Aaron Gwin at the US DH National Championships - Video

Jul 24, 2017
by The YT Mob  

Despite torrential rain, limited training sessions, and a completely unknown track, Aaron Gwin managed to get through his National Champs defense week without a single crash and score a result to take to the bank.

Downhill riders literally get to wear their title on their sleeve, with a National Flag on the left arm of their race jersey to be worn at all UCI calendar races for the following year. Since the formation of The YT Mob, Aaron has carried the US Flag on his left sleeve proudly, and after winning yesterday will go on to do so for the next twelve months.


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  • 98 12
 It's sad to me there's like 20 people at the bottom to see gwin finish. American downhill scene is at a serious low...even while our world talent is at an all time high....pathetic USA cycling. Stop funding roadies....or wherever their attention is...idk.
  • 80 1
 Because there were a few hundred in the bottom rock gardens and way more higher up at the road gaps and wild zone. People were interested in the crazy sections of the track, versus the finish line
  • 67 52
 Well...I'm not trying to be political here.....but, America is going to fall behind further and further...Countries with a single payer insurance or government supplied healthcare---their kids are going to blow out Americas youth in the coming generations. I can't tell you how many times I've ran into someone afraid to send it or push their limits because of fear of missing work or a large hospital bill. That goes for 20 somethings who rode in college with serious potential.

It won't just happen in this sport....but Americas reign as #1 is over until we get our shit together collectively.
  • 60 0
 The way snowshoe works is that the resort area is at the top of the mountain, rather than the bottom. So most people, rather than paying for a ride DOWN, rather than up at most races, would either watch him start, or most commonly, hike down a few hundred feet to some of the cooler sections. I know this because I was there for nationals, racing and watching.
  • 52 68
flag dtm1 (Jul 24, 2017 at 20:06) (Below Threshold)
 @kymtb0420: lol wut? Thats so bass-akwards its come full circle to ass backwards. Proper healthcare doesn't mean you don't miss work. And I pay a premium for great healthcare, last thing I want is to get stuck with govmint care. Cuz they do sooooo many things well.... from unfunded pension liabilities to potholes, yeah I want them running my healthcare.
  • 10 0
 As luke mentioned before the resort is at the top of the mtn and the western territory is a hard hike down to the bottom. Not to mention snowshoe itself is hard to get to... it's a twisty almost 2 hr drive from the nearest interstate.
  • 37 48
flag HouseofDaedalus (Jul 24, 2017 at 21:25) (Below Threshold)
 @kymtb0420: Because all we need is our freedom of choice taken away. As soon as we go that route, we waive our right to make our own health decisions. I don't need to the government owning my decisions nor do I need them to presume to have my own best interest in mind. Socialism and Freedom never go hand in hand.
  • 22 25
 @dtm1: the government would just be the paper pushers genius.......It would not effect your choice at all... in fact, if every doctor accepts the tax payer backed plan...then you have ultimate choice. Also, I don't know what kind of work you are in?...but If I get hurt...I will miss work.

You are throwing straw man arguments out....potholes and unfunded pensions..haha. The pothole thing is on the lazy ass, I don't care American culture we have--not government (blame your peers for not giving a shit). As far as pensions go, well that's way too complex to sum up in a pinkbike reply. Also, the pension thing wouldn't be that big of a deal if we had single payer. Most of the problems associated with the pensions is HEALTHCARE COSTS.
The human body is not a car....you can not have the same business model for both.
  • 21 14
 @HouseofDaedalus: They would just handle the paperwork...not your health decisions. In fact, how many horror stories to good stories have you heard involving health insurance companies. Currently, I take my mom to chemo and all other associated Dr. appointments. The one thing I hear most in the waiting room is "I hope they cover these next treatments", or "I don't know how I can afford these deductibles anymore".... you tell me how a private company who's only goal is cost cutting profit, will look out for you better than a government paid doctor?????? Your logic is flawed.
  • 3 2
 Sorry I put that on your reply....your dashboard is probably going to explode. My bad.
  • 15 10
I couldn't agree more man.
  • 28 34
flag Session603 (Jul 24, 2017 at 22:09) (Below Threshold)
 @kymtb0420: Nobody owes you anything. You are not entitled to have me pay your bills because you want to "send it".
  • 15 8
 @Session603: The average age of the world's greatest civilisations from the beginning of history has been about 200 years. During those 200 years, these nations always progressed through the following sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith; From spiritual faith to great courage; From courage to liberty; From liberty to abundance; From abundance to selfishness; From selfishness to complacency; From complacency to apathy; From apathy to dependence; From dependence back into bondage.

Where did I get this and which one is your reply???? Wink
  • 7 2
 @Session603: I find it super ironic that you have that quote on your page.....haha
  • 23 2
 @dtm1: Yeah you want a government working to enrich insurance CEOs. Have you never heard of the countless countries that have better healthcare at a lower cost than the US? We're practically the only nation to not have socialized medicine in the developed world and our health care system is worse for it. If you were complaining about billion dollar warships shooting million $ missles you might have a point. Your morally BS objection to more people having access to healthcare rather than billionaires getting richer is sickening. Get bent.
  • 7 25
flag Session603 (Jul 24, 2017 at 23:15) (Below Threshold)
 @kymtb0420: Nice. You've successfully demonstrated your cut and paste skills. But you still haven't explained why you think it's ok to steal from people to pay for things you want.

Also, If you find irony in that quote you either don't know what irony means, or you don't understand the quote.
  • 2 3
 I'm not sure the true locos of the world care that much about consequences, and American gravity bikers did fall behind after Tomac Giove Pa2. (chimera)
a. illusion
¿Se divorciaron? - Sí, lo del matrimonio feliz era una mera ilusión.They divorced? - Yes, their happy marriage was a mere illusion.
b. delusion
Bajo la ilusión de estar siendo vigilado, el paciente psiquiátrico se escondió en una cueva.Under the delusion of being watched, the psychiatric patient hid in a cave.lmer and Rockwell. There are plenty of psychos bred on this continent. Unfortunately only a tiny percentage of them are drawn to DH. It's pretty crazy that AG is still the one to beat at any WC he enters and there are a few other serious North Americans coming up fast (Finn). I'd say the NA DH Renaissance is in film effect....@kymtb0420:
  • 4 3
 @Session603: You do understand that you proved my first point perfectly?? Wink

Let's get this off of takeiteasyridehard dashboard and give his computer a break. I suggest you go to Youtube and listen to Jimmy Dore to get the sleepies out of your eyes first. Then who knows where your research will take you. I will leave you with this quote from George Carlin

"It's a big club, and you ain't in it. You and I are not in the club"
  • 7 3
 @kymtb0420: Truth. Really though, America needs to let go of "being number one," countries are a tired idea. If you really want to be number one, learn Chinese. The next gen Chinese kids are going to be light years ahead. Clean energy, multi-lingual and rich AF.
  • 16 13
 @kymtb0420: Your condescending defense of stealing from others to pay for things you want consists of name calling, links to old stand up comedy, and emojis. That sounds about right.

I suggest you pay your own bills and stop expecting strangers to financially support your lifestyle.
  • 8 2
 @kymtb0420: Firstly, sorry to hear about your mom's health. I hope she's on or is qualified for Medicare (because everyone should have access to basic healthcare). The problem is, Medicare denies care more than any other. Regardless, you still have copay and deductibles under Medicare and Obamacare. To that end it's no different than private insurance so the concern about paying for treatment still exists under Medicare and Obamacare. One of the main reasons people save for retirement is to cover medical expenses for when you age. It's a fact that it's not free under any system but at least when it's privatized the consumer has rights and options. I'm not saying the way it is now is the best it could be because I mostly agree with your comment about private companies being cutthroat to turn profits. There's no doubt about that and it's not specific to medical insurance, greed is a problem and needs a shorter leash. No, not flawed logic but I'm sure we could go back and forth as this is a complex issue. Ride on.
  • 1 0
 Most of the national races i have been to have a very small amount of people at the finish line, but then there are parties going on at all of the good sections where the riders want the support.
  • 6 4
 @dtm1: you're right. When it comes to healthcare you can pick two: affordable, universal, or quality.
  • 23 1
 Aaron Gwin at the US DH National Championships and someone is commenting about USA Cycling funding.... perfect venue to talk about American healthcare politics........... palm to face....... Rad race, Rad vid, Keep ripping Aaron and Niko get better soon!!! Ride the bEAST!!!!
  • 2 2
 @HouseofDaedalus: Thanks for your concern.....ride on
  • 2 0
 There isn't a Jumbotron at the bottom with a live feed. People were on the course trying to see his run.
  • 6 2
 @dtm1: Your comment makes no sense bro. Either you pay a ton monthly or you have a giant deductible?..... And healthcare options are messed up right now, so if someone doesn't want to send it off a jump for fear of missing work you have to respect that. Maybe they would rather spend those thousands of dollars on a bike or family instead of hospital bills.
  • 8 12
flag meathooker (Jul 25, 2017 at 8:47) (Below Threshold)

why should the govt cover heathcare for anyone? there is not an endless supply of money. The govt's primary job is to provide protection. It shouldnt provide food, or shelter, or health care for anyone. we should have to work to provide that for ourselves.
  • 9 6
 @Zachmozach: I have the best healthcare in the world. It ain't free, but I can go to my doctor and say I want my knee scoped next week cause it's kinda bothering me, and next Tuesday I'll be on the table at a top 5 hospital in the world... I did that last year and it cost me $200 total out of pocket (preop, MRI, surgery, post-op).

Meanwhile a Canadian blows a knee and has to wait 9 months for surgery... But it's "free"... Till he/she looks at the taxes taken out of their paycheck.

Lots more where that example came from. I think healthcare in a 1st world country is a right not privelege, but I don't want to give up my current healthcare situation either. There is a nice middle ground.
  • 6 4
 @californiagrown: Nothing should be a right to someone that costs everyone else money.


Other than national security
  • 2 2
 @kymtb0420: wow you really are ignorant
  • 9 3
 @californiagrown: No, I have the best healthcare in the world. Depending on my salary I can opt for the government healthcare or private. You still have to pay for govnt care bit its adjusted to your income. I opt for the government care cause its just as good as private. The private care has better deco in the rooms. Goverment still pays for massages. I go at least once a week. Its a small price for living in a society thats not being overrun by sick wackos with guns, but thats another story. But please, take care of your sick and mental. Its the right thing to do.
  • 3 1
 @californiagrown: so you probably have good insurance through your work or you pay a lot monthly for that kinda of care. Espescially if you only had a $200 co-pay. You have to realaize not everyone in the states has the same option as you. It's not as easy as it looks.
  • 5 1
 The US DH scene sucks. Its all about roadies and enduro now.
  • 2 0
 @tblore: True, I'm Union & Gov't -got the killer healthcare, but if it weren't for that I'd be screwed or paying $500 a month.
  • 4 2
 @Session603: I don't think you understand how insurance works. Everybody is paying for someone to SEND IT. When you pay your premiums and don't get hurt or sick, you're paying for everyone else that gets hurt or sick.

When you get cancer and the treatments are in excess of six figures... SOMEONE ELSE's premiums are paying for your treatments. Your measly monthly premiums DO NOT cover that costs.

You get it? You made me pull out the crayons..

  • 3 3
 @peewho: The massive difference being that I am a willing participant in that insurance program. When healthcare is controlled by the federal government I am forced, at the point of a gun to participate, and pay for you. You get it?

But go on, keep begging the Trump Administration to take control of your healthcare. I'm sure you'll love the outcome.

Take your crayons and your condescending bullshit to someone else internet tough guy.
  • 9 2
 People are still against universal health care? Lol.
  • 1 0
 @peewho: ding ding ding,,,,you my friend win the critical thinker of the day award. I have some 26x4.0 maxxis minions I'll send you for free if you fat bike...haha
  • 2 1
 @berm-blaster: I know right? How could anyone on the planet possibly have a different opinion than you? I mean who wouldn't want the Trump Administration to have control over their healthcare, and significantly more of their money every paycheck?
  • 2 0
 @californiagrown: haha. Yes if you have lots of $ you can get great healthcare. You can also be employed full time, have insurance, have to have two surgeries in a year and essentially have to declare medical bankruptcy. I personally know people in this situation. Medical bankruptcies are the #1 cause of bankruptcy in the us. So essentially you're saying I have great healthcare in the us so screw the people that have zero coverage or terrible coverage.

Thing is that countries with excellent socialized medicine people with $ can still go see their private doctor of choice and get treatment.
  • 1 2
 @Session603: @Session603: Its good to see that some people understand that taxation is theft.

Regardless of your opinion of a national health plan, saying that Us healthcare is the free market is not accurate. Even before Obamacare, over half of all healthcare spending was government spending. There are tens of thousands of pages of regulations saying what can and cannot be covered by insurance providers.

Once you control for immigration and other demographics, US healthcare outcomes are comparable to many other Western countries, and better than most. Studies by the RAND corporation and others have found that Americans choose to engage in higher risk and unhealthier activities than Europeans, and generally spend their income on other things than healthcare, when given a choice. Remember, even if Americans pay for healthcare more directly than a full socialized system, the standard of living and levels of disposable income is extremely higher in the USA than any European country. If Sweden or Denmark were States in the USA, they would be comparable to Mississippi, the poorest actual US state.
  • 3 0
 @hamncheez: "If Sweden or Denmark were States in the USA, they would be comparable to Mississippi, the poorest actual US state." Another example of the U.S education system. You just listed two countries with the highest standards of living in the world (next to Switzerland) and your saying they are as poor as Mississippi, LMAO Keep watching Faux News sucka.
  • 2 1
 @Session603: I NEVER said I wanted Trumpcare. I'm simply pointing out how insurance works. The ACA has NOT limited any choices for healthcare. I still get to choose between Aetna, Kaiser, United or anyone I choose. The ONLY thing the ACA did was make it illegal for insurance companies to deny someone with pre-existing conditions and yes.. force everyone to have healthcare. That is the ONLY choice that was taken away.. that you have to carry insurance or there's a fine. However, if you make below a certain poverty level you will qualify for free healthcare (Medicaid) or subsidize healthcare.

  • 3 0
 @peewho: you're absolutely wrong about this. The ACA was some 2000 pages long and changed a lot of things including taking choices away from consumers. I had a family policy for $380 a month that met our needs. Now it's costing us over $1,000 a month. The older policy is no longer an option and the new one doesn't provide better coverage. It cost us about $8000 to have a baby last year.

Read Primal Prescription for a short history on healthcare/insurance in the US.

Get the government out of medicine. When has the government gotten involved in something and we've seen the cost go down?
  • 3 2
 @peewho: When the ACA was enacted, I lost my doctor. I lost my insurance plan. I moved to a high-decuctable ($14,000 annually) with a HSA. The coverage was worse than worthless since it was cheaper to pay out of pocket for many things than pay with insurance and copay. It was also about $2200 a year more expensive. Just because your choice wasn't affected by the ACA doesn't mean others weren't.
  • 2 1
 @westeast: Yes! Get government out! We need the free market. The most government run, socialized part of the American economy are the financial services sector (wall street) and healthcare. The least government run part of the economy is the tech sector, where we have google, facebook, apple, and even microsoft (although that last one might not be the best example)
  • 4 1

It's good to see that the adults have arrived. I'll let you guys take it from here. The entitled and arrogant mentality from the other posters is nauseating me.
  • 2 1
 @Session603: The real tragedy is that this great article about the greatest american racer of all time has been ruined by these stupid comments
  • 28 0
 Would be pissed to be a local and get beaten by someone who's never ridden your track before.... but you'd also be honoured to be beaten by the Gwinner
  • 23 1
 That track is too gnarly for UCI DH.
  • 6 0
 lololol. probably. the NORBA racers loved it back in the day
  • 2 0
 @SnowshoeRider4Life: watched missy DESTROY that track back in the day!
  • 1 0
 @cptstoney: yea same here. also watched her fall off the original version of road gap 2.0 bikeless!
  • 18 0
 Well that answers my question about what Mulally was up to. Heal up quick Neko!
  • 18 0
 Gwinning is awesome! Love this guy, down to earth and just a good dude. Keep it up Aaron
  • 13 0
 Love Neko's drainage analysis on every track Big Grin
  • 1 0
 Yes, it's quite fun listening to him give his thoughts on how a track should be built/maintained.
  • 1 0
 That's because he spends a good bit of time building at Windrock Bike Park and is always looking for good ideas to use,
  • 8 0
 Gotta love the fact there are still homes with 20 foot phone cords being used.
  • 3 0
 That was awesome.
  • 2 0
 its snowshoe man, cell service is sketchy at best with only AT&T getting service in various spots
  • 2 0
 I miss my old black clunker with the 35' curly cable. The handset weighed about a pound you could crack walnuts with it.
  • 4 0
 hell yea aaron! I might just have to name my children after you! keep up the good work!! great video!
  • 4 0
 Spent most of my bikepark days at Snowshoe . Cool vid
  • 3 1
 Back to Shortys it seems. At least on muddy conditions. Wondering if AG is also working with Onza to create a mud tire that suits him.
  • 4 0
 He was back on his onzas for his race run
  • 2 0
 @konarrider2007: I missed that part. Aquilas?
  • 1 0
 on this note, i rode onzas for the first time this weekend (the ibex freeride casing) and loved them! ton of grip, supple casing yet somehow tough enough for me.
  • 1 0
 @Deartist7: Yea the aquilas.
  • 1 1
 As for the crowd, wasn't there a decent size race going on at the same time out in California? I see that some guys that were there could be racing for the USA crown.

Glad to see Aaron win again but it would be nice to see Luca step up and Neko at full throttle again.
  • 4 0
 The crowd was further up the mountain because the resort is at the top and the bottom of the mountain only accessible by a gravel service road.
  • 1 0
 It's really great to see Aaron having fun. For many years he seemed way too serious and reserved and now it looks like he is really having fun riding his bike AND killing it.
  • 7 6
 Man, look at that crowd in the finishing corral! It completely reminds me of Fort William.
  • 7 0
 Snowshoe is an interesting resort because the resort is at the top of the mountain. The bottom of the lifts (on this side of the mountain) are in a densely forested valley which isn't even convenient to hike into. Pretty much nobody would be at the finish line without riding a bike or a lift down the mountain. That's why most of the crowd is farther up the mountain... less work than hiking 1500 feet back up.
  • 3 1
 With the respect to all national champions they should show 2011 podium
  • 3 1
 They only showed the years that Gwin won, and considering the video is mostly focused on him they wouldn't show a podium he wasn't on.
  • 1 0
 @anickerson22 But he was on the podium
  • 1 0
 and they stripped Binngelli of his title and gave it to Neko but he was only a junior.
  • 1 0
 I read about it, apparently the UCI doesn't care about categories for national champs
  • 2 1
 Adam, this is not a documentary about USA champs, is about YT riders
  • 1 0
 @JoseBravo: Podium consist his Yeti, Trek, Spec, YT - sponsorship. He was second in 2011 with the crash so not to bad for Gwinner
  • 1 0
 Luca Shaw thinking..."29ers my ass!?"
Clearly Gwin should be sat at the top of UCI if it wasn't for such bad luck! Beast!
  • 2 0
 He's a monster!!!
  • 2 0

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