Finally throwing away the zip lock bags..

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Finally throwing away the zip lock bags..
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Posted: Jun 8, 2012 at 12:26 Quote
I'm mostly a lurker here mainly in part because I never have much insight to ad..

Until now.. Facepalm

I don't know about you, but I hate seat bags. First off, they're ugly. They look like an overgrown ball-sac hanging from the seat!

They also would rip my lycra shorts. I could never find a bag that would hold my stuff while not being wider then my seat. While also not making noise and scratching my seat post (I'm a lil OCD when it comes to scratches). The worst part, they ADD WEIGHT to my bike! Call me a weight weenie, whatevs..

So for years I've been using the ol' trusty Zip Lock bag for years. And it works. Other then being quite uncomfortable at times not to mention it can also look like I'm carrying a big bag of dog doodie in my jersey pocket or a potato. But still, it enclosed everything I needed (Patches, ID, Keys, Tube, C02 and my iPhone in case of an emergency).

During a group ride on Memorial Day, I noticed this black type pack that this guy had in his jersey in front of me. The group I was riding with wasn't a bunch of chatter boxes so I figured it was best to wait at our next drop point to meet more riders.

So we get to talking, turns out it's exactly what I've been looking for. A comfortable pouch that holds the necessities and is made for my bike jersey.

To me, it's the best thing since velcro and it's called the Sticky Pod. Guy told me the shop where he got his and I went straight there after the ride, only to find the shop was closed for Memorial Day (typical me)

Went the next day and sure enough they had em. And in 2 sizes. I got the smaller one because I find I'd start filling the larger one up with stuff that I DON"T need.

After the first ride I knew I found the missing piece to my kit. No seat balls/ keys shaking noise, no pocket poop imagery and best part, everything stay put and organized COMFORTABLY!

So that's my story/contribution to this diamond in the rough cycle forum. If you're like me and have been searching for a zip lock replacement, the search is over!

Happy Trails!

Posted: Jun 11, 2012 at 11:01 Quote
Is this it?

I used to do the same until once I tried grabbing a powerbar from my pocket and unkowingly lost my phone and wallet from my jersey in the process. I bought a seat bag after that (and after I found my wallet) but hate how the velcro always marks up my shorts.

Posted: Jun 12, 2012 at 8:35 Quote
Rally-Fast wrote:
Is this it?

I used to do the same until once I tried grabbing a powerbar from my pocket and unkowingly lost my phone and wallet from my jersey in the process. I bought a seat bag after that (and after I found my wallet) but hate how the velcro always marks up my shorts.

Yep that's it! My friend actually had his wallet stolen from his seat bag over the weekend. One of the problems if you forget to take the valuables out when the bike is on a car rack.

I'd say try this thing and ditch the fred bag. Everything stays organized and secure!

Posted: Oct 12, 2012 at 16:26 Quote
There are several things like this, including heavy duty waterproof "wallets" that look like super strength gladlock bags.

Walmart has zipper bags for $5 (canvas money bags, some with vinyl windows, can be rolled up or folded).

Have you thought about a frame bag?
Niagara Cycle has some for $20, like a seat bag but longer, goes under your top tube.

Jersey Bin biker wallet (ziplock type bag, really thick)

Jandd frame pack, $35

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