Enduro bro clipless pedals - Looking for Look pedals feedback vs Shimanos

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Enduro bro clipless pedals - Looking for Look pedals feedback vs Shimanos
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Posted: Dec 13, 2020 at 14:44 Quote
Are you willing to consider HT?

Posted: Dec 13, 2020 at 15:30 Quote
I finally got my special ultra-thin 8mm wrench to adjust my XTR to see is maybe, just maybe they will stop squeaking....they are great. That damn noise drives me insane....

For those wondering....


Then you use a 7mm on the outer fixing nut.

Posted: Dec 13, 2020 at 16:12 Quote
I have Speciale 8s and 12s. The 12s are on my Ripmo and have been beat to hell. The 8s are on my hardtail and have taken much less beating.

Both are excellent. I'm not, however, 100% sold on their new retainer bars. Time used to use what looked like hard stainless rod for the retainers and I never bent them up. The current bars appear to be forged, and hits can bend them. On the plus side, you can simply bend them back with pliers since they don't generally move that far. You can also get replacements. The old ones may not have gotten bent up due to the higher BBs of the bikes I used to ride. I really can't say. I do hit pedals a LOT more on my Ripmo than I have on any other bike I've had.

I'd buy 8s again anytime. I would not buy 12s again. There's just no clear advantage over the 8s.

I don't think you should worry about the longevity of the cleats. While they're brass and do wear, it takes a LOT to wear them to the point where they're no longer good.

I've been on ATACs for a lot of years and I see no reason to switch.

Posted: Dec 13, 2020 at 16:47 Quote
Explodo wrote:
I don't think you should worry about the longevity of the cleats. While they're brass and do wear, it takes a LOT to wear them to the point where they're no longer good.

True. I prefer the 13° position. When it becomes too worn, I switch the cleats to the other shoes and what was formerly the 17° set-up is now about 13° again. This doesn't fully double the life, as the formerly 13° angle wears to the point of pre-release before the formerly 17° side has fully worn, but it extends the life at least 50%.

Posted: Dec 13, 2020 at 18:49 Quote
Arierep wrote:
Decided to exclude the Saints from the list. Already had a pair in the past, so willing to try something new.

Now down to the Time Speciale Vs the XTs

Would really enjoy to get more feedback on the Speciale 8

Thanks all

I can attest to one thing..I have been on Time Pedals (and generally shoes) on Road/Tri for over 30 years now...Titan Equipe (and other flavors with the TVT sole) RSX and I forget the other names...Hands down Time is the best (for me) not the cheapest, but, the best. I get the feeling their MTN pedals are awesome.

Posted: Dec 13, 2020 at 20:40 Quote
What about Nukeproof? They have 2 models that would work for you, the difference being the size of the cage/platform. They look shimano compatible, but actually require their own cleats. A riding mate who is really hard on his equipment has been on the big cage version for a couple of years and is very happy with them. As a negative he has told me that the cleat material is softer so wears faster than shimano.

Posted: Dec 14, 2020 at 1:49 Quote
@R-M-R , mostle people I know on HTs complain about bearing durability, so not really looking into them

@Explodo thanks for your input. That's a bummer for me, I seem to beat the crap out of the Shimano mechanism, this makes me uneasy about Times resilience then

@justwan-naride I've used their Horizon Sam Hill pedals for nearly 3 years straight, and while performance wise the pedals were top notch, in terms of internals they were definitely not up to the same standard of the Shimanos I had before. Sealing was crap, needed periodic lubes and the bushing+bearing arrangement needed renewal during that period. I believe their clipless pedals have the same construction, right?

Posted: Dec 14, 2020 at 5:07 Quote
Arierep wrote:
@R-M-R , mostle people I know on HTs complain about bearing durability, so not really looking into them

@Explodo thanks for your input. That's a bummer for me, I seem to beat the crap out of the Shimano mechanism, this makes me uneasy about Times resilience then

@justwan-naride I've used their Horizon Sam Hill pedals for nearly 3 years straight, and while performance wise the pedals were top notch, in terms of internals they were definitely not up to the same standard of the Shimanos I had before. Sealing was crap, needed periodic lubes and the bushing+bearing arrangement needed renewal during that period. I believe their clipless pedals have the same construction, right?

I have the nukeproof dh (big platform) clipless pedals and don't use them any more as I find the shimano xt better in clipping in, nukeproof are a bit of a pita to clip in and I've used mallets dh in the past and between the three I find the nukeproof the worst in engaging in. Mallets are great but cleats wear fast and are expensive plus they need regular maintenance especially in wet weather. The wide platform on the nukeproof is useless as the cleat mech prodrudes well above the platform making it uncomfortable to use it as the bulge of it won't let you rest your shoe on top securely and if you have clearance issues (bb height, long cranks) are quite thick compared to shimanos. shimanos are way easier to clip and fast and renders the big flat pedal like platform useless as the shape of the xt platform helps guide the shoe directly to the cliless mech. Xt's are slimmer and basically maintenance free

Posted: Dec 15, 2020 at 20:49 Quote
You can't go wrong with the shimano m8120. They're my second set of shimano spd pedals. I bought them four years ago when I got my first FS bike. My first set of pedals, shimano 747s that I bought new in 1995 are now on my greenway bike. I remember seeing the first time atac pedals come out back then and thought they looked so cool, but I never had a need to justify moving on from my 747s.

Whichever pedal you choose, you should totally get winter riding boots. I have the shimano mw7. They make cold weather riding a joy.

Posted: Dec 15, 2020 at 23:29 Quote
50105010 wrote:
You can't go wrong with the shimano m8120. They're my second set of shimano spd pedals. I bought them four years ago when I got my first FS bike. My first set of pedals, shimano 747s that I bought new in 1995 are now on my greenway bike. I remember seeing the first time atac pedals come out back then and thought they looked so cool, but I never had a need to justify moving on from my 747s.

Whichever pedal you choose, you should totally get winter riding boots. I have the shimano mw7. They make cold weather riding a joy.

Are you sure you aren't talking about the M8020? I've tried those several times, felt zero difference Vs my M530. The M8120 are supposed to have a much bigger platform

Posted: Dec 16, 2020 at 21:25 Quote
Yes, you're right. I did mean the m8020. Thanks for setting me straight as I waxed poetic like an old-timer.

As far as the platform size, I don't know what to tell you. If my shoes are stiff enough I don't seem to notice the platform at all. The main utility of the platform for me is if I'm not clipoed in or having trouble getting in and the trail keeps coming.

Posted: Dec 16, 2020 at 23:58 Quote
I find there's zero value in a platform for standing on it while unclipped. The traction is so poor, regardless of the platform size, that any kind of remotely zesty riding will cause my foot to slip.

The value, for me, has been that I can stomp down on the pedal and have it reliably orient itself flat, ready for engagement. Pedals without a platform almost always have a flat enough "end" surface that I momentarily stand on the end of the pedal before it flips into the correct orientation, often causing a slip in the process.

Posted: Dec 24, 2020 at 6:37 Quote
Just as an update, ended up buying a pair of XT M8120. They are huge compared with the M530 and the older XTs, had no idea how much they increased the platform size. Bravo Shimano.

Had my first ride with them this morning, mighty impressed by them. No accidental releases and combined with the AM702 shoes the contact area is huge, the feel is comparable with the Saints. The feel of standing on ice cubes is gobe. I'd say they have the pros of the Saints but without the annoying pins, the weight and bulk.

Posted: Dec 24, 2020 at 14:12 Quote
I didn't realize the changes were so significant, either. Thanks for the report!


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