I painted my frame and used primer and light coats and stuff but the paint comes off so easy!

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I painted my frame and used primer and light coats and stuff but the paint comes off so easy!
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Posted: Nov 7, 2007 at 22:06 Quote
hi i just painted my 2006 p1 frame and used automotive paint. i sanded the bike completely down and then put on a few coats of primer. then i put lots of light coats of paint then put on 2 coats of clearcoat. this took me a week and a half to get the paint off and paint it.......but the paint CHIPS OFF AND I CAN SCRAPE IT FOF WITH MY FINGERNAIL!!!!!, anyone have an explanation?. i did it in my basement so it was warm and i didnt touch it its been hanging the whole time

Posted: Nov 7, 2007 at 22:22 Quote
I am currently painting one of my bikes and i know that you have to sand between coats with a really high grit sandpaper aroung 300. And also letting your paint cure for about 1 week in warm enviroment with minimum humdity. I placed mine in a room with a dehumidafier.

Posted: Nov 7, 2007 at 22:35 Quote
that sounds odd. you did all the right things. and light sanding like the guy above mentioned is good, but at more like an 800 grit. its just to get ride of bumps or flecks of dirt that might fall on the frame while drying. the fact that pieces chip off from your nail sounds like there was some kinda shit on the frame itself. did you use paint remover initially? lemme know because something doesnt make sense. it either didnt cure right or theres something on the frame that the paint/ primer can't adhere to. i hate painting. but its kinda my job.

Posted: Nov 7, 2007 at 22:39 Quote
yeah i used really fine sand paper, i think it was 800 grit actually. but yeah i used it between primer and most of the coats of paint. no i didnt use paint stripper but i got the paint off and roughed it up wiht sand paper before i put on the primer

Posted: Nov 7, 2007 at 22:39 Quote
is there any way i can save the paintjob?. i just put the last coat of clear coat on 2 days ago and its fked.

Posted: Nov 7, 2007 at 22:46 Quote
im sorry dude if you used soray can primer the paints doneCry sucks man it really does hopfully u can fix it

Posted: Nov 7, 2007 at 23:12 Quote
did you prep it? you have to make sure you;re painting on a clean surface or it wil be like puting a sticker on a dirty window, it'll come right off.

Posted: Nov 7, 2007 at 23:29 Quote
Its not just about sanding and such, you might need whts called a self-etching primer, etches the metal a little to stick better, ive had the same thing happen, and it was fixed with etching primer. Yes its "just spray paint", and yes i do auto body work with real spray guns and such, and i still condone spray cans for bikes :-)

Posted: Nov 8, 2007 at 4:09 Quote
Did you made sure that there is no paint dust or paint remover residue left?

And dont go all hate on rattlecan jobs on frames,it isnt that bad,it gets the job done fast.

Posted: Nov 8, 2007 at 8:11 Quote
every post here is right along the lines of what i was thinking too. although i didnt read anyone hating on spray paint/ rattle cans...i'm sure its where we all started painting. but anyway, there are "bond alls"that you could have mixed in with the paint. and the etching primer is super tacky. something must have been on the frame before you applied the primer, or you didnt give enough "cure time" between coats. i've been guilty of that and watched everything peel off with some frisket before. i have sent helmets etc. in to be cleared and had to listen to the auto body prep guys give me shit for hours over my rough prep sanding, pour dust control, etc. and they are all right. the prep work prior to paint is an art in itself. and i hate doing it. but it sounds like you have to do it again on that frame, and you will hate it, but its worth it. some time down the road you'll hear the same story told from someone else and you will say the same thing. its like a right of passage. i dunno....well maybe you might post your steps in photos here and we can discuss ideas or advice. sounds like a lot of auto body guys online here. paint your helmet in the meantime. its a bigger surface area and its seen more, and its easier to prep. kinda.

Posted: Nov 8, 2007 at 11:51 Quote
im not goin against rattle cans heck i used to have some bikes painted that way but I was warned when my buddy got his frame done that the primer we used is un compatible for say (im not a painter so thats may need correcting)

Posted: Nov 8, 2007 at 14:41 Quote
i didnt think you said that either. paints and all the preparation, mixing, clearing, etc. makes me nuts. printmaking and etching is even harder to really master. i personally prefer using createx auto air colours for airbrushing. they are water based, colourfast, and easy to clear. good luck with the painting. if theres anyone out there who does a good professional level clear coat lemme know. i could use a new clear coater. cheers

Posted: Nov 8, 2007 at 14:48 Quote
i just painted my frame with tremclad paint, took my time and it turned out great.
i sanded the frame, and cleand it with engine cleaner (gas also works)
the key was to let each coat cure at least 24 hours under direct heat.

o ya, i used no primer, 4 coats paint, 2 coats clear

Posted: Nov 8, 2007 at 15:39 Quote
well i used this multi colour (names something like that) automotive paint and it was 17 bucks plus tax for the can, and i used the same brand primer....so i wasted quite a bit of money and now i gotta do it all over again...this time im just gonna get it sandblasted and get it powdercoated at one of the car painters, ill get them to do it while theyre doing a car......but yeah this is retarded!!! the paint comes off with my friken fingernail

Posted: Nov 18, 2007 at 20:42 Quote
Sounds to me like you might have used the wrong type of primer. I don't know what the frame is made out of but if it is aluminum, Zinc Chromate primer should be used. The aluminum has an oxide layer that etching primer will not be able to get through, Zinc Chromate primer works differently. I have painted a few aluminum frames with this type of primer and have had no problems. My Imperial isn't even clear coated and the paint will not come off I have tried with my allen wrenches to chip it. If the frame is steel and you are using self etching primer and it is coming off the frame might have had residue on it. For the paint I use Plasticote it seems to work.

To prep the frame for primer I always take a rag with solvent on it and wipe the whole thing down multiple times to get everything off. If you are going to do this wear disposable gloves to prevent contamination and cancer and a respirator if you have one also do it outside.

It sounds like the rest of your process like using warm environments is good.

If you are going to redo the frame, buy a can of aircraft paint remover, Lorcdo sells it, it will save you hours of sanding or chipping off the paint. With this stuff the frame is bare in about 15 minutes. The brand I use is Mar-Hyde Tal Strip, it has a picture of a plane on the label it's about 12 bucks a can. If you are going to use this stuff wear gloves, old clothes, a respirator and do it outside this stuff eats anything it touches. Once I have stripped a frame with this stuff, I always wash it off with lots of water and if the frame is steel, dry it off as soon as possible obviously because it will rust. Just before I prep the frame with solvent I will quickly run a piece of 220 grit sandpaper over it to roughen it up slightly.

Maybe this can help you, I am not a professional painter by any standard but the frames I have painted seem to be holding well. It takes about half a day for me to paint a frame. I would give the frame a few days before clearcoating it just so the paint is that little bit harder.

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