Welcome to the Hoots Dreaded update for 2010.

Sep 15, 2010
by Tyler Maine  
Source: Jay Hoots

Yet again another year has blasted by and the DREAD haired guy that doesn’t ‘compete’ ended up with a full schedule….

Many people ask what a season looks like for Jay Hoots so I committed to writing my annual update to let sponsors and riding community know what I have been up to and to give young shredders a snap shot into what I do as a career Mountain Bike rider.

Read on,
Steep Rock in the Rain

2010 has been a super exciting year on all fronts and there is so much to share, but I will try to keep it short and to the point…

To start the season off right I went on a moto ride in “Death Valley” with six solid pals to celebrate my birthday. None of the guys knew it was my special day until it rolled around on the trip however we celebrated that particular day by riding 200km in wicked sand dunes and trails with an estimated 1700’ of elevation gain. Over all we ended up doing over 1000km in 5 days!

Canadian Moto in America!

This year I was present at a few events that really tugged my Dreads and reminded me of how cool Mountain Biking is. Event list is as follows:

-Mach Chicken Trail Maintenance day (buff before the downhill race in Sunshine Coast)
-Ride clinics with Sutherland high school (North Vancouver) XC team
-Norco SPROCKIDS day
-Volunteer days at 4 Bike Skills Parks

Great jumping Giffy over Jay

-Dirt Jump Jam for Canmore XC Nationals
-Williams Lake Bike Park grand opening
-Norco Product Launch

Climbing the walls!

-Crankworx Whistler
-Inter Bike Outdoor Demo just around the corner

Of course in between all my gigs I still have to lay down some video footage and pictures that can be used for articles, brochures, interviews advertisements and of course Facebook!

Choose line set shot

Result of shot planning

Just to get a bank full of images to start the season and then post season takes about 10-15 days of solid shooting which of course doesn’t include all the build and prep time (which I love) Check out my latest vid here;

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While the season may be busy, it is never too busy to go and shoot for my favourite TV show The RideGuide (http://www.rideguide.ca/bike_vids.aspx). This year marks the 6th season for me shooting with Ride Guide and after last year’s KILLER shows in Maui, BC Bike Parks, Norco Factory Team and Northern Alberta, I traveled and shot two new episodes during this season in Wales, UK (with Darcy Turenne) and Newfoundland Canada (with Ryan Leech).

High above Welsh farms

Trail Riding with shredding Newfoundlanders

Both trips were fricking amazing with about 2 weeks each to get as much footage as possible click to see the blogs for the trips. Hold on to your remote these will be wicked episodes for sure.

My company Hoots Inc. and it’s dedicated, highly trained staff have developed 38 bike parks, 21 trails and 21 pump tracks over a 6 year period with the partnerships of municipalities, in kind donations, volunteers and sponsors. The aim of our parks has always been to get people into riding and offer a fun place to work on bike handling, providing the same type of professionalism in park design and construction that you would find in a baseball field or swimming pool. Hoots does not build gnar bike parks for advanced riders and rely on intimidation to monitor rider use, but rather builds sustainable parks that can handle heavy riding by people who don’t understand etiquette and maintenance just yet. Hoots Inc designs and builds parks using 10 years of experience riding professionally, YEARS of experience teaching and coaching both Mountain biking and Snow Boarding and using progression and sustainable techniques that can endure heavy weather and vandalism using the best of what municipalities can afford.

Highlight Hoots projects;

Hinton flowy single track

Hinton Expansion – Mini jump park, pump track and 3 trails.

WL Botanio Bike Park

Williams Lake – Mega Bike Park, one of the largest and most complex featuring over 40 jumps, drop zones, pump track, DH pump flow ride and technical feature rides.

Filthy Canmore Can

Canmore – Rebuild of Dirt jumps (built previously by Hoots and locals, 5 years ago) into sweet senders of filthy dirt love

Whitehorse Skills Park phase 2

White Horse – Phase 2 construction of technical features area above the huge jump existing park built the year previous.

Loutette arrival

Loutette finish

North Vancouver – Revitalization and formalization of a unauthorized jump park. Negotiated to keep gap jumps and then built a roller/table jump line and diverted hiking trail away from park.

Hoots has also been involved with several project designs and has been active in design and consultation with several other parks including Aldergrove, BC which is slated to open no later than October.

For the last 4 years I have been working as an assistant instructor for Capilano University for the Mountain Bike Operations Trail Building Course. Last semester before the “advanced building” course came up, lead instructor Mark Schmidt left the program to take on a full time position with Parks Canada. The lead instructor position came up and I took it. With full control of the course I managed with the help of my assistant to re-construct the curriculum and rebuild it into a kick butt program that I believe reflects the new age of our trade. This year’s class had to be patient while I worked out a couple of blips, but I know the volume and content delivered is what I would expect in a course like that.

MTBO Trail shot

The entire month of April was dedicated to advanced trail building techniques and the results from the class were extraordinary! Excellent class and a great design/build of a sweet trail, so much so that they have inspired me to revamp the ‘Introduction to Trail Building” course coming up in November.

For seven years I have traveled to conferences and workshops (from Isreal to all over North America) teaching and sharing what I have learned about Bike Skills Parks, Trail Building, Kids on bikes, Clubs and the legalization of DIRT Jumps.. This year offered me with the Presentation of my career! Early this summer Parks Canada held an internal National Conference to discuss the possibility of Mountain Bikes in National Parks. Discussions ranged from environmental impacts to historical use of parks and then came 3 presentations that highlighted why Mountain bikes should be in National Parks. Lora from IMBA Canada spoke on XC trails, Rob from OGC spoke on Freeride and DH trails and I presented on Skills Parks, Dirt jumps, Pump tracks, Technical ride features like skinny’s, bridges, balance lines and the immense opportunity to implement low risk fun ride options next to parking lots, campgrounds and interpretive centers. Long and short, Parks Canada has agreed to start implementation of allowing Mountain Bikes in National Parks, each park will be evaluated individually and developed accordingly. We will have to wait until Parks get their policy’s changed but WOW! Dirt Jumps in National Parks means that they will have to have guidelines and a formalization of process. This may sound complicated, but at the end of the day if a National Park can figure out how to quantify jumps the trickle down effect to municipalities Canada wide will be tremendous, actual LEGAL DIRT JUMPS! The world’s eyes will be on us to understand how they can do it, I only hope to be there along the way.

Thanks for Reading mmm Yukon

What an amazing season it has been and I am so very grateful for my family, friends, sponsors, the awesome guys I shoot with and everyone else who has helped get me through this season in one piece and still smiling!

Ride ON!

Jay Hoots
Norco Factory Team
Hoots Inc.

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Member since Mar 27, 2001
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  • 17 3
 i'll start these comments off with the usual "SICKKKK" tup
  • 9 2
 hes defiantly my favorite rider, hes just so laid back and about enjoying the ride
  • 2 3
  • 12 3
 He's a great rider and has done a lot for the sport but I am still SOOOOOO glad he didn't get the contract for the Vancouver DJ park. Tabletops just aren't as fun.
  • 3 4
 advorak couldnt agree more about the contrct, finally some sick city jumps.
  • 1 1
 although some of the places he has built have turned to crap the williams lake bike park is awesome and the burnaby bike park is pretty good aswell. he only gets what the city gives him so..... the people that live around there just need to give it a little bit of work and things will flow well
  • 1 0
 HAHAHAHA you clearly did not hear about the brookswood park costing hundreds of thousands of dollars over budget when the guys from earth ramps did it for under a hundred and they are possibly the sickest city jumps ever made
  • 1 0
 I have checked out the Earth Ramps guys site, super cool, but after reading the 24" wheel only signs, all i can say is wtf? Are we not on mountain bikes?
  • 1 0
 that is for their private trails, the new ones at vanier park in vancouver are all 26" friendly my buddy did them after not riding dirtjumps in over a year and said they were the best jumps hes ever ridden
  • 2 0
 whatever...read my rant below: meantime, the vanier park was NEVER supposed to be ONLY a 'dirt jump' BMX hardtail 'exclusive'park...when we started the talks w/ the city it was to create a multi-skills park that was for all disciplines [including BMX and dj bikes ] while i do think the park is sick, it is unfortunate that many many riders will be left out...personally, for me, how boring going in endless circles w/ the big finale off a dirt wall - that's why we hoped this site would have 3 level skinnys, walls, drops, berms, teeters, etc etc. but i guess if you found the Olympic BMX '4x exciting - tiny widdle bikes w/ furiously pedaling pumptrack races - then again, good on ya and too bad for me and some other disgruntled Multi-Disciplne riders; i am just putting out there that that jumps alone do NOT a bike park make!
  • 4 0
 This above statement is correct, I believe this was not exactly what most people expected. Many of the parks built today are labeled "safe" by one private organization that sets the guidelines to a design that is only just easy to build. In fact the most jumps on the parks built today are very dangerous and in most cases just not fun to ride either. Too small, too tech, too steep, wrong transitions, wrong spacing, wrong shape, wrong speed, wrong height, wrong proportions, wrong idea for bicycles completely. "collarbone snappers" "case your face jump" are some of the names I have for these strange pyramid wedges usually found in skills parks today. Weather you have a roughed out gravel mound pyramid with rocks protruding out of it/or/ a beautifully sculpted gap .....both are 4 feet high, that is just a tight,technical un-trick friendly hazard. I think someone needs to Set the new standard in bike park development.
  • 4 1
 Jay Hoots has his shit together. I wish there were more riders with his chill mentality and emphasis on enjoying the ride. He's such a great all around ripper too. He busts his ass and straight gets shit done. Props to the master.
  • 3 1
 I would like to see a "how to" article, on how to get a life like that. E.g. where and how did you get your training, how do you get paid (e.g. breakdown between sponsorship, teaching, paid trail builds etc), where are the opportunities currently.
Also general questions like - you seem to do every kind of riding possible, how many bikes do you have and what are they? Have you had a fav ride guide trip? etc.
I think you have a lot of info that would fascinate people like me - would love to read more.
  • 1 0
 You probably wont be able to find out how much he makes as thats something a lot of people don't feel like sharing with everyone right out in the open on the internet. You can find out more about Jay through interviews and bios on the Norco, RideGuide and Capilano U website
  • 1 0
 Yeah of course I don't expect to know dollar amounts, but it is just interesting to know what pays more. I.e. if I was to pick one of those jobs, which would be my best opportunity to make a living (if my riding was actually good enough to make any money from that is).
And thanks for the other info, I will check it out.
  • 4 0
 I can tell you exactly how Jay made this his life: By figuring out what his priorities were and then working obscenely hard and constantly self-sacrificing to make them happen. He is the hardest working and most dedicated person I have ever met; in any industry. He has at least 5 bike industry jobs (Norco ambassador, trail builder, lobbyist, teacher, Hoots gear) and then, when necessary, works a "day" job. The guy is a machine. I've literally seen him work day in and day out until he nearly collapsed and then wake up thankful that he has the opportunity to do it all again the next day. And the greatest thing about Jay is that his number one motivation is making the world a better place through riding. Thanks, Hooty, for doing what you do!
  • 1 0
 That's exactly right. I'm 27 and I finally sat down, figured out what my priorities are, where I want to be and what I want to do. Set goals, but make sure they are the YOUR goals, not anyone elses. Live life by your own terms, work hard and you can be where Hoots is at.
  • 1 1
 well, vancouver blows it again...we all* [*all, as in dhers, djs, BMXers etc] had a chance to get a Multi-purpose Mt. Bike Skills park near Kits Beach at Vanier Park built by jay hoots - but the powers that be listened to a bunch of badmouthing BS that Jay was 'out of touch' and did not know what he was doing or what bikers wanted - so, we got a sick [ very well built ] but exclusive BMX park that leaves no room for different level, different discipline bike styles; what a crock, way to go all you tiny bike park builders...a park for you to enjoy but built and contract awarded on lies! [ how do i know this? lets just say i have insider info ]
i suppose it is better than no park but i and many others will feel better when something in a central location is built that all ages and all styles can session...i guess for now i will still consider the gas and time well spent to go to the North Shore location or Burnaby to session the sickest inclusive skills parks around - and built by the master himself the Jayman!
  • 1 0
 well you could go drive for 20 minutes or you could just go up to your local mountain and do ...drops, jumps, and whatever else you were ranting about as for dirt jumps we cant build them just anywhere on a mountain unlike a trail. you need a slightyl sloped area lots of room and also it takes much longer to make jump than it does to make a trail, so i think it is good that earth ramps got the contract, and hoots he needs to put a little more effort into his parks before and after they are finished.
  • 2 0
 I think a lot of people feel the way you do, we have two styles of parks here, two so different, but at the same time all too much the same. I couldn't be bothered to ride any one of those two styles, I'm afraid I'd overshoot a vertical 4 foot high lip and crash my face into the next lip.
  • 1 0
 vanier is actually super sick, and doesnt feel as steep as it looks AT ALL. i just rode there today. i dont ride bmx, i ride a dirt jumper and its perfectly fine. honestly, those skill parks arent gonna make you develop much "skill". vanier park was meant to replace the OAK st jumps, which were pure dirt jumps, no drops and all that stuff u find at a skills park, and earthramps did a killer job replacing it with sick jumps. vanier is super smooth, tech jumps that will help you develop some good flow and teach you to ride lots of different styles of jumps, using hips, berms, rollers, and straight jumps. and to ben, you should defiitly hit them first, the medium set and bigset are not as vert as they look, and theyre super fun. some of the other pros have ridden it and loved it for the most part, gully, mark matthews just to name a few. but yea im super stoked on vanier.
  • 1 0
 teamn2...just saying, [ or ranting - does that make it less the truth? ] the original talks and initiative were INCLUSIVE WITH dirt jumps, NOT to replace Oak st. DJs [ only ] - a park for MULTI USE; as for dirt jumps not being built anywhere on a mountain, Jay has done DJs as sick as Vanier Park, on mountains, like Burnaby, w/ slightly sloped area...i have NO issue with the WOW factor of the build at Vanier, just the FACT this park was not supposed to be only a DJ park...and what the h*** are you talking about trails for! no one is talking about trail building [ a totally different monster ] and what kind of 'effort' should Jay put into his parks 'before' they are built? the only effort 'before' needs be the design; and you my little monkey need to go look at some of the DJs he has created in those parks with amazing integrity in consideration for all, INCLUDING DJers...as for after they are done, unfortunately he is only one person and most of his parks upkeep gets awarded to city workers. Have an opinion based on fact before you dis someone who made it possible for ANY type of bike park to be considered - as for Boykos comment, he is being diplomatic and trying to understand both sides without personal attack...though even i feel most of the DJ parks [ like Vanier ] leave little or NO room even for DJ beginners progression, without probability of injury, whereas Jays parks have something for everyone...nuff said: i think Earthramps did a killer job too, but only for someone already dialed in. enjoy. jc.
  • 1 0
 ps. jay does give 'aftercare' to many of his parks whenever time and contract will permit. if anyone is unhappy with the condition of one of his parks, don't complain, jay has done his part, get a shovel and do yours.
  • 1 0
 i do pick up a shovel and work to make the park he built for us better (poco skills park) and he has not come back to fix it up instead i basicly do all of the work there. i understand that he is busy and what not but i really dont care. and i dont see you there building or fixing it up.... and most of the jumps that jay hoots does make are not very good because of the dirt he uses and the way he makes them... unlike the vanier park. and i was saying go to your local mountain and ride some trails if you want to ride small jumps, and drops because it seems that is all you are concerened about. because it is much easier to build a trail than it is to make dirt jumps.. as for the beginners take them to the mountain or even to a skills park... i didnt have either a skills park or any trails around whne i got into riding instead i went to the backfield of my school and built some jumps.
  • 1 1
 T2...you have no idea. nuff said.
  • 1 0
 i do have an idea ... how about you
  • 1 0
 im not sure you know what you are talking about, like have you actually built anything before (dirt jumps, or trials)?
  • 1 0
 [sigh...] T2 what is it you don't get? i have tried enough to get you on subject without your point[less] dissing of jay [eg: 'i know he is busy, but i really don't care' ] 'You don't care!!!' jay has made it possible for you and thousands of others to do what you love. Once again the original point i was making: the Vanier Park though AWESOME was originally supposed to INCLUDE other disciplines, but the dirty politics of how the contract was awarded shut jay out, that's all i am saying. Meantime get over yourself, we are all [just] riding bikes no matter what the type, not saving the world! and yes, i am mostly a Downhiller [who can still do double 8 ft gaps for my age and skill level at a DJ park.] you are beating a dead horse here muffin; i have been riding for enough years to have paid my dues on trail building, Swap meet volunteering and much more. AND, it is NOT easier to build a trail - work is work is work and skill is relative to the build; stop trying to be right here...and your 'idea' is way off topic - like i said, Vanier is a sick park, there is no 'my stuff is better than yours' here, enjoy it, but i can't wait to see a local MULTI-USE DISCIPLINE PARK BUILT by jay even if he doesn't have [the budget to use] better dirt ] ok? just my comments based on knowing how it went down getting this park done. if you put as much effort in improving your skills as you do trying to find a conflict here or dissing someone who has done more for the sport than you [ or i ] will ever do, maybe then you will 'have an idea'....are we done. i'm done.
  • 1 0
 ps. T2 'those skills parks won't help you develop much skill' - that is definitely your opinion not a fact; those parks may not do much for someone as dialed as you [seem to think you are] but to state something as lame as that, no, you have no idea...now i'm done.
  • 2 0
 i was the one that said that, and honestly its true.. at vanier u can easily just learn to jump there.. the first jump on medium set is super easy and decent sized, but not the end of the world if u case.. so i dunno. all those "drops" and skinnies at skills park are imo pointless. u can easily find all those on mountain trails. and the ones at these skill parks generally suck anyways. but like u said, its an opinion, i have mine, and you have yours
  • 1 0
 Thanks again Jay for helping us here in the Puddle. The kids are still lovin it, moms are bringing lawn chairs to watch and the jumps are holding up like concrete. Great job!!
  • 2 1
 uhhh id looove to go riding in places like that, just to be able to travel to stellar bike destinations, thatd be awesome!! Big Grin
  • 1 0
 Mountain bikes in National Parks? Finally, there is so much good terrain around Banff begging to be ridden with out the threat of getting ticketed!
  • 4 2
 Hoots is a legend, really shows the true reason why we all ride bikes.
  • 2 1
 Looking forward to your session at the ARPA Confrence in Jasper this Oct!
  • 2 1
 Que bien Jay !!! Saludos !!!!
  • 1 1
 He's great on the ride guide stuff, proper chilled dude, Hope you enjoyed N Wales Jay,
  • 3 3
 Yes Jay!! It was a pleasure to have you as a teacher and I hope to see you again soon!
  • 2 2
 You said it bro.
  • 1 0
 where and what trail is that in newfoundland? anyone know
  • 1 0
 Why that's The Gut at Whitehills down by Quidi Vidi, its got a sweet top rock section that drops down into a easy flat straight away.
  • 2 1
 HOCKEY JERSEY haha thats a pretty good idea
  • 2 1
 love this article and shots!
  • 1 0
 That's really cool, heck of a guy! Thanks Jay.
  • 1 0
 nice jay! Looked like a good year!
  • 1 1
 looking forward to the trail building course for sure, hoots you sound like a chill dude
  • 1 0
 that trail in the video was crazyy
  • 2 1
 made of win and good.
  • 2 1
  • 1 0
  • 2 2
 Good stuff Jay!

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