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Anybody who was scammed by Danny Madden and Liam Harrison Please Post HERE

PB Forum :: Scams & Stolen Bikes
Anybody who was scammed by Danny Madden and Liam Harrison Please Post HERE
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Posted: Feb 6, 2013 at 5:34 Quote
I shouldn't promote violence at my age lads, but it always worked out ok doing it off the street !!! Maybe i'm too old for chasing people down for my £££ but they shouldn't of done it in the first place.

Yes, he is lucky he lives so far away so if you are reading this lads, I never forget a face, and the UK is a very small country.....What hurt me more was this is only £20, but it's out of my giro.....I am colour coding my bike with a re-spray, now it's all changed due to this scam.

It just goes to show, the majority of innocent victims like you and myself, will still enjoy biking to a ripe old age, when these sad a*sholes will be scrounging off the gutter to feed their dirty heroin or drug addiction, crying poverty to the government and trying to sponge off tax payers money feelong sooooooooo sorry for themselves !!!! Sad twats !!!!!

(Sorry Alex, I had to say it, now i'll calm down). Really Mad

Nah, I don't blame you SD. I have a deep hate for scammers and these two scumbags (Madden and Harrison) are getting on my nerves big time.

As much as I respect the police, I have a feeling of let down in how they care about fraud. I mean I contacted them with a big clump of evidence, they basically may as well have said, "We're not bothered, here's actionfrauds website tell them about it."

Then, I spend an hour'ish making a report, filling in details on the website to be told that, most likely nothing will be done.

This means that they're still sitting in their homes planning on who to scam next, because they know they can go and scam any other person, and get away scot free Madder

The old scams mod marquis, made a thread like this about another scammer. He scammed people on here out of about £1500 in total.....got community service and didn't have to pay a penny back to his victims.

Same goes in Canada. A guy on here got scammed out of $300 and the cops basically told him to do one!!

You can see why all of these scammers do what they do, because they know the police don't do anything about it. This site called ActionFraud, seems a waste of time IMO as all they seem to do is research how scams are done.


Posted: Feb 6, 2013 at 6:48 Quote
The emphasis must be in place from the start to warn others of paying via GIFT !!!!

Yes, we all do it, as we love biking and need other cash for other bits and bobs, especially when you are working on a fresh build, every penny helps !!! So a scammer will see you need to finish the build quickly and efficiently, whilst dangling the carrot in front of us all (yes, I made this mistake a few times), offering you a bargain if you pay via GIFT !!!

I tell you what Pinkbikers.....I will not pay via GIFT again !!!! I will make sure I will pay normally, but be charged a small amount, which will give me (us) complete piece of mind, and you know you will get your item or £££ back whatever?

Can I just say to you all, don't do it via GIFT again....maybe these a*sholes will go drug crazy with none of our cash, and hopefully get drunk one night, and fall off a cliff !!!

I feel sorry for us all and can empathise for you, and a special thank-you goes out to Alex for gathering the information and dealing with the Police, he is busy enough as it is, and went out of his way for all of us.

Cheers Alex Fab

I would say, all add me as a friend, we'll stick together after this, and I will even add you to SEADEVILS DREAM TEAM !!!! (check my profile?).

All the best Pinkbikers,
Ride safe....
Seadevil Beer

Posted: Feb 6, 2013 at 6:54 Quote
No problem mate. I have this thread which tells you the safety tips for buying online. I'm going to ask the site owner to bold it to make it more visible. It's in the top left and corner of BuySell page (**BuySell Safety & Tips)

Yes, for the love of god, pay by Goods and pay the fee. People are strangers at the end of the day on here. They're going to put on the genuine act to get your money, no doubt.

Pinkbike works at their 100% best to stop scammers, but we don't have the technology to find them, so we depend on instincts and other members vigilance to spot them.

If you follow the rules in the linked thread, you will be safe as houses.

Posted: Feb 6, 2013 at 7:56 Quote
wonder if watchdog/ crimewatch or similar tv show would be interested in getting involved???

Posted: Feb 6, 2013 at 7:57 Quote
I have no idea on that one to be honest.

Posted: Feb 6, 2013 at 7:57 Quote
Good thought bro.....come on Alex, me and you on Crimewatch ??? How about it......Book

Posted: Feb 6, 2013 at 7:58 Quote
Would be interesting. I doubt that we'd ever get this case on there if the police aren't bothered though.

We do need to put a stop to scammers, but I have no idea on how to if the police can't be asked to help.

Posted: Feb 6, 2013 at 8:58 Quote
How about.....THE FERRET ?

It's an independant show on South Wales TV filmed around south wales regarding scams, internet fraud, cowboy builders and dodgy salesmen etc....anyone who has been wrongfully charged financially, or their bank charges has suddenly hit the roof !!! The Ferret investigates on a 30min show weekly. Even filming live at the culprits home/business address !!! NICE !!!

I think they are in-between shows at the moment but if you go through BBC Wales, I'm sure they will be interested in the fraud/scamming side of mountain biking.....It would put Pinkbike on the map also, in a positive way, promoting wellbeing and happy cycling?

I would back you up and Pinkbike as a company, and would definately like to represent the company at the highest level in my area, and for Great Britain users....Salute


Posted: Feb 6, 2013 at 8:59 Quote
Can you PM me the details of who to contact SD?


Posted: Feb 6, 2013 at 9:59 Quote
Leave it with me, I will be ringing BBC tomorrow morning, getting all the details for you, then you can show the UK what is going on.....they will go to their homes with live cameras, the lot bro !!! No stone unturned eh? Justice will be done !!!!

Get you the info tomorrow.

SD tup

Posted: Feb 6, 2013 at 10:02 Quote
Cheers mate. It'd fell like a bit of justice done if they were exposed to the U.K.

I sent Crimewatch an email about them too, but dubious whether they'll do anything.

Posted: Feb 6, 2013 at 12:49 Quote
I'll tell you something,I will never use PayPal gift to pay for anything again! And the BuySell Safety & Tips are really useful and easy to understand. If you haven't already I would take a look at them.

Posted: Feb 6, 2013 at 12:52 Quote
It's there to help people, so it's good if people see the thread. I've linked it as much as I can on threads and my profile, so hopefully people will see it more.

Posted: Feb 6, 2013 at 13:05 Quote
yes the tips are handy, i use paypal alot but never knew about the verified email address part in the buy/sell safety page..i see some new profiles/recent join date with TO GOOD TO BE TRUE pricing on a frame or two im looking into buying, but people who genuinely join to sell their stuff and have no followers and no seller history etc (like me!) might have a harder time than others do to sell, when they are probably genuine

So its a lucky dip sometimes especially when its a large some of wonga like a bike/frame, im lucky the twat only scammed me of 30 euro..

Posted: Feb 7, 2013 at 2:54 Quote
I was scammed as well by these guys. One under the name of Steven Rooney. I bought a pair of Avid Juicy 5's and paid £30 to an account known as 'Michelle Harrison' (or something like that) and they never came. Won't be paying with GIFT again that's for sure...never had a problem with anyone else bar this guy.


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