IKEA Gives out 12,400 Bicycles for Christmas

Dec 8, 2010
by Jordan Holmes  
On December 7th, Swedish furniture retailer IKEA surprised their U.S. workforce with an early Christmas present: a bike for each of their 12,400 employees in the United States. The bikes were presented to the employees at the 37 stores across the country as each store opened.

Read inside for more info...

"It's been a good year for IKEA, so what better way to celebrate our success than to thank our IKEA co-workers who made this happen. Our big reveal today will be a fun day as we unload 12,400 new bikes at IKEA US locations. This is our way of saying 'thanks IKEA co-workers for being strongly committed to working together.' We hope this bike will be taken in the spirit of the season while supporting a healthy lifestyle and everyday sustainable transport," commented Mike Ward, IKEA US President.

With a strong commitment to good health and being environmentally conscious, IKEA selected an all terrain bike as the holiday co-worker gift for 2010. What makes it even more special is that the delivery of bikes is a total surprise for all co-workers.

The bike's Ikea handed out were nothing fancy, but should cut down on their employee's emissions on a daily basis

Why a bike? IKEA points out that when it comes to sustainable transport, a bicycle is a great option. And when it comes to healthy living, riding a bike is one of the best cardio forms of exercise.

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spoiledgoods avatar

Member since Mar 20, 2000
624 articles

  • 24 1
 I hope it comes with impossible building instructions
  • 3 0
 YES! Then once you have figured it out you realize that two parts are backwards and the whole thing must be taken apart to switch them but you glued it all together and it's a huge mess....... Anyways, nice for the bike industry to get a kick start, just a shame it is going towards that bike.
  • 1 0
 that or a bunch of parts are left over and you have no idea what there for at all. or one crucial part is missing lol
  • 5 0
 gave them a "bicycle" - sorry that's a lie...

they gave them a BSO "Bicycle shaped object" as we call these cheap pieces of cr*p here in the UK

death machine that does not work properly - gears and brakes don't work, wheels wobbly, parts come loose

proper bike shops here in the UK unfortunately get customers bringing in these BSOs which they have bought from toy stores and supermarkets, and we struggle to assemble them correctly - we cannot make them "safe for use on the highway"

nice gesture, but IKEA would have been better off putting some money in their employees pockets, than giving them a sh*tty fake bicycle which will either cause an accident, or put their employee off riding bicycles, for life!
  • 3 0
 looooool Rare.. Wink

...give it a few weeks..
  • 2 0
  • 2 0
 I saw that coming, but not for $200+ dollars!! What an a$$hat. He could have donated the damn thing!!
  • 1 0
  • 4 1
 people who are saying who would use these crap bikes? the fact is i would me and my friend both got jobs at a warehouse which is about 45-1 hour walk from our houses but didnt want to use our decent bikes to go to work at 7am so we were forced to buy some shitty halfords bike for £80 which is alot considering i got a steel frame. I would of loved one of these and saved myself £80, plus its banter just to have something so crap that it build character
  • 4 0
 why did they give all the americans these bikes? do this for the workforce in china. THAT would make a massive impact. Bikes are used FAR more in china and they would be far more appreciated as well
  • 4 0
 I would agree here. Many americans are slow to change the mind set of environmental awareness- but we are working on it. This helps! China could def. use something like this!
  • 2 0
 Did they include the allen key along with those impossible instructions?

sorry for the cheesy joke, but it is really positive to see something like this happen. everyone's probably seen the bad press about the health of the "average american citizen". and here's IKEA saying, "hey we see this, we want our employee's happy and healthy, lets help them out" props to all
  • 2 0
 Yeah for IKEA, gettin their commute on! I allways figure a commuter bike should be low key, low cost and no tears if it goes missing or gets damaged. These bikes will do the trick. Remember...fight terror, ride a bike!
  • 1 0
 IKEA UK already gave away bikes over three years ago - I should know, I got one. folding raleigh, good commuter transport, if you only used it folded up and carried it everywhere. More trouble than what they were worth, sold mine for £40 back then on a market stall. I guarantee these bikes will be a terrible mass-produced farce.
  • 1 0
 Correct, i also was the proud owner of a raleigh fold away. But i actually liked it, it was fun for a bit. However i managed to rid mine for 80 gbp!! so i got it sorted. In addition to the bike i also recieved a mobile phone, a digital camera, a digital camcorder, just for thankyous and christmas. Pretty much the greatest company to work for (outside of the biiking buisness)
  • 1 0
 Ha, I got all these too! Everything was under-par, however to sell it was easy money, money that was particularly necessary considering I was driving two different types of forklift and sub-supervising for just over £7.00 an hour, ridiculous on pay they were. Even with one licence I could've been on £9.oo+ at any other warehouse, glad to be out of there.
  • 1 0
 if i got that inplace of a cash bonus id be so pissed off. hampsteadbandit i totally agree with u. BSO! funny and. Quote
"giving them a sh*tty fake bicycle which will either cause an accident, or put their employee off riding bicycles, for life!."haha so true man
  • 1 0
 This bike reminds me of when my friend bought a "High End" ($280) department store bike.

I took him on some trails and after ~30 min of riding he had to walk his bike back which had a flat tire, loose handlebars, and brown fluid seeping out of his headset. The bike didn't last 30min!

A month later he bought my bike and I got a new one!
  • 1 0
 Nothing but a crummy advertising stunt.

Instead of a raise, or something the average family can really use - MONEY - the employees at Ikea now have the "privilege" of advertising for Ikea on their own time by riding some lousy Ikea bike.

What will be the "bonus" next year ? I suggest a six-foot neon sign that flashes IKEA for every employeee's lawn.
  • 3 0
 i lol so hard at the full-suspension-gone-rigid bike designs. but anyways, that is awesome that ikea did this. i liked them before, i like them more now.
  • 1 0
 How much nicer do you guys want the bike? lol shit if they spent $100 on each one thats a $1.2 million gift the company has to cough up. I wish I owed the company that sold them the bikes! Not that they spent that much on the bikes im sure but still! Basically the swedish based company is calling us americans fat... i think i agree. Maybe McDonalds will catch on and give bikes as happy meals to these fat ass kids I see now-a-days at home playing their wii like its gonna help! Right on Ikea... thanks for the lamp!
  • 3 2
 Reasons why Cheap bikes are bad for the environment. 1. They pollute our eyes with fugly. 2. They waste perfectly good aluminum which could have been used on a much better bike. 3. Imagine all the chemicals and cheap paint they used to form these tubes. I'm sure the paint used wasn't CFC free. 4. Promoting obese riders to try to loose weight by riding bad bikes is an insurance nightmare!
  • 2 0
 You are a D*IK... Everyone should ride/own a bike, any bike.
  • 4 0
 Yeah I was a bit harsh but seriously these bikes are just terrible. What's wrong with some inexpensive hard tails that actually were designed to be hard tails not this junk which looks like it's supposed to be a cheap dual suspension frame but because they need to be REALLY cheap they just weld a pipe in place! I mean common IKEA! They are making so much money off their furniture why can't they spend a bit more on their employees?! It's almost as if someone dangling a banana in front of a monkey but when the monkey opens it up there's no banana in there.
  • 2 0
 What is the world going to do with all these leftover ikea frames that go on craigslist? Jeez. What a bunch of scrap metal >.>;;.
  • 5 1
 "all terrain bike" my ass!
  • 3 0
 Pinkbike have just blown the cover of the Monster/specialized teams new 2011 race bike
  • 3 0
 what a great idea and a MERRY CHRISTMAS
  • 3 0
 At the end of the day this does one thing...... Get's people on bikes! Some may give them away, some may sell them (or try to), some might let them sit and collect dush, but some who havn't been on a bike in years will ride them...... That's what it's about, riding bikes isn't it?
  • 1 0
 to all the grinchs that had to find something negative to say about Ikeas bike gift : merry christmas and hope you get a lump of coal from santa !
  • 1 0
 Looks like the front triangle from my 2003 GT i-Drive!
  • 3 0
 A lump of coal is worth more that this bike. Smile
  • 1 0
 i will take the coal as well! at least it doesnt take as much space and is useful
  • 1 0
 how come the geo on cheap bikes are so bad? if the geo was half decent wall mart bikes would be ok. until they break at least
  • 1 0
 thing is they came flat packed and every thing had to be built including wheels i heard there where spokes missing but loads of extra bolts
  • 2 0
 I bet they gave them two or three allen keys to assemble them with too Big Grin
  • 2 0
 i wonder if the employees had to put them together themselves
  • 1 0
 nice of them to do but if i was gave that bike i would just throw it away or donate it lol
  • 2 0
 Nice work IKEA,
  • 1 0
  • 2 0
 Yeah brah!
  • 1 0
 North Shore
  • 1 0
 fuck its only for ikea usa.... ikea canada gave me a framed artwork for christmas....
  • 2 0
 Hopefully it comes assembled and lasts longer than Ikea furniture.
  • 1 0
 Should have been a proper Swedish Kronan military bike... just for some culture touch...
  • 1 0
 This one time, a company appeared selling 15 foot fluffy stuffed snakes; Then everyone had these snakes.
  • 1 0
 I had one!
  • 1 0
 "...should cut down on their employees emissions on a daily basis..." On those bikes they'll increase supercoolness!
  • 1 0
 this is like a nice publicity stunt for IKEA. Go Sweden!
  • 1 0
 Almost looks like it has 24" wheels.
  • 1 0
 probably does....
  • 2 0
 wish i had that bike
  • 1 0
 OMG SWAP MY trek session 88 for that cycle hahhahahah
  • 1 0
 Looks like the front triangle from my 2003 GT i-Drive!
  • 1 0
 Supose this gift saves al qaeda a job
  • 6 4
 Lucky workers.
  • 79 1
 may not be the best bike but nice to see big companies doing stuff like that
  • 93 3
 makes me wish i had a time machine and quickly applied for a job at ikea. thats really awesome of them to do so.

lol. i was thinking about this on my f*cked up side of my brain.. what if ikea were really low-key ass holes and gave the free bikes to the american coworkers so they can go and lose some pounds instead of stuffing their mouths with greasy 1 pound cheeseburgers and.fries? hahaha. please dont hate me on this.. it was just a evil joke to laugh at..

  • 6 0
 damn thats alot of bikes, Merry Christmas!
  • 7 2
 ikea FTW!!!!!!!!
  • 32 0
 I just saw an ikea thumbnail on the homepage and immediately re-typed pinkbike.com into my browser without thinking... Razz
  • 21 7
 I wonder if their bikes are as low quality as their furniture?
  • 19 0
 Throw some boxxers on there and that bike is beast.
  • 16 5
 Hmmm, they should of done some sort of poll to find out which of their employees would actually use the bikes. Im sure their's quite a few who won't give two shits about them. Then they wouldn't have to make 12000 lower end bikes, and could maybe make 3000-4000 decent bikes for the employee's that want them. Me 2cents.
  • 40 0
 Take it off any sweet jumps?
  • 3 1
 All the ikea stuff I have mrweenie is actually quality stuff and has lasted a long time. My expedit stuff is awesome, especially the desk. Far nicer and cheaper than the desks my firends have.
  • 10 1
 great sentiment! but by the look of that bike, im guessing theyre hoping for a few commuter accidents
just an easier way of getting rid of people than having to say "due to the recession we are having to make redundancies"
  • 3 1
 Yeah I agree, I love my Ikea furniture too, good price for the quality, my entire room is Ikea actually its lasted along time and is still strong. Thats pretty awesome though, a bike for every employee, good to hear some companies still care.
  • 1 0
  • 6 0
 i wonder what brand of bicycle that is or if its IKEA's own model, if it is i want an IKEA bike. Slap a Fox 40 on that puppy and your ready for whistler IKEA style!!!
  • 4 0
 jhb11: yea! i got like 3 feet of air
  • 1 2
 i think this is a great idea but adding to what richierich said maybe they could give the workers a choice on whether or not they want to keep the bike and use it or donate it to someone in need be that in africa or maybe on your block.
  • 4 1
 bike shops will have a lot of work now. I used to fix this kinda crap every day lol
  • 4 0
 if you don't want it, you can either sell it to somebody who does, or you can bring it to places that send bikes to africa. Bikes for Humanity is a great way to get rid of your old parts and bikes...they make good use of your junk!
  • 4 5
 Thats ridiculous....Should have given them to needy kids, not people who have jobs...give them a bonus or something...I know alot of kids who can't afford a bike who would've LOVED to get this...
  • 2 1
 okay im not saying i would be mad if i got a bike i just hope this isn't there Christmas bonus cuz that would suck
  • 2 0
 I don't mean to hate on the employees, but I would have liked to see those bikes donated. I donated a couple bikes last year - given it's not 12,000, but nonetheless a great feeling. But that's awesome otherwise, I hope that it encourages them to use their car less if they have the opportunity to.
  • 2 1
 i hope you dont have to assemble it yourself
  • 2 2
 Wiki leaks just released details on the welding shop that made those bikes... apparently they do some other work bound for the US....
  • 3 1
 Wish they'd give some customers some free meatballs... Gotta love those meatballs.
  • 2 1
 Employees have the option to have their bike donated. My girlfriend is donating her's.
  • 2 0
 how many of these are going to end up on ebay Big Grin
  • 2 0
 i dont blame your girlfriend. nice idea though
  • 3 0
 good concept, but I would have rather gotten a $50 bonus than this. looks like a full suspension walmart bike that got exposed to some nuclear radiation, which transformed the rear shock into a tube and melted all the pivots into a solid piece.
  • 1 0
 It appears ScottPattenden is very angry with this story, or just really hates a lot of people.
  • 1 0
  • 1 0
 Sweden, smartest dudes around.
  • 1 0
 fair enough
do they make Volvo?
  • 1 0
 Volvo, Koeniggsegg and Saab. The swedish engines are the most efficient engines in terms of power output in relation to displacement. Go look at the stats and compare with cars of a similar market.
  • 1 0
 this is a great, nice to see a big corporation doing something nice.
  • 3 10
flag rotato (Dec 8, 2010 at 20:14) (Below Threshold)
 Yeah! maybe next x-mas they can think about stopping the whole child slavery thing.
  • 2 0
 This guy should be the one getting the props.^ Corporations are almost always out there to make money and nothing else. I'm sure they have ulterior motives.
  • 1 0
 Ingmar kamprad is the richest man on earth, he owns the whole IKEA business himself, hes obsest about quality and takes care of his employees. Stupid americans, its not all about money, its for the climate, try that! for once...
  • 2 0
 Um the guy above is Canadian not American.
  • 2 0
 you write way to much!
  • 1 0
 to much for me, just to much crap.
  • 1 0
 nobody cares about your "facts"
  • 1 0
 should be able to pick up one these off ebay for cheap....
  • 2 0
 Walmart next?
  • 1 0
 i work at ikea. actually just got home from a shift....
  • 1 0
 i wish the newsagebt wheer i work would give me a new bike.. :L
  • 1 0
 is it flat pack
  • 2 2
 why is this on pinkbike? none of us give a f*ck
  • 1 0
 so happy you are the spokesperson for everyone on pinkbike...[ and even happier, unlike you, i'm not 'everyone' ] can't wait to ignore your brilliant insight to my comment...
  • 1 1
 PS. oops, sorry, i should have known you were a pimple faced teeny that is still under the illusion that the word f*ck and having nothing to offer but the insight of a drawn out vowel like in 'duuuuude' is your idea of cool...oh well, at least i don't have to ride with you [ and don't even go there peanut, cause i can tell you stories of 12 year olds in 3rd world villages that ride bikes worse than the one given by Ikea and they have bigger balls than YOU or i, dealing with life in a way that your spoiled rotten little U. S. of A. butt could use a taste of...
ok, ok, i got a tad carried away, and also, unlike you, i do give a f*ck, so get out there and GROW some real ones - and then email me here in 10 years and [maybe] i will ride with you
  • 1 2
youre getting way carried away on your high horse "duuuuuuude"
you must think think youre pretty damn righteous after writing that irrelevant paragraph targeting someone you dont even remotely know.

PS.:"i can tell you stories of 12 year olds in 3rd world villages that ride bikes worse than the one given by Ikea and they have bigger balls than YOU or i, dealing with life in a way that your spoiled rotten little U. S. of A. butt could use a taste of..."
i hope you know that these bikes were given as a bonus to EMPLOYEES that could afford a better bike after 5 hours of work. or maybe youre just that irrelevant.

act your own age, you withering over-the-hill bully
  • 1 0
 [ me2menow, me, me, me, hmmmm definitely a self describing handle ] ooooohhh ! upset are we !? 'someone i don't even remotely know ?' well, my little peanut, you are so transparent a blind man would know you...and by the way, has it occurred to your vast years of experience and intellect, that you have passed judgment as well 'targeting' the motives of individuals in a company that simply gave away some free bikes as ...oh my gawd, a bonus! - and what does the amount of money anyone makes have to do with anything; but then i suppose since you probably are still being provided for at the teat in your cushy suburbian home you wouldn't know how to appreciate the gratitude of a company for the hard work of its employees by giving them a bike...but you are absolutely right peanut, i should act my own age and accept that you are simply acting yours: a selfish, potty mouthed, twit...but the one thing i concede for sure, you would certainly know about being irrelevant...and as for my high horse, sorry but did you take that one from your own vantage point [ try looking at how arrogant AND irrelevant your comment really is - hey you used this big word twice, so i just thought, what the heck...] ok anyway, peanut, gotta go take my withering bully butt self off for a night ride [ try it sometime, might hit a tree and wake you up to how much fun it is to have some gajones - and by the way, sorry my little fluff that you felt bullied, but if you are going to post sarcastic smart a** comments and then cry like a baby, change your attitude if you can give it but not take it ] meantime, can't wait to read your next whining installment - oops, sorry, no can do, gotta life and gotta go live it
  • 1 1
 didnt quite read the entire essay you wrote me (it seemed to be jibberish), but honestly man, how old are you? in your 40's right? heres some advice from a 16 year old: grow the f*ck up. youre old enough to be my dad, shouldnt you be tending to a family right now? or hey, deal with another little shit in your life around my age?
  • 1 0
 go swwwweeeeeeeden
  • 1 3
 looks flexy
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