Should I just give up with riding?

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Should I just give up with riding?
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Posted: Feb 11, 2014 at 3:41 Quote
Riding for 3 & 1/2 years and I made minimal progress. I can't even jump 3-4 meter jumps and my riding is very far from good, I do enjoy the riding but sucking so much is making it less and less enjoyable. Should I just quit, after 3 years I doubt I will ever be even close to a good rider or even jump a decently sized jump in my life Frown .

Posted: Feb 11, 2014 at 3:59 Quote
I seem to see alot of riders who never progress. Be it out of fear or something else they never seem to get over the hump. Are you riding with better riders? Are you constantly pushing against your limits or are you just going through the motions? I can't really say anything about progressing as a rider as I'm still relatively new, however progression can be related to nearly everything. If you aren't riding with people who are more skilled than yourself, you'll always have a harder time progressing to the next level.

If you aren't enjoying yourself, then you should walk away from it for a week or so. Then get back on the bike and focus on fun, not going bigger. Going bigger comes around as a challenge and as nice add in from having fun.

Posted: Feb 11, 2014 at 3:59 Quote
Ride for fun & personal progression.

Stop judging yourself against others. We weren't all brought up with access to skateparks and dirt jumps, learn to accept that there's usually someone out there who is going to be better than you.

You might never hit a road gap or big double but that's ok, the moment you stop caring what others think of you is when you'll have a way better time out on your bike.

Posted: Feb 11, 2014 at 4:05 Quote
jimferno wrote:
Ride for fun & personal progression.

Stop judging yourself against others. We weren't all brought up with access to skateparks and dirt jumps, learn to accept that there's usually someone out there who is going to be better than you.

You might never hit a road gap or big double but that's ok, the moment you stop caring what others think of you is when you'll have a way better time out on your bike.

If I wanted to ride for fun I'd rice 'XC'.

I am not judging against anyone else and I don't care about what others think. It's about what I think that I suck after so many years and riding, and yes I usually ride with riders who are faster than me, my speed had some progress on it but for 3 years I can say I made NO progress on hitting jumps. And I was brought with access to skateparts dirt jumps trails etc...

Posted: Feb 11, 2014 at 5:45 Quote
asdbate wrote:

If I wanted to ride for fun I'd rice 'XC'.

I am not judging against anyone else and I don't care about what others think. It's about what I think that I suck after so many years and riding, and yes I usually ride with riders who are faster than me, my speed had some progress on it but for 3 years I can say I made NO progress on hitting jumps. And I was brought with access to skateparts dirt jumps trails etc...

Bit of a douchebag statement if I ever read one..

So if you're not riding for fun, what are you riding for... Race points? Rolleyes

You're just coming across as a brat that's taking this way too seriously.

Posted: Feb 11, 2014 at 6:10 Quote
jimferno wrote:
Ride for fun & personal progression.

Stop judging yourself against others. We weren't all brought up with access to skateparks and dirt jumps, learn to accept that there's usually someone out there who is going to be better than you.

You might never hit a road gap or big double but that's ok, the moment you stop caring what others think of you is when you'll have a way better time out on your bike.

well said Smile

Posted: Feb 11, 2014 at 6:51 Quote
jimferno wrote:
asdbate wrote:

If I wanted to ride for fun I'd rice 'XC'.

I am not judging against anyone else and I don't care about what others think. It's about what I think that I suck after so many years and riding, and yes I usually ride with riders who are faster than me, my speed had some progress on it but for 3 years I can say I made NO progress on hitting jumps. And I was brought with access to skateparts dirt jumps trails etc...

Bit of a douchebag statement if I ever read one..

So if you're not riding for fun, what are you riding for... Race points? Rolleyes

You're just coming across as a brat that's taking this way too seriously.

Well said. If you aren't riding for fun even with going for race points or contest scores, then you're riding for the wrong reasons. If its not fun don't do it!

Posted: Feb 11, 2014 at 8:03 Quote
jimferno wrote:
Bit of a douchebag statement if I ever read one..

So if you're not riding for fun, what are you riding for... Race points? Rolleyes
You're just coming across as a brat that's taking this way too seriously.)

I'm not riding for race points. I ride so I can get my adrenaline boosted and get better, but now I don't get adrenaline because I make no progress. I ride so I can go fast as possible and do big jumps and I do none of that. I don't even race.

I suck at riding, what's the point of doing something if you suck at it?

Posted: Feb 11, 2014 at 8:26 Quote
asdbate wrote:
jimferno wrote:
Bit of a douchebag statement if I ever read one..

So if you're not riding for fun, what are you riding for... Race points? Rolleyes
You're just coming across as a brat that's taking this way too seriously.)

I'm not riding for race points. I ride so I can get my adrenaline boosted and get better, but now I don't get adrenaline because I make no progress. I ride so I can go fast as possible and do big jumps and I do none of that. I don't even race.

I suck at riding, what's the point of doing something if you suck at it?
What helped me get better is crashing hard. And then I would get up and be like "Well, that wasn't bad'' and then going on my way. I sucked balls at biking until I got serious about it this past season, and then I started just going out and dinking around on my bikes when I had a minute, and slowly got better and better. *

*Amendment: By no means am I a great rider as of this point, but I improved my skills alot over the last year, and will continue to improve.

Edit: I can't even hit a 3-4 meter jump, and don't want to try. I would want to start small until I got that jump dialed, and then move on to bigger jumps.

Posted: Feb 11, 2014 at 8:49 Quote
You come across as quite young and a bit immature. You need to reassess why you're riding.

In life you aren't going to be a huge success at everything you try your hand at. Chances are, you won't be picked up on a sponsorship deal & you wont win a World Cup race and that's OK.

Stop taking it so seriously, you talk about three years riding as if it's a lifetime. Three years is nothing, most of the professionals have grown up on two wheels, spent an entire lifetime on bikes of some description. They didn't just pick up a bike one day and say, "Y'know, maybe if I ride once a week for three years I could be AWESOME at this!?".

Have a break from riding, relax, let all of your personal expectations go and then come back to it. If you don't hit that gap on the trail, it doesn't matter, there's always next time. Stop thinking about single obstacles & jumps.. You will get better but only by letting go of your frustrations & ridiculous expectations.

Try to remember that buzz that first got you into riding, the first time you hit that speed on a downhill section that made you uncomfortable, the massive adrenaline hit after landing that first drop or gap. The great times you have with your friends, that tired/satisfied feeling after you've been out all day on your bike.

Riding is great, stop laying so much pressure on yourself.

Posted: Feb 11, 2014 at 22:08 Quote
learn how to preload, learn how to turn and biking becomes super fun. You can check the zep technique videos or you can go to a bike park and get a coach to do it.

Posted: Feb 11, 2014 at 22:09 Quote
learn how to preload, learn how to turn and biking becomes super fun. You can check the zep technique videos or you can go to a bike park and get a coach to do it.

edit: double post so it must be important.

Posted: Feb 12, 2014 at 2:16 Quote
Find a big jump, hit it and stop throwing peoples advice back at them, simple Smile

Posted: Feb 12, 2014 at 4:11 Quote
I'm gonna come across here as maybe being a bit blunt with you but I'm sure I'm not the only one getting this vibe. You're acting like a teenage girl, you shouldn't have to ask us what our opinions are. Mountain biking isn't the only hobby in the world, I used to skate and always got really worked up because I could never land simple tricks, I reached the point where I said to myself I need to find something new because this isn't working, then I found biking. Last summer my bike broke so I took some time back on the skateboard and learned some things I never thought I'd do. If biking isn't working out for you then drop it and move on for while. Honestly mate, my girlfriend needs less self validation to choose a hair dye.

Posted: Feb 12, 2014 at 5:35 Quote
CameronRose wrote:
I'm gonna come across here as maybe being a bit blunt with you but I'm sure I'm not the only one getting this vibe. You're acting like a teenage girl, you shouldn't have to ask us what our opinions are. Mountain biking isn't the only hobby in the world, I used to skate and always got really worked up because I could never land simple tricks, I reached the point where I said to myself I need to find something new because this isn't working, then I found biking. Last summer my bike broke so I took some time back on the skateboard and learned some things I never thought I'd do. If biking isn't working out for you then drop it and move on for while. Honestly mate, my girlfriend needs less self validation to choose a hair dye.

lol lol

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