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Smack Down-NWD 8 The Vegas Premiere review and a few dates where you can see your own premiere.

Oct 4, 2007
by Tyler Maine  
Once again the crew at Freeride-Entertainment put together one hell of a party for their world premiere in Vegas, of New World Disorder 8-Smack Down. Held in the Rain Night Club at the Palms Casino, the place was packed and everyone was ready for a good time.

Freeride Entertainment has always put together opening sections that set the stage for the whole show and this year was no different. The theme for rider’s intros in Smack Down was a Mexican Wrestling, Royal Rumble if you will. Where, as a rider’s mask gets removed, it would queue up their section. The matches were funny and the riding is amazing. So with out further ado here is my take on NWD 8 Smack Down:
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16 riders graced the screen over the next hour at the Rain Night club and blew all our minds. From the get go this movie held you tight and you stay glued to the screen. I could tell you about each riders complete sections, but you’ll have to watch the movie for yourself to get the real deal. Here are my highlights from NWD 8- Smack Down and yep there are a lot of high lights!


Andreu Lacondeguy-
Last year we called him the Spanish Flea, well this year that flea is continuing to dominate the dirt jump world and set up the sickest combinations on the biggest jumps around. This is a list of things I noted from him during his section: Flip whips, super man flips, 450degree drop to Oh Sh*t!, 360 tail whip and hell most of these were in a row on the Hell Track. He destroyed the Hell Track and left it smoking in his wake!

Wayne Goss-
Talk about a rider that can throw down in a bunch of terrains. From hand planting a camel (yes I said camel), to the sickest Alley Oop Rock ride in the woods. His shoes were still dripping wet when he nailed the ledge ride to 180 step up, that he fell into the water on during a previous attempt. Heck I think he even bunny hopped a car too in there. Plus I’m sure he threw in a few “Up B’s” in there for good measure too. The 360 tail whip made an appearance in Wayne’s footy too.


Fabien Barel and Cedric Gracia-
Simply put they are WAY FASTER than you and I will ever be! Each of the two French men completely blew the screen apart with how they attack terrain at full tilt. No race sections, just raw speed when riding any trail out there-SO FAST!

Jeff Lenosky-
Ya Jeff rode a street section, but that’s what Jeff does and he does it well. But this year his section was different, with a grainy, black and white, real industrial, artsy feel to it. And then wham! Jeff back flips onto a loading dock, 360’s a healthy drop and some massive over door height wall rides-this segment shows that Jeff is on it and that his riding continues to evolve.

Ben “The hardest working man in freeride” Boyko-
This man probably built 90% of the features in his section and they are ridiculous to watch him hit, simply amazing! His ability to 360 really HUGE drops is so crazy-hell just look at how he owned the Gap O Tron at Crankworx this past summer! The new trick of the year had to be the 360 Tailwhip as Ben was the third guy in the movie to throw one and I had to watch that thing like 4 times for each rider-I can’t get over it, like that’s a trick from a video game. And have you ever noticed that Ben is always dirty? Yep that guy keeps getting up until he nails it and in Smack Down he nails it real good.


I could go on and on about each rider and how rad they are, but there are 16 riders in the film and it’s an hour long, so it will take you less time to watch it, then for me to write it all out. I can tell you that each rider has more than one stand out feature in their sections and most will leave you scratching your head going WTF was that?!

At the end I noted a few changes from typical NWD practices that I really liked in NWD 8. Lots of the shots were longer takes and there was a lot more lines being filmed as riders linked up hits and tricks in a row. Another nice part was that the riders didn’t have contest footage in their sections, but rather there was a section in the film that was dedicated to contests from this past year-Qashqai Series, Bearclaw Invitational, Crankworx (Colorado and Whistler) and the Braun 26 Trix comp. It was like watching the DH WC race circuit, but for slope style riders. Good to see more contests for this genre of rider.

After the end credits rolled out, the stage was lit up by Nashville Pussy and they rocked the house!


All in all New World Disorder 8 – Smack Down brought the pain and served it up in the ring. You can’t buy it yet, but the premieres will be popping up all over the place in the next few months, so get to one-heck organize one! Either way go see it, buy it, what ever-just enjoy the newest installment of the New World Disorder series, cause I know that I did!

Upcoming Premieres:


Venue: Air Dome Lot 8 Whistler, BC
Times: 1st showing 5:30pm (no alcohol) 8:30pm (licensed event)
Price: $15
Prizes, poster signings & after party at the GLC.

Edmonton Alberta-Oct.24th

Venue: Century Casino
Information: Call River Valley Cycle for tickets and info.

Tour List from the Freeride-Entertainment site: www.nwdfilms.com/new/tour

Author Info:
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Member since Mar 27, 2001
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  • 4 1
 hand plant on a camel that rocked!!! have to get this dvd
  • 0 0
 theres a premier put on by Rollin' Thunder in thunder bay ontario on october 24th at 7:00 !!!!!!!!!! and its licensed at jacks on cumberland for 8 bucks!!!!!!!!
  • 0 0
 is it going to be shown in kelowna or vernon ?????????????? if so will bike shops have tickets???
  • 1 1
 loooooool u pirate^^^^ and y wont they show it in quebec (MONTREAL) c'mon plzzzzzzzz Frown
  • 0 0
 you know they were still filming three weeks before it's release in Vegas? talk about tight...
  • 0 0
 theres a show in Olympia WA the 6th at 1pm

...before whistler =D haha
  • 0 0
 hey isnt there some premier in ontario but is on the 26th check out eastsidefreeride.com for more details
  • 0 0
 what about the showing in vancouver next week Razz Wink
  • 0 0
 if you check the link to the NWD site it gives you more dates and yes the Vancouver show is on there.
  • 0 0
 Wow! I want! R there any british riders in it? Like Lance or Chopper??
  • 0 0
 yep, chopper has some killer shots in the Clump seggy. Lance, hmm he was in the contest seggy.
  • 0 0
 i've heard the show is unreal
  • 0 0
 im sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo buying that. cant wait till the 15th.....
  • 1 1
 When can we buy it! Smile
  • 1 1
 You'll be able to buy it here at Pinkbike.com, but not for a few weeks as its not available yet.
  • 0 0
  • 0 0
 that looks so dope
  • 0 0
 fuckin insane
  • 0 0
 boyko is the man
  • 0 1
 cant wait to get it!!!!
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