Self-Portrait Imagery: Reporting Back from the Solo Mission

Feb 29, 2012
by Brad Walton  
Whether you're bored, looking for practice, or just want to show the world where you've been, self-portrait photography is a productive way to play with yourself while creating some meaningful keepsake images. Within we review methods for consistent, reliable timing for self-shot action photography.

It's quiet. Smells of the forest trigger fond memories of times past. You've forgotten about your breathing as you unwind all of life's problems into the repetition of each pedalstroke. All focus is on you now.


PB user rylon gets some soul-glow on a solo mission

Riding solo is what attracts many people to biking. It's one of the few sports that can be appreciated equally as much by yourself as it can with others. "To boldly go where no one has gone before," or at least, it seems that way when you're by yourself.


PB's jerryhazard is no stranger to the self-portrait. Here Jerry affords an often overlooked low angle of himself.

Imagination can run wild in times of solitude, and it's in this state that we truly find ourselves, what we value in life, what goals and aspirations we hold as important, and when we think the most of others dear to us. It can be a place to find solace in times of pain, a place for curious exploration of one's inner self, or refuge from the outside world. Unlike a walk in the park, riding solo involves vigorous exertion, but you are the only winner in this race. You can go anywhere, with time as your only ally, or foe for that matter. To find such clarity in conquering a stiff climb or an entangled web of root wads where you remain as the only one to celebrate your own victories is robbing the rest of the world of every moment of tranquility.

self portrait

There's nothing more hair-raising than roots, rocks, and exposure, on a hardtail. Unless you're by yourself. Jinya getting gnarly.

When you return, your spirit rejuvenated, your patience restored, demons conquered, you are ready to tell of your experience, to share your enlightenment with others. But there's no way to show where you've been, no explanation for your absence.

If a picture of the solo ride saves you a thousand words of attempted explanation, enter the realm of self-portrait photography.

Self portrait Paris Gore 2012

Paris Gore shows that action isn't always required to show yourself amongst supernatural surroundings.

The Self Portrait
Self-portrait art is far from a new concept. There are many reasons why you'll want to take your own photos, but I can't think of any better reason than because you can! The challenge of self-portrait photography can open up new doors to your creativity. Have a look at any of the user galleries in this article and you'll find that self-portrait photography can be addictive. I started out taking photos of myself to remind me of where I had been. Once I got more serious about photography, I used self-portrait technique to get more practice behind the lens. Professional quality photos take quite some time to get set up, especially when lighting with external flash. There is no better time to learn photographic technique than when you are by yourself at the mercy of your own patience.

bigquotesAs a photographer, I feel like a lot of times it's hard to explain the image you have in your head to a model.
To me, self portrait photography can be some of your best work. - Paris Gore


Jeremy captures some beautiful Digger-built trail with a nicely timed capture of himself using a handlebar-mounted remote.

Triggering Methods
For as long as there have been cameras, there have been photographers taking pictures of themselves by one method or another. It has always been, and always will be, more effort than making the same photograph of another subject. 'Pressing the button' is usually the biggest hurdle to overcome, but to qualify as a self-portrait, you'll need to find a work-around for this minor inconvenience. If the photograph could not be made while you are by yourself, it's not a self-portrait. Many photographers struggle with wanting to be in quality pictures, but also spend too much time setting up their equipment to give someone else the photo credit just for pressing the button. In this circumstance it's important to remember that if your buddy wasn't there, you wouldn't have a photo, so it's not a self-portrait. Your buddy is in control of the camera, which makes them the photographer. Give your buddy credit for their impeccable, or totally garbage, timing.

There are many other considerations besides triggering for self-photos, but these are all aspects that should be practiced in all photos. Focus and composition require some imagination since the photographer can't see themself in the frame before the photo is taken. Another obstacle is changing light conditions since most self-portraits involve a fair amount of setup time or waiting for timer delays. Consider also that your camera's meter will change the exposure once you enter the frame if your clothing is very light or very dark opposed to the background. If you are able to utilize manual control of your camera, you will achieve the most consistent results.

Self portrait with a GoPro

Drew Hurst soaks it all in with a still frame from his GoPro video camera.

Video Still
Now that we use memory cards rather than film, self-shot video is a breeze. There is no worry about wasted film, and most video cameras these days offer in-camera editing to trim your clips trailside so that you can delete all that frantic running about to capture yourself riding in your own shot. Video stills are the simplest means to achieving perfect timing in a self-portrait photo, and can offer good results for web use. Many video cameras offer superb resolution for motion pictures, but even HD's 1920x1080 pixel format isn't going to get you any large-scale wall hangers if you choose to take a still from video. Different aspect ratios between video capture and photographs will force you to crop your already small video still image to an even lower resolution for print. Not only that, but most video cameras shoot at a non-variable 1/30 or 1/60 of a second shutter speed. That's great for smooth frame blending when played back as video, but one single frame isn't going to be very crisp. The newer dSLR cameras that shoot video can shoot at nearly any shutter speed, which would offer a very crisp frame, but still at a lower resolution than an actual photograph.

still from video for self-portrait article

Still image from a Canon 60d, HD 720p60 video, 1/125s. While the video itself looks pretty good, raising levels slightly in Photoshop exhibits grain and loss of sharpness in this still image due to digital noise in a small-scale image at ISO 3200.

Obviously the best quality images are going to come from a photo camera. Likewise, the best motion picture results are made with a video camera. These days, both types of cameras can do both things well, but are specifically designed to excel at one or the other. While this is largely another topic altogether, there is no doubt that for online viewing both can achieve great results for self-portraits. There isn't much of an option for external lighting with self-shot video stills. Photographic speedlights and even some studio strobes are relatively portable because they utilize capacitors to discharge a very high output for a very short duration. On the contrary, lighting for video is large and heavy because it requires generating long durations of light at constant output, making it pretty much out of the question for use in self-shot video. Video stills win for capturing the timing of that perfect moment, but lose for overall image quality.

self-portrait using self-timer

The author, utilizing external flash and the camera's self-timer. Riding slowly for the camera eliminates the need for multiple takes.

The Self-Timer
With photography, timing is everything. Miss the moment and there was no point in taking out the camera. The simplest of solutions begin with the good old fashioned self-timer. Every digital camera has one, most are adjustable from 2-30 seconds. With a cheap tripod or even a rock to put the camera on, you can nail down a crisp image of yourself doing most anything. Without a stopwatch or some pretty accurate counting abilities though, you're going to be trying twice, or a hundred times to get the timing you desire. Some get lucky. Others ride slowly for the self-timer.

SELFCOUNTER SHOT I wanted to show the relationship between bmx and mtb rider and that it works quite good. A bike is a bike so dont hate unfortunally the sun left a few minutes before the shot but i still like the colors alot. follow me on hoelperl

Even when not alone Erik Holperl still bags self-portraits using his camera's self-timer. One can only imagine how many takes to get this.

The Intervalometer
Another version of the self-timer is the intervalometer. Many cameras feature a built-in interval timer that can take a photo every X seconds for a duration of X photos, and to get even more precise, intervalometers have the ability to start and end shooting at specified times. Most useful for time-lapse photography, the intervalometer is also a great option for action photos. Most manufacturer's high-end dSLR cameras are able to take a photo every second via intervalometer. This gives you many chances to pin down the moment you want to capture.


Cheating death captured using the intervalometer timer for a self-shot.

For the above intervalometer-timed example, I rigged two flashes, one at each end of the logride to highlight the log and rider. I then set the camera on a tripod far away and set the timer to start shooting 5 minutes from that moment, and to shoot 20 frames, 2 seconds apart. I had a cell phone in my pocket that was synchronized to my camera, and once it neared my specified time, I prepared to ride. It was obvious when the camera was taking pictures because the flashes started firing. Two things went wrong in this photo: 1) I forgot to switch to manual focus, so the camera chose to focus on something nearer, resulting in an image with a slightly out of focus rider, and 2) I didn't consider that one of the flashes would be firing directly into my face, which made it very difficult to focus on riding across the very high log. My nerves were so wrecked that I didn't feel like doing it again. I hoped to get a more crisp shot of it later, but no one, including myself, will ride it.

Eric Palmer kicks himself in this 30-second exposure by allowing external flash to freeze his motion.

Long Exposure and Flash
Flash is used extensively in action photography not only to highlight the subject, but because it can freeze motion resulting in a more crisp image. In the above image by Eric Palmer, the camera sits atop a tripod at night with the shutter set to 30 seconds. While the camera absorbs every bit of light it can in that long exposure, the flash's ultra-fast 1/8000 of a second discharge imprints an instant of whatever the flash hits. You can see in both Erics there is a radio remote in hand that only controls the flash. Eric presses the shutter button on camera, then twice during the 30-second exposure he triggers the flash with his remote.

Self-portrait on Kaya in the rain. Long exposure to capture the Niterider headlamp and 2 flashes to freeze the rider. This was done with a remote in hand to fire flashes. Looks ghostly due to the long exposure.

Using the same method as Eric Palmer above, a remote in hand controls flashes to freeze the rider.

Self Portrait - soldered up a little trigger that I could cable tie to my bars and use in conjunction with a PW to fire my camera amp flashes.

Russell rigged his own bar-mounted trigger and used external flashes for this self-shot. Click for details.

Radio Remote
Available for around $50 on eBay, a simple radio remote transmitter will trigger your camera at the push a button. Careful though, as preoccupying your fingers with something other than the brakes could leave you in the hurt locker moments after your sweet shot is acquired. In addition, take two isn't going to happen at the exact moment previously captured. The range on these cheap remotes isn't real great, and some require an antenna to be extended. They are, however, easily modified with some basic understanding of electronics to be retrofitted to a more ergonomic handlebar-mount solution.

Observe below how the 3 wires lead to 3 metal plates. When the first plate touches the second plate, it focuses the camera. When the second plate touches the third plate, the camera shutter actuates. The first plate isn't really necessary since we manual focus for self-portraits, so just think about how easy it would be to rig up a simple way of making two wires touch while you're riding your bike.

The 3-wire configuration of this cheap eBay remote is easy to modify for better ergonomics to trigger the camera while riding.

Remotes, just like everything else in the world, can be extremely high-end as well. Pocket Wizard transmitters, most commonly used for off-camera flash, can also be used to trigger a camera up to 1600 feet away. While Pocket Wizards are the king of reliability when it comes to remotes, they are a bit bulky to actuate while riding and you won't want to modify something this expensive.

A self portrait session up the Sychnant Pass in North Wales. I had the radio remote shutter clasped to my grip. I was triggering the remote shutter with my index finger and braking with my middle. It was awkward anyway and then the two different radio signals one controlling the shutter one controlling the off camera flash started interfering. The way round this ended up being setting the camera for a two-second delay this stopped the remote shutter interfering with the remote flash but left me having to judge when I was two seconds from the place I wanted to occupy in the image triggering the shutter and then two seconds later with me hopefully in the right position the camera would fire with the off camera flash and hey presto

Click to read the description for Jonathan's frustration with, and solution for, this self-pic.

The Bite Trigger
Yet another innovation for good timing that leaves you less than focused on the trail is the bite-trigger. Held between the teeth, this is most useful for chest-mounted cams or shots taken from behind, as you're going to look funny with that thing in your mouth. There are also sound triggers if you feel like yelling mid-air, but you'll have the same facial expression as with the bite valve, only there won't be that thing in your mouth.


Mason Mashon captures his perspective on the Sunshine Coast.

Laser Beams
The only surefire way you're going to consistently nail down precise placement of yourself in the frame is by crossing a line at the point at which you want the camera to trigger. Using lasers or infrared beams, we can do this invisibly to the camera. This is no doubt the most complex of methods, but it is the only consistent, reliable way to achieve perfect timing every time.

Cove STD dropping in. Self-portrait

Perfect timing, repeatable every time using laser beams

The prod for writing this article was the huge influx of viewers wanting to know how I did some of the self-shot work for my 2012 Cove STD Review. After lots of research in 2008, I landed on Brian Mumford's Time Machine. Sure, it looks pre-Atari, but it's the most high-tech piece of equipment I could find that might be able to do the job. The Time Machine is used for ballistics purposes because it's so accurate and fast that it can freeze a bullet in a single photographic frame. It's also used for hummingbird photography, as photographers struggle to get close enough to these evasive creatures to get a solid shot. I figured if it could stop a bullet or capture a little bird, my bike would be no problem.

The Time Machine

The Time Machine, surrounded by radio transceivers and the infrared beam with reflector.

The Time Machine's Infrared Beam uses a reflector to redirect the beam back to the sensor's eye, creating an invisible path. Anything breaking the path of the beam can trigger a connected SLR camera. It works every time, precise to 1/1000 second. The Time Machine also features a trigger delay that will delay the exposure a certain amount of time after the beam is interrupted. This is especially useful when hitting jumps that put the rider high into the air, out of reach for placing the beam. The beam is placed at the lip of the jump, with a delay as precise as 1/1000 of a second added to catch the rider mid-air. It takes some trial and error, but once the delay is nailed down, the rider is captured at the exact same location in the photo every take. For those wondering, a Time Machine costs about $500.

Infrared beam sensor is spotted in a close-up of this photo. Equipment could have been concealed utilizing the delay feature.

Below is a self-shot video of making a self-portrait photo with the Time Machine's infrared beam trigger. I filmed this in April 2008 and I just got around to editing it, so I apologize for the lack of video quality.

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The resulting self-portrait image from the above shoot with the Time Machine.

A more basic laser trigger system has just been released, but I have no experience with it. For a little over a hundred bucks, the Trigger Trap promises instant exposures by breaking a laser path. However, it requires an external laser, such as a laser pointer, to be aimed into it's eye (do not ever point lasers into your own eye, duh). Like I said, no experience with the Trigger Trap, but it would be great to get more people into a laser system by offering it for around $100.

Cove STD airing out over the stump. Self-portrait

I would have never thought of putting the camera in the stump had I been taking the photo of someone else.

Lasers aren't for everyone. There is an intense amount of patience required as even with experience most shoots do not go very smoothly. With so many electronic variables involved in the setup, any number of things can and do go wrong. But lasers aren't the only intensive setup. Ask any self-portrait photographer how much effort it took to make their photo and they'll probably laugh at you. The frustration in failed attempts is what makes acquiring a great image so rewarding. And since it's YOUR image of YOU, the image is just that- great!

self-portrait using Time Machine

With self-shooting, you no longer have to convince your buddies to stay out past dinner time!

All of the above methods are applicable not only for self-photos, but can also be beneficial for other photographic work. I have a laser trigger for self-portraits, but more frequently I will use a remote or intervalometer for their simplicity. A self-timer is simple, reliable, and quick to implement. With a little forethought, imagination, and persistence, you can get great action shots of yourself using any of the above methods. But don't settle for what I have to say, think outside the box and develop your own method! There is no right way to make a photograph. About the only limitation to self-portrait photography for now is the lack of ability to move the camera during the exposure. Currently pan-blur shots are out of the question for self-portraits, but the maker of the Time Machine does have a rotary table for time-lapse imaging that perhaps could be modified for faster action tracking.

Remember to always tell someone where you're going when you ride solo, be safe out there, and have fun!
Check out some of the user galleries from the article. Some have tips included in their self-portraits as to how it was done:


For more info on laser beams, check out The Time Machine

Do you take photos of yourself in action? Tell us about your self-portrait experiences.

*DISCLAIMER: Riding by yourself leaves you potentially at risk for not receiving help should you become injured. Always tell someone where you are going and when you plan to be back. Neither or are responsible for your actions.

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bradwalton avatar

Member since Dec 11, 2007
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  • 17 2
 Great article! I've messed around with self-riding photos a bit, but never got too in depth with it. This article has given me the motivation to go out there and try some new things. Thank you.
  • 5 17
flag Thrillride (Feb 29, 2012 at 6:41) (Below Threshold)
 Dang I literally just created a self portrait thread in the forums, shame you didn't use my self portrait in this article...sometimes I wonder where PB gets all their info
  • 4 1
 ^Haha I caught that part of the article too. Sounded a bit awkward
  • 5 1
 @ Thrillride- PB articles aren't written overnight, and even then, we have to schedule our content. You posted your photo and forum thread 2 days ago, but the article was written 2 months ago. Keep contibuting and you never know where it might end up! Great work on the photo!
  • 3 7
flag Thrillride (Feb 29, 2012 at 12:32) (Below Threshold)
 Thanks Brad, and Cheers to all the haters and their negative props! Wink
  • 10 1
 Awesome article, Brad. Parents aren't going to know what to think when their kids start asking for Time Machines. "You need what? I just bought you a GoPro."
  • 7 0
 "self-portrait photography is a productive way to play with yourself "
there's only one way of playing with yourself that i know of..
  • 1 0
 but seriously, that was very very interesting.
  • 3 0
 It seems like a lot of work and extra money to do that, I think it would be smarter just to make a friend.
  • 3 0
 Great article... It's great to hear someone else's perspective of doing tricky 'self shots' It's hard as a photographer to take a good shot, be in the shot and be happy with the shot... to combine all three makes it even trickier... maybe Pinkbike could have a photo section purely on self shots? then self shot of the month self shot of the year etc?
  • 2 0
 Such a great article, All the best Brad - huge thanks. that might make some of my days in the futureSmile I will surely use those tips! Wow PB is kicking some real quality articles this year!

And the disclaimer about safety is both useful and funny at the same time. But I think thinking this way is what separates men from boys, seems that you have spent your time in the mountains - unexperienced don't write such stuff Smile
  • 2 0
 There is open source software called CHDK that can be used on many Canon Powershot cameras that allow scripting and programming. Motion triggers become possible. You can set up the shot, select the area(s) to trigger on, add time delays, etc. It works well. Unfortunately it only works on the compact cameras, not the DSLRs. The motion trigger is even fast enough to catch lightning.
  • 1 0
 I forgot all about CHDK, I remember reading about it a while back, but gave up because it seemed to confusing. I think I'll have to give it a try now.
  • 1 0
 awesome article I've not only just attempted doing this and been looking for pointers this is just perfect timing heres what i came up with so far still leaving myself alot of room for improvement seeing this was my first dh shoot and self shoot in the same go
  • 1 0
 Wondering if anyone has any experience using a smart phone tethered to a dslr? Seems like there should be a feasible way to have it function as an intervalometer, etc. I know there are some issues about having to root the device so it can be a usb host, but other than that it seems like it might be worth checking into as most people are starting to have capable devices. Brad, I have been very interested in getting a time machine after reading your blog well over a year ago. Always look forward to seeing your shots. Nice work!
  • 1 0
 thanks for the article! one other method of achieving and getting the "one" image that you want is to get a cable release, put the camera in continuous mode (on a tripod, of course), then lock down the shutter release on the cable release. your camera will start firing off frames... sort of like a ballistic intervalometer. get on your bike, then ride into frame. this has an annoying tendency to fill your card pretty quickly, but it also helps assure that you get the "one" image with the right look and timing. my 5d mark ii fires off at 4 fps for the first couple of seconds, then slows down to about 2 fps.

i am an XC/AM old guy, so no huck-your-meat images in here, but these three examples show what i am talking about. the benefit of the cable release method is that it is pretty inexpensive, and it ups the odds of getting the best shot versus the timer. thanks again for the article!
  • 1 0
 Yes Brad, you're my god! I use a cheap 70bucks radio remote that can work flawlessly up to 100m but the only problem is that it doesn't have a time-delay func so it shoots only when I hit the botton. I know the time machine would solve this but it's a little bit pricy and there's tons to learn about photography before spending lots of money I guess. Your setup is a killer though!!
  • 1 0
 Great article Brad. I do a lot of self portraiture and it's always good to see other people's methods of capturing themselves. Gives me some other ideas to play about with.
Thanks for featuring my image in the article too. Smile
  • 1 0
 if you know a bit in electronics, you could use battery powered motion detection systems, like infrared doorbell, or home alarm (which you can get from ebay for 10$). This is by far cheapest and also very usable. Just pin detector to the tree, they all have a range of 5-10m in 180 degree angle, and transform wireless speaker to trigger your camera (set it to burst mode for a sequence), or just use longer wire.
  • 1 0
 "Even when not alone Erik Holperl still bags self-portraits using his camera's self-timer. One can only imagine how many takes to get this."
First take, pretty much every Time I do it, I have an Intervalometer too. Cool thing to be a part of this articel, great writing.
  • 1 0
 ive had a go at self shooting with some home made triggers.

heres a link to some shots of my mate making them.
  • 1 0
 Great results. Do you have instruction plans for your infrared triggers? I'm looking for a diy infrared trigger which i can connect to my yongnuo rf-602.
  • 1 0
 I don't have any plans as I bought the boards as a kit and put them in boxes. My mate did the main build as he's a bit better at that kind of thing. I got the kit from maplin in the uk. I will find you a link when I get a chance.
  • 1 0
 sorry for the delay in getting back to you on this dude. here is the link to what i used
  • 1 0
 Great article and very interesting video. I just started doing self shots and there is really a lot of effort and patient involved.

How do you mount your flashes? Do you use tripods or just tie them to the trees?
Is that a Dakine Sequence backpack?
  • 1 0
 I've tried some self-portrait shooting with my GoPro. Mostly for video, but it works well in photo mode as well and the multi-shot timer makes it somewhat easy to capture yourself if you set a short delay and have lots of memory available. After reading this article, I think I'm going to set up multiple camera. DSLR/point and shoot/GoPro should be a good combo to nail down some shots with some success. Multiple cameras with self timers set sounds like the cheapest path without buying more gear!!!
  • 1 0
 Hey Brad, bringing back the dead with commenting on this blog I know! Recently I've been thinking of different ways to start doing some self portraits while riding. This article is great, even though it's 5 years old! For my set up I'm thinking of using the trigger trap mobile app, my phone plugs into the camera, and the app has a ton of features for different shutter releases. One thing I want to mention is that trigger trap is actually out of business now. I had great customer service with them when I had some issues with my cable, so I was sad to see them go. Thanks for the great post!
  • 1 0
 Great write up man, as a photographer I am never able to get pictures of myself riding but your article really inspired me to get out there and to try some self-portraits! Thanks!
  • 3 0
 I can't believe you did the death bridge on your own! Massive cahones. Fair play
  • 1 0
 Great article, but isn't a sad world now that we had to have a disclaimer at the start to cover PB's backs for people going to ride their bike? What ever happened to taking responsibility for your own crashes?
  • 3 0
 It's meant as more of a warning than anything else. To encourage people to do this without a mention of the potential danger is irresponsible of me as a writer. Unfortunately, I can recall a few experiences that could have turned deadly without the immediate help of friends. When you are alone, no matter how prepared you may be, you are without help should something go wrong. I have been dehydrated, lost, and injured countless times by myself, and feel very lucky to be able to write articles at all anymore. I'm as guilty as anyone for not being realistic about the dangers of riding solo. None of us want to tell Aron Ralston's story...
  • 1 0
 No I do understand why you say it, please don't see it as a dig to your article (certainly not, I'm tempted to set my gopro up for some shots now!). I managed to knock myself out/fracture my cheek/seriously hurt myself riding to work one morning, and if it wasn't for a builder going down the road about 10 seconds after I fell off, I would have been in a serious situation, so I for one know the importance of letting people know where I'm going when I'm riding, on or off the roads. But I guess its just me having a rant about modern day life. People, not just in MTB or other "dangerous" sports seem to need to be told the total obvious about basic situations, and when people get something wrong, it's not their own stupidity, its the writer/manufacturer/whoever's fault. People don't take responsibility for their own actions it seems. I'm just ranting I guess, most likely fuelled by a small drop-off on a local trail got closed the other day because somebody thought they'd ride beyond their limits, hurt themselves and now the people who enjoyed it can't have fun as it has been blocked. Of course, it wasn't his fault, it was the drops fault. Best stop before the neg props roll in!
  • 1 0
 awesome post. you won't find this info anywhere elso on the internet.
I did some self-portrait video. It took me around 3 hours to produce a 3 minute video Smile
  • 1 0
 Lasers!!! Activate the lasers!!! Here's me crutching to the bathroom, and to the fridge, and airing it out onto the couch!! Can't wait to get out into the woods, ride my bike, and take pics!! Great article!!
  • 1 0
 Great articles and photos. I also think Reuben Krabbe takes really incredible self portraits and is worth a mention here.
  • 2 0
 Indeed, Reuben's work is great! These were only excluded because they have already been used in other publications.
  • 1 0
 Definitely motivated at this point. Now that I'll be retired this summer I think I'll head out to Ape Canyon and try some shots on that insanely gorgeous trail! Thanks for the article!
  • 1 0
 Nice write up brad. Have you had any time with the Nikon Ml-3 remote with IR beam trip as well. I was tossing that idea around as its about half of the time machines cost
  • 1 0
 Thanks. I have not used that product, but people say that it only has a range of about 20 feet, and that it does not work in broad daylight due to a weak emitter for the IR remote. But, it could work, and is about half the cost. Thanks for the comment!
  • 1 0
 great story Brad! Stoked to be apart of it!
  • 1 0
 Can pink bike do a review of the Soloshot 3 when it comes out? i have visions of it with my GoPro making great mini videos!!
not sure if it is good enough, esp. in low light
  • 1 0
 Great post. I have a Canon 550d (T2i) with Magic Lantern installed which adds time lapse photography capabilities so I might give this a go.
  • 1 0
 i do self portraits at times but this is obviously way better than what most of us have in mind with a typical, basic camera. thanks for the pointers PB!
  • 1 0
 What a great article. One of the best photography ones. No excuses now to getting some rad shoots. Thanks for help lighting the fire.
  • 1 0
 Does anyone have tripod recommendations for compact cameras? I have a small gorillapod but need something thats taller but compacts down to fit into a camelbak.
  • 2 0
 such a sick way of taking pictures! All your photos get me pumped to ride!
  • 3 0
 Thanks, that's the best compliment one could hope for!
  • 2 0
 good job brad! love the article, especially the pictures!
  • 1 0
 A few years ago I made a laser trip wire to set off my compact cam, huge delay though, must make a new one Big Grin
  • 1 0
 I mad a home made time machine.... it was about £20, plus the price of the cheap remote trigger (modified).
  • 1 0
 awesome shots! makes going out and ride solo seem way better for shoots then in groups ha
  • 1 0
 Is that Steve Carrell on the video?
  • 1 0
 Sweet write up and great pics.
  • 1 0
 Brad what a great write up, so many great stories and photos. Mindblowing!
  • 1 0
 Great write up man! Getting hyped to shoot and ride!
  • 2 0
  • 1 0
 Mr walton you are one fine artist, thanks for the awesomeness dude.
  • 1 0
 Quite an expensive way for a solo shoot
  • 1 0
 interesting article. nice work, would love to try this properly.
  • 1 0
 most of those would get POD!
  • 1 1
 f*cking badass article. You sir, deserve a beer, a double shot of everclear, and a nice fat bong rip for your work Big Grin
  • 1 0
  • 1 0
 Great article. Thanks!
  • 1 0
  • 1 0
 forever alone!
  • 1 0
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