Pinkbike Poll: Words and Photos vs Video

Oct 2, 2014
by Mike Levy  
Every now and then, between Candy Crush requests and those never funny e-cards that someone keeps making for every occasion, Facebook actually serves up some interesting reading. I came across such a nugget when I was scrolling through my feed last week, which consisted of an acquaintance asking people's opinions on whether they preferred old fashioned text and photos or videos when it comes to how they take in their internet content. Surely most people would rather watch a video than actually read something, right? Wrong. I admit that I was a bit taken aback when I scanned the replies and realized that the majority of the answers were in favour of wanting to read someone's thoughts while looking at photos rather than simply pressing play on an "edit" and sitting back to take it in.

Now, there are obviously types of content where a video makes the most sense, and there are a surprisingly large amount of great videos out there, but when it comes to in-depth articles, tech features such as reviews and product debuts, and especially stories that are truly worthy of having the word "epic" in their title, I'm of the opinion that nothing beats the written (or maybe it's typed?) word combined with some amazing photographs. I will concede that I'm obviously more than a little biased towards text, though, so maybe I don't exactly have my finger on the pulse of the internet.

Forget about the three minute videos of local senders risking life and limb for 100,000 pushes of the play button, and try to push that incredible World Cup footage to the back of your mind. Instead, I want to know how you would prefer to absorb the original content here on Pinkbike - do you still want to read bike reviews, product features and epic stories or bike adventures from around the world, or do you want to have all the highlights canned up in a three minute video that you can pause at will?

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mikelevy avatar

Member since Oct 18, 2005
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  • 125 1
 I can't watch videos with sound in class, but I sure can read during that time!
  • 7 1
 if the riding is good enough, i can watch videos in class no problem with the sound off no problem.
  • 1 24
flag konarider112 (Oct 2, 2014 at 22:01) (Below Threshold)
 It would be really nice if the video didn't even have sound so you don't have to worry about the video blasting loud music before you can turn it down.
  • 73 4
 pro tip: Study first. Ride later.
  • 15 27
flag groghunter (Oct 2, 2014 at 22:34) (Below Threshold)
 life is short: ride, & if there's time, study. maybe.
  • 2 0
 That is EXACTLY what's happening for me now.
  • 65 2
 @groghunter: problem is that down the line flipping burgers won't buy you a proper bike
  • 27 0
 I know what you mean! As soon as I turn on the sound my students want to watch the video too and them my lesson is a mess. But once they are gone its game on.
  • 7 1

Problem is actually that people took my joke super cereal. Razz

Though the value of a college education is actually quite a valid subject for debate. There's at least a few studies showing that the decreased earnings potential due to student debt & 4+ years of less of job experience, contributions to retirement funds, etc, don't balance out in favor of college. The skyrocketing costs of secondary education, at least in the US, skew the balance further every year.

In individual cases, it can be even worse, as you can't discharge student debt through bankruptcy in this country. You can end up destitute, with most of your earnings going to pay a debt that you gained no benefit from.
  • 2 1

I hear what you're saying. However, this guy is already in school so the debate on whether or not to go to college doesn't really fit here. For those that are currently in school, the best thing to do is study hard, finish with school as soon as you can, then get a job in a location where you can shred as much as you want.
  • 3 1
 If we're going to go that deep on the subject, he never mentioned that reading pink bike was affecting his studies in any way. Not every class requires a diligent student to pass with an A, especially if you're familiar with the subject matter.
  • 7 1
 You both get failing marks at lighthearted goofy comments. I'll give you two days to resubmit your comments before I give your final marks in. Please take another look at the comments rubric, as I will looking for posts focused on shredding more and studying less, strategies for sneaking past IT blocks in class so as to watch redbull rampage live, and proper wedgie protocol for people who work too hard in class.
  • 1 0
 duskrider10 I feel you bro!
  • 64 2
 Videos have their place, but more often than not they simply don't have the substance of a well written article - or the music sucks so much wind that I have to shut it down before my mind explodes. I would however like to see more instructional videos, addressing both riding technique and bike maintenance.
  • 15 2
 ^ this
  • 11 0
 Raw/unedited without music and behind the scenes videos are great! They offer a real insight into the lives of mountain bike professionals.
  • 8 1
 In my perfect world:
Videos - Bike Maintaining, Killer Edits, Interviews
Text - Product Reviews, User Generated, Etc.
  • 5 1
 @somismtb: you forgot "review bazooka" in the videos!
  • 7 2
 VitalMTBs slideshows are definitely the best of both worlds.
  • 5 0
 ^Have to say the VitalRAW videos for the World Cup are pretty cool, just because its great hearing the sound of what it is actually like...

I think the issue here is that, currently, there is too much video content and the vast majority is just not that great. When you watch the majority of the videos out there compared to Danny MacAskill's recent video, its like watching the real deal vs. a middle school AV class video. Obviously, Danny's talent on the bike is out of this world, but its more about having the production, imagery, music, etc. that matches his talent which sets it apart.

I think that PB and Vital's photo articles (both have a different style which I equally enjoy) are more line Danny's video in terms of quality. You tell a great story, and you have excellent photography, which I think comes from the fact that you probably take hundreds or thousands of photos and only select the best, which is why I come to this site - for the best content.
  • 35 6
 I didn't read this article, they should make a video.
  • 15 0
 Videos have they're place but there's nothing like a well composed picture that you can take the time to scan through and take I all the detail.
  • 9 0
 Considering the Rampage "highlights" video this year and the PB photo coverage it's no question. Videos definitely have their place and I have happily spent hours watching great video content on this site but there are few videos that rival any photo epic.
And don't go trying to start doing slide-shows! It's a terrible format!
  • 10 0
 Every time I click on a photo epic I never think I'll make it to the end. 30 minutes later...
  • 8 0
 I don't really bother watching the VODs anymore as they're mostly all the same. Meanwhile I can spend minutes contemplating every POD and wondering about the story behind it...

I love epic trip stories and photo articles for that reason as the text usually plunges you much deeper into context than most videos do... But some videos like the rampage footage or all the macaskill/akrigg edits not only pushes me to ride but it pushes me to ride harder by redefining what's possible to do on a bike and not many epic story or photo can accomplish that.

Everything has its place.
  • 8 0
 I think text also has the advantage of being easier to go through at your own pace.I wouldn't want to sit through a 5 minute video that would take 2 minutes to read, or 30 seconds to get the key information from.
  • 1 0
 Yp, that's it! You can not easily skim through the video
  • 1 0
 On the flipside of this, Bikemag who have arguably excellent written articles have stated making videos and they are low quality imo. Low production quality that is, in order to feed the interweb
  • 5 0
 Adventure trips and photo epics are simply the best. I enjoy reading the captions of the well composed shots in a big write up, where a video isn't needed because the shot tells a story of its own from the great composition. Although photos are great, an edit from the trip surely takes its place, because it can simply show more than a still.
  • 1 0
 I absolutely agree with your opinion
  • 8 0
 I only read lists. 10 Reasons Why Pinkbike Will Only Make List Articles Now. #4 Will BLOW Your Mind.
  • 8 0
 This man took his bike up a cliff, you WON'T BELIEVE what happened NEXT

Note to Pinkbike: please don't start buzzfeederizing your written articles
  • 4 0
 It just depends on if I'm looking for information or entertainment. Entertainment is usually better in video form, information is usually better in written form where I can slowly read what is important and skip over what doens't matter.

Whenever information (how to fix something, for example) is stuffed in a video I have to skip back and forward and pause a lot, which drives me nuts.
  • 2 0
 Yes. Entertainment in videos, information in text.
  • 7 0
 I guess if you can't read or write, thats alright.
  • 4 0
 Bike reviews, product reviews, stories, these need to be words. Race clips, new edits, rampage footage needs to be video. Healthy dose of both should work. Carry on Pinkbike, love the sweet work!
  • 4 0
 the writing has been better this season than i can remember and yall seem to write, and feature, longer articles more regularly than other 'mtb fix providers.' please keep it up
  • 3 0
 Most mountain bike 'journalism' with a very few exceptions is total shite. Mike Ferrentino and some of Dirt Rag stand out as exceptions, able to convey riding emotion (or bloody knuckles) in a few paragraphs. PB is often an exeception to the typical over-exposed commercialism as well. The travel articles, character features, detailed test reviews, and tendency to use the F word in an appropriately irreverent way are rather unique to this site and it would be a shame if that ratio were skewed in favor of more video.

All that said, I love Fail Fridays and the 2013 Unofficial Whip Off Motley Crüe video, so so much.
  • 4 0
 Anything from Margus and I'm a happy camper. It takes a lot for me to watch a video these days. Pictures I can stare at for days.
  • 2 0
 I like videos, can't watch 'em at work, but I save them for later, no problem.
I also like photo epics. But for christ sake, make the photos/words resize to fit the current browser size.
Why do I have to scroll left to right to see both sides of every picture and read the last part of every line?

If I want to read the words in a cascaded browser, make it fit. If I want to read the words on a cell phone, MAKE IT FIT.
When I have to maximize everything, my boss can see. And it confirms that your web designers are lazy.
  • 2 0
 For tech content such as reviews text is the way to go in my opinion. It gives the author space for a deeper insight and allows the reader to take their time to ponder over specific bits without disturbing the flow of the review (which would be the case with pausing, rewinding and fast-forwarding a video).
  • 2 0
 I like all - videos, text, photos, if they are all good and quality done. But nothing can beat great video that leads you to put your helmet and gloves after midnight, before you realize it's dark and cold winter day outside and you have to go to work in the morning.
  • 2 0
 I think written content still has its place. I'd actually like more rider profiles and that sort of thing, I think it's good for the sport to showcase individual personalities a bit more. Some of the tech content on PB is quite interesting too. It's also easier to access written content on mobile when you don't always have the best connectivity.
  • 1 0
 I like the write ups with photos. Usually there is a short description of the photo under it describing: location, thoughts, why they picked this spot or simply who is in the picture. Then in-between the pictures you get a more in depth reasoning as to why they picked that location or how their thought process was working. But.......I sure do love watching some good short clips of guys doing their thing.
  • 1 0
 Videos are what I watch on my phone to get me through the day.
The words and photos are what inspire me to take on new adventures ( can happily blame pinkbike for 'making me' go to Nepal this year after reading one of the articles that was on here.)
  • 1 0
 In my mind the use of infographic type articles could really benefit PB reviews etc... Good tales from the trail should never be replaced by video and likewise words will never have the capacity to replace the feeling produced by the best edits
  • 1 0
 The Pinkbike photo articles are far and away the best quality MTB content on the web! Especially the last few years' world cup coverage - Nat Geo quality photos with short, punchy captions. That being said, the Vital RAW videos never fail to make me stoked - if PB could do something similar alongside their existing killer coverage, that shit would be next level!
  • 1 0
 I got 6GB of data each month so I can't watch videos all the time. I'll just have to try and find out first if they are worth spending my amount of data before watching. Wich makes me hate commercials even more, using up my data with stuff I have no interest in.
  • 1 0
 If the guy in the video for a review is standing there talking for 5 minutes it should be words and pictures. Videos should show riding, and I'd like to see them focused on showing how the bike reacts over bumps. Text I'd like mostly technical details (wheel path & shock curve rate being #1, plus the basics like BB height, etc).
  • 1 0
 They both have their place equally. I love videos for entertainment I want them, wc rounds ups etc. But in terms of detailed articles and reviews, written word is where its at.
  • 2 0
 I check pinkbike at work a lot. It is no problem to read an article while waiting the computer to do stuff. Watching a 5 min. video at work is not quite so justifiable.
  • 1 0
 I like articles with both.. Stills capture a special moment of the ride and the video brings it all to life. Always a great combo for a article.
  • 3 0
 I like them long as they have good content. There.
  • 2 0
 Yeah you forgot the answer "reading/pictures have their place, but I prefer vids". That's my answer.
  • 2 0
 Pretty jaded towards trail and downhill edits. Freestyle BMX vids are always exciting though. I'll read the rest.
  • 3 0
 Unless its Review Bazooka I prefer most content in words.
  • 1 0
 If they are anything like the rockshox reverb rebuild tutorial videos then burn them all with fire I say, those things are horrible!
  • 1 0
 I like to read reviews the most, but I think a video that went with them would go a long way to helping describe the bike, or piece of gear.
  • 2 0
 I spend 50% of my year at sea where there is no hope of loading videos. Pinkbike reviews and write ups keep me sane!
  • 2 0
 Reading one's Writing is Learning... Writing is Sharing... and Sharing is Caring!!! Words for better Worlds!!!
  • 1 0
 Video. In tyhat way you see much more shredding! You can read a article on 30.000 words about the trails in BC are, but i will tell you as much as a 3 minute video.
  • 2 0
 Whenever there's a video, I wish there's more writing, and vice versa
  • 1 0
 There's a missing option in the poll. -I prefer to watch videos but text/photo have their place.
  • 1 0
 There is one obvious option missing. Words, Photos AND Videos. Why not all three for where it makes sense?
  • 1 1
 Vital mtb has it sorted with their sideshows. They are an amazing blend of sound bites, images and some video. Just copy them.
  • 2 0
 I love it when you guys do an article, photos and a video combined!
  • 1 0
 Both are beautiful art forms to portray our lovely sport in, no competition!! Smile
  • 1 0
 I can watch video on the bus or at home, but only the photos and words are accessible at work... I need both.
  • 2 0
 The photo epics are the best thing about Pinkbike for me
  • 1 0
 Try to make a video your desktop wallpaper lol... I like the Photo Epics...
  • 3 1
 Do we really need reviews of $10,000 bikes?
  • 1 0
 I really like those slideshows on Nice Photos with a few chosen words, some audios and short clips.
  • 1 0
 I guess the 2nd option best sums up how I feel. But I prefer to see ALL of it. That's what makes PB so great
  • 1 0
 Can you make this article into a video so I don't have to read it. Hahaha
  • 1 0
 Words please, I cant watch vids with sounds in the office!
  • 1 0
 They both have their place, as long as they're relevant and well done!
  • 3 2
 Photo epics with one sentence blurbs are the best
  • 1 0
 Words, man. Words.I despise websites that provide all content on video.
  • 1 0
 I only read the Enduro articles.
  • 1 0
 Words + pictures during work Smile
  • 1 0
 I would take a good quality story plus a photo epic over video any day.
  • 1 0
 gotta go with words and photos
  • 1 0
 Why is there no yes, all of those things option?
  • 1 0
 Words and Photos.
  • 1 2
 I don't need words, video, IPA, go shred.

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