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Transition Bikes Introduces the new Bank Hardtail

Feb 12, 2009
by Kevin Menard  
The latest offering from Transition Bikes is the new alloy Bank hardtail. The Bank represents the evolution of alloy hardtails in a superlight package that is worthy of almost any style of riding. The Bank is skilled at dirt jumping, 4X, Dual Slalom and overall trail shredding. At 4.9lbs it is definitely not a freeride hardtail but in the hands of a skilled rider it can handle almost any type of riding.

The Transition Bank complete with lowered 110mm Fox 36 Float

"We originally designed this bike because we wanted a light weight, new school, alloy hardtail that could be setup single speed or geared for a variety of disciplines. Since the Trail-or-Park has evolved into a dedicated single speed dirt jumper, we wanted an option for riders looking to run a full selection of standard MTB parts. Our racers were looking for a responsive, geared 4x/DS hardtail with a little more stability than the Trail-or-Park. After prototype testing we found the bike also shined at skate parks, dirt jumps and a bit of trail riding as well. The bike is incredibly responsive due to the stiff frame, dialed geometry and light weight. It is so easy to throw around berms and jumps you almost feel like you are cheating. This bike was not designed to replace our freeride hardtail, the Vagrant, but it is still a worthy option for some trail riding, depending on the rider's preferences," says Kevin Menard, co-owner of Transition Bikes.


Rototating Axle Positioning System

The Bank features a unique dropout system that allows riders to run gears or singlespeed in a ultra clean package. The rotating axle positioning system is an eccentric design that takes up chain slack as you rotate it. Transition has coined this dropout system C.R.A.P which stands for "Custom Rotating Axle Positioning". "We're all pretty stoked on this new C.R.A.P system as it really gives a clean looking rear end of the bike without sacrificing the function for both singlespeed setups and geared setups. We feel this system has alot of merit so don't be surprised if you start seeing C.R.A.P. on some of our other models in the future," says Kyle Young, designer of C.R.A.P. and co-owner of Transition Bikes. The design of the bike is rounded out with a once piece CNC'd chainstay yoke for ample tire clearance, standard ISCG tabs, and tapered stays for a clean look. The Bank comes in 3 color options: Red & White Fade, Green or White and 3 sizes all with 13.25" seat tubes for extra clearance.


One-piece Yoke

Frames are available now! For more information contact your local Transition Bikes Dealer or click here.

Transition Bikes

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kevinmenard avatar

Member since Feb 4, 2008
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  • 37 1
 Just another in a long line of awesome bikes from Transition Bikes. You guys have put together quite a line-up......I want one!
  • 6 2
 I want one too... Big Grin
  • 4 2
 so do i
  • 7 0
 Transition has done it again!
  • 3 2
 i rode Kyle's when he was testing it for transition it kicks ass
  • 3 2
 1 word: SICK!!
  • 1 36
flag Freerider444 (Feb 12, 2009 at 16:27) (Below Threshold)
 that was three words one is the first word, word is the second word and sick is the THIRD!
  • 4 0
 Haha C.R.A.P., That's awesome Big Grin
  • 2 11
flag carter-hill (Feb 12, 2009 at 20:36) (Below Threshold)
 that thing is freakin dirty
  • 10 0
 Yeah this looks to be a great bike. I think i could make it into a fun Dj bike.
  • 7 0
 sorry but someone was gonna make an immature joke about it soon!
  • 3 0
 Nice lines. The dropouts make a lot of sense. Why don't we see more concentric BB shell adj. on DJ/street bikes that may be run single speed? I know of one to two companies but that is it.
  • 3 0
 they're heavier, and all these little kiddies like to complain about weight.
  • 5 1
 I reckon it wud look mint as with th same spec as th photo, just with a white wheelset on the front Still looks like a mint bike tho
  • 1 1
 I think the red wheel helps balance out the back end Big Grin
  • 0 0
 and the white fox's help balance out the front end mate Wink
  • 0 0
 i reckon white front rim with white stem an bars to match the frame would look sweeeeeet! not sure about the dropouts tho? would'nt it change the position of the rotor in the caliper?????
  • 0 0
 I'd also like an answer on the rotor/caliper thing, looks like it might make for some interesting pad wear!
  • 2 0
 Its actually easier, because the drop out is a whole, you just take off the nut on one side of the axle, slip the axle out and your done. Plus when you put your wheel back on you dont have to adjust your chain tension for ever.
  • 2 0
 I like the difference between this bike and the one DaBomb just came out with. Obviously they are a totally different design, but Transitions attention to detail makes this bike one or two notches above.
  • 1 0
 that is an awesome looking bike. a little more travel than i would care to have. i mean Chase is riding a chopped fox at 50mm. i looking for a new hardtail but im still getting a blk mrkt riot. that bike is just unserpassed.
  • 0 0
 Seems like a really sweet, all-around practical bike... Burly, but not excessive... With the eccentric rear drop-outs, wouldnt there be some difficulty in lining them up? How would you know if the axle was perfecty square to the bike?
  • 0 0
 Note the lines on the frame and the eccentric... You line those up to start and rotate the assembly together to keep everything in line.
  • 0 0
 oh... and even if you just "eyeball" the position of the lines seperately, and check the tire in the stays you will be as close as you can get with a horizontal dropout.
  • 4 0
 Yeh i wish my bike had C.R.A.P on it!
  • 1 0

I think its because eccentric BB's are much less reliable under hard hits than a regular bb. Imagine doing a drop and having you BB slip out of adjustment· It would suck!
  • 1 0
 I've seen a load of C'dale Chase's w/ eccentric (not concentric... now I feel dumb!) BB shells w/ no issues whatsoever. Not saying there couldn't be issues, but I don't see it happening.
  • 1 0
 Yeah I know what you mean but no eccentric can beet the reliability of a solid BB for now atleast.
  • 1 0
 That is true. Street and DJ riding are best suited to the K.I.S.S. train of thought..... So the Bank has TWO eccentrics....
  • 1 0
 Chase had a best bb i've yet seen... Didn't move unless i wanted to. Thou the bike took quite lot of beating... Isis axle snapped, front qr snapped. And still worked like charm.
  • 1 0
 I have a GT Peace as a XC single speed, and the BB shell continuously slipped til the point where I got warranty. But I think the design of the GT BB locking system is different to that of the C'dale??? There is so much force running through the BB that as soon as there is any play it doesn't take long for it to go... I think that this CRAP system could be heaps better- esp. if it wears out or has problems you wont have to replace the whole frame...
  • 0 0
 that red and white transition would look sick with a white rim on the front!!
  • 1 0
 if it was like that, it might kinda look like a kmart bike gimmick where they paint the fork and wheels so the colour matches the whole way through. idk, just my opinion...i was thinking white wheels and red fork (but that might be more kmarty)
  • 0 0
 Maybe I'm odd, but when I glance at this bike quickly it reminds me of the original Klein frames from way back when (pre-Trek). Maybe I just miss my old Klein Fervor that was stolen in Seattle in '06. Nice...will have to check out the geometry.
  • 2 0
 First the Knolly OMFG-STFU suspension system...now the Transition C.R.A.P. axle system!

What next...a Single Hub Integrated Transmission - S.H.I.T. gearbox bike?
  • 1 0
 Yeah with Interior lighting for the Fork and the Hubs. ;-)
  • 2 0
 i love the crap on that frame. sweet as.... looks wicked in white and red. hard tails rock peace g
  • 1 1
 Heres what I think of it... the crap systeme is really crap cause you will have a lot of fun when you are gonna have to remove your backwheel and put it back on it for a flat or just in the car. I love the yoke.
  • 1 0
 Actually, with the Transition wheelset the QR or bolt over axle are "thru axle" style and you can slide it right out. Then when you put it back together you still have the identical singlespeed chain tension you had before.
  • 0 0
 This bike looks sick, but im not diggin the drop out system. Rocky Mountain has the same thing on the Flat Lines, Slayers, etc, and its no fun when you have to take anything involving anything in the rear out.
  • 1 2
 so, with that crap system your going to have points where your not getting complete pad contact with your rotor, or worse you rotor hitting your caliper?? I think the brake mount might need some revising, but havning not seen in it person this is just a first look thought..
  • 0 0
 my thoughts excactly,i guess extra spacers/washers could be used were the caliper is bolted to the mount for some adjusment??????
  • 1 0
 Since the caliper is basically directly over the axle, the front to back effect is minimal. If/when you run the axle at or near the 12 o'clock position you will need to put a washer (or extra washer) under your caliper to raise it up.
  • 0 0
 Im talking about up and down, you cant use a washer to move it farther down..
  • 0 0
 The rotor is "perfectly aligned" at the 6 o'clock position (which is how the insert ships from the factory), adjusting it would only move it UP, so yes, a shim or washer will do what is needed.
  • 1 0
 dang i require one of those in my possession, although i have no personal monetary value to speak of
  • 0 0
 that is so sweet i was having trouble deciding what bike to buy for dirt jump/ street and i wanted a light bike but that one is probably going to be the one i get its so sick
  • 2 0
 C.R.A.P hahahahah, nice bike thoughSmile
  • 1 0
 Nevermind, thats only if the axle is a bolt in, as in cannot come out of the hub.
  • 1 0
  • 0 0
 Pretty clean looking bike , I was considering replacing my p2s frame with a TOP but I like stiff frames so this might be a better choice. I hope the pricing is good.
  • 1 0
 expect no less from transition. love my bottlerocket
  • 0 0
 "Kyle Young, designer of C.R.A.P. and co-owner of Transition Bikes"
Ha ha ha, you guys are awesome!
  • 0 0
 that is the best line... LOL
  • 1 0
 i think the front rim should be white
  • 0 1
 This is a cool looking bike. I think pinkbike needs to give away one of these in their anniversary contest, it's even pinkbike colors!
  • 1 0
 hope this comes to the UK.
  • 0 0
 These will be in the uK for the start of march and in stock at www.ride-central.com
  • 1 1
 I want this frame so much!!!! Actually I'm being a tool and saying I want a whole fleet of Transitions Drool
  • 0 0
 this bike is sick, rode there prototype... if you want a really nice riding and light hardtail GET THIS!
  • 0 0
 hey i was wondering have you ridden the trail-or-park?
  • 0 0
 yeah i have, really that one was just a solid hardtail.. this one was awesome
  • 0 0
 does anyone sell "reduced" fox 36's in white like the one on this bike or is it just an OEM thing for transition?
  • 0 0
 pretty sure you gotta do it yourself dude but i could be wrong
  • 0 0
 Yes, you can lower any Fox 36 Float fork with 10mm, 20mm or 30mm spacers in any combination.
  • 1 0
 he was asking if they can come lowered not if you can Razz
  • 0 0
 I believe OEMs can get them from fox already lowered for complete bike spec, but I highly doubt you can buy one aftermarket already lowered.
  • 1 0
 Oh and BTW - we had to lower this one ourselves... it didn't come that way for us, and we don't have them in stock lowered at this time. Our dealers can do that for you though Wink
  • 1 0
 And by whole, I mean hole Wink
  • 1 0
 wow transition never fucks up. great bike
  • 1 0
 Whoa! What a fantastic looking bike!

  • 1 0
 sweet paint scheme for a stock bike
  • 0 0
 24 cycles has an sliding drop outs system called TIED. "Take it easy dude" Big Grin
  • 1 0
 sickhism bike
  • 0 0
 nice bike. love red & white combinationSmile
  • 1 0
  • 1 0
 very very nice
  • 0 1
 thats so cool, i want this frame cause it's the best for this money also dropouts made nice!
  • 0 0
 this is actually siick good job transition!
  • 0 1
 like the nicest hardtail i have seen frame kindoff looks like the yeti dj but im sure it completely different
  • 0 1
 not the lightest i've seen really my arrow dss is only 4lbs and the design is donkeys years old!!!!!
  • 0 1
 "Wso don't be surprised if you start seeing C.R.A.P. on some of our other models in the future"

this made my day.... Smile
  • 0 0
 my next hardtail..... wow
  • 0 0
 Holy shit! I actually want to get a Transition now...
  • 0 1
 just get an stp, transition basically copied it, transitions just a trendy name..
  • 0 0
 Are you f*cking kidding me? I have an STP and it's a stupid piece of shit because it has vertical dropouts. This is exactly the frame I've been looking for.
  • 0 1
 WAT the fuck buddy stp owns them look at andrea lacondguy he OWNS
  • 0 1
 haha wow just get a chain tensioner, stps are lighter and half the price, also if you were smart enough you could just get the right chain ratio
  • 0 0
 yaa smart enough...but u aint... dummy
  • 0 0
 I run 32-14. That's a perfect ratio for the STP. So is 32-18 and 22-13 with a ghost ring. I used all of that shit. I made tube chaintensioners as well... And that shit sucks. This rotating dropout is perfect.
  • 0 1
 no its not cuz it rotats buddy
  • 1 0
 I hate stupid people.
  • 0 1
 same dude like transition watt? lolzz
  • 0 0
 I'd buy it...shes beautiful
  • 0 0
 found my next jumping bike and whatare u kidding me ChadVoos
  • 0 0
  • 0 0
 sweet as fook!!!
  • 0 0
 i want one!!
  • 0 0
 Great bike
  • 0 1
 i just jizzed in my pants
  • 0 0
 that Siiiiiiiiiick.
  • 0 0
 i need this bike.
  • 0 0
 looks good
  • 0 0
 thats amazing
  • 0 1
 ahh no horizontal drop outs no good!
  • 0 0
 where can i get one
  • 0 0
 transition bike co.? that's just where i'd start...
  • 0 0
 i like./
  • 0 0
 soooooooo nice!!!!
  • 1 2
 i 3 the paint job.
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