Superenduro Round 1, Golfo di Diano Marina - Friday Setup

Apr 14, 2012
by Matt Wragg  
So here we are. Somehow the months have flown by since the last Superenduro back in October and we are about to kick off another years enduro racing. What better way to start a season than a new venue? The five towns of San Bartolomeo, Diano Marina, Cervo, Diano San Pietro and Diano Castello that nestle together on the edge of the Ligurian Sea have clubbed together to bring the big show to town: a Superenduro PRO race. It's not exactly a new venue on the circuit, they've held lower profile (and slightly shorter) Sprint races here for a few years, but they're upping the ante this year.

The longer race means they can start using the classic Maiali track (literally translated: pigs) again, which is a mixed blessing for the riders. With it's 20-odd jumps it's a great track to pin, but it's a long, long way out - the climb was so long they had to drop it from the Sprint races as it ruined too many people. There's also an all-new track, Molini, which has a few steep sections that look like they will catch a few people out on race day. 300 hundred riders are signed to come and ride on Sunday. Defending champ Andrea Bruno will be looking to hold onto the coveted red number board for a third season, but Alex Lupato and Davide Sottocornola have been able to get the better of him in the pre-season, with Andrea Gamenara and Manuel Ducci close behind. There are also the international riders like Nico Vouilloz, Al Stock and Karim Amour. One person who won't be here is Dan Atherton though, his enduro career hasn't got off to a great start as word is that he is sitting at home with a busted shoulder...

Not the Riviera you expected... Superenduro PRO1 2012 Golfo Diano Marino.

Over the last few weeks the weather on the Riviera has been a shambles, barely a day has passed without rain. This weekend is looking to be no exception to that...

Piazza di Torre Saracena - the day before everyone arrives. Superenduro PRO1 2012 Golfo Diano Marino.

The Piazza di Torre Saracena. Sure this doesn't look much now, but check back in tomorrow and you'll see why this photo's in here...

It s been raining here for the last two weeks... Superenduro PRO1 2012 Golfo Diano Marino.

That rain has left patches like this on the trail - thick, sticky puddles and slippery clay. It's going to make tyre choice interesting as these patches can easily take a wheel, but most of the ground is far too hard to run a mud tyre.

Cervo. Superenduro PRO1 2012 Golfo Diano Marino.

The tiny village of Cervo perches below the final track, Antennaes, riders will run down the side of it to get back down to the paddock.

Local Davide dropping in on CNC San Rocco. Superenduro PRO1 2012 Golfo Diano Marino.

Just one riding photo today. With the ominous-looking weather conditions there weren't many people out on the trails. This is local(ish) rider and part of the FRRD crew who have helped organise the race, Davide, pinning it down CNC San Rocco.

A couple of people braved the uncertain-looking clouds to pedal up to the trails. Superenduro PRO1 2012 Golfo Diano Marino.

There's always one: a lone rider pedalling up towards stages three and four.

The press office just getting set up for the season. Superenduro PRO1 2012 Golfo Diano Marino.

Main man, Enrico Guala, setting up the press office with Superenduro mainstays, Laura and Alberto, for the first time this year.

Franco Enrico and Stefano unloading race control from the van. Superenduro PRO1 2012 Golfo Diano Marino.

In the back of the van is most of the race control for the weekend. Organisers, Enrico, Franco and Stefano get stuck into some serious marquee building.

Race packs for the riders. Superenduro PRO1 2012 Golfo Diano Marino.

One of the new rider packs for this year. As well as the sexy, re-designed number board, riders will now have helmet stickers.

Setting up the race control as the day fades. Superenduro PRO1 2012 Golfo Diano Marino.

As the light started to fade, race control was finally taking shape. Hopefully it'll still be there in the morning.

Guess the weather tomorrow Superenduro PRO1 2012 Golfo Diano Marino.

Anybody want to take a bet on what the weather is going to do tomorrow? Forecasts suggest rain and those heavy clouds look ominous, but it's always hard to tell what's coming in this part of the world...

Stay tuned tomorrow as practice begins in the day and the riders take to the streets of San Bartolomeo for the prologue in the evening.

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mattwragg avatar

Member since Oct 29, 2006
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  • 10 0
 That huge hole in the front of the helmet on the fifth photo down is asking for a huge bumble bee.
  • 7 2
 whats the difference between super enduro and dh?
  • 10 0
 you just pedal a bit more Wink
  • 10 20
flag ZachHinton11 (Apr 13, 2012 at 16:08) (Below Threshold)
 one is worth remembering to put the gopro in the case, the other doesn't matter so much.
  • 3 0
 the time limit between stages is meant to be mental in that superenduro, pretty much a xc race aswell!
  • 3 0
 I would say you pedal a LOT more...Sad news about Dan I was hoping to see him race.
  • 3 0
 The bikes - one's a DH , the other is the versatile All Mountain set up. The courses are XC and DH combined. Not mindless Spinning XC or white knuckle DH, but somewhere in between. Totally bummed about Dan!!
  • 1 0
 Whats happened to dan?
  • 1 0
 Oh only just saw the little bit about him.
  • 2 0
 tomorrow i'll race there,can't wait!! Wink
  • 1 0
 I want to go can someone take me plz haha
  • 1 0
 Oh no Dan! Bad luck again. Heal up quick.
  • 1 0
 wow ,so bad weather!good luck,everybody!
  • 1 0
 nice pics matt!
  • 1 0
 What happened to Dan.
  • 1 0
  • 1 0
 what happened to dan?
  • 1 0
 "One person who won't be here is Dan Atherton though, his enduro career hasn't got off to a great start as word is that he is sitting at home with a busted shoulder..."
  • 1 0
 Get well soon Dan!
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