Trying to bulk up, any suggestions?

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Trying to bulk up, any suggestions?
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Posted: Apr 8, 2008 at 5:36 Quote
Well currently I am 5 foot 9 1/2 inches, and weigh around 146lbs. I have been going to the gym since january, and when i started I was about 137lbs. So I would say thats a descent growth in 3 months. However, I want to be around 155-160 by the begining of the summer. Currently I am taking around 75grams in protein shakes. via 3 25gram shakes a day (1 morn. 1 lunch. 1 after workout). I am have been also taking creatine for about 6 weeks, (Sixstar creatine, and muscle tech (cell tech). I do drink a lot of water so my kidney don't, fail. That doesn't need to be established. As for my workout. I do a 5 day rotation, day 1: bi and chest (4 exercises each), day 2 back and tri (4 back, 3 tri), day 3 (5 shoulders, 2 neck) day 4 (legs, (legpress, quads, hams, calfs.) I do 3-4 sets of 8 reps.
Roughly heres what I can do: bench: 115, 125, 135. bar bell curl 85 (5 reps) then do failures with a decline from 50 to 30. Dumb bell hammer curl:35(8.)40(5)45(3). Leg press I do 12 reps at 360, 450(8.), 500(5). These are the numbers off the top of my head, im at school so my routine logs are at home.

So basically my question is, what are some suggestions to gain another 8-15 pounds in the next 2-3months. I am going to stop doing a full leg workout as biking season is here. And buying new supplements isn't really an issue, seeing as my parents support it.

Thanks for the read, Ryan.

Posted: Apr 8, 2008 at 9:43 Quote
reignxrider wrote:
Well currently I am 5 foot 9 1/2 inches, and weigh around 146lbs. I have been going to the gym since january, and when i started I was about 137lbs. So I would say thats a descent growth in 3 months. However, I want to be around 155-160 by the begining of the summer. Currently I am taking around 75grams in protein shakes. via 3 25gram shakes a day (1 morn. 1 lunch. 1 after workout). I am have been also taking creatine for about 6 weeks, (Sixstar creatine, and muscle tech (cell tech). I do drink a lot of water so my kidney don't, fail. That doesn't need to be established. As for my workout. I do a 5 day rotation, day 1: bi and chest (4 exercises each), day 2 back and tri (4 back, 3 tri), day 3 (5 shoulders, 2 neck) day 4 (legs, (legpress, quads, hams, calfs.) I do 3-4 sets of 8 reps.
Roughly heres what I can do: bench: 115, 125, 135. bar bell curl 85 (5 reps) then do failures with a decline from 50 to 30. Dumb bell hammer curl:35(8.)40(5)45(3). Leg press I do 12 reps at 360, 450(8.), 500(5). These are the numbers off the top of my head, im at school so my routine logs are at home.

So basically my question is, what are some suggestions to gain another 8-15 pounds in the next 2-3months. I am going to stop doing a full leg workout as biking season is here. And buying new supplements isn't really an issue, seeing as my parents support it.

Thanks for the read, Ryan.

Size comes from food. Skinny people who work out and say "I cant get bigger" simply arent eating enough.

You've put on 10 pounds in 3 months - to be honest if you want to bulk as quickly as possible, you could have gained a bit more.

I'll start with a major point. The best bulking tool: water. Drink it all day. Aim for 3 litres, more on training days.

To simplify - you need at least 1.5 gms of protein per lb of B/W - for you 220 gms a day, everyday. Also, fats and carbs are just as important. You should be looking at a daily intake of about 40% protein, 30% carbs, 30% fat. Clean carbs and mainly unsaturated fat. To put it simply protein, carbs and fat will give you one thing: calories. You need to be in a constant state of caloric surplus, never in deficit. Keep eating lots and monitor your weight, you should be gaining each week and putting on a bit of fat (inevitable with a bulk). It's tough - eating is harder than training if you're serious about getting bigger. If you're eating enough, pretty soon you'll never be hungry - eating wont be something enjoyable you do to stop hunger - it'll be a duty, a constant chore. Until you've sorted your diet, creatine is pretty much a waste of time.

As for the exercises - ditch the leg-press, learn to squat. DO DEADLIFTS. Bench press, overhead press, row, chin-up, hamstring work (straight leg deadlifts, glute hanstring raises etc) power cleans (great for trap and overall power development) - these are all staples of a good routine. The smith machine should be used as a towel rack or something to lean against during breaks - furthermore avoid all machines. Free weights are far better. Check weightlifting websites for more detailed information. Good luck.

Posted: Apr 8, 2008 at 12:01 Quote
For water I drink 4 bottles during school with is 2 litres, I drink 3 300ml protein shakes. and 1-2 litres of water during a workout routine. As for food I am trying to eat more, but since I have A.D.D. I really can't because of the medication i take. It basically means I am not hungry and I can't force myself to eat, which i've tried.

I try to eat yogurt, cheese, meat, veggies, fruit everyday. I am pretty good when it comes to avoiding saturated fat like macdonalds, and i definitely avoid sugar.

As for exercises this is my current routine

I was taking upwards of 125grams of protein per day but now i am down to about 75g

also: should i do either 10-12 reps, 8-6 reps, or 4-6 reps per set? with 3-4sets and do heavier weight

Posted: Apr 8, 2008 at 12:15 Quote
I used to be really skinny so I can help you out. For exercises do between 5 and 7 reps - any fewere and you are likely to hurt yourself. Workout everyday and also do core workouts that work your abs, obliques, lower back - dead lifts are good but make sure that you have someone teach you how to do them. Protein powder works good and creatine works for some people - I personally have not benifited at all from creatine. You really have to try to eat foods with lots of calories, eat breakfest and try to have a small meal every 3 hours. The weight gain powders work good but they are quite expensive and you will likely put on more fat than you would like. Pasta is cheap, bagels are delicious.

Posted: Apr 8, 2008 at 12:21 Quote
bikeguy74 wrote:
I used to be really skinny so I can help you out. For exercises do between 5 and 7 reps - any fewere and you are likely to hurt yourself. Workout everyday and also do core workouts that work your abs, obliques, lower back - dead lifts are good but make sure that you have someone teach you how to do them. Protein powder works good and creatine works for some people - I personally have not benifited at all from creatine. You really have to try to eat foods with lots of calories, eat breakfest and try to have a small meal every 3 hours. The weight gain powders work good but they are quite expensive and you will likely put on more fat than you would like. Pasta is cheap, bagels are delicious. is extremely crucial

Posted: Apr 8, 2008 at 12:27 Quote
pipes10 wrote:
bikeguy74 wrote:
I used to be really skinny so I can help you out. For exercises do between 5 and 7 reps - any fewere and you are likely to hurt yourself. Workout everyday and also do core workouts that work your abs, obliques, lower back - dead lifts are good but make sure that you have someone teach you how to do them. Protein powder works good and creatine works for some people - I personally have not benifited at all from creatine. You really have to try to eat foods with lots of calories, eat breakfest and try to have a small meal every 3 hours. The weight gain powders work good but they are quite expensive and you will likely put on more fat than you would like. Pasta is cheap, bagels are delicious. is extremely crucial

your muscles grow when after a workout not during it. Rest is when they heal and therefore grow. Creatine has definitely had a positive effect on me, and for weight gainers, it would probably be the next thing i try. As for reps i usually do 8 5-7 then 4-5 although im trying for 8.

for core workouts i do back extensions and back strengthening. Soon i am going to start dead lifts, clean and jerk, and squats.

as for sleep, its the one thing i need to improve on. I usually don't get enough of it due to homework Really Mad

Posted: Apr 8, 2008 at 12:29 Quote
dude creatine is incredibly inefficent for a skinny person looking to get bigger, all it does is help tome your muscles by getting rid of the water in your body (essentially just making you look strong, not actually much stronger) and in the long run it is unhealthy. Im the same size as you but lighter, the only thing I use to do to get bigger is work out and eat normal food. In my opinion protein shakes and all that are a waste of time but you can do them if you want dont listen to me.

My rational behind this is when you stop all the supplements and working out you will notice a difference in your muscle mass etc. I know a few people who did what you are doing b/c of the same situation and they stopped for like 2 weeks and lost about 1.5 months worth of effort, it was crazy.

Like someone above said, just eat real food. My parents are doctors and I have asked many times about bulking up and thats what they say to do. It is better for you in the long run.

Posted: Apr 8, 2008 at 12:29 Quote
reignxrider wrote:
For water I drink 4 bottles during school with is 2 litres, I drink 3 300ml protein shakes. and 1-2 litres of water during a workout routine. As for food I am trying to eat more, but since I have A.D.D. I really can't because of the medication i take. It basically means I am not hungry and I can't force myself to eat, which i've tried.

I try to eat yogurt, cheese, meat, veggies, fruit everyday. I am pretty good when it comes to avoiding saturated fat like macdonalds, and i definitely avoid sugar.

As for exercises this is my current routine

I was taking upwards of 125grams of protein per day but now i am down to about 75g

also: should i do either 10-12 reps, 8-6 reps, or 4-6 reps per set? with 3-4sets and do heavier weight

Well firstly, 75gms is not enough protein to build muscle. That's about the recommended amount for an average person to stay healthy - so to put it bluntly, you wont build any significant amount of lean muscle mass with so little protein.

Secondly, you have to force yourself to eat. If you cant for whatever reason then fair enough, but if you want to bulk - you have to.

And to be honest, the fact that you're taking creatine on this diet is a little worrying. There's just no point whatsoever. You could be making twice the gains from just eating properly, then think about adding creatine once you've optimized your diet.

And as for the routine, well, it's not terrible but it certainly isnt perfect.

For instance, it's called a bulking routine yet on day one he's got you doing 30 mins cardio? And 4 different bicep exercises totalling 13 sets in one day, that's the problem with this routine - too much fluff and not enough real mass bulding exercies.

You'd be better with a 3 day routine mon - wed - fri. The rest days are just as important as the work days.

As for the reps, mix it up weekly. Generally its 6-8 for less mass, even less for strength and more for fat loss/muscle endurance. Of course as the reps go down, the weight must go up.

But really, you will gain nothing on that diet. That isnt my opinion, it's fact. Im no expert - but a hard and fast rule in the weight lifting community is that result come from the kitchen.

Posted: Apr 8, 2008 at 12:34 Quote
Be careful that your time in the gym doesn't result in getting arm pump on the bike. Though it's not as common on bicycles as on motorcycles, I've seen several people who bulk up at the gym end up with bad arm pump when racing DH.

Posted: Apr 8, 2008 at 12:40 Quote
well since most tips that i know of have been covered ill just give you my routine as to widden your persepective..

i go to the gym everyday so i've been taught to just focus on one muscle group a day for about 2 hours(eg. monday:bicep, tuesday:tricep). i work them till i can barely lift my arm it hurts so bad, which is a good thing, because muscle building happens during rest when they repair themselves and grow bigger as a result, so rest is just as important as the workout itself. take a protein shake before and 1 after(very important). I've been a vegetarian my whole life(for personal reasons, dont front) and in the 5 weeks since i started to work out i went from being 110lbs-135lbs

Posted: Apr 8, 2008 at 13:02 Quote
You have to move alot and give rest to your muscles. Do the complete workout then rest 1 day and the next i do the complete again. dont do 4-5 days in line with different workout your heart needs rest to. Creatine and miracle substance does not worth it you can have anything you need with good eating habbits you need a lot a proteins with protein you will go fat and loose muscular mass when you will stop wourkout. Always warm up before workout with jogging/bicking and lifting 2/3 of your normal lifting weight. then after the warmup go for the big thing! If you want to grow bigger put more weigth and do 3 8 repetition series. If you want endurance put less weight and do 3-4 even 5 12 repetition series. When you are able to do 12 repetition with the more weight add weight and go back to 8 rep series. Use your bike instead of your car (I go to work on my dh bike everyday 10km on road.) You have to eat alot and move alot you have to burn all the protein and calories you get!
Worked for me im now 6' 250lbs and I totally destroy my bike every summer Smile

Posted: Apr 8, 2008 at 13:03 Quote
like it has been said, your first flaw is your protein intake, you most consume atleast 110-115(g) a day.and dead lift and power exercises should be your main objectives unless your working out fot the beach.. Being too muscle bound in mountain biking isn't recomended in my eyes. I am also 5'9 and weight 185 with 14% body fat, I started biking having been working out quite regulary and was 194 with 10% body fat and since I downsized my riding performances have only gotten better. Something to think about. Your 16, in the next couple years you will naturally gain mass, so don't be so impatient about gaining all that size, your already on the right path, just make a few adjustments... and drop the creatine.

Posted: Apr 8, 2008 at 13:34 Quote
chrisinmontreal wrote:
like it has been said, your first flaw is your protein intake, you most consume atleast 110-115(g) a day.and dead lift and power exercises should be your main objectives unless your working out fot the beach.. Being too muscle bound in mountain biking isn't recomended in my eyes. I am also 5'9 and weight 185 with 14% body fat, I started biking having been working out quite regulary and was 194 with 10% body fat and since I downsized my riding performances have only gotten better. Something to think about. Your 16, in the next couple years you will naturally gain mass, so don't be so impatient about gaining all that size, your already on the right path, just make a few adjustments... and drop the creatine.

All good advice.

Posted: Apr 8, 2008 at 14:19 Quote
thanks for the responses but just a little clarification.

I take 75 grams of whey protein, that does not include my normal diet. maybe that has thrown some of you off. I don't follow the routine exactly, i don't do that that much cardio. I do a 20-30min warm up and 10-20 min stretch and cooldown.

As for the creatine. I want to drop it during the summer, as it would definitely affect my riding. Like how am i supposed to drink that much water on top of the water i would be using up from biking. It just wouldn't be a good outcome. I initially took the creatine to build up my muscles and then planned on going o-natural. Which is coming up soon.

I will probably buy a weight gain product in the next few weeks, after im done my current creatine and whey protein products. As well as dropping the creatine.

for healthy eating, I do my best. My rents are pretty lazy when it comes to following my grocery list. So I really have to try and get by with what they have. However I stay away from sugar, salts, and saturated fats.

Posted: Apr 8, 2008 at 19:33 Quote
DO NOT TAKE CREATINE!!! at 16 you have as much testasterone as your body can handle, creatine is a artifical version of testasterone, if you take it your body will covert it in to estergen. estergen does not help muscle growth. 21 would be the youngest age to take it

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