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The Brad Mckay Interview!!!

Jul 14, 2005
by Tyler Maine  
I'd like to introduce the world to the one and only Brad Mckay, if he was a characture that is what he would look like. Brad is a really hard worker with Civil Engineering on his mind, so if you don't want your next city hall to fall over I suggest you give him stuff....Hey man,I have to do the interveiw with you now.


Ya, we gotta get that sorted eh?


So you head?



I mean ready

Are you wasted!


Well sort out some questions!

I have

Oh lord....

Here they are




Basically, how old are you?

21 years old!

Holy heck, did I miss some birthdays or something?

When's your birthday?

Ya, time is flying!! ill be 22 in january

Where are you from, where do you live?

Port Coquitlam, BC!! things are crazy out here!

What's so sweet about PoCo?

The fact that we headline all the major news stories around the globe, and its a mountain bike mecca up there with MOAB.

(Tyler Maine @ Pinkbike.com says "Hey to Brad" through the server)


What's your style and how does it differ - in the clubs, and on the bike?

I like to keep it pretty mellow at times, and then blast out when necessary, in the clubs and on the bike, gotta keep it smooth!



What's your favorite food and drink?

I definatly love Subway right now, and I'm diggin the $3 Gatorade special at 7-Eleven

Bargain hunter on a diet eh?

Ya, bike parts these days cost a fortune, gotta save up for bike stuff

Speaking of that, Who supplies you with the bike gear?

Well, i definiatly get good coverage from .243racing for the street bike, and Bicycle Rockers keeps me dressed out there. I'd be hooped without them for sure.

Any call on a DH rig?

Not yet, im currently looking for a big rig, but its tough to afford when I've got a truck to run and school to attend

So you need a squish spons?

Ya, pretty much, I really want to get some good training in and compete in some slopestyle comps.


Man with a plan, I like your style!

What do you look for in gear?

I definatly look for stuff that is reliable, which makes sense, and also somthing that is fairly light, so its easier to flick your bike around.

Good call, and on the flop of that - what do you look for in a girl?

I definatly look for a girl that is reliable, which makes sense, and also a girl that is fairly light, which makes sense also!

Hahaha, atta boy!

Favorite color?

Always been a fan of blue

I see, and what's your worst BIFF?

As in crash?


I smoked my face into the ground last halloween at that skate park.... resulted in 8 stitches in the lip, and 2 mangled front teeth

Yeah, that was fun! I got to call your family, the fire trucks, and drive your truck home!

Ya, it was a beauty for sure... I don't recommend it.

And what's your biggest BEEF?

I hate to bring it up, but that whole 24"/26" wheel debate... its just a bit much!

Yeahhh, the whole thing wanks with whiners.... but hey, at least alliteration is fun!

What does the future hold for Brad Mckay?

I'm hoping to finish school off most importantly. I'll be riding every chance I get when I'm not in school. I've been learning a ton on my bike lately, so I figure as long as I keep on having fun riding, I'll be happy! I just gotta keep up with all these young kids riding around these days...


What are you going to school for?

Civil Engineering at BCIT


Hey Brad, How'd did you and I meet?

Well, I remember you from power skating back in grade 7, but I think we met way back riding cross country bikes at the dirt jumps at Lafarge lake in Coquitlam

So we have a history?

Something along those lines, I just remember you eating an Oh Henry bar and a Pepsi at 7am every morning for breakfast in the dressing room.

Good times, good times....

Who is in your CREW?

Well definatly Evan Holmgren, Jesse Roberts and the Bicycle Rocker gang, most of the riders in POCO, and all those yappy kids from out in NORTH VAN! So, basically a crew of like 50 people!

Good kids! Stay out of drugs and that sort of thing?

Ya, never touched any drugs, its going to stay that way too!


What genre of music do you roll too?

Always been into the hip hop thing, and just getting into the drum and bass genre too.

Interesting, are there any upcoming projects you're a part of?

Well, I'm doing lots of stuff with the Bicycle Rockers in terms of filming and photo's with harookz. I'm hoping to get out and travel a bit and document some sweet stuff!

Any thoughts on this picture?


Never seen it before in my life! 2 ladies and a brew...

Any sweet shout outs to keep your peeps stoked?

Well of course I'd like to thank "the GRIZZ" for puting up with all the grind sessions; Jesse for the gnarly van sessions to unknown zones; Harookz for being so stoked on everything he does, its enlightening; and Eric@243 for supplying me with the right gear which keeps me riding!

Ok we're done


That was gnarled

Heres a beauty pic



Where the fugg did that come from!?

No CLUE, some random sent that to me

Well that about wraps it up, So here's to you Brad Mckay; a girl on every arm and a spilled drink down every back!


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