Magnus Manson Breaks Leg & Pelvis in Crash on Vancouver Island

May 28, 2020
by Sarah Moore  

Magnus Manson was riding with Mark Wallace and McKay Vezina on Vancouver Island yesterday when a mistake during the ride landed him in the hospital with a broken leg and cracked pelvis.

bigquotesMade a little mistake yesterday riding my bike and managed to snap the big bone in my leg and cracked the pelvis a bit! I would have to say this is the most pain I have ever experienced in my life but with the help of @markwallacebike @mckay_vezina Ian Wallace and the Cowichan emergency services I’m doing all good today! Got some TI hardware in there now holding everything back together and I’m gonna keep it positive while I get better!!!Magnus Manson

You don't need to be a doctor to tell something's not right here.

We reached out to Magnus for more details on what exactly happened and he told us this:

bigquotesI was riding downhill on Prevost. I just misjudged the speed on a creek gap and overshot onto the next lip and then got air into a tree and hit my hip and legs hard against it, head and rest of body are doing great! Doctors are saying 6-8 weeks till weight bearing and then 6 months till we’re back together, but a ton of people are reaching out already and saying things will move really quickly once the bone fuses to the TI rod that’s in my leg!!

Happy to be safe and thankful for the amazing people around me assisting with this insane experience via social media and the ones who were slicing me open. I am going to start counting the days till I can throw a leg over the bike again!
Magnus Manson

We wish Magnus all the best with his recovery.

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sarahmoore avatar

Member since Mar 30, 2011
1,370 articles

  • 232 0
 Suboptimal way to get new titanium hardware Frown
  • 41 5
 As we and the bikes get faster the recoveries will be slower
  • 36 2
 Advancements in surgical techniques and treatment modalities are relatively parallel to advancements in speed and MTB tech ... if not moving at a faster rate... so its all good. Shred On !
  • 28 1
 @cmcrawfo: unfortunately bones aren't healing at a faster rate! But it's good to know that the means used to reattach them is getting better Razz
  • 2 0
 @privateer-wheels: removed the tip of my elbow and was just floating in my arm. Never even had a proper cast on. Pretty cool what they can do with plates and screws
  • 7 4
 @privateer-wheels: there are huge advancements in bone healing. EPO , stem cells and nanobiomaterials, as examples. beyond that, surgical interventions continue to be come less invasive / disruptive and the implants are getting better.
  • 2 0
 @cmcrawfo: all this stuff is being used in all cases these days? Or cases like this one? Clearly I am not staying abreast of all the cool things going on in medicine!
  • 5 3
 @privateer-wheels: Depends, EPO and stem cells are used by some practitioners, often in the context of pro athletes, nano tech is pretty experimental ... but regardless ... hospital stays for trauma like this have shortened over the last decade or two...and recovery and high functionality have also greatly improved... bikes go faster and health sciences improve .. we are all moving along a spectrum.
  • 2 0
 @privateer-wheels: Even just not casting anymore due to titanium inserts allows rehab as soon as you can bear the pain rather than having to wait for the cast to come off. Basically cuts the recovery in half if you are willing to push yourself early.
  • 1 0
 Ok that’s funny
  • 8 0
 Listen to the doctor, there is nothing fast or easy about that recovery.
  • 4 1
 @cmcrawfo: Yea often times in cases where they have to go in and reconstruct the bones its the damage they do to the surrounding tissue just getting in there that can hinder the rehab process.
  • 3 0
 @sino428: Your soo right, scar tissue is a bitch! I had a surgery to remove calcified scar tissue that created new scar tissue.
  • 2 0
 @privateer-wheels: bio ceramics, osteoregeneratives, and improved treatment protocols are quickening the process
  • 3 1
 @cmcrawfo: Considering what happened to Martin Maes (got banned from EWS competition after having been treated limb saving but potentially drug cloaking substances), makes me wonder how long he'd have to remain out of competition after having used EPO for recovery. You'd say this is all fair use but road cycling has messed things up properly so doping authorities are kinda strict these days.

As for the recovery, I always thought the titanium was going to speed things up. But there is more to it. I broke one collarbone once. Took a few weeks out of which only one week (part time) with the sling. I think after six weeks or so it was as if nothing ever happened. Years later I snapped the other collarbone. It turned out to be a more complex fracture (in multiple little bitty pieces) so they put a plate in it. Apparently the surgery is kind of a violent process to collect all those pieces and get them in line. So it took me a good while to recover from just that surgery and a good lot longer before I was back on mtb and bmx. This fracture looks complex as well to me. And that's just the leg in the picture, not the pelvis. So yeah, the 6 month recovery doesn't seem odd to me. That said, of course I wish him a speedy recovery!
  • 1 0
 @ptrcarson: i did this a couple years ago, they have you walking on it the day of surgery to get the blood flowing, recovery is still a long and painful process. I imagine much quicker than 20-30 years ago.
  • 1 0
 @aroundpg: Me too, I was impressed how quick the recovery was.
  • 1 0
 @vinay: I don't think rods and plates really speed up the healing. The bone is going to regenerate at whatever rate it regenerates at regardless of any plates or screws present. The rods and plates allow for better healing as they can realign and hold the broken bones in place, as well as provide support for the broken bones. This can often allow for a patient to be back using their leg/arm/whatever much quicker. Even if the bones aren't full strength just allowing someone even limited use of that body part (as opposed to a cast) allows the to at least maintain some strength and motion on the area meaning they can be back and full strength much faster once the bones do fully heal.
  • 1 0
 @cmcrawfo: I wasn't cheating...I was just healing from an injury...I swear Smile
  • 1 0
 @sino428: When I broke my leg my orthopaedic surgeon said that not casting significantly reduces recovery time as you say as you can start rehab from day one and not loose nearly as much muscle like you said. He also said the more pressure you put on your bone the faster it grows. It won't take weeks off healing but it can take days off was his point. It hurts to put the pressure but he said my leg was stable because of the titanium rod was going to keep everything in place so as long as I could bear the pain adding pressure would reduce healing time of the bone itself. I guess force stimulates bone growth. Same principal as those who are active generally have more dense bones than if they were inactive.
  • 1 0
 @ptrcarson: There are so many types of break and levels of severity, everyone is different. I had to have an external plate because I snapped the ball off my femur and had a second break further down the bone. Every time I bent my leg I could feel a tendon catching on the plate. As a result I developed bursitis in my hip which flared up every time I pushed the physio. I was unable to make a full recovery until my femur was strong enough for the metal to be removed 2 years after the accident. Thankfully I was able to start riding much sooner than that.
  • 2 0
 @commental: That sounds awful
  • 1 0
 @commental: what happened dude?
  • 1 0
 @RadBartTaylor: My front wheel washed out whilst riding a switchback, the front end tucked under (this was 2006 and my bike had a pretty steep HA) and I got slammed onto a rock, snapping my leg either side of it. I was doing about 8mph at the time.
  • 1 0
 @commental: holy guacamole, tough mofo. Glad your doing better.
  • 1 0
 @commental: That picture is awesome
  • 1 0
 @ptrcarson: nice I did not know that.
  • 1 0
 @Ryanrobinson1984: all these fancy procedures yet I’m 34 and I’m looking at needing a full knee replacement...
  • 2 0
 @scotttherider: some kind of cartilage damage? That seems like the one area they haven’t really made much advancement in.
  • 1 0
 @friendlyfoe: Shattered my elbow, had it removed and replaced and was back on my bike in 4 months... would have been 3 but they tried plates, pins and screws first but collapsed after a month. Modern medicine is amazing!
  • 1 0
 @dinosaurmonkey: That's pretty amazing. I was 6 month with a plate and screws, basically separated the tip in 1 big chunk. It actually still hurts quite a bit when I ride. Going to follow up with the surgeon about getting the plate out.
  • 1 0
 @friendlyfoe: I think It might have been easier as they just cut the bone back to where it was solid and hammered in the new elbow. It was like a ball with a porous spike on it... Pretty cool they let me stay awake for it. It hurts one in a while but its more my wrist as they have to pull the bone out to hammer cut off the old bone and hammer in the new one.
  • 1 0
 @sino428: yup. Missing a quarter sized area on my tibial plateau and the head of my femur. Coupled with the excessive narrowing of my joint spacing with my non-functional acl reconstruction and ive got the perfect storm.
  • 1 0
 @scotttherider: my dad had something similar. Probably could have been a candidate for knee replacement when he was 40 but he held off until he was 49 because they were unsure how long the replacement joints would last and they can only replace the replacement once. The original estimate was the first one might only last 15 years but he’s at close to 25 years now and the doctors have said it’s still holding up great.
  • 58 0
 Met Magnus earlier this year at a local dh shuttle trail, I was doing the hike a bike and saw him and his group pretty much pinned every time they passed. Out of breath and resting at my car he walked up and asked me if I wanted a ride up. Briefly shot the shit with him on the way to the top and I have to say he is one cool cat. Sucks that he's hurt, but I can easily understand the injury after seeing the speeds these guys were traveling at. No joke. Heal up man and see you on the hill again...
  • 76 33
 I know this will get downvoted like the others, and it is a real bummer this happened, but aren’t we supposed to not be taking risks while riding? Or do you get a pass because you’re a respected pro?
  • 35 52
flag cmcrawfo (May 28, 2020 at 15:30) (Below Threshold)
 Dear Karen, He gets a pass because he lives in a different place than you do, with a different context and different recommendations from health officials.
  • 30 0
 Depends on where you are. Here in BC we have 37 people in hospital province wide with Covid, so lots of room for other injuries etc again.
  • 43 0
 Dude, our hospitals on the Island are NOT having a problem with overcrowding, we flattened the shit outta our curve!
  • 11 2
 Bc has 33 people hospitalized out of a total 5 million and like 250 active cases. Are you gonna say people in countries without covid shouldn’t be taking risks while riding too?
  • 25 4
 @cmcrawfo: ad hominem attacks are a great way of weakening whatever else you say.
  • 11 0
 @Bomadics: I did not know you were doing so well with COVID, and am happy to hear that. I thought there were still restrictions in place in BC, but granted I do not live there and don't get frequent updates. Happy to hear he's at low risk of transmission d/t hospitalization and rehab, and that you have plenty of resources to care for him and people like him.
  • 10 2
 @Daledenton: No. I just thought there were still restrictions in place. My mistake.
  • 8 52
flag cmcrawfo (May 28, 2020 at 17:01) (Below Threshold)
 @erikkellison: cute. You spout off without knowledge and then attempt to discredit me when I call you out. You are special person. Namaste bro.
  • 7 2
 @erikkellison: we are very lucky here with a combination of things, and our restrictions have been loosened quite a bit, our government is even encouraging holiday travel within BC, with precautions of course, to help the local tourism industry.

The city of Vancouver has the best death rate percentage of ICU admitted patients in the world at only 15%. The hospital there is using an intensive team based approach that has paid off!
  • 4 4
 @Bomadics: There was never going to be one.
  • 4 2
 @rarrity: Fact monger! How dare you!
  • 5 2
 @erikkellison: who you calling a hominem?!?!??
  • 8 2
 Funny isn’t it?
Go to the beach and you’re accused of being a selfish moron that wants to get everyone sick. The hypocrisy is baffling.
  • 7 3
 @Off-my-lawn-hippie: People are drunk on fear porn.
  • 2 2
 @Off-my-lawn-hippie: It's a little different when you're in an area that hasn't gotten control of it's infection rates or numbers. For the most part, in BC we have. The majority of us still practice physical distancing when we're outside. The quicker we can kick this thing, the quicker we can get back to normal.
  • 5 3
 @rrolly: you are drunk on the porn.
  • 3 1
 @rrolly: It’s not different dude. Those beaches are in areas that are open because they met the CDC guidelines and are no less “in control” of their infection rates than BC. People are also social distancing on said beaches. Stop denying the blatant hypocrisy.
  • 3 1
 @Off-my-lawn-hippie: If people are social distancing, then no problem. If they're not, then it's a problem. When you've got many states where infection rates are not under control, the people are obviously not getting it.
  • 3 0
 @Bomadics: Outside of montreal this is the story across Canada. In Alberta we have ~50 people in hospital and 4 in ICU. We were told to control the rate of infections to stop the ICU from being overwelmed, but after success at this most governments have pulled out the rug and changed the narrative to "stay home so we don't get sick". This is not the same thing nor particularly realistic IMO. They are in the process of learning that as you ask for more and more sacrifices from the people you get less and less overall participation.

  • 1 1
 @rrolly: “ When you've got many states where infection rates are not under control, the people are obviously not getting it.”

Totally agree, but you’re referring to New York, not the states where beaches are open. Wonder why there is no media outrage over the crowds in Central Park? We all know why.
  • 4 0
 @Off-my-lawn-hippie: People need to put their politics aside for a few minutes, take a deep breath, and look at things reasonably. The more people are in contact with each other, the more infections spread. We can see this in Korea with their recent spike in infections. In many places there is no need to be isolated, but we do need to be distanced from each other, wash our hands, etc. How about we do this for a while so that we don't inadvertently bump off someone's at risk relative.
  • 1 0
 @erikkellison: We never had any official restrictions on riding anywhere in BC, except in parks that were closed.
  • 3 0
 @plyawn: The initial message to stop the ICU from being overwhelmed was reasonable. We didn't know how this virus was going to thrive. Once a bit of a handle on it was gained that message was no longer relevant. That didn't make it wrong to begin with.
  • 3 7
flag chasejj (May 29, 2020 at 9:50) (Below Threshold)
 @Off-my-lawn-hippie: There is nowhere it is out of control, just now there is testing happening.
Those cases were always there , but funny thing everyone(most98%) recovered from the Wujan Flu with little to no symptoms. Go figure?
The only people that need protection are the elderly especially in nursing homes and sick people.

Just say no to the fear porn.
  • 9 1
 @chasejj: Well. You're wrong. Sorry. There are places it's out of control (meaning the spreading of it has been unable to be contained). And let's just say that the elderly in nursing homes and sick people are the only ones that need to be protected (also wrong), are they not worth protecting? Should we just let them die suffering from this? Pretty heartless.

When you use the "fear porn" term, it is politically charged and cliche. How about dial it down a bit and have a reasonable discussion.
  • 2 16
flag chasejj (May 29, 2020 at 10:14) (Below Threshold)
 @rrolly: No. Because any precautions taken never, ever were intended to prevent people from getting this. It can't be contained only the rate of infection could be reduced at the start to prevent collapsing the hospital capacities.That was over months ago. It is a virus, everyone will get this and anyone with a brain knows this. The challenge is keeping it away from the extremely vulnerable.

What is going on now is absolute fear porn and political games to further the leftist agenda items. Or did you forget Nancy and Rahm and any of the other retards they have talking about taking advantage of a crisis?
  • 9 2
 @chasejj: I think you really need to go get an education on this before you talk more. Your ignorance is painful to witness, but sadly so emblematic of why we continue to suffer. You do not have a solid understanding of this situation, but you think you do, and pretending that you do only serves to harm others.
Bringing politics into it only makes you seem even less informed than when you were only purporting falsehoods without a political spin. If you really want to understand it, go study epidemiology. No, not on YouTube or wherever you think reliable information comes from. Go to an actual school - I hear University of Washington has a good program.
In the meanwhile, please stop talking. You are not helping, only hurting.
  • 4 1
 @erikkellison: dude walk away, just walk away.
  • 4 1
 @chasejj: Actually, I take it back. You don't even need that much of an education. I think it is unreasonable for everyone who participates in such a discussion to actually have an expert-level understanding of the subject at hand. But it would be useful for those participating to at least have a rudimentary understanding of the subject. Now, it would be really cool if you could come back here in a few years and teach us all more about this after getting a degree in the subject matter, but you're not going to do that. But I hope for you, and for everyone's sake that you at least realize that your current information streams are flawed (to say the least), and that you should consider changing what you think is a reputable source, because whatever you're trusting that has informed your opinions is grossly misinformed (and likely biased).
Just maybe start to listen to the actual experts in the way that a scientist would listen - don't cherry-pick your sources to support your opinions. Consider all the evidence, and draw conclusions on the preponderance of evidence, and be OK with the fact that your conclusions might be different than they were before. For this to work, you have to be willing to admit that you're currently wrong, which might be the biggest barrier for you.
I really hope this helps you better navigate life, like when you find yourself confused as to why people think you're uninformed, and you truly don't understand why.
  • 1 12
flag chasejj (May 29, 2020 at 10:53) (Below Threshold)
 @erikkellison: you are drunk on fear porn and hopelessly ill informed.What is going on now is 100% political.
  • 2 3
 @erikkellison: You know, if you took your own advise about educating your self on a subject before you make commentary, we could have avoided this entire circle jerk. A decent guy got really hurt doing something we all love, and all while being compliant to his regional regulations and restrictions.... everyone loves to get their digs in.
  • 1 1
 @cmcrawfo: Ahhhh PB comments are legend.
I hope Magnus gets better fast. Prayers are with him. Stay positive, it gets better. But it will be a struggle. Facts. I am out.
  • 2 0
 @cmcrawfo: @chasejj: everybody I know in the healthcare industry is worried, what does that tell ya? Be careful who you are calling out - just saying, for all you know @erikkellison is a Dr and may must know a thing or two...
  • 3 2
 @RadBartTaylor: Careful, Just because you are a Dr doesn't mean you know everything. I happen to have an extensive background and specialties in health care as well. But creating an appeal to authority is no better than ad hominem or gaslighting.
  • 2 1
 @Skooks: @cmcrawfo: Doesn't make @erikkellison wrong, there were certainty some "recommendations":

"Stay local and avoid crowded parks and trails
Bike solo or only with members of your household
Keep at least 2 metres (6 feet) from others when not riding
Allow at least 10 metres (30 feet) of space when following another rider and provide at least 2 metres (6 feet) of space when passing another rider
Practice low-risk riding"
  • 2 0
 @cmcrawfo: what does ignoring the data say? Gaslighting, aka conspiracy theory - all the docs and healthcare professionals are in on it? In many cases the healthcare pros are NOT appealing to authority by pushing back on opening things up like many politicians want....
  • 1 3
 @RadBartTaylor: I know lots of doctors. They all say its bullshit.
  • 3 6
 @RadBartTaylor: MSM data is producing the porn. Masks are useless, bandanas are beyond useless. I guess if you think Fauci is an expert listen to him. He says they aren't necessary. But are for theatre.
Use your brain- If masks worked then why all the uproar. Wear one if you are scared. The rest of us who are comfortable with the constant bacterial/virus risk that is everywhere will go on or way. You flattened the curve. Your done.
The rest is tyrannical douchebag democrats who are hellbent on keeping this going until the rioting is so loud they need military or the election is over. Pick one.
  • 2 0
 @chasejj: They say what's BS?
  • 4 1
 @chasejj: LOL

"Dr. Fauci: I wear a mask because it's effective"

The human brain sucks at making complex decisions, if it wasn't for guys like Fauci and other Dr's making educated decisions based on data, who knows where we'd be. Folks like yourself wouldn't have taken any of this seriously back when it started and the curve certainly wouldn't have been flattened.

Just because you don't understand doesn't make you right. There was a time we though the sun revolved around the earth, until science and observational measurement proved that wrong....but of course there were and still are folks that believe it.
  • 3 1
 @chasejj: the irony of you talking about rioting in America right know. Although I doubt you're actually out protesting your own government when it comes to actual tyrannical means and police brutality against your fellow americans. Weak as f..
  • 2 1
 @chasejj: lol, 3 months ago, think that's relevant based on what we know now?
  • 1 1
 True, seems some are willing to put others health at risk.The reason we have low case counts in B.C. Is we have been practicing social distancing. This extraction likely meant many people couldn’t. The SAR community is very selfless and asked people to stay safe. People who are very capable riders need to lead by example. It sucks he’s injured. It should never have happened.
  • 1 1
 @RadBartTaylor: Mountain bike BC can make all the recommendations they want (and I am not saying they are wrong), but there are no official lockdowns or closures outside of parks. Deciding to ride or not is at our own discrestion.
  • 48 7
 Bong to stop the pain
  • 1 0
 amen brother.
  • 36 0
 Wow that xray is something else...christ a broken femur is scary. Heal up, I'm glad things seem relatively OK.
  • 2 0
 That was my first thought. His thigh bone has more bone pieces than my whole skeleton
  • 1 0
 Remember me when Fabien Barel snapped his femur back in the day. He told later that his leg got stuck in his frame...Yikes
  • 18 0
 Nasty stuff. Met Magnus last year at the national champs in Canada, super chill, down to earth guy and even went for a lap together. Healing vibes bro!
  • 7 0
 Magnus is probably one of the nicest people on the planet. Easily the nicest person in mountain biking.
  • 17 0
 Holy F that is a high energy fracture. Must have been pinned and hit a tree or maybe his frame or something? Ouch man, but bones heal and he is young; he'll be back.
  • 3 0
 That's a horrible break Just bc I think ortho docs are pretty genius, I like the post op extras, not to be morbid
  • 2 0
 Where he was riding, Mt. Prevost, is fast... it's a shuttle mostly.
  • 1 0
 @islandforlife: I wonder is that the creek gap at :34 seconds in ? Certainly looks like he could over shoot and land on that next lip and some very large trees coming up fast. Heal up either way!
  • 11 0
 Jesus Roller-Skating Christ Magnus.. this sucks! Hope you don't have much more pain while healing.
I'm guessing the tree is in the ER bed next to you with a few broken limbs as well?
  • 11 1
 I broke my hip in Queenstown in February, snapped the femur right through the neck. Took my first steps without crutches yesterday. Heal up and do exactly what the docs say.
  • 3 1
 Fractured my pelvis in three places and had a non-displaced fracture on my right side clavicle in January. Using crutches was a pain, and never have I ever appreciated the motions of walking as I did then and now. Recovery takes time and you're right, heal up and do what the doc says! I did a 65 mile fixed gear ride a few weeks ago, 3 1/2hrs in the saddle was no sweat!
  • 2 0
 @abueno: ugh - could have been me - doc says couldn't believe I didn't fracture my hip but my clavicle was very displaced with a lot of frags so it is crazy how angles and inches play such a role based on how we land. In the ER they kept taking X Rays and CTs of my hip and upper Femur even though I told them I was fine. I ended up having a hematoma on my hip like 18" long for about 2 months before it subsided. I think if the impact was just a bit more on the hip and less on the shoulder it could have turned out like yours. Scary stuff we don't think about and then the next thing you know it's like "holy crap what just happened" and then you realize "wait a second - I'm not okay right now". It's been tough getting back up to speed on the bike mentally for me. Especially at age 51.
  • 9 1
 I snapped my femur in 2 places in 2006. No other pain I've ever experienced comes close to that. Heal up soon man and stay focused on that day when you get back on your bike.
  • 5 0
 whatever that gas is they give you in canada it works amazing. I was at crankworx '04 when Timo tried jumping the finish scaffolding and broke his ankles. They gave him that gas, he chilled right out.
  • 1 0
  • 1 0
 Yeah, had it when I tib fibbed myself near the top of freight train. Made the backboard ATV ride down to the top of fitzs not so bad. Magic gas!
  • 1 0
 @starblanket: more like Enter the Sandman
  • 1 0
 @highcountrydh: f*ck that sounds horrible
  • 4 1
 Oooh, I've also broken my femur and fractured my pelvis, although in separate incidents 3 months apart. Not very fun but if you concentrate on the improvements you make rather than the things you can't do, it'll go buy pretty quick. Do the physio, I wasn't as diligent as I should have been and regret it.
  • 1 1
 Bruh that sounds terrible, how did you manage those?
  • 1 0
 @Bikerguy13: pelvis fracture racing dh, hit a tree and landed on a rock, fairly quick recovery. 3 months later at another dh race hit a rock and landed on a tree, that took care of the femur.
  • 1 0
 @themegawatt: yeesh my condolences mate, both of those sound absolutely brutal
  • 5 0
 Hold my beer. I'm going to go to Home Depot and get some screws and ducttape.
  • 1 0
 Wow that proper snapped,i was riding after 3-4 months, broken femur cleaner break tho, do not lift anything heavy for at least a year i did and went backwards, o and welcome to random pain in your leg for the rest of your life, heal up fella
  • 1 1
 Just a suggestion for faster healing. Nature's sunshine bone poultice. I fractured my scapula in 3 places and broke 2 ribs in a crash and my sister who is a naturalpath gave me this stuff to take. As a western physician assistant I was a little skeptical but was willing to try anything to get back on the bike quicker. My healing time was cut in 1/2 from what the orthopedist told me. Also I had a 70 Y/O patient that fractured her hip and was having non union do to her osteoporosis and told her to give the bone poultice a try and she had union after a month. Worth a try.....
  • 4 1
 should have been wearing knee sleeves
  • 1 0
 If there's a bright side... Ti hardware AND this is the year of everything being cancelled so... Heal up quick and keep your eyes on next year!!
  • 1 1
 Looks very similar to my femur break. IM rod will have you walking in a few months. You can hobble on crutches right after surgery no cast to deal with. Shit happens. Six months from now back to shredding.
  • 4 3
 That's way more than a rod. That is 1-2 rods and a plate (maybe 2) and about 20 screws. There will be a 2nd op to remove some of it most likely in a year or so, I feel for you buddy, my son did a similar thing and was helicoptered 100 mi to a hospital.
  • 2 4
 @chasejj: Nice I'm certain your words are very comforting and will help his mental state needed for the healing process.
  • 4 1
 @Sshredder: I am certain his doctor is explaining it to him. The truth is the truth. Face it head on.
  • 2 5
 @chasejj: Ok I'll stay optimistic and you can tell people how shitty thiere life will be. The hardware may be fact but really that's between him and the doctor.
The power of the mind plays a huge role in how well and how fast you heal.
  • 2 1
 @chasejj: two intramedulary nails? Would be impressive. And a plate too? Sizeable and unnecessary soft tissue insult when a nail will do. No reason to routinely plan to remove any of that metalwork.
  • 1 1
 @marzocchidjiii: My son had 2 nails. Removed a year later after bones knitted. They can work lose during rehab and slide out of the hole at the top of femoral head. Annoying as f*ck but fairly typical.
  • 1 2
 You know that feeling when your balls go up into your stomach and then you want to puke them out.......x-ray!!!!!! I blew my left ring finger off with 9mm and when I looked at my hand I didnt want to puke as bad as seeing that x-ray. Bones heal.....Titanium and Glory are Forever. Heal up and get back on your bike soon Magnus.
  • 1 0
 Wowza. Stay strong buddy. You will be back to 100% sooner than you think.
  • 2 0
 Healing vibes and a quick recovery my man.
  • 2 0
 Keep ur head up man, bones will heal fast.
  • 1 0
 That's rough. On the bright side it's a good season for a raincheck... Happy healing!
  • 1 0
 though the title said "Marilyn Manson breaks leg..." and thought damn didnt know that foo rode bikes! lmao
  • 2 0
 It hurts me from just looking at that broken bone photo... heal up fast!
  • 1 0
 Stay positive man! Love that mountain biker spirt, smashed up???? No worries Smile
  • 1 0
 There were days when MX and MTB crash X-rays could be told apart... Those days have disappeared
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 The force required to explode a femur like that must have been immense. Best of wishes on your recovery!
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 Heard he was out of hospital in 24 hours- heal up man
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 That’s why you don’t okay too much gta kids!
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 Oh no. Heal up
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 Get better soon
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 effing oooooowwwwwwww! heal up quick!
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 Sum-bitch! That looks painful as hell.
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 Nothing quite like laughing gas
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 Dammit Magnus! Healing vibes from across the ocean...
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 Heal up fast, kid and keep the PMA flowing
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 get well soon !
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 It had to have been. The only creek gap on the mountain as far as I know
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 @maxtodamax: I know the spot. The landing pretty much ends at the start of the berm. The first time I saw it I asked the same thing... what happens if you overshoot. Unfortunately that berm turns into a sender into the trees Frown Heal well Magnus!
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 Shattered beyond broken!
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 Ouch get well soon mate
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 Admirable approach.
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 Stay strong and HEAL!
  • 1 0
 Walk it off
  • 1 0
 Creek gap on Memphis?
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