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Replay: Crankworx Les Gets Slopestyle - Crankworx Les Gets 2017

Jun 18, 2017
by Pinkbike Staff  
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  • 14 0
 Thanks for the replay and for the lack of spoilers on the front page. I had to work 6am to 4pm today without a break; made it home in time for the last lift up my local hill for a nice 1000m tech descent instead of watching the event live.
  • 6 0
 Do you think semenuk is watching? ^^
  • 15 0
 Haha. He probably has a "been there done that" kinda attitude about all these other contests. I think by not doing many contests lately he puts crazy pressure on himself at Joyride. Hometown crowd and always the favorite. But now there's a crazy amount of riders that can challenge his best runs. Idk, if he doesn't get a trick that he wants on the first hit I wish he would at least cruise the course with his crazy style and flow. But it's been sweet seeing all the fire edits he's been dropping. But to answer your question, the dude is prob sleeping or something and will catch the replay haha.
  • 5 0
 why isn't he competing?
  • 1 0
 @nfstreet4life: I know he puts a lot of pressure on himself for contests and that he's already won so many he would rather focus on filming
  • 4 12
flag theronsta FL (Jun 18, 2017 at 9:44) (Below Threshold)
 i think he's realized there are better riders than him, and why get injured competing when his films probably make him the same, if not more money. With mccaul commentating and Semenuk out Rheeder is the only original C3 rider competing. Make way for the new Trek boys Johannson and Boggs.
  • 11 0
 @theronsta: He can definitely still compete with everyone. When he puts down a smooth run it's lit.
  • 2 0
 @Ajarm19: He has been doing a lot more rally stuff too
  • 6 0
 @theronsta: more maybe the dude just does whatever makes him happy and not worry too much about kids watching replays on their phones like I do right now
  • 1 4
 @nfstreet4life he can compete? Has he done a twister? When the last time you saw him frontflip? Is he doing double backflips? No. All he's got are backflip combo tricks, which everyone is doing. I love Brandon's style and skills, but he hasn't made a successful run since before joyride. It's my opinion his successful slope style days are behind him
  • 5 0
 Loooool so incorrect. Cork 7 combos? Flat drop wizardry? Everything both ways? He's still king no doubt.
  • 1 0
 @N-60: last I saw, he's not the only one doing any of the things you mentioned.. I have respect for the kid, but you'll see. The days of semenuk running the slope style scene are over
  • 1 0
 @theronsta: I guess we will have to wait until joyride to find out. When he stomps a dialed run he definitely has a shot. Of course if he, Brett and Nicolai all stomp their runs then who knows, possibly a rip in the fabric of space time.
  • 1 0
 Second run is anymore needed ...the thrill is gone ...
Otherwise it is understandable for the riders ! Why risking injury while standing on top of the ranking ?
Besides allways nice to see two run's in a sickening awsome setup like this one!!!
  • 1 0
 Insomnia worked in my favor for once. If the live feed actually starts then I'll be able to catch it all before work. Hoping Ryan Nyquist runs them pegs and puts em to work. Don't really care who wins though. Just hope the course is dialed and all the riders can throw down.
  • 2 0
 It's only working on Youtube for me and it's a bit dodgy... anyone else having same issues?
  • 2 0
 The Redbull player won't work for me and the Youtube video is a choppy mess. I don't understand why Redbull needs their own video player. I really wanted to watch this.
  • 3 1
 Crankworx...the olympic games for the hardcore bikers !
  • 3 0
 no workie
  • 3 2
 love to see nyquist at rampage!!this overshoot!!
  • 2 0
 Can't wait!
  • 1 0
 Godziek should be second in my opinion
  • 1 0
 can't wait for next year
  • 1 0
 What's that? It's Pat!
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