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Video: If She Can Do It - Online Documentary Premiere

Nov 18, 2012
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If She Can Do It:
If She Can Do It was filmed in July of this year at the Sugar Showdown, a women’s freeride mountain bike event held at Duthie Hill Park in Issaquah, Wash. The event was hosted by Kat Sweet of Sweetlines. The Documentary was produced by Mark Brent and Kat Sweet. Visit - Sweetlines.com Visit - Facebook.com/MarkBrentProductions

Stay in touch during viewing of this film with Twitter Hash tag #ifshecandoit.
Mention - @SweetlinesMTB, @Pinkbike and @MarkBrent

Watch Teaser and read Press Release Here.

Kat Sweet started and runs Sweetlines.com and related events.

Mark Brent started and runs Awesomeland Productions

Matthew Huffaker
00:00:00 - Sidechain Bob Longer Extended

Q Music
01:36:08 - She All Dat
07:08:25 - Robot Arena
09:34:49 - Dubba Bounce
13:18:49 - Sweetness and light
20:01:52 - Dominatrix
23:48:12 - Skip Tracer

Watch The Full Length Women Of Dirt Here.

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  • 53 0
 Why don't women wear full faces?
  • 105 6
 They do,except they call it makeup.Wink
  • 14 17
 i think its that its a style thing
  • 4 4
 probs but they look sick on anyone
  • 48 12
 Cause girls don't like to use protection....it ruins the fun Wink
  • 26 17
 Because girls have built-in air bags
  • 17 10
 That's a pretty broad generalization -- I am a woman, and I do wear a full face helmet. Smile
  • 5 2
 Awesome work by all of those involved, some great riding !
  • 5 1
 I always wear a full face, it's more common over here to wear one
  • 2 1
 Cause it was a jump jam, Most of us were on hardtails that day.
  • 2 11
flag DDRbiker (Nov 21, 2012 at 8:41) (Below Threshold)
 they can't do anything the same as men.... and they're boring as fuck to watch..... ladies stay off the bikes....
  • 4 0
 ^ Tell that to WC Racers like Rachel Atherton Wink She'll whip you nice and proper.

But seriously, you need to understand that you've been biking for days, probably since you were young. A lot of girls may of biked, but like down the street or on the beach kind of biking. If they had the same ethic and time as you, they would be as good as you or better. Their experience may hold them back, but if they really want to do it, these girls will get as good as you.
  • 4 0
 Spicy-Mike, I adore you and your comments. So amazing. Smile
  • 2 0
 Dawwwhh thanks, you're so sweet. You should follow me so you can adore me some more!!! Jk. I'm the most boringest/worst person alive. Don't adore me, it'll be a big mistake.

Just click on Ambatt's name/profile. Enough said.
  • 31 5
 People stoked on entry level stuff is rad... And women getting into mtb and stoked about it is even radder. Pleased don't get me wrong. But Pinkbike, why don't you hunt out women who throw down on a regular basis and feature them? Chicks who, no matter what they look like, are really riding and not just in it because their boyfriends or crush or whatever is doing it??? Why do you refuse to feature actual women throwing down on this site? I know they're out there... I see them at my local hill. I rode with some in Moab. I know there are loads of women who are in this to just ride, and ride hard. Why won't you feature those women in addition to videos like these? It's easy: go to your closest hill, search out the chick throwing down and jump on a chairlift with her. Ask her a few questions about her, get some video and slap it on PB. Done! Isn't that what this site is supposed to be about? These are the burning questions in my mind as a female rider. Please don't think I don't support this cause or that I hate watching the guys' vids... Because neither of those is true at all. I love both, I'm just asking why we can't have a bit more content featuring chicks who throw down. Smile

However, despite my desperate search for non-beginner female mtb videos, Sweet Lines is something I can support. i have to give mad props to Ms. Sweet and everything she does for our sport. Is there anywhere I can donate to help support this program?? Thanks in advance. Smile
  • 3 3
 Made a good point there miss.
  • 3 0
 I would love to see some videos of the women that rock like Jill Kinter and Holly Finiak to name some locals in the PNW or Missy or Rachel or whatever, I agree there seems to be a lack of promotion of the women riders. I am also curious when women will start to break into the slopestyle/ big Mountain stuff, the sugar showdown was nice to see the ladies hit some good size jumps and throwing down what they had. I think someone with the video know how and equipment could make some money making a DVD featuring just women going big, there are so many DVD's out there now it is hard to be different, but that is one "easy" way to do it.

Good job Kat and keep it going!
  • 3 1
 This is a great idea. Watching Jill Kitner and Melissa Buhl race Sea Otter DS every year is a huge inspiration. I can only dream of screaming 20+mph onto a 30 ft table top in a power wheelie. The Pro girls are ridiculously fast. Faster than the Cat 1 Boys and usually mid-pack at the World Cup Level. Just look at ACC's standings all year long.

The new Saint video was on the right track..
  • 4 1
 Women Of Dirt.com - check it out - full length here - www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qi_ExgNMnNE
  • 2 0
 Had the same feelings watchin this, i was looking for something deserving to be watched. Fact is, we saw many chicks shreding and jumping like other skilled riders this summer. And this doc presents chicks like kids playin in a sandbox. why do an half hour video about that when you could do a video with this new generation of talentend riders like Angie Hohenwarter or Holly Feniak...
  • 1 1
 I'll tell you why there are fewer female mountain biking videos and promotions: Because every time that an attempt is made, like the Saint commercial featuring Micayla Gatto, some other female gets angry and critical about how politically incorrect it is. "Hey, what about that woman who was doing it before? Call us woman, not girls! What about this, what about that??" Progression takes time, just let the damn thing happen. Why doesn't PB do this and that? Why don't YOU make the video and post it on PB? KNOW who your enemies are, and the last time I checked, every damn male cyclist is goddamn happy to see another female on the trails.
  • 1 1
 @Rattpoison: I already have, buddy... Check my profile. They're not professional quality and a lot of it's shit riding, but I'm working on it. I can only do so much, however, and me asking PB.com for more female content, as a huge site that chooses their own content and has contact with hundreds of photographers and cinematographers, seems pretty reasonable. I wasn't bagging on the video or PB, so why the aggressive comment? Chill the f*ck out, BRO.

PS -- "Letting the damn thing happen" never really gets anything done. Just a little FYI.
  • 1 1
 Aggressive? "why don't you hunt out women who throw down on a regular basis and feature them?" "Why do you refuse to feature actual women throwing down on this site?" "Why won't you feature those women in addition to videos like these? It's easy: go to your closest hill, search out the chick throwing down and jump on a chairlift with her.""Ask her a few questions about her, get some video and slap it on PB." I'm only supporting what has already been done to support female riders and deterring any attempt to derail those actions. I'm marginally aggressive.
  • 2 0
 There just aren't as many female riders. Don't worry if your riding is "shit" or what this guy thinks, if you have a smile on your face then you are doing a good job.
  • 13 2
 nice.. thanks.. now cause of this my girl is out riding my bike.. and im in here cooking n doing dishes....
  • 6 2
 There are a lot of dude MTB videos that are awesome and get people stoked, for sure. But I think this video helps get girls stoked to ride because it shows how unintimidating hitting jumps and drops are and they see that if other girls can do it, they can do it to. Just like the one girl said that once it's a bunch of girls, all the excuses fall away (like, that guy can do it because he's stronger, faster, etc.).
  • 4 1
 I totally agree with you! The same thing happened this year at Rampage with a small group of us ladies, and it was easily the most fun I've ever had riding with other women.
  • 3 1
 Who neg propped the above? Anyways glad you had a great time at the Rampage and got to be out there. It is great to hear the ladies and how excited they feel about riding.
  • 5 1
 Thanks Kat for pushing women's biking.

I've been riding for 18 years, including a history in DH racing. It's great to see how far it's come as there were not a lot of women when I used to race. Next year I'm looking forward to getting into some coaching and giving back, especially to women, both young and less young. It has been such a positive influence in my life, as an adolescent, and I would love to be the positives influence for young girls out there to show them that it's totally cool to be beautiful, strong and rip it up on a bike. Biking to me, has always given me this feeling of accomplishment with each ride, something that I feel is important for our youth; to give them purpose.

Thanks again and I look forward to the announcement for next years event so that I can take part and hopefully lot's of other women will watch this video, get stoked and also want to join in on the fun.
  • 5 0
 It's a real shame that there is a need for separate movie for chicks only. It would be rad to see them in one of the big titles, but then again there would be huge difference between men and women. Anyways... keep it up!
  • 3 1
 You're on the right track, although I don't actually agree with you that there would be a massive difference between the men and women -- everyone has different styles. To be honest, seeing a couple of hard-shredding chicks in a major bike film would give it more credibility to me... It also would mean that women's biking would get a huge boost, as would riding in general. Let's just admit it already, please? When did extreme skiing become really popular? When really talented women got involved and started throwing down next to the men. But it all starts with exposure... Media outlets such as PB have to start giving coverage of it, or it will die. Women have the potential to go just as big as men -- and with massive amounts of style. Smile So give us a chance already. Smile
  • 4 0
 I agree to you. At this given point, if you take a top DH women and man, there would be a difference. Someone would call it massive, some one wouldn't. But thats just linguistics not the point. You are absolutely right that women cycling will be fully boosted once its treated equally. And equally isn't support groups, separate videos or diminishing titles. If she rides good, if she's got the sleez, then she should be between guys, treated and commented equally. Being "one of" riders is all it takes... not like now being a "special one".
Off-topic, but I do not know nothing about skiing, but I definitely would love to see more riding ladies. ALERT!!! This will be really sexist and all the feminists will blow in anger and try to cripple me, but there is nothing more sexy then girl riding a bike or motorcycle. Just sayin...
  • 1 0
 I don't find that sexist whatsoever -- I completely agree, both as a woman and as a competitor. I think fair is fair.
  • 2 0
 It wasn't meant in context of this video... but guys know what I'm talking about Big Grin but yes, fair is fair!
  • 4 0
 I always feel like a bitch because despite encouraging and liking riding with other chicks I still kinda wanna kick their asses & be the best... I guess I've just gotta keep that attitude in check deep down hahaha. This video is so the opposite of that mentality which is good to get women into the sport and encourage them to progress.
This video made me really happy to watch and made me want to go ride! but instead I'm 18 weeks into a friggin concussion and just have to spend day after day sitting on my ass in hopes that at some point it'll get better Frown
So cool to see the Mother/Daughter ripping it together! I wish my mom would ride a bike....
  • 4 0
 From a girls pov, I didn't give a shit about the editing, or whatever else you guys picked at above. I loved every second of it. It made me realize that, yes I can do things I don't think I can. The whole Mantra of 'If she can do it' sums it up perfectly. I see my guy mates doing things and never imagine myself to be as good as them, because they are more skilled, fast and all round better riders than me. But if I was riding with some girls, and saw them do it, it'd be like yeah, now I know it can be done by me. It made me want to ride my bike, and I loved seeing women who have been doing it for years still kicking ass on their bikes. Thank you pinkbike, thank you ladies and thank you Mark Brent for continuing to film women on their bikes. I do agree that it would be nice to see other videos of women, but this will take time, for now, I have a smile on my face after watching it Smile
  • 8 2
 My husband says I look weird but I am glad to see that I am not the only female mountain biker rocking the pink hair! LOL!
  • 2 1
 Kat Sweet has been rocking the pink hair for awhile, I think she has to be the original Jem girl!!! Smile
  • 4 1
 Gals or guys, it doesn't really matter who there for. But these types of events are great for the progression of our sport. In a male dominated sport, it is so good to see ladies getting out there and pushing their personal limits on two wheels. My hats off to these gals who are out there just having a ripping good time. You show what this sports is really about laughs and fun. Good job to all that participated. Hope to see more gals out on the trails. Really enjoyed this vid.
  • 4 1
 VOY!!!! that's so cool to have that, i wish i could take my wife to one of those camps, it's really hard for me to teach her the ways of mountainbiking, first of all it's my wife, second i'm not a girl... A girl learning from a girl it's the best way... they have their own ways to ride, us man, if we can't jump something the right way we can always get away with a bit of muscle to pull the bike up or something like that... i know it's wrong but we have this advantage girls don't have, and there is no better way than a girl to teach them the right way... Well done! Hope those clinics turn in to a common thing around the world and in no time we will have more girls riding...
  • 2 1
 Women Of Dirt.com - check it out - full length here - www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qi_ExgNMnNE
  • 3 0
 I like to see womens gettin in the sport. It's nice to see more girls on the trails.
There is only one thing that is in mind when i see a video like this. Why is there no Pro-Freeride Girl in Movies like Where The Trail Ends or Follow Me? Imagine a girl shredding like Matt Hunter does. It would be so cool.

I often watch those videos and go out and try to get as close as possible to the skills they have and everytime i see such a video, there are no womens. I guess this is the reason less girls do this sport and it's also the reason they don't give that much into it.

Short: I like girls on MTBs but i don't think they will go big if there is no girl in one of the big movies.
  • 2 0
 One of the values of videos like these is not just showing the skills and appetite for the sport that these women posses, but it also demonstrates a simple thing I learned a long time ago in the action sports world: women are frequently better instructors (and this is coming from a man).

Typically, to the outsider or the person low on confidence, the bro-bra and testosterone-charged attitude of male instructors can intimidate and affect the learning curve. Women instructors take a different approach, and are far more supportive. Yes, a broad generalization, but it's something I've seen in a number of outdoor sports, be it mtbing, kayaking, snowboarding, etc.

Having met a few of these women pros in person, they never fail to impress me with their insight and intelligence. Look at their accomplishments off the bike: Darcy Turenne is stunning and truly brilliant; Lorraine Blancher is just about the most beautiful woman in the action sports world in my books; she rides stylishly and fearlessly, has an amazing attitude, is completely humble, and rips the mountains Winter and Summer.
  • 7 2
 Awesome work, very cool! Great to see more girls and women getting into mountain biking.
  • 5 3
 Huge respect to the coaches and coaching, but not enough can be said about access. The beginner-ish riders from the first half of the video look more confident and technically capable than like 80% of my large, nationally competitive college cycling team. And it comes down to lack of access to good, legal trails--especially freeride trails like those showcased here. Good for you if you have a private ranch or secret trails, but that's not going to grow the sport. Not cool, California, "birthplace of mountain biking."
  • 3 1
 If you want legal trails it takes work, I am fortunate enough to live in the greater Seattle area where Evergreen Mountain Bike Alliance exists along with other advocacy groups, without them all the good trails would be illegal, but they have forged the way for us and we now have legal Free ride trails and awesome parks like Duthie Hill that the county fully supports. If you don't have an advocacy group in your area, start one. It takes time and energy to make things right and get legal trails, but it is fully worth it!
  • 7 2
 I dig. More girls on bikes!
  • 5 1
 You want these girls to be Pumped to ride their bikes! PUMPED!
  • 5 1
 why cant each world cup race have a dance party after awards??
  • 4 0
 i love the run pretend ridding
  • 3 0
 interviewer: " what do you think of women on freeride"
little girls: " it´s awesome we don´t ride cross country anymore"
  • 2 0
 Isn't this the point of the movie? Thanks for pointing this out!
  • 4 2
 Ok I'll be the first to speak my mind. Ugly chicks and mediocre riding. Title 9 blows and the wnba is a charity case. PC people are liars...
  • 1 0
 As one of the peeps who helped build that old couse in 05' at Hemlock I got to say great work ladies! I think you need another purpose built course to help showcase your awesomeness!
  • 2 0
 Wish we have this kind of camp in Indonesia just for girls. Awesome ride ladies!
  • 4 1
 Good job Kat! This is great!
  • 14 14
 It's great that women are becoming more involved in the sport, but that was a boring 'documentary'. If you want to attract more women to the sport, you have to do better than that!
  • 10 1
 I think girls that are starting out need to see more vids like this.
  • 6 1
 I thought it was a great insight to what biking is all about. The progression from small features to the large ones gave a nice feeling that everybody grew and accomplished a ton.
  • 10 2
 You know, as a lady, I think mtbmaniak is right -- I want to see a chick, ponytail flying out the back of her helmet, throwing down and laying it in. Entry level stuff is cool and all, but the women I respect (and want to ride with) most are the ladies that absolutely rip, like Leigh Donovan or Anne-Caroline Chausson or the current queens of DH, freeride, and BMX who kill it. THAT inspires me and makes me want to get on my bike... But that's just my personal opinion.
  • 2 0
 I agree that it wasn't the greatest shred video, but I think it does exactly what merlinmarlee and david-kooi said. There's a smaller population of women freeriding. Those looking from the outside in might be intimidated by jumps and such. I know when I first started I was intimidated by most of the stuff at the local trails. I think most women need to be comfortable seeing that others are learning also. Help them get away from guys being able to do it because they're stronger. Along that thought, a girl could easily use the excuse that the Pro FR Ladies are stronger/more experienced. This video does a good job of showing people break through those mental hurdles.

Also, I've mentioned this in other discussions of women in action sports, but I brought home a girls snowboarding magazine to my 5 y.o. daughter. She was flipping through the pictures and was completely surprised when I told her that they were all girls. When I mentioned I have this video to show here, she was bummed I told her we'd watch it after school.

Keep up the inspiration for the dad's of little girls!
  • 2 2
 Women Of Dirt.com - check it out - full length here - www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qi_ExgNMnNE
  • 3 1
 That was awesome. Great coaching leading to rapid progression, ver cool stuff
  • 7 8
 got to 9 mins and saw about 20sec of riding these girls are good good at comparing themselves to men good at yoga good at talking good at messing around good at crying after they fall could not tolerate this any longer.Why do women want to compare themselves to anyone? Most of these ladies are doing stuff I cant do but really where is the riding? Most guys are not trying to be better than ladies and dont care if a girl can beat them. Maybe they should stick to driving the shuttle.
  • 3 2
 I am sorry but if you actually watch all the video there is some great riding. What is with the attitude. They weren't comparing themselves to guys and just want to ride. Stop trolling and go somewhere else.
  • 6 0
 Women on bikes are awesome but this film annoyed the crap out of me, there was some great riding but other than that moofish was on the money. I'd still rather see girls riding than driving shuttle though.
  • 1 0
 The point is to the the story of If She Can Do It, Then I Can Do It. You don't have to like that story. I respect the hell to the "T" out of that?
  • 3 1
 So little riding at the start made me lose interest.Its bad editing to make the first 30% boring.I think its great that ladies are riding, but why shouldnt they be its fun. The whole premise of the film is proving that women can ride. Well I already know that. If they want to ride then ride dont try and be special just because you have a vagina. I certainly dont think Im special because I have a penis.Basically it was a movie of women saying that "hey usually women are inferior but we are different." I dont think anyone is inferior because they have certain genitals these women would be better riders than me with or without genitalia. Their gender should be irrellevant to your judgement of them.Even more annoying than the women feeling inferior was the bullshit Amerikan style gung ho Are you pumped!! bullshit.Those ladies are pumped or they wouldnt be there. That sort of crap doesnt work on Aussies. I totally admit the shuttle comment was just mindless shitstirring though.
  • 1 0
 This is an incredible vid with an impressive rider who happens to be female amongst two riders who happen to be male. I believe that this is the way to support riders who happen to be female.Treat them exactly as you would a male.
  • 1 0
 i got through 2:30 (about 30%) minutes of that video. it took 2 minutes before they stopped talking and actually rode a bike and i never saw the girl riding. i'm sure the video is great, but your point of 'made me lose interest' and 'bad editing' is lost with this example. i think this example of a good video and a rad female rider works better:
Miranda Miller is a shredder and the only talking in the vid is trash talking.
  • 2 0
 You're opinion is respected. But, you're missing that the point of this was to tell the story of how this event (the whole thing) got more women together to ride than most men-dominate events. You can judge. That's fine. But maybe you'd look smarter if you judged us against our goals. Goals that most of the viewers seemed to understand and appreciate. Progression was a large part of the event and that is reflected in the documentary. My film Women Of Dirt showed more Women shredding at a higher level, but that was the point of that film. Cheers!
  • 3 0
 I wish my friends would get stoked when I do an x-up or a one hander Frown
  • 1 0
 I remember seeing Kat at a local race a few years ago, I can't believe how much she, and many other riders, of course, have improved over and years.
  • 3 2
 you know its bad when girls who are just learning this stuff have better bikes than me....
  • 4 1
 It isn't about the bike, its about the rider!
  • 4 2
 that girl with the redbars needs to hit my line
  • 2 1
 This is so awesome!! It would be so sick to have something like this on the east coast.
  • 3 1
 That was really rad! Cool to see such a large group of ladies killin it!
  • 1 0
 ...And this is why we get made fun of, the riding isn't bad but the interview parts; ouch!!
  • 7 6
 When was the kitchen moved outdoors? Wink
  • 2 0
 So awesome.
  • 1 0
 sweet! That's all i have to say. SWEEEET!
  • 1 0
 Its midnight and after watching this i just really wanna ride, but i cant.
  • 2 5
 Duthie Hill! Its cool to see more girls riding but I'd rather watch girls getting rowdy at Exit 27 than some beginners hitting a few gaps. But I guess this video isn't really meant to be geared towards me.
  • 3 3
 Theres no fun sport without you ladies! Well done and keep cycling! Big Grin
  • 4 5
 Welcome to the new most viewed video in Pinkbike history.
  • 5 6
  • 3 6
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