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Video: Elements - Harri Jones

Jan 23, 2014
by Harri Jones and Adam Buckingham  

After a few days rest Harri Jones was back on the bike shredding after a weekend in Adelaide competing for the national title in the U17’s category. With temperatures reaching nearly 50OC the riders were only able to complete limited practice runs in preparation for seeding runs and race day. With mixed emotions over the course of the weekend, a lot was taken away from Harri’s initial National Race Weekend. After returning home to the South East of Queensland, Harri was back in his element showing off his talent at the Cedar Creek trails.

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Round 1 of the Subaru National Series was held within Eagle Park, Adelaide in South Australia. First time contender Harri Jones showed his worth seeding in 4th place after putting together a quick run together on the Saturday setting him up nicely for Sunday. Sunday morning gave time for 4 more practice runs to get in the mindset of racing before riding was stopped to allow the competition to begin. Through the top and middle section of the track Harri was quick and sat in 2nd place until on the second to last corner the front wheel washed out leaving Harri on the ground and in 11th position overall. Soon after the race it was found to be a slow leak the caused the crash putting it down as a mechanical error.


Soon enough it was time to head home but rest was short lived as the TripleTreeProductions team headed out to a recently groomed Cedar Creek trail. The environment was unrecognizable after a fire has passed through the area causing all shrubbery and small trees to be burnt away and big trees to fall across the shuttle road and track itself. Thanks to a team of hard workers the weekend before the track was back up to pristine condition and ready to be featured in another TripleTree edit.

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Member since Jun 19, 2013
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  • 6 0
 Sick riding and editing! Good job lads
  • 6 1
 track is almost unrecognizable since that fire
  • 2 6
flag m0ngy (Jan 23, 2014 at 18:08) (Below Threshold)
 True, eh. I know Eagle Park pretty well, and I can't place any of those lines without all the shrubs and bushes you usually have to weave in and out of. Oh yeah, love your work Harry, keep training hard buddy, and don't forget to do push-ups every day, improve core body strength.
  • 5 1
 it's not eagle park, it's cedar creek in qld haha
  • 1 1
 Oh, lol!
  • 4 0
 yeah buddy sick edit
  • 1 0
 Why can't I watch it. It has the play button with a slash through it
  • 1 0
 sorry dude but it doesnt work on phones or iPads etc
  • 2 1
 solid riding but it was shocking editing!
  • 1 0
 Any feedback man? why is it shocking?
  • 2 1
 way too much slow mo, get a tripod, lose the mainstream music, lose the video colab at the start and follow the rider through the track with one shot at a time, dont use totally different shots from all over the track.
  • 1 2
 holy crap you guys have improved heeps great riding harri and sick edit !!!!!!!!
  • 1 2
 Anybody have a link that works on mobile?

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