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Jeff Kendall-Weed Finding Flow On Washington's Gnarliest Legal Trail

Jun 8, 2018
by Jeff Kendall-Weed  
Views: 22,143    Faves: 97    Comments: 25

Finding Flow
On Invictus

photography by Riley Seebeck // video by Logan Nelson // words by Jeff Kendall-Weed
If a trail’s radness is measured by chances to get the wheels in the air, sans traditional jumps, Invictus is one of a kind.

It’s surprisingly easy to find great, flowy mountain bike trails within post-work driving distance from Seattle, WA. As for steep, gnarly, and aggressive trails? Yep, those too are easy to find! Known more for rain and lush fern forests, the woods surrounding the greater Seattle area are also home to some amazing riding.

Where the fun really begins. By the time riders reach this trail, they’ve been pedaling for quite some time.

The state’s newest trail network, the Raging River Phase 1 trail construction project, is now OPEN! And not only is it ready for the two wheeled public to ride, it has what many consider to be the state’s gnarliest legal trail, Invictus. After reading about this trail on Trailforks, and I gave Evergreen trail builder Dale Shahan a call to get more info. I was already familiar with Dale’s style, thanks to Irish Death trail on Galbraith Mountain here in Bellingham, WA. I knew a longer version of this type of trail had to be rad!

Spicing things up early, with Logan Nelson in tow on the camera.

As trail builder, Dale led the volunteer crews for this project, and coordinated the workers and the Washington State Department of Natural Resources (DNR) in order to keep everyone on the same page. Dale’s style is unique in a world of sculpted flow trails, as his trails find their own flow very naturally, without much earthwork. He’s sure to keep the roots and rocks in place, and if necessary, will add more rock to the trail to keep it sustainably armored.

A quick spur off No Service, the “People’s Elbow” gets the party started.

Dropping in on the People’s Elbow, named after World Wrestling Entertainment’s ‘The Rock’s’ famous last move, I discovered that this trail feels awesome at faster speeds, and has very few features that require a sudden slow down. The trail is far off the grid, and has no cell service – and therefore might be out of some folks’ comfort zone. But with spring conditions simply so good, it can get very tempting to open up the throttle! Just keep in mind that consequences are quite real when in such a remote location.

Aaron Kerson, co-owner and co-founder of PNW Components, overlooking the Snoqualmie corridor.

At the steep end of the Raging River network, Invictus is an option off No Service trail. No Service has a mix of traditional flow-style trail with natural, root-infested single track, and is one of my favorite flow trails ever as a result.

Aaron leads Jeff down No Service.

Invictus, however -- that’s where things get real, real rowdy! After hearing about the trail’s reputation, I came in with high hopes. Not every inch of the trail is pure gnar, and it is very rideable, but expert level riders will definitely feel challenged in multiple sections. Hats off to the team of experienced volunteers, known as the Dirt Corps, who did the majority of the work over the course of a year.

Raging River State Forest mountain biking trails

Not only was it great to meet Dale, and see this masterpiece of a network come together, but it was a treat to learn a bit more of the stories behind the trails.

The original builders of Invictus. RJ Matt Shannon and Dave make up the Dirt Corps. Not shown is Jay Gore or Harrison Gill.
"A wet winter day when we started working on the lower section of the Invictus trail. The rest of the guys - RJ, Matt, Shannon and Dave make up the Dirt Corps. Not shown are both Jay Gore, who is the Trail Boss for this project, or Harrison Gill." – Dan Saimo.

Project trail boss Jay Gore, and the rest of the Dirt Corps, including Dan Saimo, Matt Patterson, RJ Wattles, Dave Hutton, Harisson Gill, and Shanon Smith, did the majority of the work on the trail.

One of the few traditional jumps on Invictus.

Why the name Invictus? Invictus is a poem by Ernest William Henley. The poem has given strength and inspiration to many, including an incarcerated Nelson Mandela. Key builder Dan Saimo’s son, Sam, found tremendous strength from the poem, and wore it as a tattoo.
Dan explains, “Our guiding goal for the trail was that it celebrated the way that my son Sam lived his life, pursuing the beauty of the great outdoors, making friends and enjoying the fullness of life. One of the key features of the trail is that it is located along the start of the Raging River, as Sam loved the water.”

“Huge props to Dale and Jay for finding this beautiful zone when scouting Phase 1 of the Raging River,” adds Dan.

A truly good trail isn’t just fun to ride once or twice- it builds a community.

“That trail was a real blessing because it got myself, and everyone that knew Sam and rode with him, out there. It was a good project for everybody. The fact that we got such a prime zone to work with is amazing.”

While descending the trail, one can hear the Raging River quite distinctly, and it might be a pretty challenging race between the riders on the trail and the gallons and gallons of water flowing down the mountain.

Dan explained, “Jay has a whole other story, as Jay lost his own son recently as well. Both Jay and I were hurting pretty bad when we were working on that trail, but It was a blessing to work on it.”

Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds and shall find me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul.

Riding Invictus is a great way to pay tribute to the life of Sam.

As an outsider to the Seattle area, I’m quite impressed by the extensive riding opportunities in the region. And it seems that every spot has signage that acknowledges the work of the Evergreen MTB alliance. Mountain biking is an amazing sport, and we need groups like Evergreen to work with government agencies such as the DNR in order to build the type of riding opportunities that we actually want. And when riding opportunities are this prevalent, it reduces the pressure on each specific location, alleviating crowds. A world with many riding opportunities results in a strong riding community, and allows us to all share the ride.

Produced, written, and edited by: Jeff Kendall-Weed @jeffweed.
Filming: Logan Patrick Nelson @loganpnelson.
Photography: Riley Seebeck @flowphoto_co.
Trail Advocacy: Evergreen MTB Alliance Join and support the Evergreen MTB Alliance!
Supported by: PNW Components

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JeffWeed avatar

Member since Nov 14, 2012
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  • 50 1
 Jeff Kendall is my favourite strain
  • 19 2
 HAHA I see what you did there!
  • 32 0

You are becoming such a great ambassador for mountain biking. Thanks for spreading the goodness all around as you travel to different areas, for making such great edits, and for being such an entertaining and awesome rider! Just tons of stoke. Tons!
  • 7 0
 Thank you!
  • 14 0
 Wow. I know Seattle and Portland have quite the rivalry on many fronts, but Seattle kicks all sorts of ass over Portland when it comes to mountain biking! Seems Seattle area takes a "come build responsibly and have fun" attitude while Portland area just plain hates mountain biking.
  • 18 0
 Though I'm still a bit of a newbie to the state, I can't help but notice how so many rad riding spots have signage by Evergreen. Big thanks to Evergreen MTB Alliance for keeping WA rad!
  • 10 0
 @JeffWeed: Evergreen is freaking awesome. All that fun and no $80 lift ticket.
  • 11 0
 @number44: Evergreen is da BEST! #GOAT Big Grin
  • 3 2
 @JeffWeed: Great riding as always. But to answer your question. "Is this Washington's Gnarliest Legal Trail?" No, no it is not. Not to detract from the awesomeness that is Evergreen (I myself am a card holder) and all the hard work, massive skills and passion for legit trail building displayed on Invictus. But, as a inarguable FACT. There are at least 3 other trails in the state of Washington that are completely legal and are WAY more technically difficult than this trail... There are probably/hopefully more... It certainly can be discussed what "Legal" actually means. And if Double Black should be the highest trail rating in Washington or if there are indeed ratings of triple blacks or single reds should exist. According to the Evergreen website and map, there are only Double Blacks in the fine state of Washington.
  • 3 0
 @Seawild66: Great feedback! What are these three other trails?
  • 2 8
flag Seawild66 (Jun 10, 2018 at 9:27) (Below Threshold)
 @JeffWeed: Heheheh (evil laugh). One of them is in your backyard. South of Galbraith. Doesn't look like it's on the current map. One is is in SpoCompton. The other is north of a small German town in the mountains. Also not on the map. Heheheh.
  • 6 0
 If you can’t give him the trail names doesn’t that defeat the purpose of these being “legal” trails so to speak? @Seawild66:
  • 2 0
 @Seawild66: so if they're completely legal why not stop being all cryptic and just say the names. I hate this "I have a secret and I'm gonna tell you I have a secret but not the trail names/locations" BS that Washington riders do.
  • 1 0
 @Squeakybb: whoa whoa whoa... that's a big generalization. I'm a Washington rider... and everyone I've met has been more than nice, chill, helpful, whatever. Yeah, this Chris Rogers @Seawild66 guy is being annoying... but don't lump us all in with him. Smile
  • 1 0
 @Squeakybb: Unless, of course, you're just being a sour grape because you're secretly jealous of our awesome trails... Wink
  • 2 0
 @mtbikeaddict: I live in WA. I guess your experience has been different than mine. My experience has been exactly like what seawild66 attitude is. Everyone wants to play "I have a secret." It's lame and I've never seen anything like it anywhere else I've lived
  • 1 0
 @Squeakybb: Hmm. Sorry to hear that. I didn't see a location on your profile, so i didn't know, but no matter. Different experiences, I guess. What part of WA?
  • 7 0
 Seriously mind boggling riding on super sick trails! The trail builder in me got serious anxiety at about 2:48 when I saw all that vine maple on the left :-0 I am passionate about the hatred I have for clearing that stuff ROFL
  • 4 0
 Thanks for the note! Those guys did a TON of work to build that trail!
  • 14 0
 @JeffWeed: Thank you for this really well produced piece, showcasing and acknowledging the efforts of all those involved, as well the meaning and purpose of the name.

One thing I think we can all agree on is that WA State is a great place to be a mountain biker!!
  • 6 0
 @mattpatt: Thanks for your hard work! Dale pointed out a few rad moves that you've sent, too!
  • 1 2
 NO ganja was used in the filming of this sick vid.
  • 7 0
 how much do i want to see a "no hiking" designated trail in my area? even i don't know the answer.
  • 2 0
 I hear ya Yeager! Ashland, Oregon, has some great hiking only/biking only solutions. Every region will be different though.
  • 1 0
 @JeffWeed: hey dood, just wondering if you've ever done any shooting with jeff lenosky? if you haven't, maybe you should. you guys could call it LOS DOS JEFES. you're welcome
  • 3 0
 @upchuckyeager: Hahaha great name idea, I love it! Yeah, Jeff and I did a couple quick videos together in Florida this past January, you can find those on our YouTube channels.
  • 5 0
 One day I just want to be comfortable enough to be that fluid on my bike while riding gnar bar terrain. Nice job as always! These videos are great!
  • 1 0
 Thanks juicebanger!
  • 3 0
 that was super to see more new trails...and the volume of trails around seattle. yeah, portland riders only have one decent trail system within an hour or so from town. props to to washington for letting these networks happen!
  • 11 0
 Hood River has some rad stuff! But yeah, WA is really cool- and I wanna give massive props to Evergreen for growing the scene here!
  • 2 0
 Nice to meet you Jeff at Galbraith (Towers Rd Sunday on Ripley). Great Video for us Mt bike folks and a Great Thanks to DNR, PNW Components and the crew from Evergreen who helped make this "Gem of a Trail"! I am an aging XC rider who is trying to progress with these more aggressive trails and I must say that Invictus brought a huge smile to my face as did the system of trails to and from it. Hit it twice now and can't wait to get back. What is the easiest way for people to get involved with Evergreen?
  • 1 0
 The easiest way to get involved with Evergreen is to become a member. Once you're a member, we'd love to have you out for a day of trail work! You can find work parties, group rides and all other events on our calendar here: www.evergreenmtb.org/calendar

  • 4 1
 Living and working in Seattle is so rad, 40min after work and im riding these trails every week, it never gets old. Add to that all the trails in Bellingham and its hard to decide on where to ride on the weekend.
  • 5 0
 Bellingham: Seattle's Squamish?
  • 1 0
 agreed - 3 days this week I did quick 40 minute laps on poppin tops after work. I work in Bellevue and live in North Bend so it's an easy stop on my way home
  • 1 0
 Was in Bellingham last week so much fun what a great place to ride can't wait to go back.
  • 3 0
 @JeffWeed: between all the trials out on I-90 and having Bham up the road AND having such great trail associations like Evergreen and Whatcom always building more THEN as if that wasn’t enough add in having great local brands adding to the culture and you can make the case that the Seattle-to-Bham cooridor is the MTB capitol of the US.
  • 3 0
 Evergreen is absolutely amazing. If every state had a group like evergreen we'd have so many more incredible trails. Huge props to all the trail orgs out there and the people who support them and volunteer with them.
  • 3 0
 Dude, your videos rule. Amazing cinematography; Great story telling, especially giving props to the builders; And the best riding. Keep it up!
  • 3 0
 Thanks gerrard! It's been a lotta work but way rewarding and fun!
  • 5 0
 Good Shtuff JKW. keep it coming bruh!
  • 3 0
 Thanks man, appreciate it!
  • 4 0
 Somebody give this man a raise!!!! Another awesome edit Jeff, please keep these coming
  • 6 1
 Thanks! I appreciate it. I have a "digital tip jar", so to speak, over at Patreon, and if anyone is feeling generous it'd super help me out! www.patreon.com/jeffkendallweed
  • 5 0
 He must go through front tires like...never.
  • 2 0
 Hahaha I get more front flats than rear thanks to all those stoppies!
  • 3 2
 To be honest, and not being a hater, I prefer the wilder challenge of Bellingham's trails to the over-planned and manicured Evergreen stuff. However I am definitely making the drive down for the RR area and specifically Invictus this summer! Riding there on opening day, I thought to myself "this tastes like BC". Plus you get Pop Tops and Flow State for dessert! Well done guys!
  • 4 1
 Evergreen is doing a lot more raw builds these days. I think DNR saw the work at Raging and is loosening some of their building rules. It's awesome having different types of trails around for everyone's tastes
  • 2 0
 Interesting perspective. I actually like making trips to galby "for" the bigger/faster manicured riding we don't have much of here. The backside of galby gets pretty steep and gnarly, and you have chuck of course. But Predator on Tiger, some of the new raging stuff, and MOST of tokul (though, not evergreen managed) gets quite a bit more raw than what i ride in bham. Maybe just my exposure.

The introduction of poppy/flow is definitely satisfying that fast manicured itch i used to go to galby for though!
  • 2 0
 Thanks for the note DiveH! I live here in Bellingham and ride Galby daily, Chuckanut whenever I can get across town. We're super fortunate to have so much good trail in the state!
  • 4 0
 @Icehawk: The DNR is making a huge push for more rad MTB trails, and Ive been learning that the DNR played a massive role in building much of the Raging River network. Hoping to meet some DNR folks soon!
  • 1 1
 @esander: ha, I actually live in pedal distance from the galby backside! I would say that although trails like U line and upper SST are pretty buff, Evo, Irish Death, Air Chair, Happy Hour, Devilcross etc are not. Agreed though that Predator is pretty rowdy, as well as Tokul (which I wasn't even thinking about actually). And of course we have Double Black/Double Down and more secret illegal stuff than you would believe. I guess I was only making a direct comparison to Tiger, which isn't really fair on my part.... bit I wish evergreen wouldn't build so many zones you have to climb back out of ffs, haha.
  • 1 0
 @JeffWeed: awesome riding! And you're right-
The RR trail system is world class and Evergreen is largely to thank for on the ground implementation.

Interesting tidbit that many people don’t know - the Washington DNR recreation group based out of North Bend has been working and planning for years to develop a mountain bike- specific trail system for the Snoqualmie corridor. They saw the need for MTB specific trails and began competing for grants from RCO (recreation & conservation office) and other entities. It’s actually DNR who initiates and facilitates the majority of these new trails in the Snoqualmie corridor....by obtaining trail project grants and hiring Evergreen MTB alliance as a contractor to help build all of these new trails at Tiger and Raging.

Moreover, DNR also has its own team of top notch trail builders who develop trails at Tiger and Raging. Master Link, Quick Link, Inside Passage, Lower Flow State, and just about every single bridge that you ride across at Tiger and Raging were built by DNR staff - and more!

Jeff, if you want I can put you in touch with DNR's lead trail builder in that area if you don't have it already. Dale probably has contact info as well.

  • 3 0
 Living outside of Seattle is the worst. WA in general has shit trails, as you can see in this video. If only I live in Kansas!!
  • 1 0
 @jeffweed. Hey Jeff always great riding as usual. Quick question. Would you have preferred the HD4 for that trail? I’m noticing that your riding the Ripmo more these days. Is this your choice of bike or is it mainly for marketing?
  • 3 0
 Hey malern, great question! I prefer the Ripmo for this stuff. The big wheels are great on all the roots and the bike is a better climber than the HD4. At this point, about the only time I'd prefer the HD4 is when I need a change from the Ripmo just to spice life up, or at a spot like Whistler Bike Park with big jumps and lots of sustained, steep stuff.
  • 4 0
 Definitely look like they’ll be gnarly trails to race.
  • 1 0
 Good luck to ya!
  • 1 0
 @JeffWeed: maholo my dude. Really enjoyed this preview
  • 1 0
 @Rockydildoa: Thank you Rocky!
  • 2 0
 Weed is the definition of "pinned! Looks like a sweet trail, too bad its way out there. I guess they can't develop closer to the trail head?
  • 2 0
 Thanks man! I Have no idea about where they can or can't develop, but the ride out there sure is worth it!
  • 3 1
 Thank god someone is building legal gnarly trails. Still waiting for one in Oregon. #nomoreflowtrailsplease
  • 4 1
 Oh man, the flow trail, "No Service", was way cool too, with sections of actual singletrack between some of the more jumpier bits. Was super fun!
  • 1 0
 Bobblehead check it out on Trailforks. Full handbuilt must find your own flow type of trail.
  • 2 0
 Jeff you have such unreal skills wish I can ride like you one day!!! Give me 2-3 years !!
  • 1 0
 Thanks man! Stay at it, you'll get it!!
  • 1 0
 Can’t wait to ride this one. It’s on my shirt list of must ride trails. It is refreshing to see a group that takes the minimalist approach to trail building. So rad!
  • 1 0
 Check it out, you'll love it, it's a way fun trail!
  • 1 0
 Are there not a lot of legal trails in Washington?

"Gnarliest trail" and he's doubling everything and manualing into drop.

Sure, Jeff is a stud, but come on ...
  • 2 0
 The Washington State DNR deserves credit for this trail system. If it wasn’t for them none of this would’ve happened!
  • 2 0
 So true!!! The DNR did a huge amount of work on this system, and also built a lot of the other trails. Big props to the DNR!
  • 1 0
 I second that! DNR facilitated this entire trail system.
  • 2 0
 Love watching this man ride a bike!
  • 2 0
 Thanks Adam, that means a lot to me!
  • 2 0
 Yeah! Hometown represent! Wait,@JeffWeed, when were you in the area?
  • 2 0
 About ten days ago! Can't wait to get back, my wife will love these trails too!
  • 1 0
 @JeffWeed: Ah, Memorial Day weekend, the weekend after the Raging opening. I biked in that area the weekend before.. Duthie, Raging, Stevens, you can't go wrong, this area is a blast.
  • 2 0
 @mtbikeaddict: I wanna get back and hit that Predator trail at Tiger! Will also make it to the Duthie festival tomorrow!!! Say hey if you see me!
  • 1 0
 @JeffWeed: Will do... But I'm not sure I'm going to that festival... Been planning for it, but stuff has come up... Cry I'll see what I can do, and if not this year, then I'll revisit Duthie later this summer to satisfy the cravings, and definitely go next year. Razz
  • 1 0
 @mtbikeaddict: well maybe next year!
  • 1 0
 @JeffWeed: Looking to hear back what are your thoughts on Predator, its by far my Seattle's favorite one...
  • 1 0
 @JeffWeed: Predator’s as good as Invictus. Check it out soon for sure.
  • 1 0
 @nsteele: Definitely!!!
  • 2 0
 Awesome bike control and playful style. Made the trail look extra fun
  • 1 0
 Thanks dean!!! Nothing better than hero dirt, a rad bike, and some good dudes to share it all with!
  • 1 0
 Do JKW's mad, mad, mad skills have something to do with the double sternum strap?
  • 5 0
 Hahaha that's the Camelbak Kudu, that thing has been a rad pack. Stays in place real well, and works great when heavy. I had the full GoPro Karma grip setup with a Hero 6, a Hero 4, shock pump, tire pump, spare tube, jacket, 4x energy bars, multi tool, chain link, headset spacers, spoke wrench, sunscreen, glasses, GoPro batteries, etc, all packed in there for the whole shoot! The Skyline 10 liter is a tad better for steep and jumpy stuff, but it can't hold the quantity of stuff as can the Kudu.
  • 1 0
 @JeffWeed some serious kit!
  • 1 0
 Great riding on a great trail! Seeing that moist dirt makes me want to move out of SoCal.
  • 2 0
 Thanks man! SoCal is great when that DG gets wet! We had a great trip down there in LA earlier this year!
  • 1 0
 More of these videos! This is the riding style I like to watch. Somewhat attainable and a lot that's not.
  • 1 0
 Thanks so much!
  • 1 0
 Awesome video Jeff! I'd love to see your take on some of the trails in Oakridge, OR one of these days!
  • 1 0
 Great article. I'm grateful for your passionate contributions, Jeff. You're an inspiration.
  • 1 0
 dope trail.. JK's steez is fun to watch
  • 1 0
 Thank you!
  • 1 0
 JKW is good at playing bikes!
  • 1 0
 Thanks boz!
  • 1 0
 awesome stuff as always!! one of my favorite contantcreator on pb
  • 1 0
  • 1 0
 Sick as usual, that manual off the drop was proper mad.
  • 1 0
 Thanks watchtower!!
  • 1 1
 You guys do realize what bike Aaron's on, right? Wink
  • 3 1
 All good, those are great bikes too! Aaron's company (PNW Components) is to thank for making this vid possible!
  • 1 0
 @JeffWeed: Lol no worries, I think Evil bikes are great. It's just a bit of a running joke right now because PB has hardly ever mentioned Evil, especially the Wreckoning, and there's been several articles and one ad within the last little bit that have had pics/vids of Evil bikes. Razz
  • 2 0
 @mtbikeaddict: the Wrecker rules!
  • 1 1
 Jeff Kendall-Weed smokes weed...... guaranteed!!
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