Pinkbike Poll: Why Do You Love It?

Jun 26, 2014
by Mike Levy  
Looking back at some of my recent work reveals a focus on a bunch of new components and bikes, a couple of short pieces on a chain tool and tasty energy bar, and a jumble of words that add up to me complaining about trails being toned down so more people take part in our beloved sport. Given all of that, I wouldn't blame you for assuming that I'm a bit of a a*shole who glares at babies, hates puppies, and takes life way too seriously. However, my co-workers, past teachers, and current girlfriend will all unhappily attest to that not being the case, and that I often sport a shit eating grin for no obvious reason other than whatever mountain bike ride I did last. That's as good a reason as any, right? After all, I have more smile-inducing moments during an average pedal through the forest than I'd get from spending an hour in a bouncy castle with Scarlett Johansson, although I would love to test that theory out to be sure.


Friends, bikes, and mountains. It doesn't get much better, does it?

That train of thought - the bit about riding, not Scarlett - got me thinking about what I enjoy most about being on my bike, something that turned out to be a really hard thing for me to pinpoint. I can tell you why I need Tim Hortons everyday of the week (it's obviously the small amount of cocaine that they put in the coffee and donuts), and justify my belief that every bike should be black (it's the best colour, duh) and how no bikes should come with a handlebar that measures less than 780mm (it's the best width, duh), but I can't give you one main reason why pedalling a bike on singletrack makes me happier than anything else in this world. Even more than the thought of Ms. Johansson battling gravity in an inflatable kid's play park. Can you?

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mikelevy avatar

Member since Oct 18, 2005
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  • 477 1
 Because it's fun.
  • 24 2
  • 52 0
 why is that not an answer I can choose?
  • 10 1
 nailed it
  • 13 0
 +1 the reason for it being fun changes every ride!
  • 23 0
 Why do I do it? Just....because, man
  • 5 6
 Camaraderie all the way
  • 16 0
 Hard to say just one thing , for me biking is about 4 things , the actual riding , being out in the woods , building trails and sharing the fun with friends.
  • 5 0
 mas uno !!
  • 9 0
 Why is ALL OF THE ABOVE, not an answer? Love all of it, plus what Desertrat3511 said, because all of it's fun!
  • 23 0
 Couldn't reply to survey because "for fun" wasn't on the list.
I like the fitness aspect - but if that were my sole purpose, I would be a roadie or XC racer. I love the "oh crap" moments of scaring myself or successfully managing a tough section of trail, but if it were just the adrenaline or scary moments that I ride for, I would ride do dirt jumping, Rampage riding and all of the scary trails in my backyard that I avoid. I hate the process of recovering from injury. Camaraderie is great, but I ride alone a lot. Finally, I don't see mountain biking (or any sport) as an escape from real life - it is a part of the fabric of real life.
  • 3 1
  • 16 0
 Because the alternative to riding is not riding and that's just plain dumb.
  • 3 1
 I agree herzalot. Mountain biking IS real life. Its unadultered pure life living.
  • 3 1
 I think we started because we were inspired and then saw how fun it is, when suddenly it became a way of life. But I think we all had that moment where we thought we could be Minnar or CG?? Admit it...
  • 2 0
 All of the above count?
  • 2 11
flag stefanfresh (Jun 27, 2014 at 10:26) (Below Threshold)
 MIKE LEVY UR FULL OF CRAP, especially if you dont bike for the simple reason of having fun! sorry man, been intending to say it for quite a while too, lately your opinions are just pointless and are exactly from tehe kind of people that ruin the sport!
  • 4 0
 Been riding 5 yrs.
yr 1: for fitness
yr 2: to increase my technical ability
yr 3: (new bike) explore
yr 4: get my kids into it
yr 5: fun & finding limits

i may get neg'd to death, but, riding is not always 'fun'. Just the other day, trails so slippy, creak i havent located, fork not getting full travel since my new 50mm stem swap, mosquito fest, booby traps by bored summer campers. BUT the next evening was nirvana. Live to Ride
  • 2 1
 stefanfresh you are talking shite
  • 1 1
 Nailed it.
  • 188 0
 Real life is biking, skiing, adrenaline, ect. Anything else is just some bullshit you have to bear with to be able to the things you love. Am I right? or Am I right? haha
  • 6 1
 Why is this not on the list
  • 5 1
 That's the real truth right there brother
  • 4 1
  • 7 1
 Couldn't have said it better myself. I deal with shit everyday just so I can ride and come home to my beautiful wife. Not a bad deal IMO.
  • 9 2
 To paraphrase Steve Mcqueen on racing from the start of F1rst "Biking is life the rest is just waiting"
  • 1 5
flag daddyurbs (Jun 26, 2014 at 22:41) (Below Threshold)
 You forgot about the females,unless your staightedge haha;-)
  • 1 1
 Never heard truer words.
  • 5 0
 A wise man once said "work to live, don't live to work".
I have no clue who that wise man was but he was right, work and all the crap that goes with being an adult is just a means to afford your real life, mountain biking.
  • 1 0
 adrenaline man its all about adrenaline.... amen
  • 1 0
 Willowlson, you are correct!
  • 26 1
 More than one answe applies! What to do! Skiing and biking are the only sports I'm anyway good at so that's one point and I love the rush when your bar clips a tree or your rear tyre washes and for a split second your flailing around madly trying the regain control, add speed to the equation and it's just addictive!!
  • 20 0
 D- "all of the above"
  • 29 1
 Because it makes me feel free.
  • 18 0
 This. Plus, it's the perfect alchemy of fun, fitness, technical challenge, reward, and exhilaration. Plus, I get to commune with nature and shit...
  • 8 0
 Love the mother fucking outdoors
  • 17 0
 More than one answer applies for sure. Biking to me is not an escape from real life, it is a part of my life which is real, and I am very grateful to be able to ride my bike as much as I do and see the places I see while riding. Biking, as with other physical activities, is a form of meditation, even if we don't realize it, when I am biking i am forced to be in the present moment, and not pay attention to all the other crap in my head or I crash. Biking connects people, how many smiles and crazy stories and laughs do you get while shuttling with friends, or from random people you have never met before on the chair lift. Biking motivates me to live a healthier lifestyle, eat better, train in the off season to help improve my riding, also improving my overall health and energy. Biking has improved my community spirit, going out and helping on trail days and at events has given me a more helpful and selfless attitude in other areas of my life as well. All this from what used to be a way to get to the corner store and buy a pack of gum! Pretty amazing things these bikes! Enjoy the ride people! Braappp!
  • 1 0
 your name and the sentiment of your comment seem at odds with each other. i liked your point about riding being a form of meditation as it forces you to focus on the "now". i wonder how many ppl ride for exactly that reason and dont even know.
  • 14 1
 None of the options up there. I ride because I love mountain biking, I love mud and dust, I love mountains, trails and the forest. Even after riding mtb for more than 24 years racing more than 60 downhill races and having a strong problem in my spine I just cant stop riding mountain bikes....
  • 10 0
 Because there is no other feeling than pushing yourself to the edge of your comfort levels. No other feeling when you've treked on all day and you reach your destination. Or when you you nail that kicker you've been eyeing for some time now. Or that rock garden your body parts are too familiar with. Even when i'm just coasting around, foolishly pedaling in circles, I will never feel as good as I do when im biking.
  • 9 0
 If I didn't ride, many around me wouldn't like me much because I would be an insufferable a**hole. People might get hurt. Riding is one of those things I can own and have all to myself. It's therapy.
  • 6 0
 I get paid to think about completely abstract math all day, which is great, but I love being able to get out of my head and get my body to do something that requires all my senses and attention. And you can be smart and creative about it, if you're able/want, but it's such a different way of 'thinking'. It's so fun.
  • 6 0
 I ride as a healthy escape from my work and family life. Without it, I become a cranky, miserable bastard...and soon enough, my wife and/or co-workers will be asking me when my next ride will be.

But also, I do function well with a little bit of risk in my life. Someone once told me that, without the presence of death, life is more mundane. I learned that from ice and alpine climbing, which mountain biking has replaced.

But I don't go out to put myself in precarious positions on purpose; just enough fear to make the hair on the back of my neck stand up and pay attention. After all, I do have to have functional arms, legs (and a brain) to hold my wife and toddler with at the end of the day.

Oh, and I love my riding friends, my awesome bike, and my time on the trail with my Black Labrador, Olive, too.

Is that enough reasons? As someone else said, "D- all of the above"

  • 5 0
 When i ride everything else disappears... No matter what bullish*t is going on at that moment in my life, for those few hours I'm pedaling its just me and the bike, nothing else on my mind, its just liberating! On my dh specially, all the crap that goes through my head all day is replaced with "oh SH!T where'd that drop come from!" Currently out due to a broken foot (from riding of course) and i still spend all day dreaming about the day I'm back on ma bikesssss
  • 6 0
 Because I'm 35 with a 19month old son, my wife hates me...and riding my bike is the only thing that I can do for myself that makes me forget the shittiness of my mundane life. Neg prop away....
  • 4 0
 That's sad ledude... I won't neg prop you - you need a hug! (Not from me, however). Or a divorce attorney...
  • 1 0
 your son is the most important thing. be happy for him. i dont mean pretend to be happy when he is around, i mean try to actually be happy. with him. for him. because of him. and get him a balance bike.
  • 1 0
 Thanks guys...didn't post to get sympathy but I appreciate it nonetheless...just tried to convey that like many others: riding is my one true escape...allows those negative vibes in my head and heart to get sweated out ...riding is therapy, its my church.
  • 2 0
 Your not kidding. I have a little guy, and we really had some early struggles. My couple hours away on my bike, whether solo or with buds, that was pure escape. Dirt, wood, metal, rubber, joy. Enjoy your escape man.
  • 6 0
 Escape from the everyday. When you're flying down a hill making constant split second decisions you can't think about anything else. It is the ultimate escape.
  • 5 0
 It is life! It's not an escape from life. Friends, family, adventure, fun.... That's life. Work and the stuff that's not fun is the means to the end. Mountain biking isn't about escaping life, it's about embracing it.
  • 4 0
 Because the intensity of the moment makes everything else go away for bit. Sometimes I make it to the lift just in time to catch the last hour or so at the bike park. It can turn my entire day around! Or maybe it's just because it makes beer taste so much better. Ahhh, nothing's better than that post-ride beer after pedaling a full day epic. Or that sound when your knobbies rip off of a jump and then it's all quiet for a moment! RRRRRRIIIIIIIIIIIPPPP: and then just Q U I E T. Yes! I love that shit!!!
  • 3 0
 Biking's just an escape from everything, when your playing more of a team you feel like there's a lot more on your shoulders, to stay super fit during the offseason and that everyone's relying on you, but in biking its you and the bike. The feeling when your hitting jumps, blazing through a rocky section, and you can explore your mind riding without breaks. The reason I ride is strictly of the love of riding no one else but myself. I know it may sound a bit selfish, but it's the truth there's nothing better than being out on the trails with the buddies and just having a good, and not a care in the world, other than going fast and blazing down the trails, and pushing yourself to things you never thought you'd be able to do. Biking is away of expressing your self. BIKE MAN
  • 3 0
 i ride to relax, unwind, take a break from the real world stresses that force me to be do things i do not enjoy. for those few hours that i ride everything becomes mute and i no longer worry about bills, work and stress. I only worry about keeping my tires underneath me.
  • 3 0
 This is a nonsense poll, as most people have said, more than one applies to them, not to mention 'it's fun' isn't even on there. I'm sure for most people it's a combo of the above that just evolves into being a way of life. Stop being dumb pinkbike.
  • 3 0
 I don't think its an escape from "real life" but rather a reconnection to it. When you are flying down a piece of prime single track you are living in that moment- you have to be- and all the crap and useless minutia that distracts us from being actual flowing entities disappears leaving just you, the bike, some trail and the physical world around you. There are some fairly prominent theories that suggest the only reason our particular branch of the hominid tree developed the brains we did was to allow for complex interaction within our environments...through movement. It is a sad irony that activities that allow us to use our brains and bodies as one while interacting with the a non-virtual environment can be considered an "escape from reality" rather than the very essence of reality. Just saying. Be real...ride your bike in the mountains.
  • 4 0
 Definitaly two answers here, it's an escape from everything, and I like to push my limits and scare myself, it keeps life interesting
  • 2 0
 For me its that feeling when you are first dropping into a trail, its like everything else in the world is just left at the top. Any shitty things you might have going on in your life vanish, and all that matters is the trail in front of you.
  • 2 0
 Can tell you´s all in all – adrenaline, limits, the feeling when you had a nice run, build somthing new – friends, share interests, travel, drink bier with your dud´s after an awesome day on the bike (directly after the feeling when you had a nice run) , meet new people - mountains, forests, nature, silence…..and of cause just love my bike Big Grin
  • 2 0
 Hard to pick just ONE reason, because there's literally a million. But I guess the fact that I just knocked my self silly on the bike, and have not stopped dreaming about getting back on pretty much speaks for itself. Big Grin #LiveToRide
  • 6 0
 To answer: Is there ONE main reason you ride? I simply say no.
  • 2 0
 I just love this feeling : when my front wheel dribbles on the rocks, my rear wheel drifts away on slippery roots, my foot goes out, all at once in an off camber steep section, and I keep thinking : "you'll make it, you make it !", and I actually do...
I keep thinking about it until my next ride...That is just...Why I ride my bike !
  • 2 0
 Because its the most fun thing to me and its a good small scene. I see people at work hang out at work because they have no passion and nothing to do wasting there lives away i feel fortunate to be a mountain biker and not like mainsteam society
  • 2 0
 Because it's fun.
I can get home soaked and muddy(in the wet) or all covered with dust(if it's dry), but still my wife and kids would think it's just the normal me and my bike.
Normal time after biking i can just have a big grin, all day and if i'm happy my family is happy too.
A better bike time means a better family time for me..
  • 3 0
 Your missing so many options. Riding is Independence. Riding is a release of energy and secretion of endorphin. Riding is a constant reminder of the feeling of success. How can you choose just one!
  • 2 0
 Remember when you were a kid and you loved riding your bike with your friends?.... How much fun it was, how it got you away from your boring parents and teachers, how you were free and could do whatever you wanted?

Yeah, it's still just like that....
  • 2 0
 Riding a bike is my whole life (apart from obviously kids and wife).
First started because I wanted to do MX but there was no help from parents so it turned into BMX with a Chopper bike, then turned into proper bike with the years and being able to go everywhere was also my transportation. Started racing and the love of competition became passion, raced in USA, Mexico and Guatemala winning some championships.
Then getting a sponsor became a bigger part of my life since with the money I was able to pay for a vw bug and pay almost for all Law School. The traveling all over the country to race was great but years went by and something new came....Mountainbikes.
Made the transfer and my love for the mountains was completed doing it in my Mtb. Have raced DH since it started in Mexico since 1990 and even after open heart surgery still ride as much as possible and hit decent size jumps.
I have taught techniques and riding to little kids, met my wife riding, made very good friens, thanks to a riding so much it helped on my recovery from surgery sooo. Do you need any more reasons to keep riding? I hope I die in my bike at 82 or 83 riding a great and green trail.
  • 2 0
 It's not an escape from real life; it IS real life. The bullshit mundane stuff we do everyday that is out if tune with the natural world, is so far from real that humanity as a whole has lost touch. Replaying the stresses of the past and worrying about the future. Living in the moment where nothing else matters but focusing on the present is pretty much the only way to taste reality. Biking allows me to do this regularly. That is why I ride.
  • 2 0
 The Answer is Scientific: Watch the documentary Happiness on NetFlix! it fully explains why. it's about physical activities that make you fully focus and activities that put you into a zone the satisfaction releases more endorphins than anything else.
  • 1 0
 It's because I decide where I go and how when I'm on two wheels. I can take it nice and steady or push my self to and past my limits. It allows me to push myself to greater heights whilst giving me a rush that only going on the unknown can do. And you get meet some like minded people along the way.
  • 2 0
 How about because for people like you and I who mix work with pleasure it is real life but somehow just a bit more intense, in the moment and with a bit more zest than "real life" - whatever that may be
  • 3 0
 But serious answer I'm in it for the deathmarches and the bib shorts - in no particular order.
  • 1 0
 I use mountain biking to escape, but not to escape from real life. MTB is one of the best parts of real life! I guess I lean more towards the risk taking. Why else would I drive 2 hours to a place where I can take a lift to the top of a mountain?
  • 1 0
 The top five + for fun is why I ride, but for most I think it starts out as just plain fun. You master a new skill when you are 4,5,10 and the training wheels (dated myself as the new kids are shredding run bikes and heading straight to laid out tables) come off. Everyone remembers the feeling or seeing it in someone else's face when you were young. Every time the bike comes out it is a reincarnation of that same feeling; add some good friends/family to that, and maybe a beer after or at the top...... Good times!!! Every time !!
  • 5 0
 I am 67 and it still feels great and it makes me feel young.
  • 1 0
 I love racing.

Everything about it, training, the stress on the start line, relief after having a good run, meeting up with hundreds of bikers... As a bonus this means being fit and exploring new trails, areas, regions, countries even!

"Racing is Life - Everything Else is Just Waiting" Steve McQueen
  • 1 0
 My answer for why I love it is not there.
I live bikes since I was 5. That is all I think about, all I do, in school I would not do homework or put it off just so that I can fix this or paint that. I meditate while looking at random bike site, looking at products, trends, the works. I know most bike parts by article number Big Grin I cannot stop building new bikes and all I am is bikes, bikes, bikes. It's not about escaping real life, it is life, Freeriding, mud, crashes, being a poser, getting angry when you see someone wearing a Oakley/Scott/Fox/TLD/Vans etc. T-shirts and all they do is play World of Warcraft or watch like How I Met Your Mother...
When I'm not thinking about bikes, all of the above applies to cars Big Grin
  • 1 0
 I do it to break away from the doldrums of life. After working long hours at a job or just plain busy doing things for others everything sinks away the moment I start loading my bike onto the car. Riding is for me and no one else. I don't get annual reviews. There's no responsibility. There's just riding the bike. Heck, I even get like that the brief moment I ride out to the mailbox that's 20 yards away.
  • 1 0
 This is my life. I grew up hiking the hills & could not comprehend why people spend $1000 plus on a bike when you can get to more remote places by foot. After getting addicted to lift accessed (snow) riding, I needed something to fill the void. FF 15 years, and back in Moab, my life dramaticaly changed after 1 good ride with the bro's. Now its all I think about, 8 year mechanic, & more sense of purpose than I would have if i was making big bucks pushing buttons. Thanks & Praise to Aaron Braggs, Dave Lohner, Sean Hanka, Jeff Van Horn (let me rip his HT Norco Sasquatch with a 7" fork). Mad props to all builders, riders, Kind industry reps,& event organizers who stoke more peeps to get their butts on a saddle.
  • 1 0
 you need to add the answer of "I just love to ride" none of your options cover why I ride, because I just Love to Ride. I just Love the feeling of riding my bikes. I have a BMX, Hard tail, Downhill, and a Recumbent.....and the only reason that I have them is exactly this: I have Loved the feeling of riding a bike my entire life. I don't try and escape things, or ANY of the other options that you have to choose from. I ride because I LOVE the feeling of riding a bike.
  • 1 0
 I love it because it started out as something to do other than Damn T.V. which sucks big time, I've always loved the mechanics of bikes, the way they look, going fast on dirt, the feeling of being out in the fresh air, freedom, i suppose it is escapism then, the feeling you get when you get a good flow on, when you nail that one section you've being trying to conquer, there's this one uphill section in my local woods, only about 10ft uphill but it's tight and steep and twisty and one day i'll get up it in a one'er, THAT FEELING...YYYYYEESSSSS !!!! you know what i'm talking about, riding with mates, the laughs, the banter, post ride grub n coffee, watching the World cup, EWS, being a marshal at races, I recently cracked my bike frame ( sorted now ) and my daughter felt sad (which is saying something btw lol) because she knows how much the bike means to me, I just love my mtb, i'm in my 50's and i can't ever see me giving it up, i'm gonna be one of those guys still riding when i'm 75,80 and people will either laugh at me or think i'm a mental case but you only live once so i'm going to keep going till i drop cos i love it
  • 1 0
 Let me take a stab at this question. Why do I love mountain biking? It's moving forward, which feels like going somewhere important and worthwhile, like a mission, like a purpose. It's the mental freedom we experience while focused on reading terrain where we're headed while enjoying the sensation of railing a turn, clearing a gap, or just the pure flow of a piece of choice single track. It's feeling intensely alive in the present moment while anticipating the the thrill of the next. The bike is an extension of our body that offers speed and agility under our own power, but it's also an old friend that makes us more that we are by ourselves. The ride is an experience we create for ourselves over and over, yet we are exhilarated, even surprised by what a gift the time we spend on our bikes always is. It's relaxing. It's challenging. It's triumph and glory. It's failure and redemption. Enjoyed with others, it's camaraderie, connection, inclusion and acceptance. It's an outlet for creativity and the honing of skill. It's learning disguised as fun and work dressed as entertainment. Why do we love it? I'll answer with another question: Is there any other reasonable response to an experience like this?
  • 1 0
 i enjoy ridin coz its fun (obviously) & coz having to focus on summat to avoid injury shuts up all bullsh!t in my head. its realy nice to get on a trail i know let most of my little brain get on with guiding the bike while the rest just watches in silence.
  • 2 1
 because it keeps me healthy. and the physical aspect is real... but it's much more the spiritual aspect. neg prop me if you want... but all you young guys will understand some day. mountain biking is it's own religion.
  • 1 1
 The more I think about the answer the more questions/ answers it brings up, but to keep it short I Love it because the only wrong way is not your way! What I mean is your riding with a group of friends, there is a fast line, an easy line, a sketchy line and everything in between.BUT in those fractions of a second you decide on your line, on what your going to do in the air and what's going to happen next but in the end it's mental battle that requires unmatched physical capability. That everyone on PinkBike can agree you just simply can't get enough of.
  • 1 0
 It was a chance to do something with my son, stay connected, now he rides WAY ahead of me but its now about, fun, fitness & changing the air in my lungs and between my ears!!

Roll on and let the other stuff roll away
  • 4 0
 Whatever it is, it sure as hell is not, "because I like to save money."
  • 3 0
 How about all of the above!! - I refuse to tiptoe through life, only to arrive safely at death.
  • 1 0
 Nothing better than a free thrill,i mean hell you dont even gotta put fuel in it or even spend gobs of money just to have a good time.Not to mention its so much fun to catch big air on jumps!
  • 2 0
 Riding bikes, It's like, my religion, bro! I'm like, on the same wave length with my bike. Every ride is a spiritual quest, in search of positive auras and shit...
  • 1 0
 Word brotha! church of the Sacred Spinning Wheel is real magic *~)
  • 1 0
 Because cycling was the one thing I've been good at all my life. Came from bmx, albeit done with the trick riding, and got into mtb to keep it pinned,railing berms and massive cruisy air time. Nothing tops that feeling.
  • 1 1
 I ride because it clears my mind. I can get away from the everyday work drama, the bullshit hustle, cars, cell phones, etc. I played sports, and bike riding(mainly mountainbiking) is better than any sport I participated in. The bikes are amazing and I've made lifelong friends to shred trails with. In my opinion there's nothing better.
  • 4 1
 I just found it and loved it. Never gone back.
  • 2 1
 True Dat.
  • 4 0
 All of the above
  • 2 1
 Live to ride, ride to live..... Besides, without trail crack I turn into the most unbearable asshole imaginable! It's not only a benefit for me, but my wife and kids too!
  • 4 2
 story of my life. when i cant ride i become depressed and parents warned me about drugs but they failed to mention how addictive bikes would come to be.
  • 3 1
 Please buy short that cover your "trail crack".
  • 2 0
 I don't think its something i can explain, All i know is that mtb is an awesome life anchor.
  • 3 1
 Main reason I ride? I can have fun while meeting new people and getting in shape. Hard to beat that combo.
  • 2 0
 Since I'm not a sports fan, it's my only good excuse for drinking beer in the afternoon.
  • 3 0
 because i need it. best therapy ever do be on a downhill track
  • 1 0
 Because it makes me free.It requires concentration and focus.When u r fully focusing on something,that's when u r truly living for the moment.
  • 3 0
 Because I've been on a bike since I was three and cant stop riding.
  • 1 0
 because its fun and when you have a crash and get back up you feel pumped up and you get an amazing adrenaline rush. Its just fun simple as that.
  • 1 0
 Because falling asleep from MTB exhaustion beats the piss out of passing out drunk on a daily basis. TMI? Yeah, but everyone has their demons.
  • 1 0
 I have a hard time walking long-ish distances due to a medical condition, but on a bike I'm as mobile as anyone else. They are my personal definition of freedom...
  • 3 1
 Because I like gambling with my health
  • 2 0
  • 1 0
 ...because of the few milliseconds before a huge drop, in which your brain is absolutly free of thoughts ...
  • 2 0
 For that feeling of just "living in the moment!" Wink
  • 1 0
 BTW, Mike, I remember your taste in beer from the last article; perhaps we should visit your taste in coffee as well, haha.
  • 1 0
 In the immortal words of Sir William Wallace: "FREEEEEDOOOOMMMMM!"
  • 1 1
 The poll asks for one answer to, "Why do I ride my bike?" Answer; because I like it, that's why. Jeez, what kind of poll is this?
  • 1 0
 in reality it is a combination of all of those...keep fit, escape and have fun
  • 1 0
 Because it makes me feel much younger than I am especially when I can keep up with my 17 year old son!
  • 1 0
 I'm only good at stuff that involves facing forwards. Skating, snowboarding, surfing, mountain-boarding... crap at.
  • 1 0
 I am at the point where I don't understand anybody who doesn't ride...
I call them "civilians".
  • 1 0
 Exploring is the name of the game because it´s an escpape from fake life.
Adventure begins at the end of our comfort zone.
  • 2 0
 Push your limits. Expand your soul. Free your mind.
  • 2 0
 It's all about the woods for me.
  • 1 0
 It's the pootang. I do it for the mass amounts of pootang.
  • 2 0
 What is this 'poo tang' you speak of?!?! I've only seen the orange flavor...
  • 1 0
 Nature+bikes+friends+adrenaline....anything else??
  • 1 0
 Why no, "The Beer and Bitches" option?
  • 1 0
 I don't know I can't stop it's all I think about I need help.
  • 2 0
 Can I just all of them?
  • 2 0
 I love the community!
  • 1 0
 Levy: Scarlet comment... pure gold.
  • 1 0
 Don't judge me, Pink Bike.
  • 1 2
 Biking destroyed my body but I wouldn't change it for anything. Fuk real life, it's just all drama and problems...biking is the best mental escape ever
  • 1 0
 Cuz it'll never give me shite for no reason like Scarlett would
  • 1 0
 It's fun. List goes on why I like to ride.
  • 1 0
 There's not an option for pissing off roadies . I do it because I love it
  • 1 0
 always loved countryside and it clears my mind .
  • 1 0
 Because it tightens my anal muscles and I won't turd myself when I'm old.
  • 1 0
 Three words: Fun, Nature, Freedom.
  • 1 0
 I want to select all the answers to this poll, but I can't...
  • 1 0
 I can not imagine my life without ride
  • 3 2
  • 2 1
 because of freedom!
  • 2 1
 tons of fun
  • 2 1
 I ride for Scarlett
  • 1 1
 I feel that there is a hidden message behind this. Good for you
  • 1 0
  • 1 1
 Two wheels going fast. Better'n crack
  • 1 0
 It sets me free
  • 1 0
 What is 'real' life?
  • 1 1
 All of the above
  • 1 1
 skids and beer
  • 1 1
 Simple because I love it
  • 1 1
 Much ride !
  • 1 1
 Never one!
  • 1 1
 I just... Do.
  • 1 1
 biking is life.
  • 1 1
  • 1 1
 I am only in for girls.
  • 3 1
 Then you should ride horses
  • 2 0
 Bikes are cheaper? Oh yeah, wait, they're not.
  • 1 0
 Better pick up surfing then

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