Final Results - Mont-Sainte-Anne XC World Cup 2017

Aug 6, 2017
by Pinkbike Staff  
Julian Absalon is back and starting in 17th position. Anyone want to bet how long it takes him to move up and battle with Nino

Elite Men

1 // Nino Schurter
2 // Stephane Tempier
3 // Gerhard Kerschbaumer

Elite Women

1 // Yana Belomoina
2 // Pauline Ferrand Prevot
3 // Catharine Pendrel

U23 Men

1 // Martins Blums
2 // Nadir Colledani
3 // Simon Andreassen

U23 Women

1 // Kate Courtney
2 // Sina Frei
3 // Lucie Urruty

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  • 50 15
 You know, just to kick a hornet's nest, but Pendral is a far better rider than Batty. Yet Batty gets all the attention because she's blonde, cute, long eyelashes, blue eyes, etc. So when people say "Oh, let's respect Batty for her results and not her looks!" I have to say "Yeah, well whey don't we see Pendral featured as often, if not more?" Because Batty IS easy on the eyes and it'd be a lie to say we don't like looking at her. So are we hypocrites for pretending looks don't matter or is it just a damned if we do, damned if we don't kind of thing?
  • 32 26
 Oh Jesus fkng Christ, you guys just can't cope with the impulses from the Chimp parts of your brain? Who gives a flying fk? You are like teenage girls determining who is the alpha female by talking and talking and talking and fkng talking who it prettiest, smartest or fastest. Jesus... what's next?! Wanking stats per athlete? Get a fkng grip guys. If you saw a hot girl on the street, you actually do not need to tell anyone. If a good looking girl made few eye contacts with you on a bus, yea, she may like you. What does it change? No you do not need to tell anyone. What some girls make me think and what I do with those thoughts is my business. EVERYONE in the effing world benefits from me keeping it this way.
  • 8 3
 Who cares? Batty and Strait are faster than most on this site!
  • 18 30
flag hllclmbr (Aug 6, 2017 at 15:33) (Below Threshold)
 @joemoto: I ride with female pros quite a lot. I'm 45, 10 pounds over race weight, and quite a bit faster than any girl.

Just like Serena Williams - she'd be ranked in the 500s if she played against men, by her own words.
  • 17 0
 @powderface Keep in mind Trek also pays more money than Cliff for the PR. Which is why you see Batty's face more often. Don't take it so personally.
  • 7 0
 @sevensixtwo: pretty sure you mean that Red Bull pays more for PR than Clif. They're the ones plastering Batty's face all over the place.
  • 10 5
 @WAKIdesigns: You're absolutely right. I have very poor impulse control and if I see an attractive person my first reaction is to point and say "Damn, that person is HOT!" It's something I dialogue with and decided to throw out into the void of the internet to see if anyone else felt the same way. I will try to be more like you. 100% serious. I'm not a 14 y/o hormonal teenager anymore and I need to stop acting like one. Thanks for the figurative slap in the face. I needed that.
  • 8 1
 Honest question - how is Pendrel a better rider? Batty is significantly higher in the standings, and if I remember correctly has overtaken Pendrel in multiple races...
  • 1 3
 @bogey: thank you for the fine example of agreeing with someone while still being a twat
  • 9 1
 @joemoto: except Rachel strait isn't even fast in her own league.
  • 10 13
 Honestly, I care more about what the female racers look like than what they ride like...wouldn't pay any attention to it at all if none of them were attractive. Down vote me all you want, but I'd venture to guess many feel the same way. Combine looks and some talent and I may actually pay attention to the results...
  • 2 0
 Not disagreeing with the disparity of coverage, but.....not sure where you get "far better rider" from? This is the first XCO World Cup race this season that Pendrel has beaten Batty (I believe). We must have different definitions of "better."
  • 2 6
flag RedRedRe (Aug 6, 2017 at 20:08) (Below Threshold)
 @WAKIdesigns: maybe instead then saying Jesus f*cking Christ you can say halla of whatever is called your god f*cking him? Hold on, maybe u can't
  • 1 1
 Yeah I'm not normally someone who goes and out nitpicks stuff in the name of feminism but I notice that a lot of the more-attractive female riders seem to get deals with larger companies or their own YouTube series or photo ops and such vs the ones that actually get good results. But what's new I guess.
  • 5 0
 Well, being a professional athlete in a solitary sport, you have to be able to market yourself, and if you're going to use looks to do part of that and it works, then do it, you have maybe a 10 year window to make your mark and your money before it all goes away. Marketing yourself is important, very very important. She's a pretty girl and she is one of the best in the world, Pendrel is a good rider and maybe even better, BUT Batty is more marketable. If you're company XYZ, who do you want representing your product? its all about eyeballs on the product. I'd pick Batty all day long, she's gonna get more looks, plain and simple
  • 4 1
 @brownstone: Indeed. Remember Olympic/World champ Paola Pezzo rockin' the sparkly skinsuits in the 90's?
  • 3 2
 @nvranka: yeah we saw the flag next to your name don't worry
  • 3 0
 @hllclmbr: bullshit
  • 3 0
 @mollow: And the prejudice award goes to...
  • 5 1
 @WAKIdesigns: wow! love how you're a super rad feminist "man" - I mean, sticking up for girl power and putting down all those patriarchal stereotypes in one post - you go girl!
  • 1 1
 @mollow: haha...don't think disinterest in female racing is limited to one country
  • 5 1
 Yes, sometimes my lyrics are sexist But you lovely bitches and hoes should know I'm trying to correct this
  • 4 1
 She's so flippin' hot, she's like a curry
I want to tell her how hot she is
But she'll think I'm being sexist
She's so hot, she's making me sexist, b#&*h
  • 1 10
flag WAKIdesigns (Aug 7, 2017 at 1:20) (Below Threshold)
 @bridgermurray: nothing against you or your post directly but the subject you touch upon is utter populist bollocks. Identifying a positive treat as a mean of injustice and using it against it's owner in order to win followers. Every fkng ruling sociopath in history has used this tool of exploiting the stupidity of the dumbest in the crowd. Like fat people ragging on fitness coaches, using students to invent things like fat shaming.

But no, no idiot escapes here, by simple logic a guy effectively saying: " it is not good that Emily gets more coverage than Catherine who has better results, just because she's pretty" you inevitably mean that Catherine is uglier and Emily is slower. Now i will pin you fkrs a bit more. Your retarded logic of "Genetic lottery" regarding looks collapses on all sorts of basic logical fronts. So if focusing on looks is bad, why do you then focus only on looks and find ugly/pretty derogative but suddenly calling someone "slower", "not as good" "not as fit" is not derogative?! Oh I know, because you are an absolute twat who thinks that "looks are given by genetic lottery and race results are earned". Is it?! No it isn't you dumb entitled millenial piece of leftist junk. If you were as intelligent and enlightened as you think you are, you would know that race performance is a subject to genetics as well. How do you know if Emily isn't training harder to get her results than Catherine does?!

Bunch of fkng idiots, thinking they are so intelligent and have access to some higher morality. What you are doing is a huge disservice to humanity and is unfair both to Emily and Catherine. When you start a war, everyone gets hurt.
  • 1 1
 @nvranka: spoken like a true Minnaar fan
  • 3 0
 @WAKIdesigns: Your comment is super incoherent and stupid. I'm not judging women as a whole, this is mountain biking. Just like any other athletic sport, the point of the activity is that you judge someone based on their athletic performance and the rest is irrelevant m. If this was modeling, than we would judge things the other way around. Simple. Why don't you replace women with men and see how weird your comment sounds. "Oh, please stop, you're being so rude to Mr. Attractive Curtis Keene because he's soooo handsome and has good genetics, while even though Jared Graves gets better results, we should still value sweet Curtis as a person because his genetic gift was looks and not racing..."
  • 3 8
flag WAKIdesigns (Aug 7, 2017 at 7:44) (Below Threshold)
 @bridgermurray: that is exactly why this world view is fkng stupid, if you want to focus on racing performance become a fkng clock. And there is no way you are running away from the fact that you yourself are mixing looks into it, because that is the only way you find that unjust and you are projecting your set of values on both ladies. You are effectively using Emily's looks against her, while she has no influence what so ever on it (gender lottery, isn't it?) It also means you are paticularly into her, since you completely ignore the fact that a big portion of top girls are damn pretty by most standards: Maja, Jolanda, Jenny, Yana.

Oh and speaking of Jolanda or Maja, they actually took part in "hottie" photo sessions for bike magazines. Aren't you outraged by that DIRECT attempt at gaining profit with the use of the "body assets"? So quite frankly my friend, you just have a problem with your own relation to Emily or girls like Emily. Shame? Being pushed away by a pretty girl? Daughter not being prettiest in the class? friends taking prettier wives? Dunno. Men have various reasons to pick on a girl for being pretty, none of them reasonable.

Emily is popular, because among many things she is fkng good at bike riding and she run Ambitions series. I don't see other girls produce such show. No one gets sponsored by Redbull or Porsche for being a pretty girl. I am not denying by any means that looks don't help, but focusing on that is plain stupid and shows psychological issue. Racing results help, being motivated, driven, way you talk to people, meet them in public, write e-mails helps too. the way you dress yourself up, put make up on, cut your hair, smile, helps yes. Human being is a combination of thousands of things that he/she has bigger or smaller influence on, and you pick on fkng "beauty". Smoke some weed, shag your woman or wank. Just do whatever will make you take a chill pill.

Good luck
  • 3 0
 @karatechris: Flight of the Conchords?
  • 14 2
 Come on Nino, after the perfect season, you and Rachel can move to enduro for a year or two? Or what about CX?
  • 10 15
flag CaliCol (Aug 6, 2017 at 16:00) (Below Threshold)
 Nino would tear it up in enduro. He is a killer downhiller and (obviously) has the lungs and stamina. BUT we don't need to lose another great rider to enduro. We have lost enough in the last few years and may they rest in peace.
  • 1 0
 IIRC Nino has raced enduro (and done decently, presumably without really specifically training for it)
  • 4 0
 So intrigued to see where Nino would finish an EWS race, honestly have no idea. He is a fine all round mountain biker, I don't think he's beating Sam Hill over 6 stages but he'd do pretty well
  • 2 0
 Be doesn't have to do a series - just a race or two would be good!
  • 2 1
 @CaliCol: Nino would take a while to be competitive in EWS. Look how long it took Sam Hill to be competitive and ultimately win. He is no slouch with the fitness either
  • 6 0
 @stretchza: Please, Im interested, how long did it take Sam Hill? Pretty sure he podiumed at his first attempt? Just going off memory here, I could be wrong.
  • 3 10
flag WAKIdesigns (Aug 7, 2017 at 2:07) (Below Threshold)
 Nino is an amazingly skilled rider, better than prety much anyone here. No two doubts about it. But he is truly outstanding only in XC. There is no bloody way in the world he can just jump on a DH bike and get anywhere close to World Cup Top 20 if even to Top 50. Just like even fittest downhiller like Graves would not get into top20 on XC World Cup race right away. The reason is simple, day has 24 hours and year has 365 days, within that time he has to max out his chances to win an XC race. Now fitness fades away faster than skill. If Aaaron Gwin jumps on Enduro training regime, training fitness, his DH skill is not going to deteriorate almost at all. At the very same time Nino has all the leg power needed to demolish pretty much Everyone on Enduro race but he lacks skill. All the body reflexes, muscle memory, terrain reading, that is something you pick up almost as long if not longer than leg power. So he needs to keep training fitness to some degree and really get into skills, which will take him loooots of time and he may never get there. It would leave him unable to compete in Xc if he ever wishes to go back. Meanwhile Aaron can easily jump back to DH.
  • 5 1
 @frankwizza: Nino S did few enduro races 3/4 years ago--riding blind, along with the syndicate and some other xc guys like Marco Fontana. Nino and Fontana ended up in the mid 20's positions, minaar, peaty, ratboy and Garcia, were several spots behind.
I would like to see how Rachel stacks up in the women's field.
  • 4 6
 @RedRedRe: no he didn't, Nino came 50 something in Finale Ligure, that was the only EWS he did, while Minnaar took at least two podiums and won one of the races. Last year Peaty and Minnaar came to Finale and indeed raced blind, but aside of that they behaved like golfists on a baseball match. They didn't come there to compete, rather show who has a better club. Coming 50 is nowhere far from impressive but it is still far from the first. What is impressive is a dude like Hill, Rude or Graves, coming to a spot they haven't seen before, race on terrain as unfamiliar with their home training ground as it gets, and give a run for their money to all the French riders who have seen it at least a few times and have a bunch of associates at almost every Euro location to tell them all the lines (and courses in advance). EWS Rotorua was a prime example of home field advantage. Another huge component that Nino cannot have
  • 6 0
 Schurter was faster than Ratboy on 3 of 5 stages and was only 4 seconds slower overall (subtracting Nino's Penalty). Sans penalty he would have placed 36th, just after Ratboy. I'd say that's not bad for a first timer whose profession isn't DH.
  • 9 0
 Super stoked to see the 3,4 positions go to Pendrel and Batty.
  • 6 0
 Not a lot of athletes want to make the trip to Canada. Men's field was the smallest I've seen. They need to add a second race back to North America.
  • 5 0
 It's not as if there is a lack of suitable locations... I would love to see that!
  • 1 0
 @Breeconay: no place in the us is willing to pay for the event, as cost to gain does not make it worth. Here in the u.s.a. When they took off windam a couple of years ago... all the ppl from ny in the "know" they were saying windam is out for a season BBC olyimpics... which it was obvious bs... not even with gwin winning this sport has much attention in the us
  • 1 0
 the eternal toss up between making the world cup exactly that...a "world" cup..or centralising the locations to make the logistical nightmare a little easier.
  • 9 1
  • 5 0
 N1NO back at it again
  • 2 1
 Batty is a solid elite cyclist who has a bright future,BUT, she has very large shoes to fill to compare to Pendrel when it comes to championships and results!
  • 7 4
 My future wife Kate holding it down !!
  • 2 0
 Yana the best!!! Woohooo!!!
  • 2 0
 Ha, and Irina the 40 year old takes it to the youngsters in the woman's
  • 1 0
 I am very happy to see XC on technical trails. For me XC is much better now than in the past with smooth trails.
  • 1 0
 What happened to Rissveds in her return?
  • 3 0
 She fell in the beginning and just stayed in the back the rest of the race. Pity that it went that way but cool to have her back. She is an amazing rider and athlete.
  • 1 0
 @Studer: Absolutely. Looks like she won national championships recently? Hopefully she's refreshed.l and recovered from the personal tragedies and lingering mental burnout (depression?) from the Olympic win.
  • 1 1
 Good job everyone Men and women Cathrine and here brother Jeff are super nice people
  • 3 4
 real cool to watch a mountain bike race where the riders get off their bike during the course to walk down a section they can't do. isn't that cyclocross at that point?
  • 1 0
 Cool to see Jenny back!
  • 1 1
 Way to go Yana! Even on the archaic looking hard tail.
  • 1 1
 If it was cyclocross they'd be running

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