Albstadt XC World Championships Cancelled

Apr 30, 2020
by Ed Spratt  
Women s start.

The UCI has announced that the XC World Championships which were due to take place between June 25-28 in Albstadt, Germany has been cancelled.

After initially postponing the XC World Championships on March 28 the UCI has announced today that the event will no longer be taking place in Albstadt this year.

In the press release, they acknowledge the work done by the City of Albstadt, the German cycling National Federation (BDR) and the State of Baden-Württemberg in helping the cycling federation through the process but they have all now come to the decision that the only way forward is to cancel the event. The UCI is now working on ensuring the XC World Championships still take place at some point in 2020.

Read the full statement from the UCI below:

bigquotesIn the context of the current pandemic (Covid-19) linked to the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), the Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI) regrets having to announce that the 2020 UCI Mountain Bike Cross-country World Championships presented by Mercedes Benz due to take place in Albstadt (Germany) from 25 to 28 June, are cancelled.

The UCI and the organisers cooperated throughout the process, initially seeking a postponement of the event, before agreeing to take the difficult decision to cancel the Championships. The UCI shares the disappointment of the cross-country community, and acknowledges the efforts made by the City of Albstadt, the German cycling National Federation (BDR) and the State of Baden-Württemberg in these difficult circumstances.

The UCI and the organisers hope to collaborate on the staging of international mountain bike events in the very near future.

The UCI will continue to work on ensuring that the UCI Mountain Bike Cross-country World Championships presented by Mercedes-Benz are staged in 2020. It will make an announcement on this as soon as possible.

Current list of UCI cancelled or postponed races up to June 28


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Member since Mar 16, 2017
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  • 9 1
 It’s for the better!

Better safe then sorry. 2021 will be a better year tup
  • 2 0
 Can we cancel anything related to the Kardashians too? I think this stay at home everyone on the internet looking to be entertained has fed that annoying family's popularity.
  • 8 3
 2020 is over for racing. 2021 will be shit too.
  • 6 0
 ikr we should just get a 16 round world cup next year!! jk...... unlessssss
  • 1 0
 Imagine 2020 is the athlete prime year.
  • 1 8
flag DoubleCrownAddict (Apr 30, 2020 at 5:56) (Below Threshold)
 Some of the companies working on vaccines say there is a slight chance we could have one by the end of the year if we are lucky, but 1 1/2 to 3 years is the more likely timetable.
If you haven't got a bicycle riding filtration facemask yet, its a good idea.
  • 3 2
 @DoubleCrownAddict: I’ll take my chances going maskless.
  • 2 1
 @DoubleCrownAddict: why do you need a mask riding outside? WHO says it recommends healthy people DO NOT wear masks. And the CDC recommends only wearing masks where you can’t social distance. In addition, buying a filtration mask currently is irresponsible. All those masks should be going to health care professionals. I recommend reading the WHO information, their website lists the studies their referencing in regards to face masks.

Also, a vaccine is in stage 1 testing while most likely will be spring to fall next year that it’s available to mass population, 3 years is extreme. This will become a yearly vaccine just like the flu, we all will have to get every year.
  • 1 4
 @Clifflane3: lol me ordering a bicycle facemask off Amazon is irresponsible? Responsibility is protecting your health, so I'm wearing a mask.

If a rider coughs in front of you you will be traveling through their germs. I completely disagree with the WHO and they generally have not provided people with responsible information during this pandemic. Just look at the failed results of their guidance. EVERYBODY in China wears them, case closed.
  • 1 0
 @DoubleCrownAddict: do what you need to do bud, nothing against wearing a facemask. But you shouldn’t be riding in groups currently to where a rider is close enough in front of you to cough on you (with or without wind). But 100% agree with you that taking care of your health is vital and protecting yourself if key to stopping the spread. But I stand by filtration masks should go to front line.
  • 1 0
 @DoubleCrownAddict: also I wouldn’t use China wearing face masks as a good example for your argument against the WHO saying healthy people don’t need them. Probably strengthens the argument they do not stop the spread. And the WHO I agree has dropped the ball, but referencing the peer reviewed studies that has nothing to do with them is just scientific fact.
  • 2 1
 @Clifflane3: not an antivaxer by any means but I’ll take my chances with covid like I do with the flu.
  • 1 0
 @Clifflane3: No group rides, just careful about following other riders. You could start a downhill by yourself but then you might catch up to other people, or somebody might catch you that doesn't have a mask and is unknowingly carrying the virus.
  • 1 0
 @DoubleCrownAddict: true, and I shouldn’t be arguing with you. My apologies, you’re taking this virus seriously which is more than a lot of people in this country. So I appreciate that. Stay healthy!
  • 1 0
 @vjunior21: thank you for the suggestion but if I’m gonna go retard I’m going full retard and wearing my PAPR in public. It’s a P99 filter so far surpasses the N95 mask. Also it blows the air in your face so it’s kind of like air conditioning. Just don’t fart or it’s like fruit cupping yourself only worse.
  • 4 0
 Even when expected, and the right thing to do, I'm always a bit sad when i read that yet another race is canceled.
  • 2 0
 It going to be nearly impossible to hold international events until things are back to Normal Could be 2022 until a vaccine is ready that we have international events.
  • 1 0
 Can't believe Albstadt, the absolute lamest UCI course, was going to host WC. UCI needs to either convince them to build a WC worthy track or get them off the calendar.
  • 2 2
 Hey where's the picture of Nino showing his ass to the Chinese government...? Guess he just probably blames Trump more! Thanks China, it's going to be a great for the books!
  • 1 0
 Are bike parks gonna be open this summer for casual riders obviously no racing is gonna happen
  • 1 1
 There will probably be no XC Worldcampionship this year. If Germany can't host it then nobody can host it.
  • 6 7
 Here in the U.S. they're trying to reopen after 1 month and the worst record in the pandemic...
  • 7 4
 Not the worst record and not after 1 month
  • 6 3
 Not the worst record, not after one month and, the big one, you can't eat money. They can run the printing presses 24/7 but unless people are actually producing goods it doesn't matter at some point, soon. Maybe it won't hit home for most people for another month or two when the price of meat is astronomical and the grocery store is sold out anyway.
  • 3 27
flag JohanG (Apr 30, 2020 at 6:00) (Below Threshold)
 lol, user name is appropriate. Hospitals in 99.9% of my country are empty and dying for lack of funds. I hate to tell you that it's just the flu, bro, but it's just the flu.
  • 5 2
 @JohanG: which country are you from?
You remind me my 3 years old kid. It's not because you don't see it that it doesn't exist.
  • 9 3
 @JohanG: you're part of the Death Cult of Capitalism, i see. May the odds be ever in your favor.
  • 14 4
 @JohanG: A friend of a friend is a nurse in NYC. Last 2 weeks she had 14 patients. 9 died, 3 in permanent vegetative state, 2 recovered. Most people over 50 who are admitted dies. Most under 50 who smokes or has some pre-existing lung condition dies. She works on a 9 floor hospital and 8 floors are now dedicated to COVID cases only. They have refrigerated trucks outside for the bodies because there's nowhere else to put them. It is not the flu.

And of course the insidious thing about it is that many people contract it and show no or mild symptoms, which makes it easier to spread than flu.
  • 5 2
 @JohanG: yeah bud, this isn’t “just the flu” my wife is a pediatric icu nurse and she has multiple patients under 18 in PICU cause of it. The flu does not have a 2-3% mortality rate. While I do agree there needs to be opening of some business with proper protocols to ensure food and goods can be provided to the country. You mentality of this is just the flu is ignorant as all hell, and will lead to a worsening of this pandemic.
  • 2 4
 I also want to point out that when I'm forced to wear a mask by you deranged doomers, I wear a 3M P100 w/ custom 3d printed exit filter - far superior to the crappy and useless surgical masks i have no doubt all you other commenters wear to make yourselves feel better.
  • 2 3
 @dthomp325: it's been here since January. It wasn't a panic until hospitals figured out they could get federal money for every Covid case. Now all other causes of death like heart disease, stroke, etc.... have ran and hid. Here is the IL health minister telling you right to your face that non Covid causes of death are put as a Covid death:
  • 7 1
 @JohanG: So you complain about having to wear a mask because you don't believe this stuff is any worse than the flu, but then when you do wear a mask you brag that it's much better than what regular people are wearing? Make up your mind. Or take your meds because it sounds like you're having an episode.
  • 1 1
 @matadorCE: I wear such a superior mask so I don't have to smell the stench of idiot doomers. Your mask is useless btw. All of this is a song and dance with no substance.
  • 2 0
 @JohanG: Just get corona bro! No sense or smell or taste so no need to wear a mask to "not smell the idiot doomers", and because it isn't a big deal then you'll be just fine!
  • 2 1
 @JohanG: The number of deaths in NYC over the past 5 weeks is 6x the normal average for that time of year. It is not a "hoax to get federal money".
  • 2 2
 Perhaps they should do Zwift MTB racing instead.
  • 3 1
 I am so desperate that I would watch this. Can we get Zwift to do a quick update to add steering to a few more courses and then we can watch Annika get dropped because of her bike handling on Zwift too. Kidding Annika, love you.
  • 1 1
 @ckcbmrice: It would be kinda interesting and kinda funny at the same time to watch the pros race on Zwift and also race against them. Perhaps they can organize something. It might be fun for the pros and amateurs.

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