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13yo DH training ? (fitness, weights...)

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13yo DH training ? (fitness, weights...)
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Posted: Aug 11, 2014 at 9:59 Quote
Hi, I am 13 and I ride DH bikes and I don't know if I have to start a training plan or not, can you help me or give me advice with what to do or not ? Thanks. Smile

Posted: Aug 13, 2014 at 15:19 Quote
For DH/FR biking, I try and focus on 3 main things: endurance, lower body/core strength, and flexibility. Endurance for a full day of riding. Lower body/core strength to control your bike more efficiently. Flexibility to reduce the likelihood of injury when you crash.

For endurance, I try and get in at least 2 runs of of 30 minutes a week. The key aspect is maintaining that elevated heart rate for the entire 30 minutes so run at a pace that you can maintain without stopping.

A great way to increase strength and flexibility in the lower body and core is through plyometric workouts. A few good exercises to do:

Squat Jump
Squat as far as possible and jump off the ground.
Lateral Jumps
From a standing position, jump side to side.
Power Skipping
On each skip, lift the upper leg as high as possible.
Tuck Jumps
With feet shoulder width apart, the athlete jumps, tuck their legs in, extend them, and land.
Alternate Leg Bounding
Run with long strides, placing an emphasis on hang time.
Box Jumps
Jump on to and off of a large box 18" or higher.
Vertical Depth Jump
Starting from the top of a box, jump down and back up as fast as possible

You'll look kind of goofy doing it, but trust me, it these work just as well as most lifting routines but give you the added benefit of maintaining flexibility. Try doing these in soft sand and you'll be surprised how tiring it is.

Posted: Aug 19, 2014 at 16:33 Quote
I've noticed that the fastest guys are the guys that are in the best shape. Even for DH, it's important to be a beast of a climber! Often times the difference between a really good run and an average run will be being able to hammer through the flat spots or slight uphill sections on the trail. If you really wanna be a fast DH racer/rider I would recommend getting into some xc riding. Try to do some big hill climbs (maybe 3000') about 3 times a week and watch how much stronger you will get...... then you'll see your DH times drop in a big way. Be sure to drink lots of water and eat lots of protein immediately after a workout/ride. Protein shakes are great for that as well. Good Luck!!!

Posted: Aug 19, 2014 at 16:39 Quote
nate35 makes a very good point, make sure that you take any protein supplements IMMEDIATELY after a workout to get the full benefit.

Posted: Aug 23, 2014 at 14:12 Quote
dustyrusty wrote:
nate35 makes a very good point, make sure that you take any protein supplements IMMEDIATELY after a workout to get the full benefit.

Hmm... you dont need Whey/ Casein or whatever protein supp. to make gains... it´s nice to have but I won´t recommend it for a 13year old.

Pay attention what you eat (enough Protein, carbs) and you should be okay.... ONLY take supp. when u can´t manage to eat enough protein trough your normal diet.

Posted: Aug 25, 2014 at 9:23 Quote
I was simply mentioning that any protein intake (supplements, pbjs, etc.) happen immediately after a workout to help ensure that as much protein is supplied to the ruptured muscle cells as possible. By supplements I meant any excess protein intake. To be honest, my go to after a hard work out is a pbj sandwich, a glass of milk, and a multivitamin and I seem to be right on par with a lot of my teammates that take whey or other protein shake/supplements.

Posted: Sep 2, 2014 at 21:55 Quote
The kid is 13.
If you really want to actually train in gyms and do more structured training go see a jnr development coach who can help you with a routine for someone at your age. You are too young to apply adult training information too.

I know it sucks and it means paying some money for at least a few sessions but you're better off in the long run to see someone who knows what they're talking about in young athlete development.

Posted: Sep 3, 2014 at 8:34 Quote
That's why I was suggesting non-weight training exercises...a lot less strenuous on the body. I have been doing plyo workouts since about that age for football/rugby.

Posted: Sep 29, 2014 at 23:03 Quote
slidways wrote:
The kid is 13.
If you really want to actually train in gyms and do more structured training go see a jnr development coach who can help you with a routine for someone at your age. You are too young to apply adult training information too.

I know it sucks and it means paying some money for at least a few sessions but you're better off in the long run to see someone who knows what they're talking about in young athlete development.


Just ride a lot and ride for fun, you need nothing else at this stage.

Posted: Sep 30, 2014 at 0:34 Quote
Like said above, ride as much as freaking possible, but not just DH, XC, Road, BMX, everything, because every form of riding links in some way. They all lend themselves to gaining bike skills, fitness, and will help you.

Furthermore, don't focus too much on supplements at this point. I see sh!tloads of people pointlessly using supplements, but eating and drinking crap. Clean your diet up and you'll feel better and get fitter easier, its hard, and the temptations to eat crap are everywhere, but if you really want to pour your everything into getting good, you will find a way to hold out.

Posted: Oct 29, 2014 at 15:35 Quote
Here mate I'm 14 I don't "train" as such but I everyday do situps pressups and squats and a bit of weights too. Work on your flexibility and power on the pedals. Get out as much as you can on your bike just ride and keep fit. Also try some really had stuff challenge yourself keep the skill level up. Maybe build trails that's the best because you later get to ride them and your always digging and cutting keeps you fit when you don't know you are. Trust me at 13 I was like I need to train how do I train but then I lernt to be more laid back and just ride and dig. Hope this helps mate. Good luck

Posted: Nov 5, 2014 at 11:19 Quote
Hi guys, I really appreciate your advice and I'll try to respect what you've all globally said. I really like your help, it's definitely gonna help me out and thanks again !!!Smile Big Grin

Posted: Nov 6, 2014 at 10:59 Quote
LouisCitadelle wrote:
Hi guys, I really appreciate your advice and I'll try to respect what you've all globally said. I really like your help, it's definitely gonna help me out and thanks again !!!Smile Big Grin

Do you race mate

Posted: Nov 16, 2014 at 0:02 Quote
LouisCitadelle wrote:
Hi guys, I really appreciate your advice and I'll try to respect what you've all globally said. I really like your help, it's definitely gonna help me out and thanks again !!!Smile Big Grin

at your age just focus on riding and developing your skills. go on cross country rides as well to help build your leg power and cardio go for a run on occasion but at your age just ride once your around 14 to 15 is the ideal time to start training your testosterone levels will be insanely high and you will make gains easily. I started running cross country in 4th grade and once I got older I really started to notice how much stronger I was getting!

hope this helped you buddy!

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