Four Ways to Release a Tight Groin – Monthly Yoga With Abi

Jan 22, 2018
by Abi Carver  
Downward Dog Split

Firstly, I’m sorry that I didn't post an article last month. I've been working on a new site, specifically for you guys, and that has taken up most of my time. I’m hoping to launch it very soon.

Now, on to business. Today’s article is about the groin and why it’s causing you problems.

What is the groin?

The groin is your upper inner thigh. It is closely related to your hip adductors, which are the five inner thigh muscles that lie in between your quads and hamstrings.

These five adductors originate from the pubic and sitting bones. Two are short adductors – the pectineus and the adductor brevis – and attach at the back of the upper femur (thighbone). Two are longer – the adductor longus and adductor magnus – and attach lower down the femur. The longest – the gracilis – attaches below the knee, to the upper tibia (shinbone).

Actions of the adductors

These are many and varied:

- When they contract, the adductors squeeze your thighs together—this is known as hip adduction.
- They assist the hip flexors (psoas and iliacus) and abductors (glutes and TFL) in flexing, extending and rotating your hip.
- The gracilis assists the hamstrings in knee flexion and stabilization.
- They co-contract with the hip abductors to stabilize the hips and pelvis.

Why is your groin tight?

Probably because you’ve done a whole lot of activities that require you to contract your adductors and comparatively little stretching. This, like most muscular imbalances, unfortunately, is exacerbated by riding, in which you draw your thighs towards each other to control the bike and never have to open them very wide or take them through their full range of motion.

Additionally, your adductors tighten up in much the same way as the hip flexors do from sitting too much, and you may well do or have done sports when you were younger that required running and changing direction quickly, without paying too much attention to your recovery.

What range of flexibility should you have?

Here is a simple test you can do. Lie on your back with butt against the wall and your legs straight up. Allow your legs to fall open (abduct) while maintaining contact with the wall. You should have at least a 90-degree angle between your legs.

Overly tight adductors can contribute to pain and dysfunction in the lower back, hips, knees, and ankles, and can make you more susceptible to groin injuries.

Yoga and the groin

Many riders don’t realize that their groin is tight until they start practicing yoga. In many ways, it can act as a diagnostic tool. In our sessions, we focus as much on hip abduction (pulling your thighs apart) as on hip adduction (drawing them together). I've written before about hip openers, but this is a fairly general term. In a previous article, I described the three different types—outer hip (glute), hip flexor and groin stretches. Today, I’ll just focus on the last of these.

I’m going to give you eight passive stretches (plus some bonus poses) but I recommend you combine them with regular hip opening yoga sequences like this one to actively and dynamically stretch your adductors.

I have broken them down into four types:

Part One: A Pose to do as Much as Possible

To use a concept popularised by author Tim Ferriss, this pose is the 80/20 of groin stretches—the pose that will give you 80% of the benefits with 20% of the effort.

Sitting Cross-Legged

Sitting Cross-Legged

This may be the first position in yoga when you realize how tight your groin is. Ideally, you should be able to sit up straight, fairly comfortably. However, for such a seemingly simple pose (the Sanskrit name is Sukhasana or Easy Pose), it requires considerable flexibility in the inner thighs, hamstrings, and hip joints. If you don’t have access to this range of motion, your pelvis will tilt back, causing your lower back to round.

The bad news is that it is going to take a while to loosen up all these powerful muscles and tendons. The good news is that this is an easy posture to integrate into your everyday life.

In the correct alignment, your knees are level with or below your hips (not up by your armpits) and your spine is straight. To achieve this, sit on the edge of some cushions or a block to lift your hips up higher than your knees. This allows your pelvis to rotate forward and bring your spine into a neutral position.

This is a passive pose, so don't try to push down on your knees to hurry things up, as this is more likely to increase rather than decrease tension. For quicker results, sit for longer.

Try to replace as much chair sitting as you can, propped up in this position. In time, your groin will start to release and your posture will improve.

Part Two: Poses to do After Your Ride:

Hold these poses after your ride for as long as you have time for. 10 breaths, in and out through your nose, or a few minutes if you can. Try to relax into the stretches and repeat them a couple of times.

Wide-Knee Child's Pose

Wide-Knee Child s Pose

Touch your big toes together and bring your knees out wide for this variation of Child's Pose. If your butt doesn't reach your heels, sit back on a pillow or some cushions. Shift your weight from side to side to loosen up your groin, then settle into the pose. Breathe deep into your lower back, letting go of tension on every exhalation.

Side Lunge

Side Lunge

In Side Lunge, spend a few breaths stretching the hamstrings of your straight leg, then rotate your foot in to move the stretch into your groin. Alternate between the two, spending 5-10 breaths in each of them.

Squat Twist

Squat Twist

This variation of the Squat will give you some extra leverage. When your left arm is up, press against the inside of your right thigh with your bent arm to deepen the stretch. If your heels don't touch the ground, you can stay up on your toes or find something to support them on.

Wide-Leg Forward Bend

Wide-Leg Standing Forward Bend

In this hamstring and groin stretch, it is totally fine to keep your knees bent – don't force it. And if you have lower back issues and have been advised against practicing forward bends, please skip this pose.

Part Three. Poses to do When You Have More Time – in the Evening or After a Workout

The idea with these postures is to hold them for a long time, yin style. Start with one minute and build up from there. You can combine them with meditation or a relaxing breathing technique if you like.

Happy Baby

Happy Baby Photo credit Paul Baker

If you can’t reach your feet, hold onto your ankles or shins. Rock gently from side to side and then hold the pose still. Breathe and relax, allowing your groin to let go of tension on every exhalation.

Reclining Butterfly

Reclining Butterfly

If you support your knees on cushions, you may find that you can let go of more tension, as your central nervous system receives the message that it is safe to relax. Breathe deeply and let gravity do the work.

Sleeping Pigeon

Pigeon Pose Photo credit Paul Baker

Sleeping Pigeon is a deep hip opener. To really feel it in your groin, inch your front foot forward a few inches before you relax into the pose. Use as many cushions as you need, to support your right hip.

Part Four: Poses for More of a Challenge

One of the benefits of yoga is that it operates on many levels. These three bonus poses are great groin stretches but they will also challenge you in other areas – in flexibility, balance, coordination and agility. See how you get on.

Bending Tree

Bending Tree

This variation of Tree Pose ups the ante by shifting your center of gravity. Press down firmly through your bottom foot, engage your core and try to hold the pose as still as you can for 5 breaths.

Extended Side Angle

Extended Side Angle

In this pose, line up your front heel with the middle of your back foot, try to bring your from thigh parallel with the mat and press back firmly through the outside edge of your left foot.

Balancing Half Moon

Balancing Half Moon

When you're learning this pose, rest your bottom hand on a block to bring the floor up a little closer, or you can use a wall for support. Flex your top foot and press back strongly through your heel. See if you can hold the pose still for a few breaths.

Glute-groin imbalance

When it comes to releasing tension in the groin, weak glutes – the antagonists to the adductors – are also likely to be part of the picture. A common scenario for mountain bikers is overactive adductors and hip flexors, and weak gluteus maximus, medius and minimus. It is beyond the scope of this article but is something I encourage you to look into.

Take care

As always, please see a good physical therapist if you experience pain in any of these poses or have other concerns. There might be something more serious going on that could require professional medical attention.

Let me know how you get on with these poses and what else you've found that has worked for you. Stay loose!

Previous Yoga with Abi:

Release Tension In The Upper Back & Injury-Proof Your Shoulders
Yoga For Sore, Weak or Inflexible Wrists
Loosen Up Tight Hips With 3 Types Of Poses
15-Minute Post-Ride Routine Designed To Optimize Your Recovery
Three Levels of Yoga to Relieve Lower Back Pain
Stretches to Relieve a Tight Chest and Stiff Shoulders
The Most Effective Style of Yoga to Increase Your Flexibility
Easy 15-Minute Yoga Routine To Loosen Up Tight Joints
How To Release Tight Quads And Increase Your Power
How To Release Chronically Tight Hamstrings
A Challenging One-Hour Yoga Flow Class
Take Control of Your Mind and Push Your Personal Limits
Yoga To Relieve Pain In Between The Shoulder Blades
15-Minute Routine To Unlock Tight Hips
15-Minute Yoga Routine To Build Core Strength
Short Yoga Routine To Help With Lower Back Pain in Bikers
15-Minute Yoga Routine To Enhance Balance and Agilityl
15-Minute Post-Ride Yoga Routine
8 Quick Yoga Stretches To Do At Work

MENTIONS: @yoga15app

Author Info:
yoga15app avatar

Member since Feb 18, 2015
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  • 237 3
 With a title like that this comments section could go down hill faster than Gwin...
  • 110 1
 I'm only here to read "Below threshold threads are visible" comments.
  • 33 15
 It's a shame people come on these videos to mostly either be vulgar/white knights. All of that BS aside, these videos and the benefits they lead to are fantastic. I just wish I remembered to do them more.
  • 11 31
flag milanboy1986 (Jan 22, 2018 at 3:35) (Below Threshold)
 @chyu: Yep, I'm the first one. Neg-prop me straight to hell. Haha.
  • 23 36
flag axleworthington FL (Jan 22, 2018 at 3:37) (Below Threshold)
 Here's an idea: Have pictures of an enduro-bro doing the poses if you want less vulgar comments.
  • 70 2
 @axleworthington: You don't know what I'm into
  • 23 4
 I went straight to the comments section just to see how quickly they had gone downhill. I can hear Warner shouting "Look at the time!!!! Look at the time!"
  • 9 18
flag burnadette (Jan 22, 2018 at 6:58) (Below Threshold)
 Abi looks like a CGI person to me.
  • 6 3
 @axleworthington: the only thing we want is for you to shut up lol
  • 19 6
 My groin is less tight after this that's for sure... thanks Abi
  • 34 0
 I feel like pinkbike is just trolling us
  • 3 0
 @codfather1234: they say the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem, and the second is to do the work, so you're almost there!
  • 4 0
 @yoga15app: Absolutely. Just need to find the video titled "How to Alleviate Random Pain in One Shoulder Blade Arising from Sitting on Sofa" and I'm good to go. Getting up earlier than 6:30am is not an attractive idea though...
  • 2 0
 @codfather1234: I prescribe hanging! Check out Ido Portal.
  • 3 0
 @moefosho: It's Drunkcyclist behind the wheel
  • 1 1
  • 46 7
 I got fondled by a series of male GPs over the course of a couple of weeks before one correctly suggested the pains i was experiencing, would be resolved by stretching my groin/hamstrings. Found out my nuts weren't filled with cancer and got to enjoy the guilty pleasure, of the gentle caress of several elderly Indian men. Bonus.
  • 14 2
 ok, good for you, i guess
  • 8 2
 Exact same experience! Except it was an old white guy and he suggested I had chlamydia. Yoga has helped a ton.
  • 1 0
 @SangamonTaylor: But maybe he was right...
  • 20 0
 Love a story with a happy ending.
  • 1 0
 I've had a pain for a few months which i thought may have been a hernia, After going the doctors finally they couldn't find anything. Been off bike for almost a month to rest it and its still here. I think the issue is a pulled groin as well, feels like someones wrapped a weight around my bollocks lol. Hoping light stretches should ease the pain as its annoying now. sometimes get paint in my hip etc and remember the pain coming on after a side lunge with weights didn't go to plan.
  • 4 1

Talk about it, so it can never happen again
  • 5 0
 'How does he sit down with balls that big?!?' Answer: in the reclining butterfly
  • 25 1
 Thanks Abi, perfectly timed. I really need to work on this. I have your video series and my 5 year old daughter always nags me to do it with her. Especially after we have been out for a bike ride together.
  • 6 0
 How do you get your 5 year old to go on rides with you? I can't get my 6 year old to even get on a bike!
  • 6 0
 @BornOnTwo: I have trouble getting my kids off bikes. Even now in the winter they fight about who rides the trainer with zwift. Twin 5 year olds and a 7 year old. I only have 2 trainers so they have to take turns whilst I try to do yoga with whoever is not riding.
  • 4 0
 @BornOnTwo: @BornOnTwo: Start with strider bikes. It's really the best way to learn. Training wheels teach you the wrong way to ride. That's why it's always so traumatic when you take them off, they're basically having to completely relearn how to ride. With strider type bikes they already have the whole balance and handling thing down, and all they have to do is learn to pedal. They're already comfortable on the bike.
  • 5 0
 @BornOnTwo: Make it fun. Ask what they want to ride. Don’t push them. Oh, and some kids just aren’t interested in riding, in which case there is nothing to do but find a sport you both enjoy together.
  • 16 1
 @BornOnTwo: Some cable ties and duct tape.
  • 3 0
 @carym: yes that’s how I did it. Took the strider bikes every time we went to the park and didn’t mention them. When the kids saw other kids on the bikes they suddenly noticed their own striders and tried them. It helped living in a biking town where everyone is bike mad. Now they race mtbs and Cyclocross without pushing them.
But if they don’t want to ride. I don’t make them. In the end it doesn’t matter as long as they are doing some for of exercise.
  • 3 0
 I think my kids got off their strider bikes onto pedal bikes at the age of three or so. Strider bikes are fun. Balance and steering is the main thing, pedaling only comes after that. I've got one 20" mountainbike that's currently only suitable for the oldest girl, at least for off road stuff. But the first time was when she was six (she's seven now) and the youngest turned six recently and she also grew a lot so I might try again soon. But yeah just riding their regular bikes in the streets, they've been doing that for a long while. But they can't go to the trails alone so especially with shorter daylight it means mountainbiking is only in the weekends for them. They recently picked up inline skating which they can do without me. Which is fine too. As long as they can entertain and develop themselves with something active rather than be entertained by silicon valley I'm happy.
  • 3 0
 @TucsonDon: strider bikes, googled it, looks fun, I will try and see if she likes it. Thanks guys!
  • 4 0
 @BornOnTwo: Or you could bribe your little one with promises of post-ride yoga!
  • 3 0
 She sounds like a smart cookie!
  • 1 0
 @BornOnTwo: if you have access to a local pump track or skatepark that’s a great way to get your kids psyched on riding. My son (now 10) would rather go to a skatepark than sweating it out on some trails. My daughter (7) is more open minded and will pedal around with me on some easy XC trails.
  • 18 7
 Any publicity is good they say. I am sure she selects the titles and PB approves them. So my though is, she is probably aware they will elicit different reactions, but that it will also get people to click on the article. Once the article is opened, it is overwhelmingly positive science based yoga, which has a lot of well thought out material specifically and obviously benefitial for us cyclists. This should make it difficult for most of us to proceed through the article with an amorous attitute for too long, and likely will add to her yoga followers, which is one of her primary goals. Sex sells, everyone knows that. If she can get some people to open the article, who are motivated by pictures and a racy title, she will probably increase her customer base. It is difficult to not appreciate how much she is trying to help us and how well her articles are written.
  • 11 30
flag IluvRIDING (Jan 22, 2018 at 3:12) (Below Threshold)
 Well I am not a fan of this kind of clickbait.
  • 27 3
 @IluvRIDING: How is it clickbait? The article content delivered is exactly what the title eludes to. There's no trickery or misdirection here.
  • 7 14
flag IluvRIDING (Jan 22, 2018 at 3:30) (Below Threshold)
 @codfather1234: Clickbait is not misdirection or trickery. Wikipedia: Clickbait is a pejorative term for web content whose main goal is to get users to click on a link to go to a certain webpage. Clickbait headlines typically aim to exploit the "curiosity gap," providing just enough information to make readers curious, but not enough to satisfy their curiosity without clicking through to the linked content.
  • 18 2
 @IluvRIDING: So that would be absolutely anything on the web then.
  • 1 0
 Social and content performance is based on volume not sentiment.
  • 7 1
 Then what title would you give to this article?

BTW I do Abi' exercises almost daily and they are extremely helpful for my back pain. Many thanks @yoga15app!
  • 27 1
 @Slabrung: "Doctors Hate Her. Find out why with this one simple trick."
  • 2 0
 @codfather1234: He's used to click-bate.
  • 6 0
 I would like to think that Abi is pure and decent, slightly naive perhaps, and is unaware that the majority of males are sexual deviants.
  • 2 1
 @pigman65: (living under a rock). Service station toilets have told me all about your sexual deviances.
  • 2 0
 @pigman65: Dogs, all of us.
  • 3 0
 @Slabrung: It's a good point. Thank you. I'm so happy to hear the yoga is working for you.
  • 20 7
 Mine isn't tight anymore
  • 10 0
 This is one tricky PC trap of a headline you got there, pinkbike... it's gonna be tough, even for a dignified bunch like ourselves, to sit this on out.
  • 9 0
 This is very useful, thank you!
  • 7 11
flag DonaldTrumpOfficial (Jan 22, 2018 at 6:48) (Below Threshold)
 Make abi great again! wait she's already great
  • 2 0
 Thank you @mtb-journal. Let me know if you have any questions.
  • 12 3
 I want to compliment the actual relative civility here.
  • 10 2
 He said groin, hehe he
  • 4 0
 Abi, do you have any exercises to help with bike park claw? You have pretty much elimenated all my aches except that one. Your forearm exercises definitely help but I was wondering if you had hand and finger specific excerises?
  • 2 0
 I don't have any specific yoga poses for the hands and fingers but the principles of consistent gentle movement and stretching still apply—not only for the specific area that is tight but also for your forearms (as you mention) and even shoulders. Also, with a strong core, you should find that you don't need to grip so hard.
  • 1 0
 put your leavers facing more vertical. This allows the palm to rest on grip inline with your for arm instead of the center of the palm. Also try back the biting point off the leavers so there closer to the grip. Hope this helps as it did with myself.
  • 2 0
 @ginger-wheels I also used to have a deathgrip problem (terrible pain in the fingers), especially in terrain with lots of small stones and holes. What helped was buying ESI grips. They are supposed to eliminate vibrations. I got this recommendation from bike park staff when I was complaining about the pain, I bought the grips and the pain never returned. What @jamiedub08 wrote about lever position is also great advice. There are articles on the Web on how to adjust them properly.
  • 3 0
 Oh no, another area where I realize my current movement pattern has made me much too stiff. Even though I think I don't even sit that much I don't use the full range for most of what I do. Silly enough my baggy pants are more the limiting factor so I usually don't even run into my own limits. I also realized that I've suffered a few good injuries there too. Once my handlebar cut into a muscle there (inside upper thigh, pretty close indeed) after which I definitely got stiffer there. Back then I wasn't even concerned about consequences down the line. I'll give it a go, getting too stiff is never good.
  • 3 0
 Hey @yoga15app for a long time I was doing pigeon pose to help with glute / ITband tension, but read it may be hard on the knee, and too be honest it does put a lot of pressure on mine. Sorry if I missed it, but is there an alternate to this or is that the function of the cushions?
  • 1 0
 If your doing an elevated pigeon stretch on a bench or chair, keep everything the same except just slide your foot off. As soon as the pressure is taken away from your foot, you’ll be able to still get a great glute stretch without the twisting of the knee ???????? Hope this helps!
  • 1 0
 Or try the dead pigeon (lying on your back) and try to do most of the twisting from your hip, controlling your knee position. Helpful with some practice.
  • 1 0
 Try a wounded pigeon..Isolates the knee
  • 2 0
 Firstly, always pay attention to sensations like that—not all poses are suitable for all bodies—but luckily there are lots of different options you can try until this issue is resolved. The advice from @gravity808 and @Slabrung is good—thank you guys. Keeping the foot of your front leg close to your hip should also help (keeping the angle tight) and there are other poses to stretch the glutes including Seated Spinal Twist and Reclining Spinal Twist you could try—you'll find instructions on my site: Dead Pigeon is probably the best call.
  • 1 0
 @yoga15app: Thanks everyone.
  • 1 0
 @yoga15app: Perhaps you are not familiar with this variation of the pigeon pose ? of which there are many, It was taught to me by a professional Mountain bike rider who just happens to be a yoga instructor.
  • 4 0
 I was recently diagnosed with "Cyclist Syndrome" ( I didn't even know that existed, and bet most of you don't too ) and I will incorporate these with the PT program already laid out for me...... Thanks Abi!
  • 3 0
 Awesome. Yoga and PT is a great combination for rehabilitation.
  • 4 1

Is it yoga on 8th photo where she's lying down? Than I do yoga rather often with the same position after 5-6 L of beer.
  • 5 33
flag RedBurn (Jan 22, 2018 at 6:53) (Below Threshold)
 its a woman training for the missionary
  • 1 2
 @RedBurn: what to train there??
Lie downn and pretend a timber.
  • 8 4
 Photographer: "Do something yoga-ish for the front page thumbnail on PB"
Subject: Bends over and randomly sticks left foot in the air.
Photographer: "Nailed it."
  • 1 1
 Oh, a penny!
  • 3 0
 good one for me as i tore one of my abductors couple of years ago and its never been right since,, new year may as well give these a go,, cant hurt ,, well maybe
  • 2 0
 Yoga is kinda tricky when you have a permanently screwed knee that's missing about 40 degrees of bend - at least half of yoga positions seem to require full range of movement in your knees...
  • 5 0
 reclining butterfly for most here probably.
  • 3 0
 Timely! I've been having issues with the right side of my inner thigh and groin. Noticeably tighter than the left and my usual mobility drills haven't been helping!
  • 2 0
 Thanks Abi. I needed this. Been doing a couple of these, but it's good to have a true plan of attack. Thanks to you my flexibility has been improving over the past year or two.
  • 1 0
 Amazing! That's so good to hear. It can be hard to keep it interesting but hopefully the balance poses will give you something new to try.
  • 1 0
 Once again, Abi's contributions here are awesome. Sort of "life-saving" in my case in helping mitigate chronic back pain and keep me on a bike over the last couple years. I'm back on a bike and still using her methods at 12 weeks post-op. Thanks Abi! We're all a bit "twisted" in the head here. Probably no positions or poses you can show us to fix that but I hope you're able to at least get a bit of a laugh from the circus that is Pinkbike!
  • 4 1
 Make's me want to go out and get some yoga pants. Are you even allowed to do yoga, if you dont have yoga pants?
  • 6 2
 You can do yoga in whatever you want, brah.
  • 7 3
 you interested in showing off your mangina?
  • 2 1
 My girl just bought some for 80bugs. When I sighed about it, she said: "They are eco friendly!". Phew. But who am I. Im also wearing MTB jerseys from Fox for a fortune. I guess you, too, Jason?
  • 2 0
 @GeeHad: not really. Restrictive clothes like non stretchy jeans will not work. You need zero restrictions, and comfort. Sweatpants, or basketball shorts are fine.
  • 2 0
 @speed10: Yup, found out my style doesn't really work either. Baggy cargo pants don't move properly and for some poses the cargo is in the way. Same with a hooded sweater. It is distracting when you do a downward facing dog (or at least an attempt) and the hood drops over your head. I don't think you need stretchy stuff but something lightweight and at least less restrictive than your own abilities allow is recommended.
  • 1 0
 If you are a guy the hard part is finding a yoga mat that is big enough. They are usually middle of the bell curve womens size.
  • 2 1
 @iamamodel: I don't know. I'm about six foot tall and think the yoga mat of my girlfriend is big enough. I'll check with her what make it is. She's actually off for a yoga session right now Wink . I think it is something with a frog in the logo, nut sure if that does ring any bells.

Now of course you may not need a mat for everything. In the article title, Abi always seems to perform some challenging yoga pose without mat. So in this case i guess you'll be fine with a good large rock just ten feet above the water. Forget about the Rampage. Yoga instructors like exposure too Wink . Not to take anything away from Abi's excellent advice, Ryan Leech also has some "trailside" yoga which, as the name implies, can be done in (less challenging) terrain. Now that your buddies don't have to wait anymore while you fix a puncture, they may just as well wait while you perform some trailside yoga Smile .
  • 1 0
 @vinay: I've noticed how dirty my matt gets, so I am saving the carpet. And I can't use my timber floors as they are too slippery.

Well, just knowing larger matts are out there will spur me into looking harder, so ta for that.
  • 1 0
 @iamamodel: @iamamodel: my yoga teaching girlfriend buys the mats on a 50 meter roll for her courses so I can cut mine the length I need them...
  • 2 0
 @iamamodel: Yeah, I'm not getting any grip on my timber floors either. My downward facing dog quickly turns into a chilling icebear. But the skin under my feet is pretty hard and rigid and actually great for sliding around in the house. My kids still have this soft flexible skin under their feet so I'm always surprised with what they can do. But yeah as for the mat, we don't know what brand it was. It has kind of stick figure tropical frog on it and I think I've seen the brand in her magazines but I can't recall the brand name. Anyway, this mat seems plenty long. @rashaa has a good solution too, if you can find a place where they will sell you a piece of mat from a roll. Or you can buy one roll with a couple of friends.

Was kidding about the rock obviously. Though my girlfriend finished her (ashtanga) yoga teacher training last year and she also learned from a book by David Swenson. Even though he does demonstrate the poses on a regular mat, he also likes to start each chapter with the pose demonstrated in a beautiful yet also dangerously exposed scenery. At the edge of a high rock, just next to a huge waterfall, stuff like that. Obviously with the Rampage athletes are getting points for exposed lines. But yoga is never a contest (as far as I know) but it also goes way beyond the physical bit we see here. So maybe that's the mental bit. Being confident to perform a pose in an exposed place where failure has consequences.
  • 1 0
 @vinay: if this mat has a frog then it probably is Manduka, considered one of the best mats out there. I was thinking about buying a Manduka mat, but I read some reviews and it seems it has a breakdown period when the top layer has to wear off, and before if happens the mat is slippery. Was your mat like this? Maybe people exaggerate...
  • 1 0
 @Slabrung: Oh yeah, you're correct! I think she rubbed it with seasalt to accelerate the wear. New it was already less slippery than what she had before (which was a relatively cheap one when she started out) but the wear definitely helped.
  • 1 0
 Thanks @vinay! I think I'm too lazy to rub the mat, I'd like to have a final product out of the box... So the search continues Smile thankfully my current mat is quite ok, so I'm not hard pressed.
  • 1 0
 @Slabrung and @vinay: I used to have a Manduka (frog logo) mat which I never had any trouble. But Lululemon gave me one last summer which is incredible. It weighs a tonne which is a nightmare when I travel long-haul but it's worth it for having total control when I'm doing more difficult yoga moves.
  • 1 0
 @yoga15app: Thanks Abi. I think I've heard about lululemon too though I'm not sure if she actually has their stuff. Either way the Manduka is more than sufficient right now. It seems Lululemon would be good solution for a mat that is only going to be used at home anyway. Greatest solution for traveling would be to have mat that is thin enough to roll inside a 2ft Triggerpoint foam roller. Not sure if that is going to be stable enough. Or do you think your yoga routines could replace foam rolling altogether so I could just leave the foam roller at home when on a trip?
  • 2 0
 The pigeon pose is fantastic- crossfit workouts incorporate them. Made me stronger/faster with no injuries so far.
  • 4 0
 the amount of comments the mods have removed must be through the roof haha
  • 4 1
 Saw this and went straight to the comments... Popcorn anyone?
  • 2 1
 I'm really good at yoga, I can do the reclining butterfly with no hassle Wink
  • 1 0
 Nice job guys, we all resisted the temptation to comment anything dirty pertaining to the title. Proud of you.
  • 2 0
 Thanks I needed this! ha
  • 1 0
 Happy baby is one of my favorite poses.
  • 1 0
 Oh come on
  • 1 0
 Tight like a tiger!
  • 1 0
  • 2 2
 "Release a Tight Groin"

Surely this is a piss take.
  • 2 3
 I have been releasing my tight groin in a different manner for years, the pictures were helpful though.
  • 2 5
 If this was a guy they’d be no comments
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