this level this level he has to seriously earn that respect. Think of all the riders from over the past decade, how many have gone from obscurity to fame just through their own promotional videos. The net today is the best medium to get who you are and what you do across to the masses and interest the sponsors. its a dogs life, not everyone can have a 1 in a million chance like Basgiota at crankworx.
  • 5 1
 Rampage wins often are from redbull atheltes, also sponcers and popularity of an atheltes also has a judging factor it seems
  • 1 0
 Interesting story. If it was me and my lines and hard work were being hijacked, then I would feel very pissed. What gives people the right to take advantage of someone else's hard work and then be so indifferent when they are called out. Tough to hear that about that kind of stuff and I want to hear his story.
  • 7 7
 Who would want to sponsor a rider who has no regard for authority, ie the Fish and Wildlife Service. I think that most of us have trespassed at least once, I have ridden the same trail in SD where he got cited for trespassing but most people aren't dumb enough to build major trail features on public land reserved for wildlife. To think that just because you can build it means that you should just shows how mistakenly entitled some people feel. Mountain biking to me is about getting out into the mountains, not building a freeride park in the middle of the city of San Diego. If I had the ability to sponsor a rider it certainly wouldn't be a rider like Will White.
  • 5 1
 Can't believe some people
  • 4 0
 This kid is a bad ass rider, period. Big Grin
  • 3 0
 best of luck Wil, hope things go better next year and you get lots more support!
  • 1 0
 Cheer up, you're on right path.Your riding style and approach to mountain biking is inspirational-refreshing. Next year you will find the way to jump over the non-biking obstacles
  • 1 1
 I can see this kids frustration he's working very hard to get his goals and he obviously works very hard unlike some of these big names what got everything handed to them on a silver platter, then some guy comes and wreck his lines.... i'd be pissed off to he's not whining he's pissed off and least has balls to say it.
  • 2 0
 Rampage should have a judging format like FEST let the other riders decide and hopefully the majoraty wouldnt be dicks about it like these poachers
  • 3 1
 Was really pulling for you bro. F whoever poached your lines. At least Rampage is the perfect place for Karma.
  • 2 0
 Reminds me of Stacy Peralta. Or at least his actor in Lords of Dogtown.
  • 8 6
 Poor him. It seems he always gets f*cked overFrown
  • 1 0
 read the comment thread. Morpheus cycles said they are going to fund him a bit.
  • 4 6
 What a shitty attitude. Every year this guy brings the same story to Rampage about how the entire world is up against him. I like seeing Will White at Rampage because of how it plays out about some normal guy going up against the pros. But the fact of the matter is that other guys have burlier lines and they're tricking them. Will White is outpaced and it has nothing to do with other riders, sponsors, or judges.
  • 1 0
 100% agree^^^^

he has been invited and if you shread you get noticed and sponsored

nobody gets a FULL sponsorship by bitching and doing shit thats 15 years old for a run.

he should talk to kurt sorge, i sponsored him(free frame) as a kid now look at him, he is awesome and does not itch when he did not have the best equipment(he rode a DNM for abit even, before it busted)
  • 4 2
 I like the kid...but his attitude is not helping him.
  • 2 1
 "There is a lot of sketchy judging going on" - Wil White
Save Rampage , should be judged by the riders in the contest only!
  • 3 1
 What happened to Wil in the finals?
  • 20 20
 Seems really bitter, needs to relax
  • 18 19
 He sure has a lot of excuses for why he didnt do good this year...or any other year...
  • 3 0
 Best comment yet
  • 9 10
 Legend vs crybaby.... I don't know who is winning this battle about him in my head after reading this article... 45/55??
  • 1 1
 After seeing judging in the finals, I'll go 75/25...
  • 5 5
 Name & shame or stop whining about it.
  • 1 2
 Redbull give this man some wings!
  • 1 1
 wil rules!
  • 33 34
 a lot of complaining.
  • 22 5
 its within his right to share his feelings about it, friggen snakes
  • 22 2
 wouldn`t you if you got poached and scored low?
  • 13 4
 Yes, BUT, I have to agree on the fact that the judging isn't accurate. I have the feeling that it are juste some riders who are allowed to win Rampage
  • 14 1
 But a lot of it is justified complaining IMO. I'd be pissed too if people were changing my lines/trails without discussing it first!
  • 15 2
 Agree with the biased judging to an extent. Last year had zinc made a complete run hands down should have won it but when it came to straight and Mcgazza it's hard to say. That billy goat line off the top was gnarly but suicide no hander off a 50' drop vs backflipping the canyon gap....hands down canyon gap there...
  • 8 3
 @downhilljunkie01 - I agree, I would grumble too. Just not to a major media outlet that plenty of potential sponsors likely follow closely. It will be a tough uphill battle for him with this type of coverage following him around. He's a great rider for sure, but these days you need to be a bit more. Check out the way the 'ambassadors' of the sport handle themselves. Keep working at it Will!
  • 7 2
 Yes, but the truth needs to be out! If there was line poaching and misjudging then his story needs to be told. I think his interview was very professional, in the article they griped but not in an offensive manner. I wish him the best in years to come!
  • 7 9
 This guy sounds like such a whiny little bitch.
  • 1 1
 Why? Because he gets treated like an outsider for not having the Red Bull stamp on his lid?

If it was Yannick who gave him a hard time and stole his lines, that f*cker can piss off back to France and f*cking stay there. Not on at all
  • 1 4
 No because nearly every article from him on here is him complaining about one thing or another. To talk about 'how much it sucks to be a pro rider.' What a joke. The kid is an entitled douche. He was the only one complaining at rampage this year.
  • 1 1
 internet typist sounds like whiny lil bic,

are you sending, investing time to it making money to attend an event and progress as a rider or human?

Or just hitting keys to make your self feel good by putting others down.

Weak sauce

were you at rampage this year? Did you know what the actual riders and diggers were saying first hand if not. . .

Further, he has a voice because he isn't under a hugh contract and can speak cause it doesn't affect his paycheck. Sorry your hella incorrect. Check yourself.
  • 2 0
 with an attitude like his, he'll likely never have that huge contract.
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