11 Steps to Getting POD

Nov 13, 2014
by Matt Wragg  




Picking PODs is a huge job. Since it was launched more than 11 million photos have been uploaded to Pinkbike and today we receive more than 40,000 uploads every single week. That staggering volume is then sifted through to find what we consider the best of the best - from literally millions of shots we select just 365 photos each year that we make our PODs. It's not supposed to be easy to get one - you will be competing with many of the best photographers in our sport, but ask aspiring photographers like Braydon Ball, August Horeth or Tim Koerber, it is possible to have your work featured alongside the likes of Sterling Lorence, Dan Milner and Ale di Lullo. So what do we look for in a POD? The simple answer is great photos. These 11 pointers should hopefully give you something to think about if you want to see your work featured as a POD.

Loic Bruni took his first podium here last year. He qualified first today. Can Loic take his first World Cup win here tomorrow He was .415 seconds up on Aaron Gwin. If he does it could be a real close one.

1. Get it in focus: This sounds obvious, right? Yet people are suggesting photos for POD that are plain out of focus. If you're not sure whether a shot is in focus or not, zoom in at 1:1 to the subject. When you're in that close the focus of the shot (it may not always be the rider) should still be sharp, every line should still be crisp and clear. For panning shots, something needs to be sharp, mountain bike tracks are rough terrain, so you're not always going to get tack-sharp pans, but at least the head or the frame needs to be crisp.

We came to Green river to get this shot. Love how it turned out.

2. Process, but not too much: The simple rule here is that the shot should still look real. While artificial-looking images are a big turn-off, so are flat, dull images - it's a balance, one that almost every photographer I know is continually playing with.

Finals Photo Epic - Mont St Anne DH World Cup 5

3. Composition, composition, composition: A good photo has a sense of drama, depth, beauty. It needs to feel like the different elements are in balance, while conveying a feeling - whether it happens to be speed, aggression, scale, or whatever else you want to get across to the viewer. People spend their lives writing about how to get this right, and it's a lot easier to list what doesn't work than what does, but reading up on the things like the rule of thirds and the golden ratio are a good starting point.

Curtis Keene in Los Angeles California February 2014.

4. Understand the equipment you are working with: Does your lens have soft spots you need to work around? Does it distort the image? How much depth of field do you get at a particular aperture? Understanding the basics of your equipment will help you take great images. One of the examples that crops up often is the deformed front wheel, because it was shot with a wide angle lens and as the wheel reaches the edge of the frame it gets distorted. It's a common error, but one that can be put right with a little attention and understanding.

Early morning ride down from Gornergrat. Great trails and great light. Shot with Mamiya 7ii on Kodak Portra 400

5. Photoshop isn't going to help you: We see too many comments about images being Photoshopped, and there is always the occasional cynic who suggests that you don't need any talent these days as Photoshop can do it all for you. This is bullshit. If a shot is good, then 9.999 times out of ten it is good when it comes out of the camera, you can't Photoshop an image to correct poor focus or composition. If you had flat light you can't turn a shot into a golden hour beauty using computers. Yes, technology makes getting good photos easier in some ways, but the basics that make a good photo - lighting, focus and composition - will always remain essential and impossible to replicate on a computer.

To me this shot helps to show how in control top guys like Troy are with being almost out of control. They ride that super fine line between total disaster - and spetacular speed and success. I think the level of commitment and compensation with body position that is required to ride out sketchy situations at ridiculous speed is evident here.

6. A good rider is worth his or her weight in gold: If the rider doesn't look good, then the photo is never going to look good - a photo is only as good as the subject. It's not just about style either, but understanding. What also makes the photo work is the relationship between the photographer and the rider, if you both have a clear idea of what you're trying to get, then that will show in the photo.

Deep down in the misty woods Chris Akrigg came out to play.

7. You get out what you put in: If you just go into your nearest woods at a time that suits you and shoot whatever happens to be there, the chances are you're going to get fairly average photos. If you take the time to find unique spots, wait for the right light conditions and find a rider who understands what you're looking for then you've got a recipe for good photos. That doesn't mean you have to go trekking into the Himalayas to get your first POD. It might just be a case of searching those locals woods for a special spot, or building one if it doesn't exist yet, then waiting until the light hits it just right...

A late ride session above La Grave in between stormy interludes in June 2014. The guys on the new SB5 getting them dialed 2 weeks before the bike was officially launched and a month before Richie won EWS stages in Colorado on the same bike.

8. ...Although the Himalayas are always good: If you do get to the top of some farflung mountain, with angelic shafts of light breaking through the clouds, then yes, taking great photos is a lot easier. While it's a lot easier to be defeatist and say "professional photographers get paid to go there, it's an unfair advantage," they had to take their first photos somewhere too. Chances are that nobody paid for their first trips either, part of the reason they are where they are today is that they got off that sofa and got out there and found amazing places to take photos.

Tailwhip. PHOTO CREDIT --- THE Ray George

9. "But I haven't got a $5,000 camera": This is one of the most piss-weak excuses for not taking good photos that you can come up with. How many professional photographers do you think started with the equipment they have now? Every single good photographer I know started with a simple camera, learned to take good photos with it, then bought better equipment as their careers progressed. A lens like the Canon 50mm f/1.8 costs around $100, and yes, the autofocus isn't the fastest and it won't survive standing in a torrential downpour while you wait for your clients to ride past, but damn it's sharp. Like everything in this life, you have to spend some money to take good photos, but equipment is getting better every year and the cost of a basic setup that will allow you to take good photos is cheaper than it's ever been.

Winner here last year and of the last round in Cairns Gee Atherton wans nothing more than a win at Fort William. He had a few Mechanicals today on track but should be sorted for qualifiers tomorrow morning.

10. All these rules apply, except when they don't: If you go through the PODs we have picked in the last year, you will find photos that break most of these rules at some point or other, except composition. If you can put together an utterly compelling photo we'll happily throw the rulebook out the window. Some shots that don't make sense technically can just feel right. It's not something you can put your finger on, describe or explain, some photos just work. But remember, you have to demonstrate that you know which way to point a camera - you need to show that you know how to put together crisp, clean shots before anybody will consider shots that aren't technically strong. As they say in the art world - if you want to paint like a child, first you need to learn to paint like a master.

Lacondeguy s dumped three s earned him the WELL deserved title of Best Trick.

11. Just because you like a shot, doesn't mean we will: It's a great feeling to come back from shooting, download your photos from your camera and feel like you got the one. If you don't get off on that moment, there's probably not much future for you as a photographer. You'd have to be a bitter soul to want to take that joy away from someone. But PODs are supposed to be about the best photography we can find, and just because you're excited about your shot doesn't mean we're going to be. By all means send it in, but if we come back to you and say it's not made the cut, don't let that take away from your enjoyment of shooting, or your determination to take good photos. You need to remember that sending your photos to someone whose job it is to make decisions about photos is very different to showing it to your family and friends. Hopefully your friends are trying to be positive and supportive as you pursue a passion, whereas someone who selects photos for a job will have a set of criteria your photo will be judged against. Every single photographer you look up to right now will have had shots rejected at one time or another, whether its by art editors, clients or competitions. It's part of being a photographer. Yes, it sucks, but it's how you deal with that rejection that determines your future. If you get angry and call the guy who said no a dick, don't expect them to be kind to your work in future. If you ask yourself (or even the person who said no) what can you do better next time, how can you get a photo to that standard, then you're going in the right direction.

Article: Matt Wragg

Mentions: @mdelorme @BraydonBphotography @natedh9 @sterlinglorence @Maxxon @robb @SamNeedham @DanMilner @rnangle @davetrump @Margus

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Member since Oct 29, 2006
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  • 87 4
 I had this super sweet photo of me doing a scorpion and I wanted to get pod but I didnt
  • 46 0
 Maybe step 6 is skipped?
  • 8 0
 You could try messing with the colors a bit. Its pretty dull haha.
  • 15 1
 sam hill, is that you??
  • 3 0
 dam that was funny.... is a scorpion a new trick?
  • 3 0
 I thought this was based on content not all on editing?
  • 6 0
 Damn I would vote pod on that
  • 11 2
 Can you look more "good" than this?

I even have my dissent socks on guys
  • 3 0
 nothing beats bikini girls on bikes.
  • 55 2
 pinkbike i think you guys should start doing a monthly blog called amateur photos of the month and choose lets say around 20-30 shots! we know the pros can take great shots but i see alot of good photos from up and coming guys that i would like to see featured on the home page Smile
  • 11 0
 Now that's an awesome idea! Come on pinkbike, make it hapen!
  • 3 0
  • 23 2
 this article was photoshopped...
  • 23 3
 step 12: make sure you have 'lorence' at the end of your name Wink
  • 14 1
 What about a big watermark?
  • 10 1
 "If the rider doesn't look good, then the photo is never going to look good" this makes me go insane. so many pods over the past few months have been massive backdrop landscapes of gorgeous mountain tops and lush beautiful valleys with the tiniest little rider down in the corner.
  • 11 1
 See #10

You don't need to tick off every box that Matt suggests. He's just mentioned some simple things to be conscious of.

For tight action the shot is all about the rider and the feel of action. Yes, this requires a rider with style. It's hard to get and as Matt said they are worth their weight in gold.

Pulled back action is about context. It's a feeling of being in a place more than what they rider is doing.

Don't have a group of stylish riders? Shoot wide and use the suroundings to tell a story.
  • 7 1
 This is a rad article. The abilities (and low cost) of mirrorless cameras these days makes obtaining a camera capable of taking great mtb photos much easier than back in the day. The POD today was taken with my Sony NEX 5n and the kit wide angle lens. A set up that costs around $300 these days
  • 1 0
 Shit I accidently negpropped this but I agree I have the nikkon v1 because its what was the best I could afford a the time and I think it takes some cracking photo my framing isn't the best but the camera itself does a good job Plus you can change out the lenses depending on what you're going for
  • 6 0
 12.Enjoy what you do,
If you dot get POD its not the end of the world or it doesnt mean that you are not taking great photos.
Be self critical,but not to the point where your worrying if its good enough to get a POD.(if the elements are there ie,composition,focus,interest etc etc and your happy with the image thats the main thing)
If your taking mountain bike photos just to get a POD only, that cant be good.
Try and develope your own style make that image your own,i can tell most photographers work with out even looking at the photo details or watermark.
Landscape photographers,Potrait photographers,Action sports photographers following and looking at their work can only improve your eye.
  • 2 0
 Agree, AGREE and agree
  • 1 0
 In other WORDS put in the TRASH can those 11 point of this guy and have a great time shooting. @wayne-dc i am so agree with you.
  • 10 4
 I had everything from "how to get vod" in my movie m.pinkbike.com/video/344648 but it didn't work out. I don't belive you anymore...
  • 4 1
 All great points, and I may now stop being a b!tch and go buy that Canon lens mentioned in point 9. That said, I think PB should do a F(ucked)POD as well. Pix that violate as many of the described POD principals as possible. I know I could compete for that shameful designation.
  • 3 0
 As much as it would be kind amusing to do that - I try to never publicly pass comment on peoples work as I think it's bad manners and I don't want to detract from the enjoyment in taking photos, which is what something like that would do.
  • 2 1
 Definitely agree, I guess I was envisioning a scenario in which members would submit F-PODs, and thereby fully concede their submission was hilariously bad. As I mentioned above, I have a goodly number of potential candidates thanks to violating point 7 (among others) - I just show up and figure I can get some epic shots in 5 or 10 minutes, then I can go ride. Not so much...

Again, really insightful content, as per the usual.
  • 2 0
 I'm an editor of a nationally distributed magazine, and we solicit photos from readers. If the subject line of their entry reads, "Great Photo!," it's almost a sure sign it won't be. I don't want to call people delusional, but when it comes to their own work, they tend to lack a critical eye.

Another point you might want to add to this list: Make sure your photo is large enough! People send us postage-stamp-sized photos taken with their phones all the time. Even if it has potential, we can't use it if it's too small. This rule is especially strict for print.
  • 2 1
 Point one sounds simple....... I have 2 x 5d MKiii's because I couldn't afford the 1Dx and it's superior tracking focus, and I still find it hard to get sharpness on occasion. But I don't buy camera equipment to make POD, I do it because I love doing it. If I get back into biketography, I'll keep this all in mind.
  • 17 1
 @Waldon83 the Canon 5d MKiii is probably the workhourse camera used by 90% of the best MTB photographers out there. I can think of three that own a 1Dx and one of them is borderline terrible so it isn't the camera.

Sharp focus often comes from timing and anticipation of the action. Even the best focus tracking will struggle to keep up with a rider at World Cup pace.

My advice? Pick the spot where peak action will occur, and if conditions allow, stop down a bit to have a decent focal plane/depth of field. Pre focus, lock focus, shoot while riders comes through that zone.

probably 90% of my race photos are done this way. It takes chance and the reliance on equipment out of the picture and guarantees you a sharp shot every single time.

Most times the peak action is really only a split second and over a small amount of trail. Work those zones than just firing away burning through cards.

I consider myself to be a prime example of the "it's not about equipment" mantra... It just simply isn't
  • 1 0
 Good stuff @davetrump ! Nice to hear that the pros use that method too. I haven't been pumped with my images when trying to use the servo mode while shooting mtb with my 5dii
  • 3 0
 @davetrump You truly get some amazing shots with the D7000/7100's! Not that those are shabby but I know tons of people think you need to have a $5000 full frame to get sick shots, which isn't true. One of my favorite local photogs here in the NW for the longest time got the sickest shots with a D70. Keep up the good work and great advice!
  • 5 0
 I use them for size and weight and yes price.

Back in the day you bought a probody film camera to last 10 years. The tech now changes so fast that digital bodies have a short life span. Spending 5k to beat something into the ground for a few years is tough. And MTB shooting is tough on gear.

That said Nikon finally filled a gap below the D4 for sports shooting that had been missing.

The new D750 looks to be quite promising and I have one on order.

I guess the point is you don't need to buy in heavy to "make it". You can get by and do very very well with out spending a fortune. As your career picks up your gear picks up with it... Not the other way around.
  • 1 0
 Yeah the 750 looks to be promising, just watched a video review on it by DigitalRev. I shoot with a 7000 and a 700. I do a few paid gigs on the side and they both have worked out great for me so far. If I was to change for any reason it would be for video advantages probably. Can't wait to see some of your shots with the 750, should be a great addition to your arsenal.
  • 2 0
 About the keeping in focus part... I own a 1100D, it is FAR from being a top notch camera, but with the 50 1.8 it does a pretty good job.

I usually use the back button focus setting, since servo focus is not really an option with this set up. Are there better ways to couple with this focusing issue?
  • 1 0
 Thanks @davetrump
I'm by no means saying it is about the equipment, I have been shooting for long enough to know it's more about how you use it. But shooting portraits which is most of my work is very different to shooting fast paced action.

But I will take your advice and save it for next time I decide to shoot rather than enjoy the ride.
  • 5 0
 And no Imagine Dragons! Oh wait...
  • 4 0
 l was gonna read the article but the photos are too good and l forgot to read
  • 3 0
 Love pic #7 where he's going under the tree! Would have knocked me out cold!
  • 2 0
 Step 12. Convince Matt to follow you so he will actually see your shots. I kid, I kid. Take notes folks. These are all great tips!
  • 4 0
 Actually, getting your peers to favourite your work is the best way to bring your work to my attention. I check what photos are popular on the site at least once every week and it's how I discovered a lot of the less well known photogs who we have featured for POD
  • 3 0
 Thanks Pinkbike for the shout out. Getting POD has definitely been an honor of mine. I love the suggestions Matt.
  • 1 0
 Our favorite shot of the year. Only thing we're not happy about is the riders choice of tshirt!


Looking forward to our next photo opportunity (once the lighting is right)
  • 1 0
 Whats so special about that Canon 50mm f/1.8 lens they mentioned, I'm just wondering because I'm getting a new canon dslr soon and want to know which lenses to get.
  • 1 0
 It's fast (f/1.8 is a pretty massive aperture, so you can still get relatively fast shutter speeds even in low light) yet only costs about £90 in the UK. you can pick a used one up for less than that on ebay. It's also really simple as it's a prime (i.e not zoom), so has less glass in it = less distortion = sharper images.

The large min aperture means you can also get really shallow depth-of-field - i.e nice soft background (and foreground if your focal point is fairly central), which helps the subject stand out. That does mean that it can be hard to get a sharp action shot because there's so little time that the rider will be in that sweet sharp spot. If you get one (or you could do this with any lens), get a cup on your kitchen table, and take photos of it at every aperture and then look at the difference in background blur... you'll see what I mean. Or just google the effect of aperture on depth of field.
  • 3 0
 Step 1. Take a good fkn photo!
  • 1 0
 Alright guys, cheers for the info.

I wasnt being totally serious as id hardly call myself even an amateur photographer but the advice will always come in handySmile

  • 1 0
 Love the one about the 5,000$ camera! I've got a 1200$ camera and the photos are stunning but I've never taken the time to get good pics!
  • 3 5
 i've tried many times to get POD and i feel like a couple of photos i have are better than a lot of the PODs chosen... so i gave up on trying to get POD after the photo in my feature failed to for a couple of years now. if that can't do it for me, it is just not meant to be! i'll try my luck for a VOD now! ha ha..
  • 7 1
 sorry dude but there are tons of photos like that this one just doesn't stand out
  • 1 4
 sorry dude but show me one photo that looks like this at 10mm focal range, good luck.
  • 2 1
 I'm not saying it isn't a good photo, but it really didn't jump out as a great photo (even if it was technically difficult). I know it may sound nitpicky, (and it's only one photographer's opinion ), but the thing that bothered me the most was the background composition. Background colors felt flat and the cars and trailers distracted from the rider. That and the horizon line passing right through the rider is a technical no-no.All of these minor elements combined made the shot feel more like a snapshot than a well composed piece, and distracted me from the actual rider. I had to make myself focus on him even though he dominates so much of the frame. Don't give up though. Just keep shooting. When I started shooting photography I was given the advice that no matter how good your first ten thousand fully edited pictures are, you don't really begin to excel as a photographer until after 10,000 shots.
  • 2 1
 @ustemuf - Not trying to be a dick nor a troll here, just giving my opinion, the background is the deal breaker for me... I am not a photographer, although I do like to try my luck with my 1100D. It is just that while the rider looks great, and you got the timing just perfect, the background kinda kills it, like @Marlfox87 said, the horizon and even the texture took it away from your shot. But nevertheless it is a very nice and risky shot!
  • 1 3
 makes sense, i agree somewhat and appreciate the insight. but when a picture of a used highroller tire gets pod and a picture like this doesnt...i don't really give a shit anymore like i said Smile i ride and create content for my own pleasure.
  • 3 2
 @ustemuf, if you would like some feedback on your shot, please DM me. As for the High Roller POD? That was chosen by Colin Meagher, and while I personally prefer some of Garrets other work more, I get where he's coming from. Simple fact is that the photo did the most important thing a photo can do - it stirred emotion in him. And Colin has been shooting since you were an itch in your father's crotch, so he's earned the right to choose whatever turns him on.
  • 1 4
 Seems like the only emotion stirred up here is in your crotch. My point was simply there are no magical guidelines for POD on some days, it's whatever the PB staff wants... carry on.
  • 5 1
 I get the feeling you haven't actually bothered to read the article.
  • 3 6
 I did spend the time to read it. Sorry your feelings are hurt from my comments about shitty pictures making POD. Hopefully you can get over the fact that not everyone shares the same view - just as I have accepted it for myself.
  • 4 0
 No offense man, but your comments indicate otherwise. Everyone commenting here has tried to politely give feedback and encourage you and your photography, and you have primarily replied with rude and belittling comments that place the blame on others and their decisions. You're the only one here who seems to have hurt feelings, for which I truly am sorry. I actively participate in photo contests year round and i know just how hard it is to have your creative work torn to shreds by someone who prefers a photo of a potted plant. Don't get discouraged though, you're in good company. Leonardo Da'Vinci, arguably the greatest artist ever, was considered a massive failure until his 40s. Instead of blaming his failure on others he just simply kept on drawing. Go back and study the picture you don't understand and maybe you might learn something new. If all you care about is getting POD or proving that your photo is better than someone else's photo, and all you do is repeatedly refer back to that one photo you took, then unfortunately you will probably never produce a POD worthy shoot. And even more sad is that you will miss out on the amazing art that is photography.
  • 2 4
 I'm sorry, you must have mistaken me for caring about getting a POD anymore...if you read my original comment you would see my level of care to get one is: Zero. I actually feel bad you took so much time to reply to something meaningless. None of my comments place blame, are rude or are belittling more than what was already directed at me...Also, no offense taken and really....I'm not missing out on much...
  • 3 1
 @ustemuf since you have decided to call a bunch of POD photos shitty, and your way of justifying them as shitty is by trying to say yours is better, let me provide you with a reality check. Matt was willing to do it in private, but since you want o=to be a bit of an ass I don't mind just giving it to you straight.

Terrible distortion. yes there will always be distortion with wide lenses. Sometimes good and sometimes bad. Yours is quite bad.

Soft focus. The whole image is soft. If you want a sharp image with a wide angle like 10mm and a close up subject then you have to stop down below f3.5 (try 5.5 and higher)

Processing: It's just not good. The whites and silver areas are glowing blue. Improper white balance will do this and it's a common mistake I see pretty often. To but it simply the colors are just way off.

Composition: Both wheels cut off, background uninspiring, and absolutely no focal point whatsoever.

It's a decent photo, but it's not great. If you can't see that you need to be a better critic of your own work. Trashing other peoples based on your perception of that shots quality is a pretty shit way for anyone to ever take you seriously.

You asked, and baited, so I responded as nicely as I could.
  • 2 4
 Thanks Dave, I'll be sure to let the photographer know, although I don't think he rides bikes anymore.
  • 5 0
 @ustemuf so you are on here bitching your shot didn't get POD and now you are saying you didn't even shoot it? Amazing stuff
  • 1 8
flag ustemuf (Nov 14, 2014 at 12:44) (Below Threshold)
 @davetrump good thing basic reading comprehension is not a pre-requisite for taking good photographs or you'd be shit out of luck. i'm the rider, if you weren't able to deduce that from looking at the photo description, exif data, or my profile, time to brush up on your haterade skills and pick apart the photo some more.

i'll just let the fact that the photo has more faves than the past 20 pods that have been selected speak for itself to me. i am not offended. i do not care for pod. i am not bitching about it. all i am pointing out is the irony of this article, because some of pods are chosen based on who the photographer is and not what the photo is.

now all of you need to get the stick out of your ass and go ride your bike somewhere, read my original comment you will see i posted it while laughing...i'm done replying here so go ahead and get the last word in to feel better about yourself.
  • 6 0
 Good tactic.

When you know you are wrong just yell louder.

You tossed around nothing but insults to others and accolades to yourself and/or friend.

I do love being told to go ride my bike. Hahah because that's not something I get to do pretty much all the time ;-)
  • 1 0
 alright guys sorry im with the background too not much colour either and focus on the downtube.. but hey i only own a gopro so who am i to talk about your pictures
  • 1 0
 Welcome to the biggest frat house on the Internet.
  • 1 1
 @ustemuf YOU ARE THE MAN....100% AGREE WITH YOU
  • 2 0
 how do you explain this POD then? www.pinkbike.com/photo/8223830
  • 1 0
 haha forget about all 11 steps... lol
  • 1 1
 Rule #11, Downhill photos only. If you have a great photo of someone doing a techy uphill... delete it. This is pinkbike after all.
  • 2 1
 Well, looks like I'm never getting POD
  • 1 0
 Is it true photos need to be submitted by email to be considered for POD?
  • 3 0
 No, but people always bug Matt and Scott with links to thier photos saying pick me pick me. It's probably the worst thing you could do unless you have a real banger to be honest.
  • 1 0
 I figured, but just wanted to make sure as in the FAQ's there's an email link. Thanks for the reply!
  • 1 0
 How do you apply photos to be pod?
And I love my 50mm!
  • 1 0
 You gotta slap the lip like wa pa wa pa!
  • 1 0
 Is a Red Bull Helmet part of the 11 steps?
  • 1 0
 Don't tell me how to live my life!
  • 2 1
 Step 12: be a friend of the selectors
  • 1 0
 I'm disappointed that you are talking like this publicly - if you checked your followers you'd see that I've followed your work from day one here on PB. What's funny is that you know me better than 99% of the people who get POD (ie. you've met me and we've spoken several times).
  • 1 1
 I' more disappointed than you, cause when Ian was there, pods are one of the focus point on pinkbike, Ian has done the photoeditor and he did a great job raising the bar and making PB on of the referring point in MTB photography... After Ian, desolation has come, only big names, often bad photos, and maybe, a sort of "system" to have pods for the normal people...

I want to leave pinkbike, cause i'm really bored and cause i think there's no more space to creativity, but only for some enduro shit and beautiful landscapes
  • 1 0
 this article is so great!! thanks!!
  • 2 2
 So you have to send your photos in to have them considered for POD?
  • 4 0
 Nope... See comment above
  • 3 0
 Thanks. That's what I thought, but the way step 11 reads it makes it sound like you do.
  • 1 0
 Love the fact you even take your time to reply in here dude, follow your work alot and gotta say you're up there with the best! As for pre focusing and locking out that's something I've not tried yet, always an area I struggle with! My shots are either soft or back focused a few feet!
  • 1 0
 Is POD no longer? :'(
  • 4 6
 Step 1: Be named Steven Lloyd.
  • 1 10
flag hamncheez (Nov 13, 2014 at 13:35) (Below Threshold)
 Downvoted?? I meant be as good as him! He has the most PODs because he's the best photographer on this stupid website!
  • 7 1
 Down voted because you called this website "stupid"
  • 1 4
 mmmm ok
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