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Video: Travelling Back in Time in Nepal

Sep 18, 2014
by Sebastian Doerk  

I can’t even describe how incredible Mustang is. It’s very raw and remote, it feels like you kind of stepped back in time, your mobile phone stopped working somewhere on the way there, the Internet is only to be found in very view places...

There's only the mountains and you. Complete deceleration.

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"The air is thin up here. I hike up the last steep slope to around 4500 metres and try to extract everything that my legs and lungs have to give. I’m right on the limit and about to start the last descent of my time here in Nepal, on the Lubra Trail deep in the Upper Mustang and surrounded by some of the highest peaks in the world. Annapurna (8091 m), Dhaulagiri (8167 m) and the Nilgiri (7061 m) are just a few of the summits I can see. Surrounding these giants are several “smaller” six-thousanders that haven’t even been named yet, our guide Mandil tells us as that there are simply too many of them. How many undiscovered trails and lines are still out there? How much can still be ridden? The possibilities appear end-less... Before dropping in and riding the trail down to the riverbed of the mighty Kali Gandaki for the last time, I spy an enormous ammergeyer floating on the thermals, majestically soaring across this ancient kingdom without a single beat of its wings.

This is what it’s all about. At these moments, right in the here and now, time stands still. For the next thirty minutes I have the whole trail to myself. You ride yourself into a trance, the senses become hyper-alert, reading what lies ahead so that each movement flows seamlessly into the next. The trail’s a high-speed mix of loose corners interspersed with steep, exposed sections all the way down to the bottom. Make a mistake riding this fast and you’re in serious trouble, but thoughts of “what if?” have no place in the mind right now. I’m utterly consumed by the experience. The perfect ride? Well it definitely comes pretty close.

Nepal Wind Dust Flow
Nepal images
Nepal images

This journey was so much more than just another trip into the backcountry, to go and ride. There were points when it felt like we’d gone on a journey back through time, to an era when old values still counted for something, an existence we all too often seem to have lost touch with in the western world. Up in Mustang, people still live their lives as they have been doing for centuries, perfectly in time with nature’s rhythm. This entire area has only recently become accessible to outsiders, meaning modern influences have yet to take a hold, people do things as they always have done. Everything is made by hand. Whatever they undertake, they do it with full dedication and take their time until every last detail is perfect. It’s like they go beyond Buddhism. Nothing gets rushed. All actions are carried out with a constant, unwavering attachment to their religion.

This will not be the last time I travel to Nepal. The terrain has so much more to offer, it’s just waiting to be discovered. I also want to learn more about the people here and their rich culture. And when I do come back, I’m going to take my time. It’ll be worth it. Especially when the stifling effect of modern life’s stress, pressure and imbalance makes our air too
thin to breathe."
- Rob J

Nepal images
Boat to Trailhead in Pokhara

About Rob-J:
Born in Prague in 1981, Rob-J has lived in Munich for much of his life. Rob is a true all-rounder with several dirt and freeride successes to his name. His talent was first discovered at a freeride youth camp and life has come full circle as Rob now organizes and promotes his own events to seek out promising young riders.

Check out Himalayan rides for some epic rides in the Himalayas. Thank you Mandil and Rob, for the best time ever.

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Member since May 8, 2009
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  • 53 1
 We need more edits like this, different, but it lets you appreciate what mountain biking really is. Brilliant
  • 9 0
 This is even better:
  • 9 0
 I really don't mind if you watch both Wink
  • 1 9
flag peanutbuter (Sep 19, 2014 at 15:29) (Below Threshold)
 I did a 50 mile road ride today and fell asleep half way through the video
  • 15 0
 Brilliant video, Sebastian. It was a pleasure working with you and Rob on this film. Cheers from Nepal!!
  • 4 0
 Great exposure brother! Heal up, and talk w/ you soon.
  • 7 0
 Thank you Mandil for taking care of us. That was such a good trip. Get well soon and then we shred some trails somewhere next year again!
  • 10 0
 If you're serious about wanting to ride in the Mustang Valley with our lead guide Mandil (the producer of this video, and super rad dude), here's your chance: 2 spots have just opened up on our Dec. 1-12 trip. Otherwise, the rest of 2014 is sold out.


2015 and 2016 dates are also available.

As beautiful as this edit is, it doesn't even do Nepal justice...
  • 12 1
 Now this, this is living. Looks like the ultimate adventure
  • 10 1
 Nepal,Nepal,what heaven looks like
  • 9 1
 When the common man uses the term "Sick Edit" in everyday life He/she are unknowingly referring to this video.

Sick Edit!
  • 7 0
 As you can see, life is much, much, much slower here in Nepal! ;-)
  • 2 0
 I loved the video. It was beautiful. Trekkers have to go over a 17,000+ft pass to get to Mustang and visit their young king. I wonder which method of transportation they used to get up in there. This edit embodies the secret of our sport. For me, the greatest benefit is the peace.
  • 5 1
 Nice write Rob. Great to see what MTB could do as a stress relief from this busy world. Props to you..
  • 4 0
 What no mobiles? no internet? shit, this is outrageous!!
Rob thank you for the story.
  • 2 0
 One of the most incredible edits I've seen. That captured the essence of getting out into the wild; rugged slopes, desolate, and so many lines. BRAVO! That would be an absolute trip of a lifetime. I'm starting to save now...
  • 3 0
 Brilliant cinematography , superb riding and the spectacular scenery. This is one of the best vids I have seen.........................ever.
  • 3 0
 Great film and very well edited. makes you want to get out there! well done guys great job!!
  • 2 0
 THIS is what i wanna do. such an epic ride. dream becomes real, just for some, me too!?............. would be a shame if not.
  • 3 0
 Perfect score! If the goal of this edit was to make you wanna go ride soooo badly..., it worked!!
  • 4 1
 Nice adventure. That's Chyu's hometown.
  • 1 0
 No it's not.
  • 3 1
 Oh my,i want that bike.My dream to have the bike,and my dream to ride there!Incredible.
  • 4 1
 Awesome video and write up
  • 4 1
 I..I..I..I..I..want the kniiiffffe.
  • 1 0
  • 1 0
 haha you got it!
  • 1 0
 An unforgettable classic
  • 1 0
 yeah to you and I, dont know bout' these youngin's here probably have no clue what we're talking about lol
  • 1 0
 Their loss bro
  • 3 0
 another great one Mr. Doerk
  • 2 0
 Nepal looks so sick. Riding with Mandil this summer convinced me I need to get there with him and Sacred Rides!
  • 3 1
 Awesome video, very where the trail ends like.
  • 3 1
 One of the best videos I've seen.
  • 2 0
 This is proper mountain biking
  • 2 0
 lots of possible POD
  • 2 0
 Kick'n trail riding... I dig.
  • 2 0
 Seriously, that was stunning.
the shot at 5:00. unreal.
  • 2 0
 Congrats. Great video!!!!
  • 2 0
 What a great film. If you ever get a chance to go here take it!
  • 2 0
 Great Film. Looks like such a great trip.
  • 2 0
 some beautiful shots in there. Inspiring. Loved it!
  • 2 0
 This video make my day! Love it Smile
  • 2 0
 that was incredible, life changing scenery no doubt
  • 1 0
 anyone know the song at 4:28? i really really really love the song choice! would be great if some one could help me out!
  • 1 0
 anybody know what wheels was he running?
  • 2 0
 I built my wheel set with Acros A 75 hubs, DT Swiss Spokes and SPANK Subrosa 650B rims - all tubeless with ONZA IBEX FR Tires
  • 1 4
 i've been to nepal as a trekker. no question it's a special place with rich culture, simple folk. this video was done very well. something though rubs me the wrong way about the idea of bringing in a whole crew to film someone riding a bike that is worth most of the villager's annual incomes, and then some. just another display of western money happening here. something about bombing "trails" that are native people's walking paths doesn't sit right with me.
  • 4 1
 Hey man, i'm glad this looks like it's done by a massive crew. Well it's basically Rob and me and i really enjoy working in small scales. Yes we ride trails there with a bike, but for the people there it's just a bicycle they don't seem to compare everything, they just don't care about prizes… Trailriding is bad? Well unfortunately than we have to stop riding i guess. We're using native people's walking paths in the alps forever and ever and it's pretty much the same where ever you go. (There's several studies that suggest that people with hiking sticks/ trekker leave way more impact than a bike tire)
  • 2 1
 looks so good, wonder how much funds it would take to do?
  • 2 0
 Love Nepal.
  • 2 5
 That would be perfect if we had less slow mo moments. I don't get why filmmakers don't listen to what people say and keep making their movies in almost full slow mo. I think a biking video should not contain more than a 15-20% of slow mo content of riding.
There was a video of Commencal in Nepal I was refering to a few articles below. I'll have to do it again.
Check this out: www.pinkbike.com/news/video-Something-Good-2014.html
Much better IMO.
  • 4 2
 if you don't like,don't watch! nobody tells you how to live your life so don't tell them how to shoot movies.
  • 3 5
 I didn't say I didn't like it. I said it would be better if it wasn't (almost) entirely shot in slo mo and I said it is my opinion. Don't tell me how to live my life.
  • 1 0
 No way, he totally Hans'ed that article
  • 2 1
 Song at the end
  • 2 1
  • 2 1
  • 2 1
 brings stoke
  • 1 2
 meh. *snooze*.

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