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Endless Biking: Kids These Days

Jul 4, 2014
by Danielle Baker  
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Endless Biking is celebrating 10 years of building riders, as part of their celebration they are sponsoring ten articles that revolve around the fundamentals of their business; bikes, community and learning.


Lorny has put a ton of time in this week with the Rock Mt crew prepping the lines.
  Discovering mountain biking at an early age has taught Eric strong work ethics among other marketable skills.

bigquotesI believe starting to ride at such an early age has taught Eric many lessons in life, and helped define and create the man he is today. - Bill Lawrenuk, Dad

This could be a story about how mountain biking saved Eric (Lornny) Lawrenuk from a life of professional rollerblading, but instead it is the story of someone who found mountain biking at an early age and has used it to shape his path in life.

If you have ever met Eric it is clear from the start that he has the right mix to be successful at anything he sets his mind to. Dedication and skills are only half the equation of being great; it is equally as much about who you are as what you can do. And it is clear that Eric has a strongly developed sense of self. Following in his older brother’s footsteps he experimented with hockey, skateboarding and rollerblading before finding mountain biking. Biking is where he stopped following and set out in a direction that would define his individuality.

bigquotesI have seen first hand as a parent the unique impact that mountain biking can have on a young boy. Not only does it teach problem solving when attacking things like jumps, ladders, huge drops, roots and rocks, it also helps kids form a strong sense of community. - Debbie Lawrenuk, Mom

  Photo: Bryce Piwek

Unwaveringly supportive, Eric says of his parents, "they always made sure I had a helmet on, but they didn’t put worry in my brain about what could happen.” As early as grade school his drive for the sport was clear. Eric would ride every day after class, but had a hard time finding anyone as keen as he was. He spent a lot of time hitting up local neighbourhood trails on a never-ending search for jumps or building his own, and waiting patiently for his dad to take him up the mountains to ride.

bigquotesTaking the Endless Biking downhill program threw me into the bike industry full force and showed me how mountain biking can bring people together and build a community. - Eric Lawrenuk

Hanging out at the Endless Booth circa 2006
  On the team! Joining the Endless Biking crew in 2006.

In 2006 he joined the Endless Biking Youth Race Team, mostly because he was still searching for people to ride with. What he found instead was a portal into the mountain bike industry and much of the foundation for where he is today. It was the first year that the youth program was offered and, with six kids onboard, Eric says, "it was pretty cool, we really felt like a team." Kelli Sherbinin and Darren Butler, the owners of Endless biking, have great memories from that time as well. Kelli's favourite experience with Lornny and the team was taking the kids to Whistler to watch the Air DH. "We rented a house for a few days and experienced the Crankworx vibe and excitement with the kids. We took them to the airdome for the first time and watched Lornny stomp his first attempt at a backflip!" Even with some impressive race results, Eric never pursued downhill. Dirt jumping was what he was passionate about and has since grown into a career in slopestyle.

bigquotesI love being able to introduce kids to racing and the benefits of it. They get to have a team experience in what can be a very individual sport; training together, learning from each other, and appreciating that everyone brings a different strength to the group. - Kelli Sherbinin, Owner at Endless Biking

Circa 2006 the Endless Biking Race Team at Bear Mountain.
  The Endless Biking Youth Race Team in the pits at the Bear Mountain Race in 2006

Eight years ago, when Eric was still very much a grom, his biggest dream was to work for Cove Bike Shop. Post riding one day, Darren suggested that he stop by and talk to them, “I hear they are looking for a bike builder.” Kelli and Darren had already given him a glowing recommendation, and with confidence he arrived and was asked to ‘try out.’ Eric impressed the powers that be with his bike building skills and was invited to work the rest of the day. He worked for eight hours straight without eating because no one told him to stop. From that day forward he has worked full time at Cove and although his competition season coincides with the shop’s busy time, he still receives generous amounts of time off and plenty of support.

bigquotesMountain biking has taught him a strong work ethic, it was simple in his mind; the more he rode, the better he got. He went from practicing in our driveway to winning world class events. - Bill Lawrenuk, Dad

2011 Jump Ship event in Victoria BC
  Lorny during Jump Ship practice in 2011. Photo: Ian Hylands

bigquotesHis exposure to the youth program with Endless Biking helped him develop an increased sense of self esteem, to challenge himself, and to learn how to present himself to potential employers and sponsors. - Debbie Lawrenuk, Mom

You have to be a good person and represent your sponsor well.” His maturity, cheerful disposition, and talent make Eric a dream for any sponsor. “I find a lot of stuff in the bike industry is about who you know and how you interact with people, it is not necessarily how big you can go.” After four years of riding for Cove Bikes, their change of focus gave him the opportunity to seek a new team. He is excited this year to be riding for Rocky Mountain Bicycles alongside friends Geoff Gulevich and Thomas Vanderham. Having teammates to train and travel with is one of the many highlights of this new sponsorship for Eric.

bigquotesEric has smile on his face every time I see him, he is happier than life! Our sponsorship of him has nothing to do with him being a local boy and everything to do with who he is. He is the first person I have met with and immediately wanted to support. - Brandon Crichton, Rocky Mountain Bicycles

Recovering from major reconstructive shoulder surgery last year, Eric had a disappointing season. The surgery was necessary after dislocating his shoulder more than a dozen times, but he found that the recovery caused him to lack confidence and that he wasn’t riding at his usual 110 percent. Now that he is back on the bike constantly and consistently he says, “I want to kill it again. I had such a great year in 2012, I was riding well and feeling the best I ever had on my bike. My goal is to get back to that this year!

Images for DB piece on Eric.
  Dirt Jumping circa 2012.

bigquotesI first met Eric when he was twelve and have watched him grow into the sending machine he is today. He had a tough go with wrecking his shoulder, but I am beyond pleased to see his determination towards getting back to the level he was at and progressing beyond it. He has a great attitude and love for the sport; we at Rocky and Dakine are fortunate to have him onboard! - Geoff Gulevich

For this season Eric has his sights set on a top ten finishes, but admits this is a tall order. He is dedicated and you will find him most nights hitting the jumps after work until dark; the only way he can incorporate practice into a full time work schedule. His calendar this year includes Colorado Crankworx, Jumpship, Bearclaw, and The Silver Style Contest. After lending a hand on the build crew for Gully last year, he also has his sights set on competing at Rampage. For the Crankworx Whistler Slopestyle event he is wading through the mire of FMB points and politics, “we will see what happens, I would love to ride in it.” He will already be there though, competing in the Pumptrack and Dual Slalom events as well as helping build on the Speed and Style course.

bigquotesAt competitions I just tell my brain to shut up and go, I know I can do it. - Eric Lawrenuk

Images for DB piece on Eric.

Building really builds character”, he follows this statement with his signature laugh about how cheesy it sounds. “It takes a lot of dedication to go out and build your own lines, there are a lot of people who don’t, but to me it is satisfying.” Eric feels a certain connection to riding when it comes to his contributions to the sport, and a true appreciation for what others create. Growing up in the industry has given him a strong sense of respect and stewardship for the environment and our trails. Seeming much older than his young years he says, “even when you build a trail, it is not yours. It is only yours to share with everyone.

bigquotesThrough mountain biking we are able to figure out how to literally conquer mountains. It teaches us to overcome challenges and set goals, it teaches us that sometimes it is not our time and we must come back another day. It also teaches us that with some dedication, determination and motivation, we can do anything. - Darren Butler, Owner at Endless Biking

Images for DB piece on Eric.
  Dreaming about big lines on the way to Rampage.

With plans to release a second video in follow-up to his movie ‘Alchemy for New Year 2015, Eric says that he likes to be busy. With his maturity, personality, clear talent, and early start in mountain biking there is no telling where he will end up and there is no denying his roots.

Check out more shots of Eric's style here.

bigquotesBiking has led him all over the world, to Germany (Red Bull District Ride), Indonesia, and all over North America. The education, work opportunities, life long friendships, and integrity that Eric has developed through mountain biking has been invaluable. - Debbie Lawrenuk, Mom

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Member since May 10, 2007
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  • 15 0
 I will be using this article in justifying bike purchases for my boys to mom in the coming years!
  • 9 1
 "Building builds character"
  • 4 0
 I laughed so hard at that Turbowhatever video he made. So funny! Great article on a wicked rider!
  • 2 0
 Yeah EricL!! Solid writeup on a solid character! Love the quote, Darren.
  • 2 0
 Kids these days oppo like eating potato.
  • 2 0
 yeee lorny!
  • 1 1
 hey lorny why were segments from Kamloops in the alchemy trailer but not in the full film?
  • 1 0
 Congrats Eric, well deserved !
  • 1 0
 nice work!
  • 2 2
 they be cray
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