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Moose Mountain Trail day and 2knee Race

Sep 23, 2009
by Moose The Mountain  
Yo, Calgary and riders of Moose mountain! Clear your calenders for the weekend of Sept 26 and 27th. Saturday the 26th marks the day to join your community with MMBTS to bring mucho trail love to Moose mtn.

Grab your bike and embrace your inner redneck at the 2nd annual "More Redneck 2knee Race" on the 27th sponsored by Team Pilsner.Decide to improve the ride and give back to your trail network by teaming up with MMBTS to help "bring the buff" to Moose mountain. Come on out to the 2km locale of Moose mountain road at 11 am on Saturday the 26th . Projects on the hit-list include general buffing and maintenance of T-dub, JG on the Rocks, Toothless, SLF, Billy Dog, Race Of Spades, and adding some finishing touches to Pneuma. We plan to grow the flow until 4 pm, and then celebrate a day seized with a BBQ and social at the 2km Locale.


Last years toonie race was by far one of the most fun filled days I have ever experienced at Moose mountain. You don't want to miss this one..."The More Redneck Team Pilsner 2knee Race". Last year's anti has been raised. This year's race is to be held on the infamous T-dub line with all of us rockin it out in the gully. This is a 3-stage race: after approx 4 minutes of T-dub gnarl, and after you cross the finish line, the clock will continue to run as you will be timed while you chug a one choice beverage. Then you must embrace precision skills and perform in front of the heckling audience by shooting the Pil' bunny. (Don't worry, we aren't talking actual firearms, nor live bunnies.) Intervals for each stage will be made available. Registration is at 10 am at Ing's Mine parking lot, and the race is to commence around noon. Come on out and sner in the fun.


Wow, what a summer! Here at MMBTS, we have been a very busy troop, indeed. Between advocating for our trails, applying for grants, keeping the trails flowing, and getting in more riding than I ever thought possible, it sure does seem like summer jumped on the mother ship and sailed outta here at warp speed. Luckily, the fall weather has been keeping the awesome-meter - awesome - and our fat tires rollin' in fine form.


We have had some big news at MMBTS. In our first year of operation, we have been fortunate enough to accomplish a great deal. Just recently, we were awarded a grant from the National Trail Coalition that will enable us to work towards the goals of our society by hiring a dedicated trail crew for the last couple of months of the riding season. Getting to this point in just 9 months was beyond all of our expectations. I could only imagine if more of our community stepped up on the advocating front what could be collectively possible. If you think you have something to offer be sure to drop us a line at info@mmbts.com.

MMBTS was formed by a bunch of riders/builders pickin' up a storm, hammering hard, pounding laps and talkin' trails. So you can be sure despite all the meetings and business stuff we would rather be shredding or building than pushing paper and being all PC. So giddyup and team up with MMBTS and help harmonize all the efforts and work into our trails where they belong.

Come on out and get involved!

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Member since Oct 5, 2007
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  • 2 0
 By no means a complaint, just a request. Maybe next year you might post the dates a little earlier. Would love to attend, was looking for a new place to ride at the end of summer. Was not aware of this event and would have definitely given some serious consideration for a road trip. Nice trip to swing through Alberta, BC and a little bit of Washington.

Managed to book three days up in Whistler, starting tomorrow.

Will keep this one in next years calendar, please post the dates early.

Good luck to all, no need to wish people to have fun as this toonie race looks like a blast.

P.S. Where did you get those killer Pilsner jerseys? Two of the guys on my hockey team would give their ummm left wheel-nut for them.
  • 5 0
 ..sweet!!.. this little article brought my heartrate up at LEAST 20bpm!!! I'm psyched!
  • 1 2
 if that was your heartrate you probly wouldnt be conscience, 120=psyched lol
  • 1 0
 "up at least 20" that's on top of what it was
  • 1 0
 Hey guys I'm trying to plan a shuttle out there and I'm looking for 4-5 people that would like a ride out and back (need gas pitch but thats expected right) send me a PM if intrested, I have the truck just trying to make it worth while to take it out there.
  • 2 0
 thats awesome i wish there was enough interest in freeride where i live to have a rider maintained hill. how many vertical ft. is moose mtn?
  • 1 0
 the top parking lot is at 1995m, and the lowest (Station Flats) is at 1422m, so you get about 570m to play with, which is about 1800 verticle ft. Smile
  • 2 0
 I can see my shoes in the second pic... Many thanks to MMBTS for getting it done this year! On on!
  • 1 0
 planning a road trip to moose on sat. will we still be able to ride on sat even though trail maintaince is happening?
  • 1 1
 can someone tell me if the trails will be open on sat sept 26. please. before i drive 4 hours
  • 4 0
 Sure, they'll be open, but at least help out for a bit if you come upon a trail crew. It'd be pretty douchey to not do so...there have been guys that drove from Edmonton just to work with the trail crew.
  • 2 0
 I can't believe someone would even ask this. These are RIDER built trails. Unselfish Riders are taking a day off to build trails. They would all rather be riding but realize they need to give back to the community to maintain the trails.
  • 2 0
 Im there this year
  • 1 1
 so i guess in order to participate in the 2knee race you gotta be 18? haha. thats no prob for me tho Smile
  • 1 0
 Last year we had Root beer for the underage riders but plan to mix it up a little this year. A few options will be available. Weather is lookin good for both the trail day and race, can't wait for the wknd, should be fun.
  • 1 0
 how much dies it cost
  • 1 0
 The Trail Day is free and includes a BBQ and a boat load of good karma.. the "2knee" race costs a Toonie i.e. $2 that will go towards more trail love.

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