Re-Union 2003 Freeride Contest

Feb 5, 2003
by, the makers of Union, have offered Pinkbike's readers the chance to decide who you'll see in their 2003 release, Re-Union. In the upcoming days, we'll go online with voting. You'll be choosing five riders to join the film crew as they take a 2 month tour of the UK, France, Italy, Switzerland, Austria, the Czech Republic, and Poland. There's an impressive talent pool with the likes of Tyler "Super T" Klassen, Von "V-Dub" Williams, the Houseman Brothers, "Krispy" Baughman and many more all vying for your votes. Riders depart on April 24th, 2003, and along the way phreemedia will be hosting events in each of their destination countries through local bike shops. Along the way, they'll be filming the riders and their travel experiences for Re-Union and a reality television series and film that will be released internationally in theaters and festivals.

So, I take the time to vote, what's in it for me?

Let's see, besides choosing who you want to see in the films, Planet X Bikes,, Lizard Skins and have all donated generously to the prize pile. Top prize is a Planet-X Pitbull Frameset, but you can't win if you don't vote.

Stay Tuned to for Updates and Voting Information

While you wait, here's a list of the contestants:

Krispy Baughman
Garrett Bosworth
Erik Burgon
"Dangerous" Dan Cowan

Adam Chapp
Will Craig
Jared Edens
Phil Edlefsen
Aaron Edwards
Tyler Fain
Andrew Fulton
Geoff Gulevich
Gary Houseman
Rich Houseman
John Jesme
Tyler Klassen
Andrew LaFranchise
Mike Laudrum
Mike Martinsen
Vic Marlow
Shaun Miller
Nick Savino
Danny Swan
Von "V-Dub" Williams
Dave Wornets
Brent Zemel

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