Castro steps down

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Posted: Feb 19, 2008 at 23:29 Quote

What does everyone think about this? It'll be interesting to see what happens next in the way of Cuban politics

Posted: Feb 22, 2008 at 11:47 Quote
well i think the united-states government sees this as a prime opportunity to take over a weakened country. our government has been told by the united stated to stop any trading with cuba as to make them desperate. they will then be forced to adopt american "democracy". the US will then appoint a new president and socialist cuba will be no more. it's a damn shame because even though all the hardship the cuban people have gone through, they remain great people and they don't deserve to be treated like just another group of potential mass consumers, cheap labourers, and their country just another plot of land to build american factories and big box stores like wal-mart on (but then again, neither does the rest of the world).

Posted: Feb 26, 2008 at 13:11 Quote
most likely i would say one of castros followers will take power next and cuba will basicly stay the same, Cuba was colinized because they dident like how they were being treated before so they decided to move to the island Cuba.
there strong-willed as hell and i cant see that changing

Posted: Apr 21, 2008 at 15:13 Quote
raoul coastro, his nephew is his succesor. r.castrol has already made many improvent on everyday life in cuba, like justtthe other day on the radio i heard he allowed the use of cell phones to the public, under f castrols government it was illegal for a cizilion to own a cell phone. from what ive heard and understand he is making many changes and ebolishing many sill everyday rules such as not being alllowed ot have a cell phone, i think things are looking up for cuba, as well cuba has an excellent medical sysatem, watch "sicko" by micheal moore, he brings americans denied insurance coverage to cuba, and cuba treats them all for free or next to nothing. like a lady needed to buy inhalers in the usa as her medical insuranced denied coverage so she had to pay about i believ it was like 400 or 500 dollars a year for them, in cuba she bought a years supply for 3.50! but the only thing i dont understand is how he got them in cuba, as there is a trade imbargo with the usa and americans arnt welcome there.....

Posted: Apr 22, 2008 at 17:58 Quote
Interesting............Castro has banned Sicko as a subversive film in Cuba. Why would he do that?


What a surprise. Castro’s government is using Sicko to market the services of Havana Hospital to foreigners (how very capitalist of the revolution!), but they’ve also banned Sicko in Cuba. Here is a post from Josue that translates properly for us non-Spanish-speakers.

What this boils down to is the fact that Castro’s regime won’t allow Sicko to rile up the Cuban people. Why would it rile them up, considering how much the film glorifies Cuban healthcare? Well, the answer to that is twofold.

First of all, it would be obvious to every Cuban in one instant that Michael Moore collaborated with Castro’s thugs in order to shoot the footage he shot and go the places he went. You simply can’t walk around Guantanamo or Havana with a film crew and a group of white tourists unless the government is involved. You don’t get to go to the fire station and have the ALL the firemen on parade unless they were ordered in advance to be there to greet you. And you don’t get to bring a film crew into the big shiny hospital either, which brings me to the second reason why the average Cuban would be angry watching Sicko:

They simply are not allowed that kind of care. It’s a lie.

We have shown you again and again what the average Cuban gets from the government, and it’s not Havana Hospital. Show the people a film that purports to the world that the common people, the ones without government connections or a foreign patron, the average Cuban, gets to go to the big shiny hospital? Never. Show a film that purports that one can walk into any corner pharmacy and get your prescription filled? Never. The pharmacies are empty. To show Sicko to the Cuban people puts the lie to the revolution. It proves Castro is a thieving dictator who forces his people to suffer so that a few may benefit. It shows socialism for the lie that it is. Banning the film keeps the average Cuban from seeing the lie, but Sicko spreads the lie around the world, painting Castro’s brutal regime in the light of grandfatherly caregiver.

Posted: Apr 24, 2008 at 5:00 Quote
Socialism:a scheme of social organisation which places means of production and distribution in the hands of the community.
Republicanism and New Labourism:a scheme which enables two illegal wars to be started and maintained indefinitely.

Posted: Apr 24, 2008 at 15:10 Quote
androoooo wrote:
Socialism:a scheme of social organisation which places means of production and distribution in the hands of the community.
Republicanism and New Labourism:a scheme which enables two illegal wars to be started and maintained indefinitely.
And you call me a troll?Rolleyes
Please explain why the Great Castro would ban the film Sicko as subversive. That's all ya gotta do.

P.S. Communism-(Cuba's system of goverment) A system of goverment that places absolute power in the hands of a few, enabling them to control every facet of life for those it is supposed to empower. Responsible for the deaths of over 20,000,000 Soviet citizens. 4,000,000 Cambodians. Countless Chinese.

Posted: Apr 25, 2008 at 19:54 Quote
And capitalism hasn't killed alot of people either? I know, nowhere near that scale, but communism actually does work fine for alot of those poorer countries. Cuba is almost completely self sufficient, and while they are poor to our standards, they are happy. And in the end, they are getting food.
What I think will be interesting from all of this wil be seeing if Cuba becomes more liberal , kind of like the USSR under Gorbachev.

Posted: Apr 25, 2008 at 20:18 Quote
marty660 wrote:
And capitalism hasn't killed alot of people either? I know, nowhere near that scale, but communism actually does work fine for alot of those poorer countries. Cuba is almost completely self sufficient, and while they are poor to our standards, they are happy. And in the end, they are getting food.
What I think will be interesting from all of this wil be seeing if Cuba becomes more liberal , kind of like the USSR under Gorbachev.
Pure Communism would be fantastic, but it does not exist on a large scale. The idea of everyone does an equal amount of work and gets an equal amount of the pot is brilliant.

I ask you, why would Castro ban Sicko?

Posted: Apr 26, 2008 at 8:57 Quote
I donno, because he doesn't like Michael Moore? He's had people shot for less lol.

Posted: Apr 26, 2008 at 12:19 Quote
FriedRys wrote:
Pure Communism would be fantastic, but it does not exist on a large scale. The idea of everyone does an equal amount of work and gets an equal amount of the pot is brilliant.

i never would have thought of you as a marxist, haha.

Posted: Apr 26, 2008 at 13:19 Quote
frolosophy wrote:
FriedRys wrote:
Pure Communism would be fantastic, but it does not exist on a large scale. The idea of everyone does an equal amount of work and gets an equal amount of the pot is brilliant.

i never would have thought of you as a marxist, haha.
lol I would hardly call myself a Marxist, but I give credit where it's due.

It's a fantastic ideal to aspire to, but it requires all involved to be absolutly honest, completely reasonable, even-tempered and compromising. As well as the need for absolute tranparancy in all community dealings. A tough package to find.2 cents

Posted: Apr 26, 2008 at 19:35 Quote
FriedRys wrote:
frolosophy wrote:
FriedRys wrote:
Pure Communism would be fantastic, but it does not exist on a large scale. The idea of everyone does an equal amount of work and gets an equal amount of the pot is brilliant.

i never would have thought of you as a marxist, haha.
lol I would hardly call myself a Marxist, but I give credit where it's due.

It's a fantastic ideal to aspire to, but it requires all involved to be absolutly honest, completely reasonable, even-tempered and compromising. As well as the need for absolute tranparancy in all community dealings. A tough package to find.2 cents

A tyrant named Marx Communitus once destroyed the world in order to make a newer, better one. However, everyone laughed at him, because he built the new world out of the old one and so he wound up with the same thing.

Posted: May 2, 2008 at 13:01 Quote
marty660 wrote:
FriedRys wrote:
frolosophy wrote:

i never would have thought of you as a marxist, haha.
lol I would hardly call myself a Marxist, but I give credit where it's due.

It's a fantastic ideal to aspire to, but it requires all involved to be absolutly honest, completely reasonable, even-tempered and compromising. As well as the need for absolute tranparancy in all community dealings. A tough package to find.2 cents
Indeed.The flaw is with the people and the administrators,that I suppose is down to lack of education and maybe greed.I also agree with you,some people are lazy and most are greedy.I think we all suffer from this affliction to some degree.

A tyrant named Marx Communitus once destroyed the world in order to make a newer, better one. However, everyone laughed at him, because he built the new world out of the old one and so he wound up with the same thing.

Posted: May 10, 2008 at 12:52 Quote
Whether that is " a lie" as you say is f*cking hard to judge. If it is, that doesn't explain how a country which has been under embargo for forty years, denied access to so much that we all take for granted, has managed to create a healthcare system which gives its citizens as good a life expectancy as the USA. Is the WHO now making up stats to make Cuba look good? I don't think so. So they must be doing something right. One thing's for sure though: if you're not rich and sick, you're a hell of a lot better off in Cuba than you would be in the USA: private healthcare?

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