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Video: Road Trippin' Through California With the Pivot DH Team

May 20, 2015
by Pivot Cycles  
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Being on a bike team isn't just about the training or the time between the start gate and the finish line - it is also about where it can take you. For the Pivot Factory DH team, a trip to the West Coast meant that they had two weeks to find new trails, visit new shops, play tourist and maybe race just a little bit. Photographer/Videographer Jens Staudt joined Bernard Kerr, Emilie Siegenthaler and team wrench Jack Noy for a road trip from Los Angeles to Port Angeles (Eliot Jackson took a week off to recover from his monster crash at Lourdes - he'll join the team again at Fort William).

Trying to find the problem.
Not everything went as planned - Bernard's idea was to get the biggest, best RV to be found in LA for the least amount of cash. Unfortunately, the Beaver didn't make it out of the city limits.

Isn t it always the same Tetris game
Once they got the vehicle situation figured out (in a much smaller, less stylish, but far more reliable rental car) the crew beelined to Sea Otter.

Swinging her way to the fourth spot on the podium.
Emilie and her M4X
Already a familiar face on World Cup podiums, Emilie raced her first ever Dual Slalom and grabbed her first podium in that event with a 5th.

Bernard worked his way up to the 3th place on the podium on his Mach6.
Sea Otter Dual Podium
Taking spot 3
After some test runs on the Dual course, Bernard chose his Pivot Mach 6 Carbon enduro bike and finished with a 3rd spot on the podium.

Getting rowdy on the first straight.
Emilie had a strong run in the downhill race and grabbed her second podium of the weekend with another 5th.

Jack the mechanic killing it on the Pivot Vault
Team mechanic, Jack Noy, is no slouch on the bike and got his own race in after the other events wrapped up. Emilie provided stoke and the occasional heckle.

And then it was time to hit the trails in Santa Cruz... Bernard takes flight.

Getting his stoppiesunday done
Stoppie Sunday waits for no one. Bernard gets it done on the streets of San Francisco.

Jack Emilie Bernard
Local shops are a welcome rest on any road trip. The team chills out in Eureka, CA at Adventure's Edge.

Getting ready for the race
First ever Pro GRT
Emilie happy on the podium.
The team went back to work in Port Angeles at the first Pro GRT of the season. Emilie Siegenthaler had a huge crash in training, but held it together for the finals and ended up on the podium, in 5th again.

Bernard ended in place 12.
Bernard felt great on the track, but an error put him in 12th place for the day.

Casual day in Portland before the shop visit.
The last stop was at Cyclepath in Portland - a day of townie bikes and then a glass of beer to wrap it all up before heading back to Europe.

MENTIONS: @pivotcycles / @bernardkerr

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pivotcycles avatar

Member since Jan 31, 2013
91 articles

  • 29 1
 There are so many great places to ride all throughout California. I wish these team videos would reflect that. Often they show less than a handful of spots in a fairly condensed coastal area. California is quite large and has every type of terrain you can imagine. Some day a team will hopefully do a real Cali tour and do it justice. That being said it was nice that they at least stopped in Eureka. now they only need to go inland and ride some volcano steeps.
  • 4 0
 Any good riding in Tahoe or Mammoth Lakes? I passed through there long ago before I got into biking, but I feel like there'd be awesome trails there and a good community. Surprised not many videos coming out of there.
  • 7 0
 It would take months to do a proper California tour if you're hitting the secret spots...
  • 71 0
 If your coming to California, please bring your own water. We are running out. Thanks.
  • 2 0
 I think they did a pretty good job of smelling the roses between San Luis Obispo and Port Angeles.
  • 3 0
 Yeah, I'm surprised they stopped here in Euretweeka
  • 1 1
 I agree with cthorpe, would be nice if they would try some of the gems here in Far-Nor-Cal, including Redding, Mt. Shasta area.
  • 1 0
 Any spot with a decent shop is likely gonna have a few local trails of varying types . While not all are gonna be gems I'm sure the locals would be more than willing to show off their stuff to high profile teams. I know I would.
  • 1 0
 I would too.
  • 1 0
 Exactly. A couple months ago an area that we called Oakley, (because it was right next to the Oakley HQ) was torn down so that houses could be built. What we felt was exactly what the riders who went to Postoffice felt like. Except Oakley was way way bigger than postoffice. I wish more people new about Oakley so that it could have been saved, (as well as postoffice).
  • 19 0
 Pivot delivers. Every time.
  • 13 1
 Awesome video! Clearly showing the inferiority of the fatbike. Pullin stoppies and riding a dual slalom with a cross bike. Mad props my friend, mad props!
  • 1 3
 Definitely not selling fatbikes with that segment. I will say that my(non-rigid) fatty rides more or less like a regular mountain bike. Manuals, jumps, and wheelies for days. Haven't really tried stoppies on it, though.
  • 9 0
 Why not just get a regular mountainbike then?
  • 1 5
flag AllMountin (May 21, 2015 at 7:50) (Below Threshold)
 I have those, also. The fatty is for winter use primarily, but summer lap times are within seconds of my lighter, skinnier bikes. It's really hard to flat a tubeless fatty and the wheels will take some heavy hits. As a result, I will huck flights of stairs, ride up stairs, and try other questionable things that I won't touch with my AM bike for fear of pinches and/or rim damage.

Shorting a box at the skate park is no big deal on the fatty, but the same mistake leaves me patching 4 holes on my 29er or 26er. As with all things, there are tradeoffs, but with the right geo and setup, they can make great do-it-all bikes.
  • 1 0
 I was poking fun at fat bikes, but I don't write them off completely. I think of them like purpose build machines, good for snow and sand. I'm sure they are awesome there. But, the industry seems to be pushing fat bikes sales. And while I haven't ridden one, I wouldn't pick one over my "normal" full squish bike for the trails that I ride.
  • 1 1
 I hate to be a dick, but I never understood the appeal of the fat bike. If there is too much snow to ride you bike in why not break out the skis? Whether it is telemark, alpine, AT or cross country skiing that would seem to be the more effective, efficient and fun way to travel through the snow packed woods of winter. As far as riding in sand that might be the only practical use for this new industry trend. But really how many of us have a desert on hand that requires a 4+ inch tire. Plus a ski setup, even an expensive one, costs less than a basic fat bike. Maybe I'm just a curmudgeon but I don't get it.
  • 1 0
 It's fine if you don't wanna buy one. It's just an option. I am in Lower Michigan, and the snow is often marginal or inadequate for skiing. Skiing is not a dependable, full time sport here. I can almost always ride, and fatbikes are funner and more stable in most snow conditions, even if they are technically rideable on a skinny bike. I can ride lightly snow covered, frozen jumps for half the winter. Even compromised riding is still productive for progression and maintaining fitness. Also, I have no aspirations as a skier, but I want to be a great rider. So I ride, pretty much whenever I can(currently on a 70 day mountain biking ride streak). Some people abuse themselves on summer singletrack with CX bikes and rigid hardtails anyway. Fatbikes are funner and more practical than both.
  • 8 0
 Loving this Pivot Team... Way to go Chris!!! Terrific , fun fast crew !!! Loving seeing Emilie Siegenthaler in the States !!!
  • 10 1
 Rest In Peace the beaver.
  • 13 1
 Looks like they pounded the beaver too hard.
  • 3 0
 Sucks when u drop a load of cash on a beaver and it takes u nowhere. On the upside that looked like a super fun time.
  • 2 2
 They totally smashed that beaver, then it was all about shoving bikes in the back doors of the SUV after that
  • 1 0
 I'm still trying to figure out how they fit all their bikes in the SUV
  • 8 0
 Wonder why they were tripping so hard on that driller.
  • 4 0
 It's been in the news. Shell's sending it up to the arctic soon. The last time they went up there it was a big mess.
  • 7 0
 I'm no geographer, but I'm at least 80% sure that Port Angeles and Portland are outside of California.
  • 6 0
 that was mint!
  • 4 0
 Stoppie through the corkscrew, pretty cool from Kerr. Remember the Stoner/Rossi battle through there anyone?!
  • 3 0
 Anybody know what kind of helmet is the blue one that Bernard is wearing when they are riding in Sanfran?
  • 1 0
 Awesome thanks!
  • 5 0
  • 3 0
 Yo Dog I heard you like using hast tags in your videos.
  • 2 1
 Love it. No helmet section of the clip, gratuitous freeride flicks (just cuz), and the obligatory poaching of illegal trails. #Getoffmylawn
  • 1 1
 Haha Morrissey overcrossing in SC represent. Too bad about the Beaver - it was probably just a sub $20 part from O'Kragenapa to fix her.
  • 1 0
 anybody know what xc/am helmet they are wearing ?
the blue one...
MET what ?
  • 1 0
 Kerr can't not stoppy. Ridiculous. PS i have those same pint glasses as that shop
  • 1 0
 Wow, must be an amazing but exhausting trip. Wonderful clip and photos. Weiter so J.
  • 2 0
  • 1 0
 The Bernard Kerr stoppy show
  • 1 0
 I want a mach 6 for 26 wheels. They look so good.
  • 1 0
  • 2 2
 Beaver sure looks like it took a licking.
  • 1 0
 Hashtag everything!
  • 1 0
 I just call it LIFE
  • 1 0
 Wheres Jackson!!!!
  • 1 0
 Eliot took a little time off after his big crash at Lourdes - we are so stoked on him and his racing and are super glad that he is smart about recovery and staying healthy. He'll be at Fort Bill next week and we will all be cheering for him!

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