First 720 in Competition thrown down in Creston BC

Jun 19, 2006
by Tyler Maine  
It's usually the big towns and big resorts that get all the attention.
It's the big names that make the mags the movies and get the girls. But not this time. Nestled in the kootenays lays a small town by the name of Creston. And on June 3rd of this year, this small town played host to a little taste of history.Scott Alleyn among his fellow riders spent the entire day (the day before the actual comp) rushing together what turned out to be a sweet set of dirt jumps. With the help of many others and a loader, they came together at the right height, distance and with just enough landing dirt to ease the pain of falling. On June 3rd Creston, BC played host to what was anticipated to be a "small skate and bike jam". Little did we know that riders from east to west would show up with much interest. Little did we know that the entire bike course would be bombarded by many spectators.


Throughout this comp, riders were throwing backflips, nothings, no-footed cans, x-ups, bar spins, supermans, 360's. They were giving the crowd a show that none expected. But as the day went on...nobody was ready for what Scott Alleyn had planned in his head.


Every competitor had gone for their last qualifying run...except Scott.
As he stood up at the top of the run-in, the crowd sensed something big was going to happen. did. First, Scott layed out the biggest back flip that most had ever seen. Landing that beautifully he set up for the next jump with a tweaked table...smiling because of what he just stuck...and then finally...pedalling as fast as he could, he came upon the last jump. With an intense pump...he hit the lip of the jump, spinning what was thought to be impossible. But as he was really inevitable. Scott Alleyn had just become the first mountain biker ever to land a 720 in competition. The second he landed it, the crowd piled over to him as if he was waving $1000 bills. History was made and everyone knew it. But there's one more thing—Scott, well he had a broken thumb (that happened in practice), oh...and did i mention that he snapped his frame earlier in practice too? So just keep that in mind...a broken frame taped back together...and a broken thumb taped up. Sick.


So can big things happen in little places...well of course they can.

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