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Colorado Freeride Festival Slopestyle Replay and Results

Jul 30, 2016
by Pinkbike Staff  

Final Results
1. Matt Jones (GBR) 94.6
2. Nicholi Rogatkin (USA) 92.3
3. Emil Johansson (SWE) 82.6
4. Brett Rheeder (CAN) 81.6
5. Carson Storch (USA) 81
6. Logan Peat (CAN) 80.3
7. Ryan Nyquist (USA) 80
8. Max Mey (GER) 79.6
9. Lukas Knopf (GER) 77
10. Tomas Lemoine (FRA) 75.6
11. Sam Pilgrim (GBR) 75.3
12. Paul Genovese (CAN) 74.6
13. Anton Thelander (SWE) 74.3
14. Josh Hult (USA) 74
15. Thomas Genon (BEL) 72.3
16. Louis Reboul (FRA) 69
17. Max Fredriksson (SWE) 67.6
18. Nico Scholze (GER) 54.3
19. Drew Bezanson (CAN) 44.3

The Top 20 qualify for Maxxis Slopestyle Finals:

1. Brett Rheeder (CAN) 89
2. Nicholi Rogatkin (USA) 83
3. Matt Jones (GBR) 81.3
4. Thomas Genon (BEL) 80
5. Paul Genovese (CAN) 73.3
6. Drew Bezanson (CAN) 72.3
7. Carson Storch (USA) 72
8. Ryan Nyquist (USA) 71
9. Nico Scholze (GER) 70.6
10. Lukas Knopf (GER) 68.3
11. Max Fredriksson (SWE) 68
12. Logan Peat (CAN) 67.6
13. Greg Watts (USA) 67.3
14. Tomas Lemoine (FRA) 67
15. Sam Pilgrim (GBR) 65.6
16. Louis Reboul (FRA) 65
17. Anton Thelander (SWE) 64
18. Josh Hult (USA) 63.6
19. Max Mey (GER) 63
20. Emil Johansson (SWE) 61.6

21. Torquato Testa (ITA) 61.3
22. Jakub Vencl (CZE) 61
23. Garret Robertson (CAN) 60.9
24. Reed Boggs (USA) 60.6
25. Garret Mechem (USA) 59
26. Casey Groves (CAN) 58.6
27. DJ Brandt (USA) 57
28. Reece Wallace (CAN) 56.6
29. Caleb Holonko (CAN) 55
30. Mitch Chubey () 54
31. Ray George (USA) 42.6
32. Franck Paulin (FRA) 42
33. Eric Lawrenuk (CAN) 37
34. Mitch McFee (USA) 35.6
35. Griffin Paulson (CAN) 35.3
36. David Schimmel (USA) 35
37. Barry Nobles (USA) 34
38. Tom van Steenbergen (CAN) 33
39. Kai Maulhardt (USA) 30.3
40. Reilly Horan (NZ) 30 (tie)
40. Owen Marks (USA) 30 (tie)
42. Matt Dennis (CAN) 24 (tie)
42. Daniel Fleury (CAN) 24 (tie)
44. Simon Karrer (CAN) 22.6
45. Chase Coffman (USA) 21 (tie)
45. Chance Leingang (USA) 21 (tie)
47. Max Langille (CAN) 20.3
48. Zach Lewis (USA) 18
49. Randen Macrae (USA) 16.6
50. Braden Schleith (CAN) 11
51. John Pezzin (USA) 9
52. Simon Pages (FRA) 6
53. Derek Tromp (USA) 5.3


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  • 35 3
 I personally think slopestyle judging is a nightmare , we all know the countless times it seems like riders are not placed where they should be , even riders who crashed huge have a better score then somebody who had a descent run. its all over the place. I think the part I'm most bothered by is how low they score the competitors overall, how discouraging is tit as a rider to see a low score like a 50 or 60 even though you through out a pretty solid run. All use Dj Brandt as an example he got a 54.4 and that was a pretty sick run. It be good to see these runs scored higher like in the 70's make everything a little closer but more importantly when your throwing down risking it you deserve to see a higher score, regardless if its a winning run or not, talk about a slap in the face. I get that overall being a judge is difficult but they need to figure out a way to fix the issues.
  • 22 3
 tit is pretty disappointing.
  • 3 0
 Maybe some universalised judging criteria should be set out or something?
  • 27 0
 @Joebohobo: Universal Standards in the bike industry? You so crazy.
  • 3 0
 @cmcrawfo: Haa, I suppose, maybe this universalised judging could already include a BOOST system ;D
  • 5 3
 a discouraged Tit is a droopy tit for sure.
  • 7 11
flag StanMarsh (Jul 30, 2016 at 17:23) (Below Threshold)
 They should make the scoring from 80-200 points, then the top guys could be scored around 190pts and the guys doing runs half as good would still get 90+pts and then no one would feel sad for getting 50 or less. Everyone can feel like a winner and no one will be discouraged! easy
  • 14 2
 @StanMarsh: please no. this is the problem with society in general. everyone gets a f*cking ribbon and a pat on the back just for showing up.
  • 2 0
 @moose16 it's extremely hard to be a judge. What may be the best run of his life for one guy is a warm up run for another. In spite of how hard the guy is charging and nailing his best tricks. Flow, amplitude, how easy they make it look, fluidity and technicality of a trick are all they can go with. I feel for the judges because they need to be able to read the future. Top ten qualifiers always seem to be scored better because they have a base of what can be done by that point. Hope they find a better point system one day.
  • 1 1
 Was talking to one of the riders. First run got him in the top 20 easy and the judges took his second run where he messed up and ended up getting 40th.
  • 2 0
 @makripper: Yeah no doubt judging is brutally hard, especially with the vast array of trick variables. I think having to throw a score out for a rider in like 1 minute is pretty hard to do, but if they take longer it would be pretty boring. Maybe they could score the first round after all riders have come down then they have an idea of what's being offered by the riders, run 2 could be traditional . Maybe more of an overview with the riders walk them through some theoretical lines and get a general idea of how the riders would score that run. Maybe even an app that the competitors could use to rate other riders runs and the judges can have that as a tool. Who knows , maybe the athletes are fine with things , I'm sure there so stoked to land there runs.
  • 1 0
 @s-wilson: haha I agree , I also think that these guys are more than just showing up there throwing down pretty hard.
  • 3 1
 @s-wilson: I guess your sarcasm detector was broken
  • 26 1
 Hey pinkbike, your coverage of this event was horrible. Best content here was comments sending people to other sites to follow. When are you going to change your name to pinkenduro?
  • 1 0
 unfortunately :/
  • 18 0
 Emil Johansson got robbed big time. Kid has the smoothest flip double whip. You can watch most of the runs here: twitter.com/COFreerideFest
  • 20 0
 Swedish kid got robbed.
  • 14 0
 Emil got ribbed
  • 15 0
 Johansson got rabbed!
  • 4 0
 @jakecallcut: ohhh yes and not a little when you see some other run
  • 6 10
flag RedBurn (Jul 30, 2016 at 10:49) (Below Threshold)
 norbs got robbed
  • 1 0
 @RedBurn: Not relavent, but nonetheless true!
  • 16 3
 I'm not sure taking away 10+ points for a minor pedal slip is encouraging these riders to try their new stuff. If you want to progress the sport, the judging should encourage progression. It bugs me when after a perfect run, on the last jump a sick new combo is landed with a little wobble or pedal slip, and the guy gets a 65. He would have been better off doing a simple flip-whip or cork sev (no progression). Anyone agree with me here?
  • 6 0
 I agree with everything except, "simple flip-whip, or cork 720" , because those are both extremely hard.
  • 2 1
 @Kramz: Yeah, They are awesome moves, look sick, and I can't do them. It was a bit of a joke, but they are quite stock tricks now for the top guys. Just seeing Brett's face after he slipped a pedal flip whipping the step-down, and still had an amazing run afterwards, broke my heart a bit. He would have been better off straight flipping it without the slip.
  • 9 0
 what the duck ? who is judging there ? Jakub Vencl did a few banger tricks and he've got 61pts, hilarious.
  • 7 0
 comparing Rogatkin vs Nyquist is like apples to oranges
  • 6 0
 Rogatkin has the Crazy modern tricks. Nyquist has the old school crazy tricks and Drew is just in between with the new cork sevs and the old school x-ups still.
  • 3 0
 haha dude right! its sick just to see nyquist competing! definitely a guy for anyone to keep an eye on though!
  • 2 0

Love watching Nyquist, great to see these Young groms breaking through!
  • 4 0
 U can always rely on vitalmtb to show it live, the tribute to mcgazza at the end was awesome. Best freerider to come from the Southern Hemisphere and one of the greatest of all time. Mcgazza forever Stevie smith forever.
  • 4 0
 I know the banana jam and the slopestyle contest are two different venues but itd be cool if they intertwined both the courses!
  • 5 0
 Is the replay of finals going to be available anywhere? Can only find the qualifying replay so far.
  • 8 6
 Why is this called freeride and not slope style? Freeride: www.youtube.com/watch?v=szA983CnNPg

Get a neon pyjama and send it!
  • 18 2
 Its called the Freeride Festival... ya know a collection of events. They're not calling the slope event freeride, silly goose.
  • 5 0
 Let Johansson in!
  • 4 0
 WHERE is the FINALS LIVE FEED ?? "lost signal" everywhere
  • 3 0
 Apparently they are on a wind delay. Contest will be live at 6pm mst
  • 3 0
 @sickdj17: the contest is now over ... Where the h*ll can we see that now... It shows the qualis everywhere.. I m looking for FINALS
  • 2 0
 @RedBurn: if you go on Facebook to PlussizeBMX Facebook page they have it up there. It's in 2 parts though
  • 1 0
 @sickdj17: heading there right now, thanks mate
  • 2 0
 That was really cool. It's really turned into an Olympic style event like gymnastics, where there's freaky, crazy good, well trained athletes competing at impossible levels.
  • 3 1
 Why do people/judges get so excited over a double back flip? Yeah it's a gnarly trick but In my opinion it takes more balls than skill and isn't very visually pleasing.
  • 3 0
 Stoked to be up there and watch finals! Gonna be a show this weekend
  • 4 0
 No signal?
  • 1 0
 Love watching Nyquist throw bar spins, and those backflip one handed 270 x-ups!? Dude is mental!
  • 1 0
 Man, what a sick day @ CFF! Had fun riding Trestle and then get treated to the pros throwing down to a rowdy crowd!
  • 2 0
 Where is Replay of the Finals and not the qualies?
  • 1 1
 Worst judging ever... Andreu double flipped in Crankworx 8 years ago.. Sweet run by Jones but not even close to a winning run...
  • 3 2
 Bezanson actually looked pretty smooth on the MTB
  • 4 1
 i think he rides moto as well. He is pretty stylish on the mtb.
  • 8 4
 I thought he got scored a bit high
  • 4 6
 @jakecallcut: He is a professional BMX rider lol
  • 2 2
 Nothing wrong with that ^
  • 1 0
 He's wild on moto too, one my favourite dudes to ride with
  • 4 5
 @jakecallcut: Where did i say there was.

Got negged prop for telling the truth, #f*ckthiscommunity
  • 1 1
 @Aled-DHI: If people are talking about Drews transition from BMX to MTB then i'm pretty sure they know he is a pro BMX rider. So instead of thinking you were stating the obvious which you were, i thought you were mocking because of the obvious fact with a 'lol' at the end. #don'tf*ckthiscommuntiy #f*cktryingtosaysomthingwithoutgettingjudgedontheinternet
  • 2 1
 Can we have a gmt time for dumb brits like me please?
  • 7 1
 google knows all my friend.
  • 3 0
 CEST - 1 hour (friday qualifications started half hour ago)
  • 10 11
 Like those old clips, miss watching Cam McCaul compete. Slope was more interesting to watch back then.
  • 2 0
 Don't know why you got a neg prop, I couldn't agree with you more, mccaul will always be one of my favourites to watch
  • 1 0
 @jeffrupert: Yea I didn't mean to knock slope or the riders, I just used to love watching that generation of guys ride, and I liked the courses.
  • 1 0
 Thanks, aldago
  • 1 0
  • 2 0
 It's qualification replay
  • 1 0
 @zoomeee: yeah I know !!! the message is since 1 day before the final..
  • 1 2
 Everyone is bitching about the judging but I was there and thought it was fair. Rheeder should have got second tho...
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