Nobody likes an EMTB?

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Nobody likes an EMTB?
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Posted: Feb 28, 2021 at 19:05 Quote
Been thinking about it, and maybe some of us have formative experiences that make us more susceptible? This, for example, is the back tire of my favorite childhood bike: the Huffy Bluebeard.


Posted: Mar 2, 2021 at 6:37 Quote
"Can’t really argue with that, but I’ll point out that you probably don’t don’t have any issues with using a cell phone or laptop. All of which use batteries and probably account for more landfill waste then ebikes. "

I do have issues with smart phones and laptops, of which I don't own or use, there lfe expectancy,
devises being fused with the batterys and being difficult to replace,
to me they seem to have a short life and fast become a disposable item,
I want things to last, I hate replacing if they can last for longer, I don't wanna
keep chucking things away, for that reason I use a Nokia 3310 for the past 4yr, Cannon G9 for pics,
Sony mini disc with AA piggy back battery pack for tunes, and an old Pc with nackered graphics card
running windows 7 op system, 3 dyson O1's in the loft for spares to keep the main one running.

"This method of scrooge behaviour runs through all things I do,
Yes I use batterys devices, but I try to manage how much I consume and need. "

I wouldn't say probably I'd say 100% definitely! This is the hypocrisy I talked about.
Calling eBikes disability aides while chatting on there many devices that use batteries!

I view them as an aid, whats wrong with that ? I'm not dictating peoples choices here,
we are all different in our approach and thinking on things and this governs how we go about our
life choices.

For me being restricted and dependant on a batterys run time, spending upwards of 2k for carbon
Ebike, its weight when battery dead, non of it will work for me, I don't drive or own a vehicle,
I leave my back door I'm riding my 26er, thats good enough for me, but when my limbs succumb to
age then I may well want the aid of a power assisted Ebike, buggy what ever it may be : )

Not to say no else can't play with there Ebikes, E scooters, E boards, E roller skates, do they av them ? : )

Posted: Sep 26, 2021 at 19:59 Quote
eBikes are great as long as they are not been riding by jack@sses uphills on single tracks who are riding like they are DHing. I have had so many inconsiderate eBikers jack up right to my rear wheel and generally announce what side they will pass me on, and then wobble pass me as they can't handle their own acceleration, usually in areas that are not to my advantage of pleasure to be pushed to.

Cheat all you want, ride all day, but stop pretending that AM culture didn't exist before your bought your eBike, and ride all over pedal trails as though you own the place.

If you come up behind an actual pedaler, then leave then 5-6' and wait until they let you by. Or plow up and double wide access trail or ski trail. You do this, and AM riders will not have a problem with you.

Posted: Sep 27, 2021 at 9:06 Quote
Bacchus72 wrote:
eBikes are great as long as they are not been riding by jack@sses uphills on single tracks who are riding like they are DHing. I have had so many inconsiderate eBikers jack up right to my rear wheel and generally announce what side they will pass me on, and then wobble pass me as they can't handle their own acceleration, usually in areas that are not to my advantage of pleasure to be pushed to.

Cheat all you want, ride all day, but stop pretending that AM culture didn't exist before your bought your eBike, and ride all over pedal trails as though you own the place.

If you come up behind an actual pedaler, then leave then 5-6" and wait until they let you by. Or plow up and double wide access trail or ski trail. You do this, and AM riders will not have a problem with you.

Thanks, that are some great points.
I also have an ebike, but I don't act like a*shole, or a jerk on the trails.

The "Turbo pride, but it's fuuuun" bros should understand that the trails are for everyone.
By all means take over slower riders on the uphill when there is actually enough space to do it and also be respectful towards other riders instead of grinning like a jerk.

Also the argument that a motor is not cheating, because of modern brakes, or suspension is delusional and f*cking stupid.
When have brakes, or suspension ever assist a rider uphill like a motor does?

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