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Fly Racing Warpath Short - Review

Aug 20, 2014
by Mike Kazimer  
Fly Racing Warpath short review

Fly Racing Warpath Short

Fly Racing is still best known for their line of moto apparel and helmets, but their mountain bike line continues to grow, and now includes a full range of protective gear and clothing, everything from neck braces and helmets to shoes to shorts. The Warpath is aimed at the all-mountain or trail rider, with a relaxed, below the knee fit. There's a zippered vent on the front of each leg, and a mesh panel that runs along the back of each leg to keep things cool should the temperatures start to climb. Large zippered hip pockets are located on each side of the Warpath, along with a smaller pocket on the left side intended for a cell phone or keys. A velcro strap is also in place on the left side to fine tune the fit of the shorts. An inner chamois is included, and can be detached by snipping the two small pieces of fabric that hold it in place. The shorts are available in the black / high viz color shown and in a black / grey option in even sizes 28-38. MSRP: $109.99 USD. www.flyracing.com

Fly Racing Warpath short review

Flourescent zippers help make the Warpath stand out, and the venting helps keep things cool when the temperatures climb. The fit adjustment would work better if it were relocated to the other side of the shorts.

Pinkbike's Take:

bigquotesThe flourescent highlights of the Warpath, seemingly inspired by rave apparel from the early 2000s, certainly make these shorts stand out, which will be a plus for some riders, but those who prefer a more subdued color pallette will want to steer towards the black and grey option. As far as fit goes, the cuff of the shorts fell just below my knee, and the crotch is high enough that the shorts never hung up on the saddle. There's also enough room to allow them to sit over most knee pads without interfering with pedaling. It's been a hot summer here in the Pacific Northwest, giving me plenty of chance to try out the Warpath's ventilation while melting under the blazing sun. The front zippers do help to channel more air in and around the legs, and the large zipper pulls are easy to reach and operate while pedaling, although the inner mesh material can get jammed up in the zipper if you're not careful. It's typically hit or miss when a company includes an inner chamois liner with their shorts, and there are plenty of them out there that make it feel like you're wearing a diaper made from cardboard, but I was pleasantly surprised by the comfort of the liner short included with the Warpath. Of course, the fit of a chamois is about as personal as it gets, but I didn't have any issues or complaints about this one.

One area that could use some refinement is the velcro waist adjustment. It's currently located on the left side, just above the zippered cell phone pocket. When the strap is cinched down to adjust the fit of the shorts, it causes the fabric around the cell phone pocket to bunch up and bulge out. It's not noticeable when riding, but the look of the shorts would be improved if this was altered, or if the adjustment were moved to the other side of the shorts. So far there haven't been any blown seams or tears, and the fabric has resisted abrasion well, even after a long ride through miles of extra gritty mud. The Warpath does needs some fine tuning to truly be a top tier product, but that shouldn't knock it entirely out of contention as a viable option for a do-it-all riding short.
- Mike Kazimer

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Member since Feb 1, 2009
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  • 64 2
 Really? Flouro will help you stand out? Really?

Have you seen every bike and bit of apparel in the last 3 years?
You know what would stand out?
  • 9 0
 Or hot pants!!
  • 11 0
 Yeah, manufacturers take note.... We want short shorts! ;-). Lol.
  • 19 0
 It looks like they crossed some 1980s moto gear with something from Tron...
  • 2 0
 My first reaction was "Tron shorts!"
  • 17 2
 A swing and a miss....
  • 12 1
 When will people figure out that black is the absolute worst colour to wear on a hot day...
  • 1 0
 Thank you!
  • 3 11
flag oxmox (Aug 20, 2014 at 22:48) (Below Threshold)
 If it's hot definitely, but if the sun's burning, black does protect you from being sunburnt to the bone…
  • 3 0
 hahahahahah oxmox now thats a stupid comment
  • 1 0
 I wonder why it would be a stupid comment; just google "bedouin" and you'll see there are people in the desert that wear black clothes to protect themselves from the sun.
  • 1 0
 That's desert in the tropics, the sun is unfathomably stronger there than it is in places such as Switzerland and Canada. For people living where we live, black sucks in the summertime.
  • 1 0
 How is this extreme desert conditions you are talking about even relevant to Mountainbiking and mtb apparel?

P.S: Arabs who lives in the desert wear white not to attract sun, I am currently living in Medellin/Colombia and its the Equodor line passes right on this city and that means sun rays are the strongest where I live and remember The sun is also stronger at higher altitudes (Medellin sits at an elevation of about 5,000 feet.). I am a living proof that your theory is garbage, I bike 3 times a week and I never ever get sunburn under my chothing. If we will be under the sun for a long time we just use 30 suncream (protection). People here work on the fields under the sun all day and no one is getting burned to the bone through their shorts and tshirts.

Its like me commenting on a MTB jersey saying its not good because I cannot wear that in antartica in the winter and that I will freeze to death
  • 1 0
 OK, you're right. So is white the best option ?
Only downside I see to white is it gets a bit ugly when covered in mud. Another color seems a better choice. What color do personally wear ideally ?

P.S. By the way, black is not a problem here in switzerland. We got the worst summer in 50 years this year… Frown I think I was drunk when I mad the comment, though. Apologies.
  • 3 0
 My gear is all black because the mud stains bigtime here and if you're riding white shorts you'd look like you had violent bouts of diarrhea... and humidity is the real killer here and it doesn't care about fabric color.
  • 2 0
 @PLC07 you had me at violent bouts of diarrhea
  • 8 0
 The $100+ DH short market is over-flowing with participants, and being average-Joe consumer I stopped looking at them when I saw their price.
Fly would've done better by pricing them about $30 less.
That's how they got a foot-hold in the MX market, but they apparently forgot.
  • 1 0
 I paid 25$ for Royal shorts in the bargain bin and they're as good as new after about 3 seasons. I find it very hard to justify paying more for shorts now.
  • 8 1
 These look like something the "emo" kids wore in high school
  • 5 0
 Haha just missing all the chains.
  • 3 2
 I have been riding and racing these shorts for almost a year now with zero issues. From everyday trail riding to DH racing. Best shorts iv'e ever had by far. Incredibly comfy and I have definitely taken my share of bad falls and no tears. Fly nailed it with these!
  • 1 0
 I didnt like the look, would defenitely spend that money on some other short like Troy Lee Moto or Royal Racing Drift shorts... There are very cool looking biking shorts out there so good luck to Fly selling these...
  • 2 0
 Much like No Fear, Oneal, etc - Fly racing seems to always just get it wrong.
  • 3 0
 they look like good shorts to play lazer tag in
  • 2 1
 I'd probably get the black and grey's they look like sweet shorts and i could use a second pair...
  • 2 0
 Fox ranger and fox attack shorts all the way.
  • 2 0
 these would look great in a sisqo video
  • 1 0
 as long as a size small actually fits someone with a 30 waist, then i'll take them.
  • 1 0
 Everyone going to stare at the fluro parts whenever you go.
  • 1 0
 the prices are ridiculous.. on these and so many other mtb shorts
  • 2 1

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